08-204Council Rile �_ ao� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Green Sheet # 305C�1o3ry �ay Resolution Memorializit:g the Stay in Implementatwn of Cnuncdl File #07-647, An Order to Remove or Repair 343 Mapte Street 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council adopted Council File #07-647 on July 18, 2007 an Order to Remove or 2 Repair the buildings at 343 Maple Street within 180 days; and 4 WHEREAS, the rehabilitation of this properry was neiffier commenced nor completed in the time allowed; and 6 WHEREAS, a legislafive hearing was conducted on January 22, 2008 to review the situation and develop a 7 recommendation for the Council on whether an additional grant of fvne was advisable under the cunent 8 ownership, and taking into account the historic value of tbis property; and 9 10 WHEREAS, the building's owner, Countrywide Mortgage, met the conditions suggested by the legislative 11 hearing officer, which included 12 13 1) a new $10,000 performance deposit must be posted; 14 2) the vacant building fees must continue to be paid in a timely fashion; 15 3) the building and properry must be maintained; 16 4) the items in the attached code compliance inspection report must be completed within 180 days t7 of the CounciPs decision to allow for a stay in the implementarion of Council File #07-647; and 18 5) Counhywide Mortgage brings forwazd a new real estate manager and rehabilitation plan which 14 adequately provided for the stabilization of this historic property pending complete 2o rehabilitation within a 1-5 year time period. 21 22 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 12ESOLVED, that the City Council gants a stay of 18 months in the 23 implementation of Council File #07-647 if the above conditions are met within 180 days of the CounciPs 24 decision on February 6,2008. 25 Yeas Nays AbseM Bostrom „/ Carter / Hazris � Helgen � Lantiy � Stark �/ Thune �/ AdoptedbyCouncil: Date �'G����UdJ� Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary By: ! 6 //a��i I'YJ�i�� an Approved by : Date �f f�/ �� ---•- By: L, Requested by Department of. � Form Approved by Ciry Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet DepartmenUo�ce/council: Date Initiated: co ����,, Z�.FEB� Green Sheet NO: 3050637 ConWa Persan & Phone: Marcia Moertnond 266-8570 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date} 05-MAft-08 Doc. Type: RESOLUTVON E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact dean B'vkholz � ueuanmem �em w rerson 0 ooncil Assign I owpl D artmemlYireMor Number Z � Cierk Ci Clerk For Routirg 3 Order 4 5 Contact Phone: 266-8673 I I 7otal # of Signature Pages ^ (Clip All Locations for Signature) the Stay in Implementadon of Council File #07-647, An Order to Remove or Repair 343 Maple Sheet. �dations: Approve �A) o� R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contraci for this tlepadment? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/flrm possess a skili not normaily possessed by any current ciry empioyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, WFry): Advantages (f Approved: �isadvattWges If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: � ' ` February 29, 2008 3:45 PM Page 1 OFFICE OF WCENSE, INSPECi'[ONS AND ENVIlLONN�EN7AL PROTECTION Bob Kessler, Drrecmr CITX OF SAINT PAUL Chnrtaph¢rB. Co[em�m, Mayot May 1Q, 2007 RElMAX RESULTS c/o 70HN KAWOHL 1920 DONEGAL DRIVE WOODBURY MN 55125 Re: 343 Maple St File#: 06 059846 VB3 Deaz PropeRy Owner: SFOUrthStree!