203317 � �_� Council File No. 20.3317—Ordinance No. Orl¢Inal to�Cit�Clezk •12037=By Milton Rosen— An ordinance granting permission to (� �� � . � � O R D I N Sullivan Construction Company to con- /o�� struct a public sewer in St. Paul Ave- fcf � i nue from Snelling Avenue to 175 feet � ��• east ot the east line of Snelling Avenue. 0. � .�� T�is is, an- emergency ordinance ren- ,. r,�—. deFed necessazy for the prer.erz�*inn��S / � �e Public,pe:r,�..i�[:a�th a:::,,;tj��4. , ?P � O PRESENTED BY ':%:�,'u4�,:,�'�•..-:;�`���,�;�'iiAl��, �r�'NO. _. , . �. � �n orc�i.nance granting permiaSion to �a.1.livan Construction Company to construct a public sewer in St. Paul �venue from �nell.ing Avenue to 175 feet east of the east line of �nelling .Avenue. This is , .an emergency oxr�.inance rendered necessary for the pre�ervation of the public peace, health and safety. , i� THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF S9INT PAUL DOF�S OR3)AZN: rJ � �ection l. That permission �.nd authority .�.re hereby granted to ^ E SuLliv�an. Construction Compa�y to construct a public sewer in St. P$ul �venue from Snelling Avenue to 175 feet east of the eas-t line of �nelling �lvenue, the following described property to be served by �uch seWer: Lots 22 through 27, Block 3, C. W. Youngman's �d.dition, and Lots 10 through 15, Block 3a G. W. Youngman's �ddition. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby anthorized to iasue a permit to �ullivan Construc�ion Company for the construction of � - said �ewer upon its compliance with the �ollowing conditions, viz: � l.� �ai�. permittee shall construct said sewer entirely �.t ita own 7iexpense, under the supervi.sion and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner � o� Public kTorks, and in accord.�nce �th the plan.s and specifications preparcd �� by him. 1� " �2.��aid permittee �ha11 pay the cost of engineering and inspection �� of said work, and for the publi.ca.tion of this ordinance. f . . � 3. �aid permittee �ha11 properly protect a11 egcavations made in � a�qp of said streets both ��,y �and night so �as to avoid � damage or injury � to person� or property; shall properly fi11 and tamp �ar�y �affected street to � avoid settling, an�. sha11 restore the same to their original con,di.tion. I 4. Said permittee, after the inception of �ai.d work, shall prosecute i� same continuously, �th diligence, �nd f�i,lly complete said. work to the satis- '� faction and •approval of �aid Commissioner on or before July l, 1962. I� ' � � 5. �ai.d permittee expresal� agree� and uridertakes to fully inde� � I� ni.fp �and hold harmless the City o� Saint Paul, its agents, o�ficers and em- ''� ployees from �ny and all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expense � la arising out of or occasioned by -the pe�formance of the work contempla-tsd � by this permis�ion an.d authority. _ �, , , .,.:y � 6. �aid permittee aha11 not proceed to con�truct sa.id �ewer, " - • � unless and until said permittee �hall have fully complied with the provisions regarding insurance and indemn3.fication contained in the City of �aint Paul Department of Public ��orks �e�i�ications for �treet and �ewer Cori��r.na#��nn d.a.ted �r3.1 1, 1959, as �mended, Section l.l,l. �and found on p�.ges 1-13 through 1-17 0� said " Yea.s Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counc�l • DeCourCy Holland Tn Favor Loss Mortinsan ' Peterson Against Rosen � Nlr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: �k . � City Clerk Mayor 1,12 6-60 �8 ' . � . ' ' . _ • s. ai � Orl¢lnal to C[t�Clerk � � . �� � �ORDINANCE �033�'� . � � ;� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRE� � � SENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � � � Specifications applicable to contractors. Forcthe purposes of this ordinance9, the aforesai.dfsection of said �pecifications l..