203173 �� . Council File No. 203173—By George J. �=������ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � VHVOLII�S� mayor— , � Resolved By the Council of the �� _�:�►i � CITY OF citY of Saint Pa�, th8t S�a co,��ii, uNCi� _ s= � in the Matter of the pending proposal E N�. �►�� f �. r OFFICE OF T oP said Council for the amendment o f t he Z o n i n g C o d e C h a p t e r s 8 0 t o 6 4, ` r COUNCIL RESOLUTI ��l,�i°e, of the Sa�nt Paul Legislative �� Code, so that thereby, among other things, the following described real PRESENTED BY ` estate shall be reclassiAed and rezoned COMMISSIONE from "A" Residence District to "C" �k Residence District, to-wit: � Lots 5 through 8, Block 7B Da on � AESOLVED by the C ��5�a sa s o�k�s Dayton& Saint Paul� � that said Council, in the M ����:�,�.���:�asY���,�?�°;.M roposal of � ; said Council for the amendme.nt of the Zoning Code', Chapters � r 60 to 64, inclusive, of� the Saint Paul Legislative Code, so � that thereby, among other things, the following described � real estate shall be reclassified and rezoned from "A" F Fiesidence District to "C" l�esidence District, to-wit: �� Lots 5 through 8, Block 76, Dayton & ' • Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, ` Lots 5 and 6, Block 75, Dayton & � Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Lots 7 and 8, Block 77, Dayton & Irvine' s � - Addition to 5aint Paul,• Lots 1 through 3, W. C. l�iley's ge-ar. , and Lots 6, � .. 12, 13 and 1�, Auditors Subdivision - �� No. 52, St. Paul, Minn. , except those � � parts_�of Lots 6 and- 12 heretofore zoned � Class "C" Eesidence District, according y �`to the plat thereof on f ile and of record � in the office of the Hegister of Deeds � in and for F?amsey County, Minnesota, � . , � by a two-thirds vote of all of its members in favor - ; thereof, �fter pu.blic hearing thereon and after its determina- � tion that the number of descriptions of real estate affected � by such cYia.nges and alteratio.ns rendered the obtaining of the �� written consent, of the owners of two-thirds of the several ; descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the � real estate affected, to such proposed reclassification and � rezo.ning impractical, and to amend and alter said Zoning Code f so that said proposed reclassification and rezo.ning of said ; hereinabove described real estate be effected t��rithout such : writte.n co.nsent; that the- said hereinabove described real estate having been and now being, together' with other parcels � of real estate i.ncluded within an area of not less than 4�0 �� acres within tiahich such ro o e a � p p s d mendme.nt of said Zoning Code � would take effect whexi adopted, and wherein the City Planning � Board had made a• survey of the whole aforesaic� area of no`t.. >.. , � less than �0 acres and had considered whether the .number �of k �.}^;, � . , . k COUNCILMEN�• � - Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas �;. Nays ��: . .�.� �DeCourcy � a� Holland Approved, 19— i� Loss Tn Favor i��� �Mortinson � - Peterson ayor �� Against • , 9�l �,R,osen � �UBLISIiED � � Mr. President, Vavoulis SM (j-(j] �� � M / \ ; , / f t ' f . ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , " - r� r� a CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �O=s.8� (� { R� ' �� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. _ r tf � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEa DATE _ 1� �i - 2 _ — � � descriptions of real estate affected by such proposed changes ! and alterations and ame.ndment of said Zoning Code rendered � the obtaining of such written consent impractical and had � reported in writing thereon to said Council anc� particularly • ; as to whether in its opi.n.ion the said proposel of said Council � was reasonably related to the overall needs of the community, r to existing land uses, or to a plan for future land use, � and had co.nducted a public hearing o.n such proposed changes, . � alterations and amendments of which hearing published notice had �� been given in a daily newspaper of general circulation within. � said City at least once each week for three successive weeks � prior to such hearing, which notice stated the time, place and purpose of such hearing and had fully reported to said Council � its findings and recomme.ndations in writing thereon; that said, ; Council, upon due consideratio.n of said written report, findings � and recommendations of said City Planning Board of Sain-t Paul, ` and bei therwise fully advised in the premises, does hereby t determ' the number of descriptions of real estate affected � by sa" amendme.nt of said Zoning Code so that, among � othe . .� eby the hereinabove described real estate � shall i:fied and rezoned, thereunder, from "1�" Aesi- � dence Di to "C" Fiesidence District, renders the obtain- � ing of the tten co.nsent of the ow.ners of two-thirds of the - # several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected by said proposed ame.ndment to said � Zo.ning Code impractical and that said proposed amendment of ; said Zoning Code shall be effected, pursuant to Section 6�.0� � of Chapter 64 of the same and Section �62.18, Minnesota � � Statutes Annotated, without such writte.n consent. �� d � � . � - . ► � � . , i r � �€ _ . . - - - - .lUL 2 5196'! COUNCILMEN � ' ' � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas �� Na � 5 19� jDeCourcy �UL 2 Holland p oved 1g— i� Loss � 1; In Favor � Mortinson - � Ir Peterson ' ayor �° gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis w • � _ 5M c�;i f � � �. i' . DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ' CI 1 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �'����^�(3 .1�: ' �-1 '.