£ast Suite200 StPav7, Mrnnesom SSI041024 7e[ephane: 65]-1669C90 Facs�mile: 651-16F9099 Web: www.ftepur Pursuant to your request the abov�referenced properry was inspected and the following report is submitted: BUILBING I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. I5. 16. 17. 18. 19. �\ i, �teplace front steps.�.. ---- - -- -- --- - - - -- - - - - comment [susl:. .. Replace basemeni stair steps from Landing to bottom and install decay resistant sleepers on concrete. Replace front steps to house. Remove reaz Southwest corner porch. Replace roofing and vent structure to code. Front daor needs drip cap to code. Inswe basement cellar floor is even, is cleanable, and all holes aze filled. InstalUProvide hand and guazdrails on all stairways and steps as per attachment. Tuck Point interior/e�erior foundation. Instail floor covering in the bathroom and kitchen that is impervious to water. Install tempered glass in window on stair laading. Provide thumb type dead bolts for a11 entry doors. Remove any surface bolts. Repair or replace any deteriorated window sash, broken glass, sash holders, re-putty etc. as necessasy. Provide storms and screens complete and in good repair for all door and window openings. Re-level structure as much as is pracrical. Prepaze and paint interior and eaherior as necessary (take the necessary precaurions if lead base paint is present). Provide general clean-up of premise. Provide smoke detectors as per the Minnesota State Bvilding Code. Repair soffit, fascia trim, etc. as necessary. Provide proper drainage azound house to direct water away from foundarion. AA-ADA-EEO fimployei �► ,r RE/MAX RESULTS c/o JOHN KAWOHL Re: 343 Maple St Page Two ELECTRICAL L Bond azound water meter with a copper wite sized for the electricat service per Article 250 of the NEC. 2. Provide a complate circuit directory at service panel. 3. Verify/install a sepazate ZO ampere laundry circuit and a separate 20 ampere kitchen appliance ci�uit, 4. Close open laiockouts itt service paneUjunction boxes with ]mockout seals. 5. Properly strap cable and conduits in basement. 6. Grovnd bathroom light on second floor. 7. Repair or replace all broken, missing or loose light fixtures, switches and outlets, covers and plates. 8. Check a113-wire oudeks for proper polariry and verify ground. 9. Remove any 3-wire un�ounded outlets and replace with 2-wire or ground 3-wire to code. 10. Throughout building, install outlets and light fiimres as specified in Bulletin 80-1. 11. InsTall hard-wired, battery backup smoke detector as specified in Bulletin 80-1 and other smoke detectors as required by the IRC. 12. Remove and/or rewire all illegal, improper or hazardous wiring in basement. 13. Remove all cable under joists and open splioes at service in basement. At service install main bonding jumper and bound service entrance. 14. In kitchen proteet romex run in cabinets. 15. Install junction box for all liahu. AII electrical work must be done by a licensed elecirical contractor under an electrical pemut. Any open walls or walls that aze opened as part of 8us project must be w"ued to the standards ofthe 2005 NEC. PLUMBING All plumbing work requires pernrit(s} and must be done by a plumbing contractor [icensed in Saint Paul. 1. No gas shutoff or gas piping incorrect on water heater. 2. Cap unused opening in chimney. 3. Water meter is temoved; not ia service. 4. Meter is in pit. 5. Water piping sizing incorrect. 6. Boiler fill water 1"nte requires backflow assembly or device. 7. Test R.P.Z to code. 8. Remove and cap all unused gas tines. 9. Soil and waste piping unplugged or open piping; backpitched piping. ��—ac�y RElMAX RESULTS c% JOH[�T KAWOHL Re: 343 Maple St Page Three PLUMBING 1Q. Tmproper pipe supports on soil and waste piping. I l. Improper connection, transitions, fitting or pipe usage. 