[,1,. shall be rea�d. as �,hough � the word "permittee" were substituted for the word "contractor" wherever the � same �.ppears in the aforesaid �ection I.lal.. �aid �ect3.on l.l,l�. of the Speci- � fications for �treet and �ewer Construction in the City of Saint P,aul is � hereby incorporated herein by reference as �i11y and �,s completely as if set , forth herein verbatim. Proof of compliance with the provision� of the afore- said Section 1.1�1,. shall be in such form �as the Corporation Co�sel o� the City of Saint P.aul may direct, and the documents required by the aforesaid �ection 1.1,1+ �hall, after submission to the Corporation Counsel, be filed in the office of the Comptroller of the �ity of Saint P.au1. 7. �aid permittee shall furnish a bond to the �ity of �aint Paul in the sum of �10,000 cond3.tioned to comply with all the terms of this orrlinance ,and to indemni� and save harmless said Cit� from all liability, loss, judgments, , suits, costs, charges, and expense that may accrue to persons or property � occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same. f ` �. Said permittee shall, within 30 tlays after the passage of this ordinance, file a wri.tten acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. �ection 3. This ordinance 3.s hereby �decl�.red to be an emergency or�dinance rendered n8cessary for the preservation of the public peace, health -� and safety. . , -ti.. . �ection�l,`. This ordinance shs11 take effect and be in �orce upon its pa.ssage, approval, and.publication. � ' h �7 , � , a ! . �} \ L , ' . , � ' . � ' � � � V . , -• .�!" -.�- _ " ' t If • 1 . � AUG 1 7 19�� . Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Co ci1 DeCourcy � Holland Tn Favor Loss Mortinsan Peterson � Against ��� ��� ,�UG 17 ��� aMr. President (�:a�tamlis� � � � ' Approved: Attest: � -' i� � � �e�l�l�l�/ � . City Clerk �� Mayor 1'� b-GO ��8 — 1�` � �, � � q(aU � ` PUBLISI� _-- , � . DaD1�a��Printer '� � � - .. , ` , . � � � ORDINANCE �o���� . ;` , COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � D ,� " An ordinance granting permission to �ullivan �� Construction Company to cor�,struct a public seNer in •� St. Paul Avenue from Shel].in� Avenue to 175 feet . , east of' the east line oP Snelling 9venue. Thie is ,k an emergency ordinance rendered neceasa.ry for the �� preservati.on of the public peaae� he�.l.th and safety. ,G .- THE COIINCIL OF THE� CITY OF S.A,INT PAUI, DOES ORDASN s �: j� 5ection 1. That per�,3�aion and authority are hereby granted to " Sullivari Con�truction Company to construc� a public aewer in St. Pau1 �, gvenue f`rnm Snelling Avenue �to 175 feet east of the east line of 5nelling ' Avenue, tahe following descri.bed propert� to be �erved by such sewer; Lo�s 22 through 27� Block 3, C. ��T. Toungman's �ddition, and � Lots 10 through 15� Block 3� �• �T. Youngman� s Addition. ,' Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works i.s hereby �uthorized � to iasue a permit to Sullivan Conatruat3.on Coffipany for the conetr'uction of '' said aewer upon it� complianee wi.th the follosaing conditions, vizt , 1. Said permittee ahall construct said sewer entirely at ita o�an � expenae, vncler the supervision and to �Ehe satiafaction o� the Commiss�.aner 3� of Public korks, and in accord�.nce Nith the plana and apecifications prepared j by him. � „ 2. Said permi�tee ahall pay the coat of engineerirr� and inapeation ,, of sQ3d work, and for the publica�t,3.on of thia ordinance. ; iF 3. Said permittee aha7.1 properl;,T protect a1J. excavations made in . " ar�y of saicl streets both rl.ay and night so r3.s to avoid a11 damage or in�ury ;� to person� or property; s}�1.1 praperly f311 an�l tamp any affected atreet to �� av�oid aettlin�� and aha11 reaf,ore the sa�e to their original condition. ,: +'• 4. Said permittee, �'ter the incep�ion of said work� ahe.l7. prosecute '- same continuoualy� with diligence� and fu11,y complete said work to the satis- i� faction and approval of said Commieaioner on or be�ore July l� 1962. ;E �' S. Said permittee eXpresa],y agrees and undertakee to full,y indem- ,, nify and hold harm].ass the City of Saint Pau].y its agenta, officere and em- ployees from any and a11 damages, r,l.aims� loases, �udgments� su�.ts or expense arisin� out of or occasi�ned by the performance of the �rork aonte�.plated ��` hy this permisaion and authority. �'_ �, 6. Seid permittee �hall not proceed to construct s�3.d sewer� , ualesa and until ss.id permittee ahall have fully compli.ed with the proviaions �F regardin�r insurance and indemnifica-tion contained in the Cits of �aint Paul '` Department of Public G'orks �pecifScA,tions for �treet and Se�rer Consf�uct,3�nn �' dated ��ril 1� 1959� as amended� Section 1.L�!