203228 ; r 1 oaa�•�to c�c,c�e� ' 1 1 . � � � � �����T' � � ORDIN �iNCE � �� ���22� i , COUNCIL FILE NO. + ; � � b� � '�PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. f ' ' ORDINANCES ' i - f An ordinance gr.anting permission to The Webb Council Flle No. 203228—Ordinance No; Publishing Compax�p to construct ;a. public storm 12027—By Milton Rosen— � An ordinance granting permissioa to � sewer in and upon certain described land O� S�.CI The Webb Publ9shing Company to con- atruct a publlc storm sewer in and � Compax�y contiguous to �tewart �venue �an.d adja.ceni camn�y�ntlguo�to Stewart Avea i to Homer �treet� in t� C7.� o� Saint P,a.u1. Th1.€nue anfl adiacent to Homer street, in � .the City of Saint Paul. This is an is .an �mergsncy os�inance rendered nece�sary �or emergency ordinance rendered neces- � saz'Y for the pr�e-cr.rvati^r.:nf;tr• � � the preservation of the public peace, health, �, ,---�����t� _�;,;i _ � and sa.f�ety. . ' , {. THE COUNCIL OF TA� CITY OF SAINT PgUL �OFS ORD�IN: i � E �ection 1. That permis�ion �nd �a.uthority �are hereby grant�d . � to The Webb Publi�hing Company for its construction of � pubLic storm 1 �ew�er in said permittee's land com�.gmous to St�ewart 9.venue and �a.dj acent � to HomEr �tr�et in the city of Saint Paul,� for the drainage .and conduct i of runo�f surface waf.ers from that part of �tewart �.venue �ast of gomer � �treet �and west of �aid Compar�y�� .�a.foresaid Iand, and for the drainage �� and conduct o� runo�f surface wa�ters from said Company�s aforssai.d � � land more particularl,y described in E�hibit, "��' forming part of the i pertinent Petition o� said Compan,y filed with the �it�y i:lerk �a.nd dated � �u1y 12, 1961, and lying northerly of the presently proposerl centsr � line of �hepar�d Road. That sa3.3,petition incorporating said Exhibit � n.A'Q hereby is made..a part an.d..parcel of this ordinance with the same intent, purpose, �and effect �.s if set forth herein v�rbatim. That � said public storm sewer sha�1 be constructEd, maintained, �.nrl operated � within the lines of an easement hereina�ter provided to bE grante�l. � therefor by sai�. permittee to said City. 5 ._ � � . �ection 2. Th� �ommissioner of Public Works is hereby ' ' E �,athorized to is�us �a permit t,o The Webb Publishing Company for the , i construction o� said publie �torm sewer upon said Compar�y's com- - � pli�nce wi.th the foLlowing condi.tions, viz: ; � L � l. �ai�d p�rmittee sha11 construct said publi� � � storm s�wer entirely •a.t its own expense, under the � supervision and to the �atisfaction of the Commi�sioner O of Public �orks, snd in ;a.ccorr3.ance w�.th plana �and �pec- �, ifications prepared by him. � � �.! �; � 2. �aid permittee sha11 pay the cost of �ngineering �. , and inspection of said work, ,and sha11 pay the cost of � publication of this ordinance. � � 3. �a.i.d permittee shall proper],p protect �tZ j excavations made in �r�y subj�ct public street or � wi.thin sai�. ea.sement, both d�y .�.nd night, so as to ' ~" � avoi� all. damag� or in�ury to person or property, and _ f sYiaJ1 properly back-fiZl -an3 tamp a11 �ubject street,a . { or other a�fected axeas to avoid settling. . � � - . E _ _ ,_ . -" :_ .. . - �- • � . .. F 1 Yeas ; Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council � DeCourcy • Holland Tn Favor � Loss � . 