12. Remove and cap all unused waste openings in basement. 13. Lavamry incoaectly vented on first floor. 14. Waste incorrect in lavatory on first floor. I5. Water closet unvented on first floor. 16. Water closet waste incorrect. 17. Provide approve spacing to lavatory and water closet. 18. Water closet, lavatory and bathtub mmvented on second floor. 19. Waste inconect in water cioset, lavatory and bathtub. HEATING 1. Clean and Orsat boiler bwner. Check all controls for proper operarion. Submit report from licensed contractor. 2. InstalL chimney liner. 3. Recommend adequate combusrion air. Repair and support as needed. 4. Provide support for gas lines to code. Piug, cap andlor remove all disconnected gas (ines. (open line by boiler) 5. Provide heat in every habitable room and bathrooms. 6. Snstall boiler pressure relief valve and/or pipe boiler relief valve dischazge w within 18" of the floor. 7. Provide back flow preventer on city water fdl iine to hot waterJsteam heating system. 8. Appropriate Mechanical Pemiits aze required for this work. (liner) 9. Pipe warts 90 bent to with 12" off floor and recommend removing RP2 valve. 10. Verify watts, 90 works, or replace if needed. 11. Rapairlreplace thermostat. ZONING 1. Tlus property was inspected as a single family home. � �,• . RE/MAX RESULTS c/o JOHN KAWOHI, Re: 343 Maple St Page Four NOTES *#See attachment for permit requiremenu. This property is designated by the Vacant Buildings Department as a Category #3 which requires a$5,000 Performance bond or Deposit at the time t6e permit is issued. This properly is in a designated Heritage Preserva6on District and all ea�terior work is subject to HPC guidelines and review befnre permits are issued. See airached eacplanation of design review process. There was considerable storage/clutter within pmperty at ttte rime of the inspecrion. All to meet appropriate Codes when comptete. All items noted as recommended do not have to be completed for code comp]iance but sbouid be completed at a later date. Possible purchasers of property shall be made aware of these items. K*VACANT BUII,DING REGISTRATION FEES MUST BE PAID AT NEIGHBORHOOD HOIISING r1ND PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT (NHPII FOR PERM[T'S TO BE ISSUED ON 1'HIS PROPERTY**. For fiu2her informarion call, NHPI at 651-266-190Q located at 1600 White Bear Avenue. Sincerely, James L. Seeger Code Compliance Officer JLS:sh Attachments � � � � l` � .r � O G U �i 7 Q ..a � .- .^�.. � � L ��ao � � 0 � L � O Q � L ..,� � 3 O � � �i � 9 r Y � G ��/+ � � y � ❑ � c 0 � �e ^ �� � ., a � r y ts � C .� .� CL � � �^ �..+ �"i � � CJ 'O "U� ^O 'b 'O 'O .D p O O N . z zz z zzz �b zz �� :� � � � O U O O O O � � O O �n r� vi ri� ri� v� ti w v� rii °' 4 , w " ° .� � '+�+ O % v� �" , .� a+ � d = O N� b0.+"'.� y y�.. .� N � D � N � v �, a' 3 p, o N 3 w ° 'ty � a �; 4 w Y ^ , o�° �p �oo'''v, a� � a�i >4. �� y o ° `° �. � . o 0 0 � o a � u � � � � � .g � i � c'°a :' " u � � °� �, � � s�.• � �cs„ °.� w � 3 � 7 u C v V y X O u O YJZ � W � 3 � N � .Y. N W L' �"' CC � RS � 7� � � Q � 3 � � � � � � ~ � � E,� v � ° `� � -° op ,� ° C ° o"i u � '� y '3 d a � � 3 v y 3 � � � c ° n. :-� a�i - o ca � � � o � z'' -o a'�i c .° �3 °' ° � � � L `� y o c.. °' � `" � d � � �'� � o � �' V � � "C y � a, � � o b 3 g � 3 � � -cs � � �° � cc s � d c .�. � at tV O � �n �, �..�-+ � ;p bA � � bA � � � � �' io � a+ �+ C � • O c '� � c N�� O c� �` a� �bD �. '� q, w N' . . ��1 � a: 3 N O. � N"" � f11 S�..i Y b11 6 � �"i .. N Q. U i+ -N. CL .�.+ O-N� .�C O..�. CY, � Cl. "" b E'� � y'� .N-� H N I A .