203175 � ., Oricinal to+City_Cierlc i��— Council Flle No. 203175—Ordinance No. � 12025—By Frank L. Loss— . � � •• O R•D I An ordinance amending the Zoning ��� /J �� ., Code, Chapters 60 to. 64 inclusive, of � 0 VJ t h e S a i n t P a u l L e g i s 1 a U v e C o d e, p e T- �� taining to Use Districts,HeightDLstricts (�jQ. �� and rezoning oP certain properties in J� + the City of Saint Paul, as amended. � �Q/Q� This is an emergency ordinance ren- /o�� �� PRESENTED BY � dered necessary for the preservation 'JVO. i, � of the.public peace, health and safety. i' '^"`r'� ^�f'.£fi�^n.^�!�t.�cyint.�J) AN ORDTNANCE AMENDING TF� ZONING CODE, CHAPTERS 60 TO 64 INCLIISIVE, OF � SAIN'�-PAUL LEGISLA�IVE CODE, PERTAINING TO USE DIS�'RICTS, I�IGHT DISTRICTS AND REZONING OF �ER�gIN PAOPERTIES IN THE� ; CITY OF SAINT PAUL, AS AMEDTDED. THIS I' IS AN EMERGEN�Y ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR �'IiE PRESERVA�ION OF �HE PUB�IC PEACE, , ": HEALTH AND SAFE3'Y. _ THE �OUNCTL OF �HE CI3'Y OF SATN`F PAUL DOES QRDAIN: ✓ � Seation 1. That the Zoning Code, �Chapters 60 to 6�4 ' inclusive, of� the Sainic Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to . IIse Districts, Heigh� Districts, and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amer�ded, be anci the ' same �is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following � desaribed property from "B" Re�idence Dist�ict to "C" Residence -- District, �o-wit: � Lots 9 through 30, inclusive, Bloek 12, Mackubin �-�-�•�---� and Marshall ' s addition to Saint Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. � � _ . _ _ _ .�_� See. 2. That the aforesaid a.mendment to said Zoning Code, F so that the aforesaid reclassification. and rezonin� of said -� �eal estate from "B" Residence Dist�iet to "C" Reside�ae Dis�riat thereunder, be effeated, having been ini�iated by gaid Council; said real estate and other parcels of real estate having aom rised an area of not less than forty acres within said City, �he who e whereof having been ma.de the sub�ec� of a survey by t�e City Planning Board of Saint Paul and said Board having considered whe�her� the nnmber of deseriptions of real estate affected by said a.mendment �o said Zon�.ng Code rendered the. obta3ning of �he written eo,nsent_�>.,...,,..�.,�,......, thereto on the part of the owners of two-thirds of the $everal deseript�.ons of real estate situated within one hundred feet of the real estate affect.ed, impractieal, and said Board having Q repor�ed in writing to said Council as to whether, in its opini'on, 6,� \ a said proposed a.mendment to said Zoning C1ode is reasonably related � to the ove�al7. needs of the community, to existing land uses, or o to a plan for •future land use; and sa3d Board having aonducted a � o , � W � � � - . � � . . ` . I Yeas Councilmen Nays . DeCourcy . Holland . Loss Mortinsan Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) � Attest: City Clerk iM 6-GO �8 o� , • � � o�s�a�ta c�a c�etk ^ y � .� , � 0���1� DINANCE ����.�5 COUNCIL FILE NO. � rao �� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2 publia hearing on said proposed amendment to said Zoning Eode, of w�ieh hearing published no�ice had been giver� in a daily newspaper of general eireulation within said C�.ty at least once each week for three successive weeks prior to sueh hearing, � stating the time, place a.nd purpoae of such hearing and sa�.d Board having reported to said Gounc3.l its findin�s and reeommendations in writing, in �he premises; said Courieil upon public hearing thereon and upon oonsideration of said written. repor�, findings and recommendations of said Board and being otherwise fully advised in the premises, by a two-thirds vote of al�. of its members in favor thereof determined, and does hereby determine that the number of deseriptions of real estate affeated b� said amendment to said Zoning Code render�s the obtaining� of the written consent to such amendment on the par� of the owners of two-tY�irds of th� several desariptions of real estate sit�zated within one hundred feet of the �eal estate to be affeated 3�npraatieal and that hereby said Zoning Code shall - be a.mended so that said hereinabove described real estate shall be realassified and rezoned therevnder, wi�hout suah written consen�, from "B" Residenee Dis�rict to "C" AesidEnae Distrie�, purauant to Section 6�.06 of said Zoning Code and Seation �62.18, Minnesota Statutes Annotated, as amended, and as aforesaid, said hereinabove - described real estate hereby ia aecordingly reclassified and rezoned. Sec. 3. This ord3.nance is hereby dealared to be a1 emergency . ordinance rendered flecessary fo� the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. �ec. �. �his ordir�ance shall take effect and be in foree upon= its passage, approval and publiQation. y' - AUG Z 01961 I . .., ... 1 ��.�; Yea,a Councilmen Nays DeCourcy �-- Holland • Favor Loss /n Mortinsan (/ ainst Peterson g Rosen 1 � ,��� Mr. President (Vavoulis) , pU / � . � Approved: Attest� ' ` /L�� _ 1 , . �f/ ;�9/i .. City Clerk T . Mayor �� 6_so �8 � ; �_— — "l%�/ g��� . � � ,r -. �, ls , " 2n Laid over to— 3rd and app � Adopte � � Yeas Nays Yeas '� Nays DeConrcy � //� eCn�cy Holland �j �oll�ntl� Loss /� erki ortinson Petereon � /t r�on ,/ / / � V Rosen �ftosen Mr. President Yavoulis r. Preaident vavoulis l � 8 � �U��'�5 