203304 r �� Councll File No. 203304—By Robert F. (� Ori�� . ' " J , Peterson— ' p� ginal to City Clerk ^ " Resolved, That the basis for compu- 0��V �` • ' �'� OC cT. tation for sewer rental charges to ` `! f J 1 cover operation and maintenance ex- ,NO. � �C '" penses of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul OFFICE OF THE C ag�P=opertyts rv daby theesaid �� C IL RESOLUTION District with respect to property lying within the corporate limits of the City ' of Saint Paul as well as property lying PRESENTED BY outside the corporate limits of ,the COMMISSIONE City o4 Saint,P�+�-�^�' ^-^-` � ,k [ � - ' , E RESOLVE�, that the basis for computation for sewer rental charges to cover operation �and maintenance expenses of the Minneapolis- • �• �aint Pau1 Sanitary �3istrict, to be made and levied ag.�.in�t property served by the s.aid 33istrict with respect to property lying within the . j" corporate limits of the Gity- of Sai.nt P�uZ �a.s well �s prop�rty lying �� outside the corporate limits of tl� �ity o� ��:i.nt P.aul and served by �� the sewage disposal system of the City of Saint Pa.ul effective January�l, 1962, aha11 be in accordance with the following scheduZe: � � Me�er �ize �ewer Rent�I. Chaxge � � Per Year �� ' ,. � 5l$n 6.0�� � ' 3/�" 7.63_ , 1" n . 13.6� �� " . l� � 1g.00 � 12 n 27.b0 , „ 2 64.$0. � 3 u 13g.00 � I�. u 334.$0 6 " 6�.9.20 � - � g �� I���,�q � l0 • �� . : ' 1,576.80 _ 12 �' 2,174.�.0 1 � ` . � _ ...... � r . .... .. _ be it �� RE.50LVID F[TRTI�R, that in :addition to the �ewer rental �� chaxges to be levi�ed .against property Iy3.ng outsi�.e the corporate limits �{ of the Cit� of �a3.nt ��a.ul and served by its sewag� dispo.sal system, as �� �set forth in the �'orego�.�;g:�c}�edule of sewer rental charges, �uch out- � � Iying property sha11 be subject to sewer rent�Z charges to be made and Zevied �aga.inst �uch property (to compensate for capital expenditures �� ' �cost Zevied in the form of 'taxes on property within the corporat� limits �� of the City o� �aint P�ul) in �accordance with the £ollowing schedule, to-�it: � � . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— � Yea� Nays � DeCourcy _� _ , Holland Approved 195— �� Marzitelli Tn Favor � Mortinson Peterson Mayor kA gainst � Rosen Mr. 'Pgresident,Dillon ' i6 sM 2-s� -� z �� , . �� � � _� �� � 2�a���� J • ( , • P �� � � Sewer Rental �harge � Nleter Size Per Year {,. 5/g�� � 4.00 " 3/4" 5.00 �1 " 9.00 - 14 " 12.00 . 1Z " 18.00 2 " ,1,.2.00 3 �� 90.00 , 4 " � 216.00 � 6 " .L,.20.00 , , � " 720.00 � � 10 �' 1,020.00 12 �� l,l+U4.00 be it ' , , FIIRTAER RESOLVED� that the foregoing schedules of sewer rental cha.rges shall be exclusive af,'ancl. di st�:ngui:�sliecl-��rom sewer "AnnUa1 Charges" elsewhere provided for; be it "".�,. , . FURTHER R.ESOLVID, that effective �Tanuary l, 1962, � as provided by the applieable Cit�y of Saint Pau1 Ordinance covering the extension �bf public sewer serci.ce by said City to � each separate ad�acent municipality lying beyond the corporate � limits of said City a.nd so aerved by said City through the lat�er's publi� sewer system and that of the Minneapolis-�aint � Paul �anitary District, the '�annua.7. chaxge," thereunder, shall be �5.00 �nd the "annua7. sewer rental charge," thereunder, shall .;. be �5.D0� for each ntrailer coacht� included within a "trailer '. � coach park�� connected by ,a single sanitary sewer service con- ', - � n2ction with t�e public �.ewer system of the adjacent municipali�y , � _� ; for sanitary sewage drainage purposes; be it `� � - � - - -. ._. . • -- � � � fl � -2- F i � � . �t Od�ginal ta CIty Clerk ` ' � �-1�a�1�o4 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ` " ��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEa DATF ,� 1� � � FURTHER RESOLVID, that provisions of Ordinance No. � 795g, approved October 25, 193�, as �mended, inclu��i.ng " amendment by Ordinance