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�` Council File No.___....�....:....
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3� Theundereignedhereby propoaeathemakingof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.:
�� Construct new cur6 on the north side of Blair Ave. from Elfelt St. to Farrington
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� �� Dated this.----•�-�5 t-•----._.day of----------•--------•.....................M�x••---•--- -•- •-- ••----<. , 19'6.1...
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Mi 1 ton R sen Councilman.
�� Comsr. of Publ�c Works
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�E WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ,
���f Construct new curb on the north side of Blair Ave. from Elfelt St. to Farrin�ton 'r
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� -------------•-....__..._._.___.._..-------^-°------°---------°-°------------•-................. Whereas, A written proposal for the
..---------°°°----------------•-°---°--° making of the following impiovement,
viz.: •
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to Far-
�� having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.......................__.._____..... +�e counou of the cttx__o�...s�:�+L,�ep-�
�� therefore, be it �st
�F RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed:
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• �� • ��, 1. To inve"stigate the necessity for, or deairability of, the making of said improvement.
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'- — ;F "" 2:°-�To investig'ate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof.
�� 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.
. �{ 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more owners.
,F 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to the Commisaioner of Finance.
�� AU G 1 �969 . .
�� Adopted by the CounciL----•--•---------------•----......._...•---....----------...._...__._.._.._
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�� Councilman DeCourcy AU� 1 ��
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