4 Mortinsan � Peterson Against � Rosen � Mr. President (Vavoulis) ;, __ _.. . _ ._ Approved: Attest:t ' � : -� • � City Clerk Mayor � 11V1 6-GO i�S . � � ",� , `� � ������ � ' � I�� � � � � � � � . � ft r [ F � 4. Said perm3.ttee, a.fter the inception of said � work shall prosecute same continuously, with diligence, � and fully complete sai�. work to the sati�faction and i approval of the commi:ssioner of Public Works on or ; before Uctober 1, 1961. � � 5. Sai.d permittee �xpressly agrees an�. un�der- . t ` takes to fully inde�ifp :a.nd hold harm.less the City � o� Saint Paul, its agents, officers, �a.nd employees E from �ny and a11 damagea, clai-ms, losses, �udgments, � suits, or expenses arisir� out of or occasioned by ` the p�rformance o� the work contemplated by thi� � permiasion and authority. � 6. Said permittee sbal.l furniah a bon�. to � the City of Saint Paul, in the sum of �10,000, condi- � tioned to comply with all the terms of this orrlinance � and to inrlemnify and save harmless said City �rom all,liability, loss, judgments, suita, costs, cha.rges, � and �xpens� that may �accrue to persons or property � occasioned by the making of sai.d improvements or � arising out o� the same. Y k7. �aid permittes sha11 not proceed to construct � sai.3 sewer unle�s and until sai3 permittee shaLl have � fully compli�d with the provi.sions regarding insur.ance and indemnification contained in the City o� Saint � Paul �epartanent of Public Works �pecif`3.cations for , �treet and �ewer �onstruction, dated .April l, 1959, � Section numbered l.11,., �.s �amended, and foun�. on pages 1-13 through 1-17 of sa.id �peci�ications �.pplicable � to contractors. �For the purposes of this ordinance, � the a.foresaid aection o� said Speci�ications numbered � 1.�, �.s amended, sha11 be read as though the word ` "permittee" wer� substituted for the word ucontractor" � wherever the same appears in the aforesai�. Section 1.11} � �a.id �ection l.l,l,. o� the Specifications for Street � �and �ewer Con�truction'in the City of �aint �aul is � • hereby incorporated herein by reference .as fully •and a,s completely .as if set forth here3.n verbatim. Proof � of compliance with ths provisions of the aforesaid � �ection 1.1�1,. shall be in �uch form, �a.s the Corpor�.tion • � Coun�el of the �ity o� Sa.int Paul may direct, and � the documents required by the aforesa.id Section l.� � �_ ^ � sha11, after submissio� to the" Corporation Counsel •�be filed in the office of the Comptroller of the � City o� Saint P.a,.u1.. � � $. Said permittee sha11 effectively convey by adequate deed of conveyance, unto said City of �aint Paul, .a perpetual easement necessary therefor � to accommodate the construction, mai.ntenance, a.nd ; operation of said permanent public storm sewer, I the center line of said perpetua7. easement being 'k described as follows: ; � i l t . —2— 1 � . � � � . � � Orislnnl to Cit�Clerk � � � --�- � � � ��ORDINANCE i COUNCIL FILE NO. ��'��� � PRESENTED BY ORDINANGE NO. �^ } � , � Beginnirg at .a point on the cent8r line of { �tewart Avenwe that is $7.5 f�et west of the N-� � 1 line that is the east line of the � of the �F4 � of �ection 15, T 2gN, R 23W, .a di.stance of 197•5 � feet in a �outheaster7,y direction on a line making an �angle of 33° 10� with the cent�er line of 5tewart � .