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203328 - �� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �O � a � � CITY OF ST. PAUL F OE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ES UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� �...r,�,p,C��s/ o� •�v I�-�T�C.r/1 COMMISSIONE DATF iF WF�REAS, the Co�issioner ofl Pablic Utilities has reported in accordance �aith 3ection 53 0� the City Charter, the existence of an iemergency during the period from Jul,y 16th to Ju7,y 31st 1961 �nclus�ve, . 'which rendered neceasary the employment of certain employees o� the �Water Depaxtment Por more than eight hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the following �rork: — �,�� Council File No.203328—BY Mrs.Doneld 1 M. DeCourcy— ' l� Repa3Y'iIlg equip�ent, YaY'i0u8 S'ta.'tj.0118� • Resolved, �at txie proper city offt- � cers are hereby authorized to pay 2 �orking extra S�f't'i8� V&Tj.OtlB sta.tions. certain employes in the Depaztment �' of Water for extra employment as 3 Additional pwnping� VAr'].OLlS stations: described in tCie resolution. 4 8epairing ].arge water'ma,ins. �1981dopted`by the co�o� au�t z, 5 Driving country crew to and Yrom work• Approved August 2, �ss�. � 6 Treating lakes with copper sulphate: �� �August 5, �ss�� - � AND WI�L�AS� this emergency arose by reason of the �ollowing �acts �and circumstances: • 1 Necessary to d,o work during low cons�►ption hours. 2 Absenae o� employees on regolar shifts. 3 On account of extra heavy consimmption o� water. 4 In order to put water mains in service as soon as possible. 5 On account o� scattered work locations�' 6 Necessary �o finish trea�ment at each location. T�EEE'ORE� BE IT 1�SOLVED� that the proper city officers axe hereby authorized to_pay the ��np7.oyees who perPormed such work in accordasice the provisions of the Council's 3alary Ordinance, Ordinance fto. 6446. _ AUG 2 19B� - COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas �� Nays DeCourcy ��� 2 �� Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor d r�1�e��n— Peterson Mayor Ros�en _ gainst � Mr. President, Vavoulis ,, 6M 8-80 a c�Y