203262- 203262 COUNCIL-FILE- Council File No. 203262— By ------------- In the matter of improving MARION STREET from 154 feet north of the centerline 'of Fuller Avenue to Uni- FINAL ORDER versify Avenue, to grading and paving with new concrete base and aT lttg c��.,grete�;n:rfacing; :y nstr,�•j „ In the_Matte3vf .. ..:.F�*�k""�/ ��1 '.rt ""1..,�y-.�..)�!ti► f 1 • , r" " —:�Y -: .rd `qtr, •'.'s'zh..,��' ••F, ,n.. ,� _ -. _. -� mproving MARION STREET from 154 Feet north.of the,centerl:ine of Fuller Avenue to University Avenue,, by grading and paving with new - concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacingl by paving street and driveway returnsj'by constructing new curbs and sidewalks; by reconstructing storm water drainage facilities; l by recon. structing the paving, c urbing. and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvements, by grading and improving boulevard areas; by constructing conduits and appurtenances for future traffic control systemsl, by constructing a new ornamental lighting system; and doing al.l other work Which is deiceasaryr; Ad U_Q!aeAt41.:to °f4WIimP 4toved ... ............ YZX_04. 7x -- 196 ,.......--- ........._.... IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved ----_-_----------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it .,RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- . ti irpgrovc MARION STRE1Tpfrom.'15?+' felt north° of'�theLARM ins g - lay x to, University Avenwe� by grading and, paving 'with new concrete base and asphaltic µ concrete surfacing;,by pavi4g. street and driveway: returns; by constructing new curbs and.sidewalks ;,'by recondtruGtfng storm waterldrainage facilities# by recon- r atructing tlie.,paving. -curbing and,'sid6*' Us ;oh the,,* intersecting streets where,not in conformity with said improvement) by grading`an improving boulevard areas; by constructing conduits and appurtenance$ for future traffic control systems; by constructing a new ornamental lighting system; and,doing all other work which is necessary and .incidental to said improvement _t rnt��?L'�r '^�'�vT vid2ro oai��a Lu�rivrcui2uvto be u.aft- - — - — ` RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for f lr approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council- --- ----- ------ f 1961 AUG z ism Approved-------=---------------------------------- - - - - -- File 15358 Councilman peCourcy Councilman Holland Councilman . Loss Councilman UQ4 jerk Councilman Peterson Councilman Rosen Mayor vavoulis 2.55 2M 2 i - - - -- -------------------- - - - - -- — - - - - - -- Cif Clerk. 4/ a � GEORC STREEI ENGINI X41 , v'•rw4 `` IE M. SHEPARD _ a = M II AND HIGHWAY ,e I T YO F S A.I N T PA UNL M }g BRING COORDINATOR t; r9apifal of Minnesota___ ' _ '; j i a DEPARTMENT.-rOF4PUBLICz1N0RKV_ _ lo- 1 tt 2-) 1 1 G ■ 234.,Ciiy- Hall & =Co rt Ho- e" � � , • 1VI ;I'LTON ROSE-Nn, ai 10 111 L� t IGENE V. AVERY THIEF ENGINEER !� _ IDENT'OF SANITATION r� c,.ommissione•rr -= r_1i 7t-,i L - ._,4 : a.£° _7;I11M P EHRENS _ _.-.. ► �.. _ 1 -•— Deputy_ Commiisionor• qP F w ! r ® D _ / L. June 7, 1961 Honorable Bernard T. Holland Commissioner of Finance Room 113, City Hall Re: Marion Street Alley, No. of Fuller to University Widening and Paving City Project No. 61 -P -208 M.S.A. No. 62- 16o -ol Dear Sir: I transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of cost for,improving Marion Street from 154 feet'north of the centerline of Fuller Avenue to University Avenue, by grading and paving with new concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing; by paving street and driveway returns; b constructing new curbs and sidewalks; by reconstructing