� � Tj �i`�i V ' I ' - � � c v� U '� O� � y t3 � N C� f� F� [Tr .-. N N m M � � � C p � � . � �O O 3 � �n � � 3 S1 y � N N � O N N N N N N�� � O bA � �� C O� N G] 33 3 333H ° ro���� °`�� 33 a .. �. 0 a� m CG a O� d F C ' � � � � V Q Q x •�, �� w° o ;; � � � � U� � � Q � N QL� r. �i y V � V Z � � � a ,�o� � � r O o �� d�-ac��+ i d C O CJ . G � A r . u � C > r 0 � C. , .� . er C . S� Y � � 4 z ._ �. � C O m � � � ir G CS W �a „ c ... � �. a a � O U �., �o �o •a ro �a ;fl � v v �o z zzz zz z z � �; c � � � o 0 o a o�, o o , o � cn va v� rn in °-,' w v� ri m v �, � o � 'CY v1 L + y N - �. N � a.�i 4 ' C�1 a y ,� � o�, o o � ,�b �3 ° � �e4i " .° � .". Y N � 4-i eLi CJ {� � O y N ? ,� d G'i '.`4' � w. w ° ic a E C/� N� Q� y,,, � D T F � N � `" o � .° �� c � ° 3 3 0 � - > fi E o R�-r A C R O N b ^� �-�r U O �a "3 '3 v � + .- .m m .r' c � � a c N,� "a a "'c�❑ c3 tC 'O N � �+ �'u �O d 3� N N xr ��Vi ` � � G a. V 4� cUC v�i ia ' O p @ — Rt ' eJ O` ",= "" e�i a� a�''i �� c� m a�'"i , 8;. o a -N.-N.N-� �r-�.N..-Nr -K. F'�VGE^-N� 1�+ Q Fx-.lw a"'oo3,�°.^�. ' � O 3� y cn � n. � o��° o`�cs' a � v.�'I- Q' c '� y'^ o�n y Q�`n F � � �" � F , � m � Ff0 4 2008 2�44PV� REtOCAT10U ASSISiAfi�C Ciry of Saint Paul Department of Safety and Inspecfiatts ��a yo37 p a ��—av`� �ACAN'F BUILI}IIVG REGISTRATION RO12M Date; �� � AddressafProperty: ' � Dis orition of this building {please check one): �I platt to caha6iLitute fhis shucture commencing; � I p!an to demolish {wreclt and remove} this building by: I am wiliing to au[hozi2e the City of Saint Paul to demoiish and remo�� t1s'ss building(s). fls � � This building is vacanf ¢s n result oE C�re damnge The fiie oecurred on _— � gxoperty owner, mant io ciaim registratinn and fee exemption sialus for ninery (90} days from the date of the fixe. S intend to repair and xeoccupy the building Persons who wiil be responsible £os compliance with the requirarnents of ordinanee: �p,��, ADbRESS HOME NO, WORK I�O. Persqns, lienhalders, mortgegees, morCg�gors and other interested parties Icnown to me: NAME ADAR�9S FTQiYi�1�0• WORKIVO. �ituSCo�w� �a� �j''§'Utuh' �.Y111.�'iWY� _�. P] e1�'rintX(+a�N e �^LLC �: iguatvre Dafe af birYh aa'15 N • tslenvilte. �� �t� B - - AddresB `CL �r�,�.t,son Tk "1 ��52- � v � State �P r{ Telephone F9ratt� enmpit'.te ai�d m t�� thia lbri�t witlt ea�nr cliccl. ia:ulr gu}:iF�le tu fhe "C'ifs nS ti,»nt fiatsi" tm. ¢ iK cF1' *�aiiLt P',catE t ,yt�n� 84vflsiin;;t ' itcQ:��"tlolCtiS Uf �*?{�Cl) �t�7fl 1tlryf�r,Ctiai�?� iGlilSi•Ititcl3cnr 1�cr�ue ?;t 8':ml. ��31 i?ItIG �dhnni. �mi iar uUVrcnuper'ati»n. FEB 4 2Qfi8 2 D3PV� �2ElOCAi14v ASSlSiAhC �to ,o�� � 2 (�`S"av`� Bond Numbe[ V acnnt Buiidine Performance Bond [:tQON' ALL MEN BY THES� �'RESENTS; That we �`��-"'��-��- �'e' as urincipal of the issued or to be issued pe^mit, as surety, of the county of �t��� , and state of _tL� [DYL! 5YA • are held and ficmty bowid onto the C1TY Of SAS13T PAUL. in the sum of (g(p��`qpdqlawfuY inoney of the United States, to be paid to the CITY OF SATI3T S'AC7L, it successors or assigns, for which paymcnt, we11 and tn+ly to be made, we jointly and severally bind outselves and each of our heirs, executors, sdminisvators, successors and essibms, firmty by these presents. �' da of �dlt5ly 2 � � � � SEALED W7TH O1fR SEALS, and dated this � Y The condition of this obli�atian is such that the above bounden had muda an application to the CI'�Y OF 5AINT PAUL for a Bui��1'e�mit�{�r 11t ��� �r.J, +0(p Building PeTm'tts} to repaic the structure at '3 �!3 ��� tu eon€orm to the provisions of the Code Compliance Inspection Report, Sa�nt Paul Legisiative Code Section 33A] (f}, A4innesota