�venue to �a point; thence �. =7i.stance of y.5o.? feet } more or le�s on a 3eflection angle of 38° 03' to the � left to �a point on the center line o� Lel�nd Street; � thence �outherly �along- the center line of Leland � �treet a distance of 60 �eet, more or le�s, to the � north line of Sheparc�. Road; ;a�.7.. �ri.thin the corporate , limi.ts of the said City of �ai.nt Pau1; t � a71 construction aad engineering costs, �s aforesaid, y to be borne by said permittee .and to represent its � li�a.bility exclusively. , � 9. Said perm3.ttee �ha11� within thirt� days � after the pass�ge of t}�.s ordinance, fils a written � accept�nce thereof with the Gity Clerk. . r Section 3. Thi.s ordinance is Yrereby declared to be az �mergency � ordinance rend�ered necessarp for the preservation o� the public peace, � t health, and safety. � �ection 1,.. This ordinance sha2.1 t�ake effect �a.nd be in force. , � upon its passage, approval, ;and publication. � , x � - _, . t � � � � � f t t k � � F � 4 ' 1 � , 1 � � � � � AU G 1 � `I961 Yea,s � Councilmen Nays Passed by the Co ci1 DeCourcy � Holland Favor � Loss Mortinsan � Peterson n� Against Rosen � � Mr. President (Vavoulis) , • A G 11 1969 ; ' Approv Attest:� . �� � ' W � City Clerk Mayor i 111I 6-GO ��8 ; - P��� � - l - � 9 �i ` -�- � j - . �` Duplleata to Printer � • . �; �, �. ,.� : � � ��ORDINANCE o, ' g , � COUNCIL FILE NO. �,{���� �. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � � �. �� �� An ordinanae granting permisaion to The Webb �. Publiebiz�g Corapax�y to conatz�ct a public storm '- aewer in and ugon certain deacribed land of aa3d 1� �ompa�qy contiguoua to Ste�rart Avenue and ad�acent '' to Homer �treet� in the Citzy o� Satnt Pau1. Thta �' 3s aa emergency ordinance rendered neces�ary for ; the pre�er�ation of the publi.o peace� health, �; and gafety. a: ;, THE C(?DrICIL OF TRE CITY OF SAINT PADL DOLS ORDAIN: 1= ; Seotion 1. That permieaion and authority are hereby granted �, to The Webb Publiahing Company for ite construetion o�' a publ3e stora " aexer in e�.id permittee�s land contt:l.ganus to Stewart Avenue and ad�acent a to Homer �treet in the �ity of Sai,nt Paul, for the �irai.nage and conduct ;; of runoff aur��ce �at,ers from that part of SteKart Avenue east of gomer a= Street and west of sa�.d Company�s aforesaid I�.nd� an� for the dr�.nage 3�, and conduct o� runoff surPace waters from s�.d Company�s af'oreaaid ;: land more purticularly deacribed in E�chibit '�A" forming part of the ?- pertinent Petition of eaid Company fYled with the t%�ty Clerk and dated ;�, Jv�1y 12� 19b1, and ],�'ing northerl�* of the preaently proposed center a= line of Shepard Road. Th�t aaid petitSon incorperating a�.i.d Exhibit '� nA�' hereb� ia made a part and parcel of this ordinance with the same ;; intent� purpoae, and effect as 3f aet forth herein verbatim. That j� said publia atorm aewer aha1Z be conatructed� mainta3.ned� and operated �� within thF lines o� an easement hereinAt'ter pxovj.ded to be granted �" therefor by said permittee to ssid City. ;: �, Seetion 2. The �ommisai.oner of Pub].ic Worka ia hereby , authorized to iasue a pex�:n3t to The Webb Publishing Company for the + construction of said pub].ic atorm sewer upon sa3d Compar�y�a com- j� pliance wlth the following conditions� vizz 3 } � 1. 