203235 a ,. . �� ((('''yyy����"'p�e� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ���° A� �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N � ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IS�ERSE c�ON�LLTTFE ; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �t L.� - PRESENTED BY JU�.� Z7� 19Q1 COMMIS{IONE - y pq7F i a; �� � RFSOLUEDt That Applieation C�-2756 for Confect�.onery License, made b�r �ntho�y George at . , � , � 3�4 So�ath Nobert Street be and the same �s hereby granted, anb�ect to the_ � � follow�.ng cond�.t�o ns� that the grounds be prepared and maintained so a s to be �' dustless, tt�at the debr�a be picked up arid ren�ved da�].y from the premises� ; and that the sidewal,ka arounc�the property be cleared of sno�r and 3.Qe dur�ng i � x the w3xiter': - - � ' j� �F i . . �i � . a� �Councll Flle No.203235—BY Mrs.Donald . M. DeCourcy—Robert F. Petersoh— �' Milton Rosen— C nfe tionery aLi enpsecamade b SB.y�r �'i�1+ � ,thony George at 374 South Robert !• Street be and tHe same is hereby �+ � I dit ons,�thatj{�jle tO �e following con- y �DI'�V 6�+ 11 R@3'�'iI'�Q't3.0II3� � �and maintained so als to be dustless � ' �that the debris be picked� up and � ' ;removed daily �m },he premises, and y begtclea�red eof�n w��andt ice during , the winter. Adopted by the Councll July 27, 1881. o • Approved July 27, 1981. ` (J�1Y 29, 1961) � . — iE ' �a ,� - �� , . ,r jE . t 6 t �F . , . , JUL 2 7 19�1 - . C�OUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas �� - Nays . . �!�vecourcy . . . JUL 71�6� ��Holland App ove 19— j�Loss , , ^ ,, n Favor . ;�ti�sen. ;Peterson • ACfing Mayor I Rosen A gainst � Mr. President, �iz , - . e . � SM 0-(jl '� , 3i