State Law, or appropriate Saint Paul City Council Fila granting specific permission for the ubo�e. NOW, TfIE1tEFOktE, if the above bounden erform and meet sll of the sheil faithiully and fu3ty p tenns, conditions an� flbtigad°ns imposed by the permit, the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Minnesota State Law, or appropriate Saint 7ani City Counci! Fi1e, and further that such activities shall carry with it the ohligation to su�e, indemnify, save harmless and defend the C[I'S' OF SAINT PAUL from alt ctaims, judgaments, sniis, costs, charges, demands and expenses fhat mey accrue to persons or property as a resuit of tha activity of the a6ove bounded principal in acserdance with the requirements o£ the law, ordinance and Council File, Ehen this o6ligatiQn shall be void; oilierwise to remain in £ufl fozce and offect; prov}ded, however, that in addition, the surery on diis bond is tiable within the time periods imposed hy faw either to obtain a Certificate of CompliancelCertificate of 4ccupancy, or pay the sum of S5,0oo co the City in satisfaction of the costs of ahatement of the prapersy. Liability of the surety on this Uond shalf be terminated for the acan ities of said principai either: on nr a er e_'T 2) wntinuous until a Notice of Cancellation is fifed �vith tliis office. (Cross out whichever one daes not apply ) Ia the event af canceilation on the part of the suret��, norice sha13 be given by registered mail to the CIxY OF SAINT PAUL and to che principaE at teast thirry days (30) priar to such terminafion date i: - Fc2 4 20U8 2:64PN� RELOCAiION ASSiSTAiC �•^ '1 i _ « /� ��� ��--P,�--- _� �.�� __^ (SEA1.} �; :�='�� . P rincigai - = �°;= (SEAL)'�--._ - - .- '.- .,�� (SEAL) `"----w• Surety Attomey-ln-Fact State of Minnesota ) } ss. Aoimawfedgement as to Principal Qndividual) Cnunry aiRamsey ) On this _day of , of 26 , came to before me paTSOnally , io me well known ta be the persons who executed to foregoing bond, end each severally ackuoWledged the sume to be his free act and deed. �.Qxth Notary Puhlic, Ramsey County, Minnesota My Commission expires N9 ?031 P 3 Siate of-�eseta ) �4��y� ) ss. Acknowtedgement as to Prineipal (Cotporation) County of�5ey ) On this � day of �4.�rUa�, of 20 �, hefore me appeared ��,1Dr�- � �q�,i„� to me personaYfy kno�vrt, who being duiy swpm, did say thaY he is theVy� P, � m� of the r�,��r.� , and thaz the seal affuced to the foregoing instrumene is the corpornte seal of said catpora[ion, and tl�at said instrument was signad and Sealed in 6ehalf of said corpornt'ton by autho�ity of its Board of Direccors, znd said , acknowledged said instrument to be the free act e d deed oFs id co or tion. � MARY K LEPINE NAtNy PU C, �. County A4StkN9sBta f-�-'aS � MY Gommisston FxPlres iv(y Cammissio II"CXpli'CS �{%�L9 Mov 26, 2070 . , tedgement as to Surety Caunty of Ramsey ) , severalty, be4ng duly swom, eoch for himself says he is one ofthe sureties to the above bond, and that he is a resident of the State of Minnesota, and that he is seized in fee of real estate simate in said staxe and not exempt by law from sale on executian, of the v�tte and Worth, over and above alt encumbrances thereon, the sum specified in the fore;oing bond. Subscribed and sworn to before me this „day of 20 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesoea My Commission expires (A Vafid Power of Atcorney for Attomey-In-Fact Yfust �e Attached) �� - a��l EMPIRE FIRE AN4 MARfNE lNSURAAICE COMPANY OMAHA, NcSRASiCA POWER O� ATCORNEY Know AS( Men by These Presents: ThaF this Power ot Aflomey is not vaGd or in effecf unless attachad ta th=_ bo�td which if