'Sai.d permittee aha1.1 construct ssi�d publi�c �� storm sewer entirely at ita own expenSe� uncer the ,: supervision and to the an.tisfaction of the Co�missioner ' of Public Works� and in ac�ordanee with plana and spec- ! ifications prepared by him. ;• ,; 2. Said permittee ahall pay the cos� of engineering �, and inspection o� said work� and shall pay the cost o� �• publication of this ordinance. i '� 3. Said pexmittee �hal7. proper� protect all '� a�cavations made in ar� sub�ect public atreet or � within said ea�ement� both day snd night, so as to �' avoid a11 damage or in�ury to person or property� and ;; • aha11 properly back-f3.11 and tamp �il.1. aub�ect streets •• or other affected areas to avoid aettling. j': �: i i 1- 1 Yeas j Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� DeCourcy " Holland j'- Loss Tn Favor Mortinsan Peterson A gainst � Rosen �' Mr. President (Vavoulis) ' Approved: Attest:;: , � City Clerk Mayor �:. in� 6-so ��s 1 r : Dupllcate to Printer � �, � ' _� � � ��ORDINANCE o � g � � • COUNCIL F[LE NO. �i���� �PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. , ,, r , � An ordinance granting permiasion to The Webb ' Publiabing Corapany to conatz�et a publia gtorm ' ae�aer in and upon certain �lescribed land of sa3d ;. �ompar�y contiguoua to Stewart Avenue and ad�acent to Homer �treet� in the City of Saint Pau1. This ; 3s an. emergency ordinance rendered necessary for � the pre�ervation of the public peace, health, and ga.fety. THE CQIINCIL OF TAE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOrS ORDAINs S�ation 1. That permission and authori.ty axe hereby granted ° to The Webb Pub].iahing Company �or its construction o� a public atorffi ' sexer in s�aid permittee�s land con�l.goaua to Steztaxt Avenue and ad�acent � to Homer Street in the �ity of Sai.nt Pau7., for the Lirainage an� conduct � o£ rwsoff �urfAC� wafi,ers frnm that part of Stexart Avenue east of gomer '� St,reet and west of said Comrpa��s afores�.d I�nd� an� for the clrra�.nage ?, and conduet o� runo�f surface katers from said Company�s a,foreaaid � land more particulaxly deacribed in Exhibit "A" �'orming part of the ; pertinent Petition of saic� Company filed with the City Clerk and dated ;- �u1,y 12� 19b1� and 1�'ing northerly of the preasntly proposed center '� line of Shepard Road. Th�t aeid petition incorporating sai.r7 ERhibi� �; "A" hereby ia made a part and parcel of thf.s ordinance with the eame intent� purpoee, and effect ae if aet forth hereia verbatim. That � said publ3c atorm sewer sh�ll be constructed� mainta9.ned� and operated . within th� lines o� an easemen't hereinafter provided to be graated � therefor by a�f.d pexmittee to said. City. ,_ � SeQtion 2. The �ommisaioner of Publie Works ia hereby ' a.uthorized to isaue a perm3t to The Webb Publiahing Compan3r for the ,_ construction of sa9.d public 9torm aewer upon sai.d Compar�y�e com— pliance with the following conditions� vizs 1. 'Sai,�. permittee ahall construct ss3�d pub].ic ,. atorm se�,•er en�irely at ita own eapenae� un�er the ' anpervision and to the sa.tisfaction of ths Commiesianer of Public Works� and in accordance with plans and spec— .1 ificat3.ons prepared by him. ; 2. Said permittee shall p�yy the cost of engineering �nnd inspection of said Frork, and sha1.1 pay the cost of ; publication of this ordinance. d �� 3. Said permittee ehall properl,� protect all ' excav�tions made in ar� sub�ect public atreet or " within said ea�ement� both day and night� so as to � avoid a11 damage or in�ury to person or property� and � , sha11 prnperl.y baclt—fill and �,arnp �.1.1. sub3ect street� •� or other a,ffected ereas to avaid aettling. � � � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed bq the Council ' DeCourcy � Holland �: Loss Tn Favor �� , Mortinsan A gainst Peterson • Rosen . Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: � Attest: City Clerk Mayor ' in� s-so �s I� DuDllcata to Printer ;� . ' . �� � � - � � � �ORDINANCE _ . . �0�2�� ,' � COUNCIL FILE NO. �� PRESENTED BY ORDINANGE NO. � � Be�ginning at a point on the center line o� Stewart Avenue th�.t ia 87.5 feet west of the N-S line thr;„t is the ea�t line of the �SW� of the SE� � of �ection 15� T 28N� R 23W� a d3.atanoe of Z97.� ' feet 3n a southeasterl,y direation on a line makj.x� � an angle of 33° 10� with the center line of �te�aart ; Avenue to a points thence a c7lstr�nce of 4�0.2 feet more or ].ess on a deFleation angle of 38° 03� to the � lett to a point on the center ].ine of Leland Street; a° t,hence aouthexly along the cent�r 13ne of Leland j. 'Street a 'distance o� 60 �'eetf more or lees, to the � aorth line of Shepard Road; all Srithin the corporate � ' limits of the sa3d City of �e.int �'aul; r� '� all conetructionand engineering costs, a� aforesaid� � to be borne by s�i.d permittee and to represent ite �� ]..i.ability eaclusively. a; ' 9. S�3.r1 permittee ehall� frl.thin thirty d�gg � after the passzge of this ordinrxnce, file a Written '_ aceeptanee thereof with the �ity �lerk. ,; Section 3. This orc3inance is hereby declared to be a1 emergency orc�inance rendered neceaeazq for the preservation of the publi.c peace, �_ health� and a�.�ety. ;• ;� Section 4. Thia ordinance ahall take ef�'eat a,nd be in force �° upon ite paasage� approval� and publication. ;� a_ r ,_ ;: ; a ,- a� ;� a� �' ' AUG 111961' ;Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the ci] DeCourcy '= Holla.nd ; Loss - Favor , Mortinso�n �� Peterson gainst, - Rosen . Mr. President (Vavoulis) � �uG �, �, '�9� . Approved: Attest: • � l � City Clerk Mayor iM s-so �s �� . , - • .. c: _ - ,� rJ � - - • , , - ti .p .� � �_�.f ... ' .. .. , ' ` _x ��. . , - • , ` � , , ' � �� ` " � `.r � . ' r . ' .� �,. .�'. . . • i - � , - "+'- .s�t_ - � � i1• °� , � � Jr -A - • ` . . • . 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' , J. , :Y = -. , ''; - r ,.._.,_ � .� .r�.taie �afores,��d� eeation.of-,sa1a:$peci�i cation�•aiimbered'. �_ -: . . _ ' • . ��. ' -� � .;;r _';� ..-� . • :�:dfl.� 'as. a?nended.� ah'�7.1-be rea¢�as thou;gh tbe:Fro,rd-: :: ,�'�,. ; ',_.,;'_, � .�'�;'�; • r` t �� • � ` Rpermitte.�" Weres �sulis�ftuted-=for the� �ror� "contra�t.or" , ,; , ' ; �c� , �' ,a . ." � , , :,.- - - �:�.�,.�., . �� . . "{,- - ,.� � -.�rherever�the• sa�e �ipgears��i,ii �}����or.esaid=Se.ction ];:/�4' .� ;r . ,� �� . .. ,* s. ; -_°'t, � _ ' "� - _ .{,Said iaction�1.Lr4 'oE•:tfie�_.�p��i�ic�itSdna` #'or ��reet'�:� �,' " - . ' !j - . � #��: _ ..� .�, .; and'��eXer.:C,Qnstruc�ioriiin the -City,�ipf,Saint`P.�.u7.:ia . ` - . c '. �rts - '��° . -"� �_� . � , ; . :her.eby��:nacFporated,-he�ein.by,•referenae aa=f�aZly 'and r=,,- .'�: _. 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YCw�D's I � ?2ii1'd Add�,t�£aII� �yi� Scx�T3,Y 4�f • 3.f.