203184 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL F OE NCIL NO � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY R• F♦ P��1'QOIl O�'G�i�. COMMISSIONER pp� thil.yT �� ].961 �ERPAS, the Co�eni.eaioner of Publio Safety hae reported, in acoordanae nith gact3an b3 of the City Charter, the eai�enoe of an emergenoyr during �he period fro� July 1, 1961 � t� July 31, 1961, �ioh rendered neoeaaary the employment of oer�taia employeea in �he i Depe►rt�ent of Pablio _9�fety for more tha�a vigh� houra per day, or fo�q houra per �reek, i . `• in doing the Polla�ag workt � Clericel worh ia th�a Bnre4u of General ldmiaistration (OP�ioe) a�d � 1�RE�lS, bh3e emarger�oy aroee by raaeon of the follo�ring fl�ota en�d oiroumete�noea= f �i Laak o� persannel to type reporta and laeep ourrent reaorde up to date. ` T�sRg'ORE BE IT 1�SQLVEDs Th�t the proper a3ty affiaers ara hereby authori�ed to pay � the employeea �o perform�ad auah work ia aoccrcianae with the proviaion� of the Counail�a � �� Salary O�d3neino� Nc. 6446. ► � � �� � � � ? � Cduncll Flle No. 203184—By Robert F. �_ Peterson— Resolved, That the proper city oSi- �6 cers are, hereby authorized to paY I: : certain employes in the Department 1 : of Public Safety, Bureau of General j. F Administration (oSice) for eactra em- �� t ployment as described in the resolurion. �L _ P Adopted by the Council July 25, 1981. - Approved July 25, 1981. i (July 29, 1981) 1 T f �r ' �� �� JUL 2 5 1�� i; �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— ,� �F Yeas rrayg - ,�UL 2 51961 �r DeCourcy i Holland Ap roved 19— �`• ��� �s� Tn Favor , ` Mortinson ' Mayor ; Peterson � Rosen � gainst i ; Mr. President, Vavoulis �'• SM 8-60 �Z 5 