{. arid found on p�.ges 1.-13 through , 1-17 of said , Yea,s �� Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counc>> DeCourcy �� Holland ' Loss Tn Favor j Mortinsan j Peterson A gainst "� Rosen ��Mr. President (Vavoulis) � Approved: Attest: ,. , City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-60 `a�8 DnpIIeate to Prtntar . - '' i; j �° _ � �� � ORDINANCE 2����-� ! , � ,� �p COUNCIL FILE NO. �r � � � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. r, '� Specifications applicable to aontractara. For the purposes of thia ordinance, �� the aforesaid sect3on of aaid �Specifics.tions 1.L41�. ahall be re�d as though � � the werd "permittee" �rere eubstituted for the word "cnntr�.ctor" wh�rever f,he �� eame appears in the afareaaid Section 1.44• Said Section 1.1;I. of the Speci- ficatione fbr Street and Sewer Conatruation 3.n the City o�' Sai.nt Paul i� ^� hereby incorpors.ted herein by refer�nae as ftiilly,�.nd as completely aa if aet a� forth herein verbat3m. proof of comp�iancu rrL�h the proviaions of the afore- ;p said Section l.lr1,. shall be in auch form as the Corporation Counsel of the Citsr of Seint Paul mqy d3reat, �nd the documents �rec�uired bf the e,£ores�3d ' Section 1.1,1,. ahall� after eubm3saion to the Gorporation Counsel� be Piled in „ the office o� the Comptroller of the �ity of Saint Paul. ,, 7. �aid permi�tee shall furnish a bond to the City of 5aint Paul in the aum of �10�000 condi�ioned to comp7.� �r1.th all the term� o� thi� ordi.nance and to inc�emriif'y and s:�ve harmlesa said City from ell liability� loes� �udgments, '� suits� co�ts, ahargea� snd eapense that may accrue to persona or property � occasioned by the making of the i�aprovement or ariaing. out of. �Ehe �ame. $. Said permittee aha11� tirlth9.n 30 d�,ys sfter the �assa�e of' thia , orclinance, file e written acceptanae t�ereof with the City Clerk. ;€ �� wection 3. Tbis ordinance is hereby deolared t,o bs an emergenay orcli.nence rendered necessA.ry for the preserva.t3.on of the public peace� heelt,h � and ea.fety. 9, . a� �Seoti.on 4. This ordinance shal7. take effect and be in foree upo�n �; i�s passage� �.pproval, �.nd publfcation., , .;, . . • ;� �P ' �� , • t . �� 7f. ' 1� :' :� , e . jr �' �i �C 'E . �� . {: • AUG 17196$' Yeas' Councilmen Nays Passed by the C uncil �` DeCourcy ;r Holland ,E Loss Tn Favor �� Mortinsan �� Peterson � �gainst � Rosen � �� Mr. u is AUG � 7 ���� ;� Approved: Attest: �k � ;: City Clerk Mayor inrt s-so �a . !` i� �F t . r � . � � . �� � � 9 . Saint Paul, Minnesota. � ' f � August 22, 1961. � To the Honorable, the City Council � Saint Paul, Minn. �Gentlemen and Madam: . _ _ 4�Te �the undersigned� do hereby accept and agree to abide � b all the terms and conditions of Council File No 20 1 bein Ordinance R y . 33 7. g � No. 12037. � I� � . 1t r �� � � L � �{r 16 f ` L t- � \ , OR161NAL - CITY OF 3AINT PAUL To PaYOR y OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER •, r .a , � _ . - No - - 1235 - �� P • � � � RECEIPT � � . . ,�� �� �%� �,0,�� RECEIVED OF � �oo , � � c� 3 1 �� _ ��`,�����,��,� ��,� � �,,6 � -��, FoR r��+ ,�/ ► ��� G � � CITY COMPTROLLER ' f ��roo F� �Q BY v �E R � .. -- la c "Y a - • ., : - 2n Q u U ° � Laid over to 3rd and app � ��Adopte Yeas Nays Yeas ' Naye DeCourcy DeCoarcy Holland Holland Loss Loss � �� Mortinson ,(� Mortinson Peterson Peterson Roaen Rosen �A4�r.—P avou�s -. 8 ������