�ae �eoribod a�s lO��� ; - � € 1• C�a�nai� �b • oc�sarerta moas�at st the �t �ant#�hs�r],�► . � � oarn�t af Loi 1�, l�oart 3i�ti UnL Loria, soo�dit� to t�hs aTl,�.�aal �lit � �f, t�s.�mae �orthar�y al�c� td�+� narsi�tly ltra �' a�id Lot 19 a � d3staa� uf 219.76 fe� to � coarwret� �c�L, q3:i �t bmd� oa a � 1t.�me 25' Santr3�ar3y i`rc�o`, mse��ed �t riggt sa�3s�, � t�ntrrr l,i� aad t � pa�rol.��l ritl� tt,s �ts�aiab� Ltx� tr�►ak at tae �a-oz21+�3 �r►rd era��h oP � • � Lhe C�1�8►�a�� 1til�sufte�� �. I�wl and ,�ao�!'io Fsils'o�d, sr,� sa3d pst�].lal f � • lin� �c�d �estrr3,�r wd �s pa�at of D�i� af t�l�e iine to b! Aa- � � soribmd} t� �ktttbuaastar�► alos� g po:ailll li9e �iob it �ort�ed � tut�r�jr �td t�sreaat � �!► lin� o�f r� � or t2�e s� or ,Smoti�a C � 15, To�b1p 28, � 23 at a di�tanoe o! 387.78 tee� � �P t�e Hortb- � vat oorn+�r o1' ssia � � soQts�n, . aiartaur�e �f 373.7'r ra� to a 000areto . r � s�oa�ert fA ths �6ast�r� iine ot t�at �l, taid Tort SLaraa�t l3act I�y tba�asoa � E ` �ur�her]�y� alu� �tsiA �astsPly lisa 2.5i f�r3 t�o • aoao�ts ao�rL; �hea� � � Evt�rl,q a2+oz� • li�+t �rall�l vi�h anc! 2� r�at 5ar�it�rl�r f's� t� �aarEeg F t � �.iaa c�d' �a�id Fo�d Sr�a� �rtr�i�t �xaale, • d1s� � ��4.9a fe�6 �o a ooa�- � o�e �o�m�nuo�t f.a the sa3.a �3ort� li� or �a$a � � seat�taaa ac a di.ns�tee or t � 36�.7$ fe�t �� o� t�s ca�pa�+ot� oo�m�t s'6 th� �arest sarn�tr cat aa�d � . �E # _t �c�ic�. 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'£a��ti�r trit� aIl v4tsa4sd sts�ets a�sd s�l.l,�ye �j►i� wit.hin eciid d�— E E soz�pi,�cm. � � 1 Ff ! t E f � � ` � E � � � � � � � , � • k i � 4F ! � � f F �E S` ! 74 � � E � � r. � i � - i F � � � [ � s 1 � � � � f � • ' t I 't E r � • � � � � 4 � � r. �s f E f ` I � , . , ; - " t � , t t c � t i � � . � � � ! � .� E � jr $ ' f � ! i Saint Paul� Minnesota, [ � � - August 22, 1961. � � , P �� a� �` . � i t � ( To the Honorable. the City Council � � Saint Paul. Minnesota. � r i Gentlemen and Madam: � E � We.; the ur�dersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide � k " � by all the terms and conditions of Council No. 203228, being Ordinance � � No. 12027. � � TI� WEBB PUBLISHING C�ANY t ! By � s reasure ,, t k � � j j f 1 (� { � (! f F r � � i f } � i Z � { � � t f 1 l - L t � �� .; I � f � , � : • - , r � °�c � . . � - �Y ' , "� . . -. + �,..s � � . . . � `�, . . . • ' '-.. 4Y+� w/� . ' ' ,' ' • ` �' ' ' �' . . -_-- rn ��•� ` '�•.:���''I.�LrG�?��/ (". _ _ . . � - 1 . •. ' .. 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' - _ _ _ � '� -� ., ` � � � -A'ra�ing No:, 222��3�4�, and heretofor� delivered to the:Depart- • - , .', . � ,- °' ` ��� � � ` ment� of'Public works, Cit3r' .of 'St. -Paul.� �aid'.center line l�es ' ' - _ �^- � ' �- ` . �� _ Y � • j!�� �• • 4 _ • -�l' , � � ,_� r -�f . � _ � " � J'-}, -a � '-� � ` • 3._ _ ;� � . - � .` '. • ;geiie�al,ly sout,3ierl,y_ of an$•ad�acent ta the �roposed plan�'�of ._ ' � ; , , - _ . . . �'_ . . , . � ` � . � . ' _ . L � ��- � • - : ' _ _ . -_ . . .� _ _ ' . ' .,. ` ��'_ � # - �` - "The Webb�Publish,ing'Coa�pa�qy.to be car�S�trti,eted'upon the partiaai ' �- _ �_ . �,. _ , •� - : .. - . � - - . - - � ' � - •�'- - � � of the premis�s descr�bed on Exhibit A ,attached, lying norther7� .S� . � - -_ _. � o$t: . - � : ` _ - � _ ti, .. ; . . .. , . 3 _ - , ._ . .- . , - '` - - � af Shepa�cl•Rbad. '. 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