aulharizes executed, but may trz detachep by the approving officer iEdesired. � ihat EMPIftE FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, a coryoralion du'ry organiZed vnder the taws of the SSate of Nebraska, and havtng iis Qrintlpal ofrice in the City oF Omaha, Caunty of Douglas, State of Nebraska, does heraby mak=, constitute and appoint Richard H. �avies, Carolyn L Qavi°5, Maithew W_ �auies, Jonathan 5 �avies and Patricia J. Zaske ifs We and lawtuf Attomey(s}-in- EacG to make, execvte, sign, seat and deS"rver for and on its behai€ as surety and as i;s act and deed any and aI( 600ds and undeRatdngs of su2tyship . NOT EXCEEOING [N AMOUPt7 One Mi�iart aad Noft00 Doilars ($5.060.ODD.40 ) and ta bh�d EMPfRE FiRE AND MARINE iNSl1RANCE COMPANY ihereby as fuliy and to ifre sama extenf as if such 6onds and underfakings and other wri�ings obfigatory in She ttature ibereo4wem si9ned by an Executive Otficer oF EMPIRE flRE AND MAR�NE [NSURANCE COMPANY and sealed and atfeated to by one olher of suc�ofiicers, and hereby refifies and confirms all ihsi lfs said Atfomey(s}-in-Fact may tlo tn putsclence hefeof. %-f � � This powet n4 aUomey ts granfed under anti by aulhorily oCArticle Itl, Section 3.f of ttie By-Laws of fhe EMPIRE FIRE AND MARME tNSURANCE COMPANY zntl by Resotution of fhe Board of Diredors duly adopfed as toitows: ._. "Alf bonds, poHcies, undedakings or other abfigaGons of fhe cocpovation shali be exewted in tha wrporate name of the Company bg fhe Chalrman o1 the BoaN, Prrsident, any Vtce-President, Secretary, arry Assistant Secrefary, orTreaswer, or 6y such Wher otf+cecs ' as fhe Board af Direcfors ttray aufhorize. The Chairman oE the Boarrl, PresidenL any Vice-P2sident, Secretary, any Assisfant Secretary, or She T2asurer may appoiaf Attomeys in FaU ur Agents who shalt have auU�ority in Issue bonds, policies, or underiakings in fihe neme of fhe Company. The crorpo2te seai I4 not necessary iar the dalldity af any 6ands, poSscies, underWkings orotlie� obligaUons ofthe corporation.' (t is eeNfred that fhe above is a We and ezact copy, .. _...-.�.In�Wifness.Whereof,�t�B�EMR?FZEFI.REAND.MARBVE�INSURHNCECOMPANYhascausedlhesepreseMS,tobesigned �. ,„. - PresiTen'�anB its heszW:afixed, duly afiested 6y ifs Secretary this t5th day of�, ZO�o .�;;; :_-�::„ :_:;,, �:,� �', --,; Attesfi ' ,1 STATE QF NEBE'ASKA ss. SecrzWry ti EMPIRE FiRE AND MARlhfE INSURANCE COMPAN`( � � Psssident COLIMY OF DOUGLASj pn th15 ��day af ��., A.O. 2004, before me personally came John fGnsfer fo me known, who being 6y me dury swom, dtd depose and say: that he resides in ths County of Douglas, State of Nebcaska; that he is fhe SecteWry of the EMPIRE flRE AMD MARINE IN5URANCE COMPANY, fhe corporation described in and whicfi executed 4he above insirument; thaf he fcnows ihe seat of safd coryoratiart; �at the seal aifiued to fhe said iosfrument is such corpo2te seal; thaF it was sn aifixed by order of the BoaM of Directots uf said coryoralion and tflat he signed his name thereto by like order. Sfgned and sealed at the City of Omaba Dated /S� day of �,�- � ,� ea�ua�xr�smmmxeua�s � p (/j��� pkULAMlHUticA �.;c_s gp(qpa,ERr,}Aaat SD,PU98 Natary aubltc � CERTIFICATE t,1he undsrsigned, Secretary oS the EMPIRE FIRE ANO MARlNE INSURANCE CQMPANY. A Ne62ska Corpo2Gon DO HEREBY CERTtFY that the forsgaing and etische�i POWER OF AT70RNEY remains in fult fasce and has not 6een revoked; and tu�themwre, Utat (he Resolutlons of fhe Board of DireMors sef torih in the Prnver of Atfimey are now in force. Stgned and seated at the Ci[y of Omaha �ated the 27th day ai Jtme '; 2Q07' �� �j:�.