203309 �E � �� `��° �� , , ���a�:�;`�7 �` Council File No.___....�....:.... I! y �� . . ..�� ' j� PROPOSAL �OR IMPROVEMENT � �� , �i . and .� • �� , PRELIMINARY ORDER. , ,E 3� Theundereignedhereby propoaeathemakingof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: �� Construct new cur6 on the north side of Blair Ave. from Elfelt St. to Farrington �� .. ............................___._............-------...-----------•---....--------------------------------------------•----•-•-•-•--•------....-----------.....------------------.......---- �� . S t.-------------------••------------•--:---......._......----•---•-•----•-•---•-•--•---•---•-----------•-----------------------------...--------------...------•--------._............---•--- �. ...__..............••---•-•-...____-- ----...-•----------....._.....------------.......-------.._..--•----------•----------...-•--------•------------...--------------------.__..----•----- �� . �� --------•--------------------•------....---._.................--------------....---------------...-------._....---•-•-----. ._......._........._.._...- •---•-•--__........_ , � �� Dated this.----•�-�5 t-•----._.day of----------•--------•.....................M�x••---•--- -•- •-- ••----<. , 19'6.1... � , � � ,k --------------------• --........�------------_..._.._....---._........_---------------------•-- Mi 1 ton R sen Councilman. �� Comsr. of Publ�c Works ,� aF 1� �` PRELIMINARY ORDER. �� - �E WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: , ���f Construct new curb on the north side of Blair Ave. from Elfelt St. to Farrin�ton 'r _.---------••-----------------•--•--...---•---------------•-••-•---------•----•-•----•----------•--•---------...---.............-------.....•--•-•--•--- -�------------•-------- . ..,. ` _St. ---•-- ------ •---.....- ---•-=---------------••---------------------....._......-•-------•--•--••-----•--•----•--•-•--•-•-...;� " ----- •--••-•- ------ ouncll Flle No. 2033pg—g Milton' �� f Rosen— y' � _ � -------------•-....__..._._.___.._..-------^-°------°---------°-°------------•-................. Whereas, A written proposal for the ..---------°°°----------------•-°---°--° making of the following impiovement, � viz.: • -----------------°--°-°-°-•--°---------°•-••-°---°°----------------------°----------°------°-----._...---------...---------._........ =��n St v havinm been tPSe�enth side to Far- �� having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.......................__.._____..... +�e counou of the cttx__o�...s�:�+L,�ep-� �� therefore, be it �st �F RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: w �; • �� • ��, 1. To inve"stigate the necessity for, or deairability of, the making of said improvement. �1 • 3F . '- — ;F "" 2:°-�To investig'ate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. �� 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. . �{ 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more owners. R ,F 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to the Commisaioner of Finance. �� AU G 1 �969 . . �� Adopted by the CounciL----•--•---------------•----......._...•---....----------...._...__._.._.._ �f YEea Neya i� �� Councilman DeCourcy AU� 1 �� � Ho 11 and APProved------------------------- E ----------•---------------------------•-----.._._ �� Loss � `�^nv+-t�-its 9T1� �� � Peterson E Rosen ' � ---------------•---.___...... - ----------------------_._ ._._.--•--__.----- �E Ma. PRF78IDF7NT Vavou 1 i s Mayor. �� 3000 7-b4 / . �� � ��TT / � �UDLls�i� �� � l/// �� - ;f i� ' 1' 7( ' , 1� ' . .,