203257 Ir - � • .�• �� r 1 � fCouncll FIIe No. 203257 — B • ) -Jv y^�, ORIGINAL T� CITY CLERK Rosen— Y Milton � /�_ A/��,i� .��: id 5-d i! � '- _ - •fia `"� CI7 Resolved, That •the Council hereby couNCi� NO.d ' F ,r - V � approves the award o4 the Purchasing FILE . f � - OFF�C,E �Committee therefor and hereby awazds � contract for Blueprinting and similar E � NCIL RES�Work fo� Varlous departments,af the -1' � „ � City'of'St.Paul tor pertod.of one year <'�= + 'from date of City Comptroller's coun- PRESENTED BY tersignature on contract,to TWIN CITy J(�13► 2$� j9g], COMMISSIONE 'BLUE PRINT COMPANY, INC. in ac- < j, �cordance with City specifications and the Formai Bid No. 8423 of said Twin � City Blue Print Company, Inc. for the ` contract price of approximately�8291.�1f, �� � (discount of 17.5% pn,all.��r±-�yr^• - .�' .�gc1,7a,.,,,..�,-_�,,,.�..c+'.. «G'�' RBSOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the a�vard of the Purchasing Committee 9z jF therefor and hereby a�vards contract Por Blueprinting and similar work for Various i;. i? -;; , departments of the Citq of St. Paul for period of one qear from date of City _ 1' . Comptroller*s counteraignaliure on contract, to TWIN CITY BLUS PRINT C011�ANY� INC. �� in accordance with City specifications,and the Formal Bid �f8423 of said Zbin Citq B1ue�fPrint Companq, Inc. for the contract price of approximately $8291.00 (discount ]� ,. . of 17.596 on all contract items eacluding photostats) , such bid being the lo�rest and I: said��Tain City Blue Print Companq, Inc. being a reaeonable and reliable bidder and ,, �A the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of . �, . contr�ct therefor and the proper Citq officials herebq are suthorized to eaaecute �� r said��contract on behalf of the Citq oP Saint Paul. �� �_ . Formal Bid #8423. � �; . , _- - , �,4 . ,., _ 'r°^�--- -- ' �_ ` - _._ _..x.�.---»-, .., �- ... �: � . ; : �i " �� . �� � �� . ,i . t � � .IUL 2 8 19�'9 � �' , �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas �� Nays � De�Courcp . ` � ,�U�. 2 g �gg� w Holland pprove 9— Loss '' Moj n Favor y `rtinson y� . Peterson - Mayor ��- . Against . , » Aet��9 Roaen '. ' "' � - l9�/ Mr. President, V�5 � ��� , '. Pi3SLISHED SM c-�i fi . .3 � � d� /� � �. �� � DUPLICATE T04rRIN7ER a° . � - — �-�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ������ �! . • FILE — a� �� '-'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY�' �1� �� ��6� COMMISSIONER DATF ; �t' L RE80LV�D, That tlu Council l�reby approv�e �Eh� award oi tl� purohssiag Caiittpe ;� tlur�tor and hsr�by aRarde oontract tor Blueprin�CinQ �nct a3ailax work tor Varioue� d�par'�nts of th� C3�y o� $t. Pat�l ior p�ricd o� wu y�ar �raa datr o! City ;� �, CAleptzoll�r�e count�r�ignatiure on ccntraat� to T91TN CITY BLiJ� pRINT (�OIQANY� IN�C. ,; � in accordenc� with Ci�� eptailicetiions amd the �'or�al Bid Ae8423 0� eaid Twia Ci�y ;. Hltt� Print Co�p�nq, Ina. !or th� contract pric� of approxi�ett�7.y �8291.00 �dieaount of 17;� on all contra�ct it�sa �xaludiaa photoststs) , auch bid b�ing ths lorwst and 9: eaid Zwin City Blue Print Cor�pnny� ina. b�ing a r�a�sonabi� and r�li�bl� bidder and � th� Corporation Coune�l ?�a r�nd herrby is dir�ct.�d to �raw np th� prop�r ior� or " �- contrc�at thor�tor euad ths pa�op�r Citq atiiaiele luriby � authoti�d to ��cut� ; ea�id 'aon�ract on brhai! o� th� �itq ot Sain� Paul. �= Forwa�l Bid ,d�8423. �_ Y � - �� '/� 1• I 1- i� �: JU� 2 � fi��Q .d COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas 3� Nays DeCourcy a�JL 2 $ �90� Holland Approved 19— Loss ' Favor Mortinson Peterson a ' � Mayor � A gairiSt Rosen , Mr. President, y�.v.et�is i� aM (1.g1 c ' . . ^ {. , �`