�.. Setretzty � EM 40 70 {06-0d) U� ao�l FEB-01-200B 11:22 From:CITY DF 9T PRUL-DSI 6512669129 a�[n7 P t 1 t,� �� fAp�l� GITY OF SMNT PAUt OEPARTM2h1T OF SfiFc7Y kND INSPECTfOF1S SFoudh5l SuiYe2-00 SalntPaui, N55�01-t044 Gonerallntdinallon:65t-266-9090 Cvde Comd��ce: 851-2669016 - Fns 651-266-9124 �tit o�rweq Site: wrrvrstpau6gwldsi Fax: 655-2(SB�Al24 VAC.AN'C 13Ull llEY053TOR'S DEPOSITOR'S CT.IY ��.Yj DnvrrM� rx+ Vdhtn yoUr projuct is er S undcma�d ihnt ail ite� l3vilding), a SS,OOD 00 , addition�l six (6} mnn u»SOteseen eondifinnu I xlso undcraaud 1VLU c1 ubtnSncd i'laase uidicnle b�low I: FOLAER # (tu� ofllrcuscooty) �(O� U0�1 F� V ACANT BUILDING S5�9Nfli16 PFF2FORMANC� ll�POSI i' �� ��12��� _STA Z- To:912167392706 P2'2 CODG �'-� Io�' -{ ! crrcrr�sEx� at� ti ?39-�"7vto _.. '�ta.c� cd and approved, ymv $�A89��80 peifommnee depohit plus inie�est witl ba crfiixulecl4u yoa ed an the inspeetloa cepare muat 6e enrrected witixin sia {6) monU� nnd where applicahle {�ategory 3 :�nanse deposi� (cpsh or bond) m��i bo mxde bcfi,rc a permit �+rill ba iesned It may be pns,yible to �et on complcle project if work is proceedin� exprdiliuvsly enJ is more i6nn 511% compietc or if ha3 a siguificnnt sc9edulc intpflct on If�e comptetiun oSwork, perty shnil n�i be uucupiui unt;l a{I code correctiojss nre mEide and writtcn autho�tzatlan to ncci�py ia ynurRefund Check <houYd be sent ro: n'r� G � Zm `'f �ll�-I IF PAY' `�:= � . Expi.rafion Dete; r ' Signature of C7{SDIT ('ARAPT.EASE tDMYLlill, SXF F(37.I.OWINCilNJ%URMAT70N: American F.xpt'ess ❑ ll➢scover � NSasteiCerit ❑ Vivu nccount Nunil�er: Amount: � (requiced for atl cDargesJ Date ��-a�� A ui Countrywide 4Q0 Counfrywide Way, SV-30M Simi Vafley, Ca 93065-6298 Date: To wfiom it may consern: Covntrywide fias received a bid from a reputable licensed confractor to complate the necessary repairs at _343 Mapte St Paui MN 55106 and asswes the repafr5 witt be performed in comp{iance wifh city eodes and ordinances. The amount of estimated repairs Yhat has been to date is: $50,385.00 Tbe cost of aetuai repairs has been taken info considerafion and it is ttnderstaod by ali parties involved that fhe actuaf repairs may be su6sfantiatly higher than the estfmates. Counfrywide is prepared and has the abi(ity to dedicate up ta $75,8fl0 fo c4mplete the neeessaty repairs af the mentioned property. kf clarificatEvn is needed or yau may have any questions piease contac! me. Thank you. Sincerely, Armando'"Mandv"A:Lo�ez -�= : �. � � . °,- ^:.,. � -.- �'_-'. :_:.- - -- operty Compliance Specialist lP-REO Marketing R 2375 Glenville Richardson, Texas 75082 972-91&8542 OKCe 92-552•85821n(emal 972-498-5846 Faz Mail siop: RGV-A-A63 "To Better Assist You Always Provide Confact information" �g-a�y CITY OF S7 PAUL Fe6ruary 5, Z008 DocumenY No. Date Description PREPAYOOD06054 02l65l08 PREPAY 34929685f „o��y�a�.l Praperties, Inc � Safeguard 65o Sefeguard Plaza P'ro ert�es Brookfyn Hts., OH 44131 � INCORP,ORt�'f.ED 2�57392900 Pay ***� TEN TNOUSAND DaLLRRS AND OJa00 BANK ONE, NA 56-1544l441 4142145 ' Net Amaunt 10,000 00 < iD,D0000 n t r � MtSCOD 4q4z145 February 5, 2008 � Or@er Ofi ���' OF ST PAUI. 8 FOUR7H STREET E SUlTE 20Q " SA1NT PAUL, MN 55i01-i624 Chacks must be cashed wi[htn 720 days ot check date i�'4L42145��° �:044ib5L43�. �- 4142145 r �.r=MISCOD $a�e�t1�7� fi5p Ssfeguard Pfaza Pr'a .er#aes g`°°wy� ��., OH 44131 tNC[1RPORATEn 2�6 739 2960 1 �'p�'�1/��IHf� ClTY OF ST PAUL 8 FOURTH STREET E SUITE 200 SAt[VT-PAUL, MN 55tQ1-'1024 C/"�— —_^ Autharrzed � �' 9866 �94 29��` 'See Reve�se Side For Easy Opening Insiruclions' L� MP �' PresoRed _ FIRST-CLASS MAIL U S POSFAGE .� PAID SPf Return Service Requested