No. �359, �.pproved gpril 2, 19L,.2, shall � govern the coLl�ection o� �saj.c� rental chaxge� �and the use of the moniss obt�.ined, and such charges ahall be collected from �� the property liable therefor �s determined by sa�:d orr3inance; and tha.t the City G�srk be �.n.d he is h�reby directed to �or- � ward �, certified copy of this resolution to the Board of �a,ter Commissionera of the G3ty of Sai.nt P,au1 �nd ,�. certifi�d copy �. , to the Boax3 of Trustee� of the Minneapolis�aint P,a.ul �anitary, � District. � f � � a �F � 1 � � el f � � • —, ' � - . � �� - ' AUG 1 19N COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— YeasM Nays y A�� a ��� � DeCourcy , � Holland prove 195— �� � n Favor i Peterson Mayor gainst l ,F Rosen ` 1 � ]'UBLISHED ���` — 1�(�� Mr. ��resident,,�}rnr—v , SM 2-57 .,�..2 1� �t .�" . , i �. _ y �!� _ ^ , I .. . , Y' V � � � � . � ., _ L , � -- " ��� - CI�TY OF SAINT PAULf - - i a�'1'�A��� —�•AT f" y�I ` _ i � � is • ' � �4� �S �- F � _";. r Capital of Minnesota - � � -- -- ;,_ . y ,-. _ ,;�� .� ,,� �� � - . �,, f �� �p� �� � ENT OF P� �� EA��;�'A�ID�P�J�LIC BUILDINGS � ' . �s t�• —��°� _,.pLY�Nr�,�,s�.•,t ��=Y='�*,`, :. r — �;.; 45 ��'. ' -i:w .�. '�?. �` _ � "�i x �,. , �:k �:,�... � } ` �� a t � i ;� �i� q� =�y^R%"1k1�1 �L :. 1 ��~ n � ' �: �^�,-�'���_ �y `' � _ �I��� 1 '.�' "�"COMMISSIOt�ER-� :�;� ��I , _ � �..-. _ �: ` ' . - --- �` ��..�."�'s� .. • _ _... _ .: ,,,_�' ? .�a .. _ � '•ti:.��'� y�_ • . n -+s!.?r�+R�k�'�5. _q''�i• +ec` �'`�._ �� i���4i�f.S1?' � "1':��aQ_!�. ' �. �,.x"ji{`'. V*r .�• �,t �+c -y4�.v_: ` -,p�1ti� �q*t� � ° -+� {' w'%i!��(_,o :.t+� '4''I . .�,� �' ., , , f .ti ► ` 'Ctt' , � T'�� ���,.... r.��..i�. �, � �^` ��� �(' ��' _ � ,°`„' T ���AjO��� FT"'r",� :'�`� va s��y. �Y�'�inX�'"". _ J"ir"v�� '� � S �.*t � f.r-, d �. � �C'd .7�r }�':�,`s yY��, :�t� _ �r�we �sC . ti �.d� �_ I I BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ALFRED H. SCHROEDER, City Architect 445 City Hall,Zone 2 CApital 4-4612 Ext. 361 �� July 27, 1961 3� � �� Hon. George J. Vavoulis, Mayor �� and Members of the City Council �� � Madam and Gentlemen: E � On July 12, 1961, the City Council referred to the Technical Com- {� mittee for study and recommendation the matter of establishing �,� sewer rental charges . It was pointed out that the Council is re- _ quired to establish such charges on or before August 1, 1961. On � the same date, the matter of the budget of the Minneapolis-St. � Paul Sanitary District for the year 1962 was referred to the Tech- nical Committee and the attention of the Council is called to a separate report recommending approval of the Sanitary District � budget. �� i' The present status and the anticipated end-of-year status of the �,� sewer rental fund is fairly satisfactory. It should be pointed ;� out that the use of the sewer rental fund is for operation and { maintenance of the treatment plant, maintenance of interce�tor i� se�vers, Water Department collection charges, and related costs . � The total resources of the fund are a combination of the city sew- �� er rental fund and the operating fund balance at the Sanitary Dis- '� trict. As of January 1, 1961, the combined fund was in the red with a net overdraft of $39,006.45. However, expenses and re- ceipts for the first five months of 1961 together with the antici- � pated expenses and receipts for the balance of the year are such � that a cash balance of $3,387.80 as of December 31, 1961, is � , anticipated_ by the office of the City Comptroller. r � The 1962 outlook, however, is not as favorable. The Technical Com- �� mittee has recommended approval of the 1962 Sanitary Budget, com- �� posed of both capital outlay costs and operation and maintenance �� costs, which has increased approximately 23.6� over the 1961 budg- �� et, principally because increasing volumes of se�n►age are expected to nec'essitate continuing additional