storm water drainage facilities; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalk on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improveme . by grading and improving boulevard areas; by constructing conduits and appurtenances for future traffic control system; by constructing a new ornamental lighting system; and doing all other work which is necessary r and incidental to said improvement under Preliminary Order C.F. 201088, approved March 7, 1961. Estimated Construction Cost $ 75,790.00 Engineering and Inspection (10%) 7,579.00 Water Department Changes _ 250 :00 _ Ornamental Lighting 3,75.0.00 Total Estimated Cost Estimated Property Assessment City Share of Cost (M.S.A.) (Bond Issue or.31 -E -1) $ 87,369.00 $ 6.,591-001 77,028:00 3,750.00 $ 87,369.00 JUfy DIVED JRTA�� " � Residential - - 6 Ft. Wide - 120 Ft. @ $2.50 = 300.00 2,000.00 Total Assessment on Private Property $6.,591-00 There will be no need for replacement of existing water or sewer services. ! Driveways, where necessary, $6.00 per square yard* c f f - Yours ver tr , Claude Thompson Design Engineer CT:th cc: M. Rosen E. Avery L. Thompsen A oved: y E F ene V. Avery Chief Engineer t r Approved for trappmission to the Xlt ssio ner nance n Rose n n i Commissioner of Public Works r ti^ Y y t Bernard -T� Holland -2- E _ k Estimated property share of cost is based on making the following t assessment rates per front foot: < PAVING: Commercial - 422 Ft. @ $8.00 = 3,376.00 Residential - 120 Ft. @ $2.50 = 300.00 3,676.00 r CURBING: Commercial - x+50 Ft. @ $1:50 = 675:00 E Residential - 24o Ft. @ $1.00 = 24o.00 ! 915.00 SIDEWALK: Commercial - 8 Ft. Wide - 350 Ft. @ $4.o0 = 1,1+00.00 c 6 Ft. Wide - 100 Ft. @ $3.00 = 300.00 Residential - - 6 Ft. Wide - 120 Ft. @ $2.50 = 300.00 2,000.00 Total Assessment on Private Property $6.,591-00 There will be no need for replacement of existing water or sewer services. ! Driveways, where necessary, $6.00 per square yard* c f f - Yours ver tr , Claude Thompson Design Engineer CT:th cc: M. Rosen E. Avery L. Thompsen A oved: y E F ene V. Avery Chief Engineer t r Approved for trappmission to the Xlt ssio ner nance n Rose n n i Commissioner of Public Works r ti^ Y f 4 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE i June 12th 19 61 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: f The commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the ipreliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 201088 , ;approved March 7th l9 61 , relative to At Cdrov+i.ng- MAR60NzSTREET fr-om-1 °54yfegt- north ° ~of the cente'r'1 =i'ne = of"Fu1 Te'r'Wenue to Universi`ty-Avenue, by grading and paving:wi_th °•.new concrete base and asphaltic concrete- surfac,i= ng.;.by,pavi:ng -> street - and- dr-i- veway- returns= ;- by- constructi''ng View curbs"and"sid'e- walks; by reconstructing storm water drainage facilities; by reconstructing the paving, cur_b_i.ngz and _s.i.dewa:lks- on =�the.i.nter- sect= i,ng-str-eets- where - not- °i =n- coriform'i "ty rdi ti said - improvement; by grading and improving boulevard areas; by constructing conduits and appurtenances- fo.r -fu.tu retra.f f i= c�..cont r -o l-sys tem;�« by-cons truct i =ng-a new' o "'rna em �a l 1 i ght i ng system; i nves t seq the .te other which things renecessary io anderiG ci dente l�yto said i mr rCdvert dKt 9 g n- " 9 re its • _ 87,369.00 (See Letter Attached) 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ , 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works r— E 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition r i 11 12 4 ,�j t C►�CE� PEO N Commissioner of Public Works JUN 13 1961 DaPT. O ` w FINANCE . 10011