��;; �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF �'. y the ouna � o he 3 y- of a n au �`� �hat �ai.d �ounail, i.n the �istter of �he pendirig proposal of� �� said Coux.tail for the amendinent of the Zon�ng Code, Chapters '? 60 tQ 6�, �nalusioe� of �he Saint Pau�. LegS�ls�3v� Code, aQ �k that thereby, among other thi.ngs, the following de�aribed �; real estate shall be realassified and rezoned from "A" �; Hesidenas District to aC" Besidenee Districty to-witi �� Lots 5 thr-ough 8, Bloak ?6, Aa�on �u �; �rvinefs �lddition to Saint Paul, Lqta 5 and 6, Block 75, Daytorl dc �: Irvine�s Additi.an to Saint Paul., �ot� �: 7 and S, Hloak ?7, Dayton & Irvtne�s �F Addition �o Sa�nt Paulf Lots 1 through � 3, W. C. 8iley�s Ee-ar., and Lot� 6, �� 12� 13 and 14, Auditors Subd.3.viaic�n �� No. 52, St: Paul, Minn, , egcept those. �� parts of Lots 6 and 12 heretofore zoned �� Cla$s "C" Eesidence Dietriat, acaording �' to the plat tY�ereof on ftle and of reaord �} in the offiae of the Eegister of Deeda �' i� and for 8amse9 Coun�yt Minnesota� �; b3� a two-thirda vot� of all of �ts memb�rs in fador �� thereof, after pu�lic hearing thereon and sfter i:ts determina- �, �ion that the number of descriptipns of real �state aff�cted ' b�r �uch chariges and altera�ionec rendered �he obtain3,ng of tY�e �} written conaent, of �he owners c�f two-thirda of the several. �F desaript�,ons of real estate situated with�n 100 fes� of the resl estate affecte8, to such proposed reala�aification and �r rezon3n� impreatical, and to amend and al�er �ai8 Zori.ing Cvde �; so that �aid proposed realassifi.cation and rezoning of said hereinabQVe described real estate be �Pfec�ed wf.tY�out such �; written aonaent; that the said hereinabove described real � �� estate k�aving been and now being, toge�her with o�her paraels � Qf real e�tate included withi.n an ar�a of not less thsn 40 a� acre$ within which suah proposed amendment of �aid Zoning Code �. woul.d �ake efPect wher�, adopted, and whereSri tha City Planning Bqgr�. had made a surv�y of the whole afaresaic� area 4f r�o� �� �.ess then 4� acres and had aonsidered whether the number of ay 1. „ COUNCILMEN ° Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � Nays �€ . DeCourcy Holland Approved lg_ �: Loss , Tn Favor Mortinson �� Mayor Peterson Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis �= aM G-Ul !. �� �� i� �': 1' ' DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ' ' "�' � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � ���•" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N�',,��._ �; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF 1� �= R � � Z � �` �, descriptions of real estate affecte8 by such• proposed changes and alterat3.ons and amendment of sa3d Zon9.ng Code rendered �; the obta3.nin of such wri�ten consent i ,; g mprac�i�al and ha8 �_ repor.ted in writing thereon to said Coune3.1 and partiaularl� �� as to whether in its opinion the said proposel of said Counail �- was rea�vnably related to the overall needa of the community, �"} to egistir�g land uaes, or to a plan for future land tase, �. and hed conducted a publ�.c hearing on such propased changes� alteratf.aa�s and amendments of whiah hearing publ�$hed notice had been given, in a dai.ly newspaper of general circulation within � said C#.ty at least anae each week for �hree �uccessive weeks 1� prior �o �uch hearin.g� which notice stated the time, place and �; purpoae of such hearing and had Fu113► reported to said Council � i° its findings and reaommendations in writing thereon; that asid r ; Counail upon due aonsideration of said �rritten report, finding� j� and reaommendations of gaid City Plsnning Board of Sa�.nt Paul, �� and being otherw�.se fully advised in the prem3.�es, does hereby determl.ne that the number of descriptions of real estate af�'ected ' by �ai.d proposed amendment of said Zoning Code so thet, among other thi�s� thereby the hereinabove desaribed real estate � sha�l be realassified and rezoned, thereunder, from "�" �esi- � ° dence Dis�riat to "C" Aesidenc� District, renders the obtain_ � �f ing of the wr�tten con�ent of the owners of two-thirds of the } several descriptions of real estate �ituated wlthtn 100 feet �' oF the real estate affeated b s�id y proposed amandment to seid �� Zoning Code impraatical and that said proposed amendment o� 'z said �oni Code shell be effected �, ng pursuant to Sec�ian 6�.04 � of Chapter 64� pf the same end Sec�io� �62.18, Minnesota �� Statutes Annotated, without such writ�en consent. �� � �: ,, �' �� ,� � �t �:, �, JUL 2 5 19�� �y �� CQUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas �� Nays ��6f� ' �DeCourcy `� ���. 2� Holland Approved 19— Loss � �In Favor ;Mortinson / 'Peterson / Mayor �� �Against Rosen � Mr. President, Vavoulis i; aM G�il ] 7' j+ ,�\ �: ,� �