capital costs of providing for �� secondary treatment and operating costs of additional chemical treatment and disinfection of the effluent. Sewer rental rates, � ` however, are concerned only with the operation and maintenance i� costs of the Sanitary District budget. In consa.dering the Sani- �'' tary District operation and maintenance budget of $611,335.94, ,j '� f/ �� -1- �� � . �� °l � �� � �€ . � - . � � . . . � k , �` anticipated ir!ater Department collection charges of $55,450.00, and anticipated Department of Public Works interceptor sewer main- �. tenance cost of $65,000, it is apparent that a total expenditure for operation and maintenance of $731,785.94 must be provided for in a financing plan. ' � Anticipated receipts from �Nater Department collections and addition- �� al receipts from the villages of North St. Paul, Roseville, Falcon Heights and Niaplewood total $650,520.34, leaving an anticipated deficit to be financed of $81,265.60. This expected deficit at the end of 1962, for operation and maintenance costs , is approximately 12.5� of the anticipated 1962 receipts paid into the sewer rental , fund. � In view of the fact that the present sewer rental rates and re- �� ceipts are not expected to be adequate to meet the 1962 operation �' and maintenance costs, the Technical Committee recommends that the se�Ner rental rates be increased approximately 20�6. The increase of approximately 20� rather than 12.5/ is recommended because of expected continuing higher costs of set.Ner treatment in � 1962 and thereafter, and also because it is considered desirable to build up the city sewer rental fund to a more reasonable balance. The net combined overdraft as of January 1, 1961 of $39,006.45 was composed � of a $119,043.91 overdraft of the city account and a balance in the � Sanitary District operating fund of �80,037.46. The present sewer , �'R rental rates and the recommended new rates for the various meter � sizes are shown in the following table. The recommended new rates ?� represent an increase of approximately 20% but have been adjusted slightly so as to be consistent with the !hlater Department billing schedules and machine accounting. ��� Annual Rate Inside City Annual Rate Outside City Old Rate Ne�nr Rate Old Rate New Rate 5/8" 5.00 � 6.00 9.00 10.00 3/4" 6.40 7.68 11.40 12.68 1" 11.40 13.68 20.40 22.68 1%" 15.00 18.00 27.00 30.00 1�" 23.40 27.60 41.40 45.60 � 2" 54.00 64.80 96.00 106.80 3" 115.80 138.00 205.80 228.00 4" 279.00 334.80 495.00 550.80 � . 6" 541.20 649.20 961.20 1,069.20 - 8" 927.60 1,112.40 1,647.60 1,832.40 10" 1,314.00 1,576.80 2,334.00 2,596.80 � 12" 1,812.00 2,174.40 3,216.00 3,578.40 �� It is anticipated that the increase embodied in the recommended new rates �nrill produce approximately $119,000 of increased revenue during the year 1962. The increase for the average home-owner with a 5/8" or 3/4" meter would be $1.00 or$1.28 per year or about $.08 �� to $.11 per month. � -2- � • � � lf it �r � � .. .. ., - .. - . � . p a . �� � �! � � It is further recommended that the charges made to outside communi- ties connecting to the St. Paul se�Nage disposal system, to compen- �° sate for capital expenditure Costs levied in the form of taxes on property within the corporate� limits of the City of St. Paul, be continued in accordance with the schedule of charges now in ef- fect. It will be noted that the recommended schedule of charges outside the city as shown in the foregoing table are increased only by the amount of the increase in sewer rental charges. � It is further recommended that the capital outlays budget of the Sanitary District amounting to $217,139.40 for the year 1962 � be financed from proceeds from the issuance of bonds. Respectfully submitted, � /' . ���j_��fsr�f . c��.��=..�'i�-�-- Alfr �-1. Schroeder Cha�.�man C--l�.i n. . � l� � Eugene V. Avery Acting Secretary � . � � � � �� �� r � -3- �E