203243 r ; � .. - . 203��=� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERI�.-• � �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �� PRE'3ENTED BY �,lton Rosen j' COMMISSIONE DATF 1 � t f E / i ` In the mat�Ger oP improving LAF'� ROAD fr�n the northerly end = of the bridge over the Northern Pacific Railway Ca�►pany�s tracks (approxt- i mately the northeasterly right-of-way line of the said Northern Facific E Railway Coenpa�y) to Collins Street by sur�acing the egisting roadbed �ith �; aspha7.�ic concrete; by constrae�ing new conerete curb and gutter and side- i= walk; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections fr�¢a street mains to the new property line where necessary; by reeonstructing the � paving, cwcbing and sidewallts on intersecting streets Where not in con�ormity - with said improvement �nd by doing e.11.-other �rork which is necessary and incidental to c�plete ssid improvanent under Preliminary Order C.F. 2027.33, approved May 16, 1961. � k RESOLVED, That the plans and speci�icstions as sub�itted by the . - Co�issioner o� Public Works, for the above named i�prove�nts, be e,nd E the sr,me are hereby approved� amd be it further � �� RE50LVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to �' advertise for bida on tp�ese improvements. �_ - Councll Flle No. 203243—By Miiton r Rosen— In the matter of improving LAFAY- j ETTE ROAD from the northerly end of the bridge over the Northern PaciHc Railway�Company's tracks (approxi- mately;.the northeasterly right-of-way line bf the said Northern Paclflc Rail- y� - ' way�Company) to Collins Street by � ' surfacing the exis�ting roadbed with r �� aspk�alfic concrete; by constructing � new-�concrete curb and gutter and s idewa l k; by cons truc t i ng sewer, wa ter �; i and gas service connections from street ' mains to the new property line where • �� , necessary• by rewnstructing Rhe pav- �_ ing; curbing and sidewalks an inter- secting streets where not in con4ormity . with said improvement and by doing all other work which is necessary and � incidental to complete said improve- � ment under Preliminary Order C. F. � 202133, approved May 18, 1961. ; Resolved, That the plans and spec � -iflcations as submitted by the Com- missioner of Publlc Works, for the �; above named improvements, be and • ,� the same are hereby approved, and be +� it further V�',� Resolved� That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to adver- � tise for bids on these improvements. G AUopted by the Council July 27, �9s�. �U L 2 7 196't � Approved July 27, 1961.' E COUNCILMEN cJw'' zs, lsgl� dopted by the Council 19— _� Yeas Nays � DeCourcy JUL 2 7 196� �� Fiolland Approve 19— � Loss � � --� �c ��_ ��n Favor �� Peterson � � ' Mayor �� • Against `' Acting •} Rosen ° — /�� / Mr. President, V-�ovlis-, i PUBLYSHED � � '� �` SM a•ao �2 � 3? . �i�UPL ATB TO PRINTER M1� . " ^ ����`a,� , � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -` PRESENTED BY ���� �� COMMISSIONER DATF , , �h tI� �M1�ttle�' [�' �.�3g ;�$'� � �d�l 'ti11� �o�"�.11brl�' 4�. o�,' t,� b�Sdge o�r t�,s �arth,e�n �ifio �1.].�' �'� t�1c� (�pp�aoci- • �t�l.�r fi,� ztc�rt�ef,�rly �gYrt�2`� Z.i,� c� 't,�e �d �1�a Pt�!"ia R�,t�.�ap* �a�y� 'to Co21,�ns �treet by �acin� �a �d.�r� roMdb�d t�tt;b �ispi�'ttic �p�ex�r�i� by C+a�sf.�ue'F•in6 z�r �c�er�#,e� � �d gut't� �d ��c1�- ;_ �r1�;' b� a�c'P.r�t�'�r�g u�n�+4r�, �'ert�r �cl g� +��rriaet �a�f.c� tx'ar► �tr� ' �.u� '�o #.Y� a� �o�y 1.�:n� �a n�ce�,� b3r �,'�reqda�xqrctin� 't,� p�t�r�np,� curb�r�g I�d. std�ct� o1i �ztt��cti�,g �t�t�#.� � �aot �,n c�!'�t� , xlth s�ic�. 3s��t �{. by c�irtg i1]�. �a�r s�� �h#ch 3� �c►�FSax�r' �. '.�ncid�t.�. to ac�Zef.e �std #s��ov�'� u�d.�r Pr�.iaN.t�r�.ye�' f3x'�1eae C•!'. $�.Z��� . � �Y l6� �.9d�.• . � E�4��,� �t t.k�1 �.and� �md �F�+et3Yoat3q� 1�+a sttbe�i� giy' �hs Co�3.asior�er +� �°'1ib�c �i'or'k�� �'c� 't,� �bo�we na� �ts� l�e �ad fihe s� � I�rsby�.i�yro'+►� �rnd 't�r �.t #'urt2�r • ���� 'iR��C t� Put`c�tr�g Age�'� bs rnr�d he is �i,�reby dtrs�t� to '� i�'�i��e �or bid� v� '�l�se 3�o�eaa��u. 3. , � � ' . � I . � � ` N �1 JU L 2 '7 1961 ° COUNCILMEN . Adopted by the Council 19— - Yeas Nays DeCourcp ��� 2 7 1961 �� Holland Approved 19— ' Loss � Tn Favor ➢4e�e�- „ Peterson � Mayor ,_ A gainst - Rosen Mr. President, �s sM s-eo �2