08-205Council File # (� � �b�
Green Sheet # 3049993
Presented by
1 WI�REAS, Como Park Zoo and Conservatory Volunteer Services receives 47,787 volunteer hours
2 from 1,194 volunteers equivalent to 23 FI'E in 2007 alone. Reco�ifion of volunteers and their
3 accomplishments is essential each year to assist with volunteer support and retention, and;
5 WF�EREAS, Coma Park Zoo and Conservatory Volunteer Service's recognition ofvolunteers and
6 their accomplishments, as well as acknowledgement of the Volunteers and the Volunteer's families
7 successes and struggles assists with volunteer support and retention; and
9 WHEREAS, Como Park Zoo and Conservatory Volunteer Services of£er 4 recognirion and/or
10 informational evenings; and
12 Wf3EREAS, the successful facilitation of a Volunteer program and related expenditure have a clear
13 public purpose and benefit as they contribute to the services at Como Park Zoo and Conservatory and their
14 szrvices result in budgetary savings; and so
16 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul City Council authorize the Como Park Zoo and Conservatory
17 Volunteer Seroices depamnent to purchase food items, flowers and cazds for Volunteer recognition events, funerals, extensive
18 hospital stays and events needing support flxrough greeting cards in an amount not to exceed $5,000
Adoption Certified by Co ii Secretary
By: - �
Approve Ma o . Date (�
Requested by Deparhnent of:
Adopted by Council: Date 3 � Q �� ��/�
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
DepartmenHoffice%ouncii: Date initiated:
pR —rut-�s�x�eaaan '14FE6-OS Green Sheet NO: 3049993
CoMact Person 8 Phone:
Susie Exner
Must Be on Countil Agen
E-0xumeM Required: N
DocumeM Corrtact:
CoMact Phone:
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
0 azks and Recrestion
1 ari;s aud Recreation De ar�ent Director
2 cial Services &ce FSnancial Services
3 ' Atko
4 a or•s 06ice Ma odAssistant
5 u¢til C' Cuuncil
6 ' Clerk G5 Clerk
7 arks and Recreation Susie E�er
Signatures on attached resolution authorizing Como Park Zoo and Conservatory to recognize volunteers with greeting cazds, flowers
and food.
Planning Commission
CB Committee
Civil Service Commission
1. Has this person(firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this persoNBrm ever been a ciry employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explai� ali yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to greea sheet
InitiaSing Probfem, issues, Opporkunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
In order to retain the approximate 1400 volunteers at the Como Campus, who contribute over 47,000 hours of service for ffie Ciry of
Saint Paul, it is necessary to recognize them for their contribufions. It is necessary to do this flu�ough seasonal events, thank you and
sympathy cards when they go through personal strugges or celebrations, and flowers when thzy pass away or aze severly injured or
Ativantages IfApproved:
Retention of volunteers so less City resources aze needed to conrinually recruit volunteers to fill the needs of the Como Campus.
Currently there is a successful Volunteer Program wiffi volunteer contribukons exceeding the equivalent of 20 full time employees.
Disadvantages !f Approved:
DisativanWges lf Not Approved:
Lack of retention, so supplemental assistance at the Como Campus would defemirate. TFIis would also cause tl�e Volunteer Services
departrnent to spend a lazger portion of their time recruiting new volunteers and less time on their other duries.
�� Tranuction: $5,000.00
Funding Source: eafflBd CBVBRUeS
Financial Information;
Adivity Number. 33137
FEB 2 2 20U$
CosURevenue Budqeted: y
February 14, 20�8 1:51 PM Page 1