203135 �� ///111/�(((��� (� ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK� • ■� p���� -- ��` �>•��= - �,- � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. �V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � "�� , OUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'COMM SS�IONE DATF �TUZS► ZO� 1961 �t 9� ��Y . . , �� R�OLVED, That the Council liereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee � therefor and hereby aw�.rds contract for furnishing and delivering to the Drpartment � �, � � of Public j7orks, Bureau of Bridg�, Bridge Yard, 131 Second Street, St.Paul, 11Sinneabta , � 11�'s0 - 6" x G" Steel H Posts - to P/�PFR CALi�'�'NSON & CO:iP�lY in accordance �vith Cit �t , y � specifications and the Formal Bid �8428 of said Paper, Calmenson & Company, for �� - � the contract price of $10,066�2C, such bid being the lo�vest meeting C3,ty specifications , 4 . ! and said bidder being a reasonable and reliable one and the Corporation Counsel _be � and hereby is authorized to draw up the pro er �orm of contract therefor and the P proper City officials are hereby directed to e::ecute said contract on behalf o� the � City of Saint Paul. T� � � Council File No. 203135 — By Milton � Rosen— Formal Bid �8428. Resolved, �at the councii hereby 1 approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards � contract for Purnishing and delivering ! to the Depaztment of Publlc Works, � k Bureau of Bridges, Bridge Yazd, 131 Second Str,eet, St. Paul, Minnesota 1140--6"x 6" Steel H Posts—to 15APER- � �CALMENSON& COMPANY in accord- � `ance with City speciflcations and the E Formal Bid No. 8428 of said Paper, � E Calmenson&Company,for the contract f G price. of $10.08820, such bid being the �lowest meeting City speciflcations and � �said bidder being a reasonable and re- �liable one and the Corporation Counsel � �be and hereby is authorized to draw up �the proper form of contract therefor (and the proper City officials are hereby -directed to execute said contract on �� ,behal4 of the City of Saint Paul. �� s Formal Bid No. 8428. Adopted by,the Council July 20,1961. � ' Approved Tuly 20, 1961. � � (JulY+22. 1961) - � � JUL 2 019� � , . - � a COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— ; - Yeas Nays �UL 2 p 19s1 f � DeCourcy � Holland Approved 19— � � �.In Favor `- � Mortinson `'�"�'e f D^�� Mayor R,osen gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis � . i ; • � 6M a-ei � I • I I� r J14 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER °' � -�'- - �- • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 2��,��� � �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. ' � ; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ai PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER pATE Jll�.� �I� �.981 r i� �, . �� R�SOLV�D� Thrit th� Council l�rrb� approwe thr award o! th,� Purchsel.n� Committe� �� E th�r�ior �nd h�rab aNarde contraat for turniahi ; Y n� and dslirering to th� Drpart�t ,= �E o� Public Ilorks, Burrnu o! Brid�e�, Bsida� ��rd, 13�. B�cond Btr�et, B�.Pau7., Yini�Nt� �� 3� �� 1140 - 6" x 8" St�el H Poate - ta PAP$R, GqL1�ON t� C�1�ANY in accordance �►ith Citq 9� �; � �� .epec���ca�sone ana t�e r�ar�i sia �8�4as os m�sa r�8per, c��n+enr,on � cc�,an�►, sor � �� th� cvntract rics qi i10 0�8.20 buoh bid bo , P- � r in8 #h� lo�est uNtin� C�.�q �pec�iicatione a� � and said bidd�r b�in� s rrasoaabl� �d r�liabl.� one �nd �he �o axation Couae��. b� 4: �€ 9! and hsr�bq i• at�thori�d to draw up th� propea for� o! coatraet �l�r�iar ead �hw �E 't propsr City otlioinlr ar� t�r�by dir�ct�d �o �xacute said aon�ract on bshai! o! th� Ic �`. �� csty or sain� p�ui. a �� �, P'or�eml Hid 11�428s � �� � � �'� �� 3� j`� �r ' .t � r � � ;, �� .y �� J U L 2 0 1��� � �COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas: Nays . �� DeCourcy JUL 2 0 19�1 'F Holland Approved 19— �, �� ��. �� Tn Favor �F Mortinson 1� ge�erson v Mayor ; A gainst ;� Rosen ,: Mr. President, Vavoulis ;� aM a�i �F �t �� ,t ��