203215 , ;
. � .
Council File I���,���__
� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT cR en�e No. 203215 — By Milton
and wt►ereas, A wr�tten '
making pf the pollowln roposal for the
� �yy.: g improvement,
� PRELIMINARY ORDER. Sia o�c a�ste�m�°st�'t�8th
� St., together with all areaways, coal-
holes', 4apdoors, tunnelg and' o t h e r .
underground facilities of eve pescrip� '
_ ^ +� Theunderaignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovemen bereto�ore gran ed bha�i����,�� 4
� � St.�Paul for the rinstal�r"–'--. �
'... �••-•-�-•-••–, t-;�.t-,-._....... .�,..... .�......�,_.�....................�...._...e........_..°^-.._.�.........................'_•.y;_°t,� ,''h•.a� „ ......` �
reconstruct the sidewalk on the west side of Cedar St. from 7th. St. to 8th: St., ��
' � � .... . ....�. .�..��..�.-r....L�i�� �JYw•
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toge"tlier"w3:�Yi"811 a�eaway's""'coal�hoT"es` t"ra door'� tunn�Y"s and�other`iirider rourid�������
�, , � _ . .. � - -p- �._____.,. -._ g
facilities of every description�,,and provided t�a.t...�l,l,p�xmi�.s.h�r.e:tof�re_.�ranted�by.
�-----• ---•--....................... ....•---•.-..._.
said��City of, St: Paul for the installation and/or maintenance o� such°areaways�coa1-
holes;��trapdoors`;:�tunrielTsv-�a�d••other•-•undergrouiid�•facilities°�of �eve°ry descr-iptio�will,
i be arid the same are hereby revoked unless said areaways, coal-hole's;,�trapdoors�°turi=�-. �
' nels��and other underground facilities of"eve"r'y'desc'rip�ion`are'recoris�rirc;�d��iy,�said
� permittee on or before a date which is one year after the date of final approval of
this�',order; and that, further, the Department of Public Works, through its Chief Ehgineer�
i��hereby'a�'tYiorized�""and�irected to�ill`in and`remove such areaways� coal�ho�es� trap••
• doors, tunnels and other under:g ound facil�twes ,of -e, ery description� the permittees of
which; areaways, coal-holes, trapc�oo�s;��unriels�arid�o�Yler underground facilities of every
desc yiption�fail�,totEr�econstruct��he�,sam�.e�to�tY�e�i sa��s�a;ctio,�,n��of�the City Engineer on or '
; befor,� �tYie above mentioned date, � _
� "�<�.:..':':�;�_'.'.'Kt:����:i����:':�.-t{�4:?-�r:?�--��"�' �=���k-�G'=='t"° :�..���-�{`}'�`=aT�_�-.r`t--r�2..�..i�::'.,.��,._ k
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tAgetk}er..w�.�h...all,_ax:e��ay.s�,.�4�1__ho�es ...�ragdoQxs,_ �u���5..��..o.th�x..u�ld��gfisuzid`•..,
' facilities of eve descri tion and �provided. that all erm3.ts he"retofore grante�
coal�holes� trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description `��
..'�."...-..It...�.�.�.- . . �.. .......�.....-..�.�.�....��.�...�.�.._�...�.�.w .�..h��w.�.4�.� i�:..�-...�..�....�.... . . ...._�.- !..........- •...... . ♦.. ..�r-.w
will be and��the same are hereby revoked�un�.ess sai� areaways, coa�.=holes� -trapdoors� �
tunrielsj�and�.o.ther�und'erground c�f�a�]:iit�e��of�te.v�ry._.d�s crigtion._ar.e..r.�c.onstructe.d..by....said
pe�rmi�t�teeb�o� or before a date which is one year after the date of final spp'r'oval of this
order;��and that� �ftiu�ther� the,Department of Public Works� through its Chief Eaigineer� is
hereb�y�'au�horized�'°�ri�'�edi�rec'�ed��to�fi�llb�i`�n�and��m°o"v`�'-�s"u"cYi��ar�a�iays"��co'al"-fioles, trap-
doora,��ttinnelsti�rid� 'othe�ea�iic�e'r,grourid�i�ac�tlit�e�.eofaFev�ry�de'scr�pt3:or���tthe permittees of • �
whieh area�atys.;�ctoa��h�]��s,� �tr�a�p�c�o�o�s���tuunnel.s.ta�c�ayo�tY}eY�und�er�groundj,,facilitie�s.1FOf�fevery
�. � t v
description fail to reconstruct the same to the satisfaction of the City Ehgineer on or
before�t�ef`a`�i''Q e�`'m"�n�i"oned'• �c�'ate;ch of;azd impro�.ztnent. �
4. � To state wh;;ther or ano�Ssid improvement is e,skrd for on tha�c#i�it�n of thr�e or enar�owuex9.
---m- --"-5. �o�'repori upon a1"t of�"be�'oiegoing matteia to the Commissioner o nance.
,�E �Adopted by the Council._..._...-•---------�L--�,-�--�9-•----•..........................
�� ' YEns NeYS ,�UL 2 6 1�6�
�Councilman DeCou rcy
Ho 11 and Approved___________________
, ---•--------•-------------------------•-•--..._.______
� Mortinson
` Rosen
-------------�. __._.. ...-- ----------........--- � --._...__y----------
M�. PRF78IDF3NT Vavou 1 i s Ma or.
iF �
3000 7-b4
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