203129Council File No. 203129 — Ordinance Nw )rlQinal f� City Clerk 2039 —gy 1Viilton Rosen- A n ordinance authorizing the issuance O R D I N �, { of a permit to the United States Of jjj America, acting by and through the Administrator of General Services, to install, maintain and repair sub - surface p footings which extend into the street a maximum distance of 5 feet 6 inches in connection with a proposed addition RESENTED BY t6 the United States Post office and Custom House on the east„ sifle._gf IF Tnntrcnn_ 4trpet_gn'i - Of 203129 __An ordinanc_e_a_utharizina the _ i s s ua nc a of a g ermi�t _t_o 4-"United States of America., acting by and through the Administrator General Services�,z ootings which extend into the street a maximum distance a proposed addition Custom House on the west side of Sibley This is an emergency preservation of the of 5 feet 6 inches in connection with to the United States Post Office and east side of Jackson Street and the Street just north of Second Street. ordinance rendered necessary for the public peace, health-and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That upon compliance with the conditions herein- after set out, the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized to ain wr or uxeneral Services, - yVhl —c-h " e maximum distance of 5 eel 6inches in connection with a proposed addition to the United States Post Office and Custom House on the east side of Jackson Street and the west side of Sibley Street just north of Second Street. The conditions are as follows: (1) Permittee shall file plans and specifications for said footings with the Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, which shall be satis- factory to them, and said footings shall be installed in accordance with said plans and specifications. (2) Said permittee shall require that its contractor shall procure and maintain in effect throughout the complete period of construction wherein permittee or its contractor or contractors are making excavations or carrying out any of the operations within the public streets of the City of Saint Paul a contract of compre- hensive protective public bability insurance for and on behalf of himself and the City of Saint Paul as co- insureds, to protect the City and the contractor or contractors from claims for damages for bodily injuries, including accidental death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from operations under the contract, including coverage for damages caused by blasting or explosion, damage to underground facilities of any kind, and from every other source or nature, whether such operations be by the contractor or by any sub - contractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them. The minimum amounts of such public liability insurance shall be as follows: Bodily injury insurance, including death, in an amount of not less than $250,000 for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to or death of one person, and subject to the same limit for each person, in a total amount of not less than $500,000 on account 3 of any one accident; property damage insurance in an amount of not less than $150,000 for all damage to or destruction of', property in any one accident and subject to that limit for any one accident, further subject to a limit of not less than $200,000 Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland T„ Favor Loss = Mortinson r = = Peterson , �• Against Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: , City Clerk Mayor 8 s rA Of0x1n.1 IC City Clark D BY ORDINANCE Page 2. COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO. 203.29 for all damages to or destruction of property during the policy period. A duplicate copy of the policy or contract of insurance issued to the contractor, subject to approval as to form by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul, shall be filed with the City of Saint Paul prior to commencement of work permitted hereunder, and permittee shall carry out no work pursuant to the permit hereby granted in the absence of such policy of insurance being in effect. (3) Permittee shall restore said sidewalk and curbing to its original condition after installation of such footings. If the purpose for which such footings are constructed ceases to exist, 1he permittee shall, at the request of the Council of the City of Saint Paul and at its own cost remove such installations and again restore said sidewalk and curbing to approximately its original state or condition. Sec. 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. . Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Councilmen DeCourcy F Holland Loss Mortinson u= Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) V / /Y ' L City Clerk iM 6 -60 ]i 8 AuG 1$1g6� Nays Passed by the C ail In Favor Against \ 1 Approve AU G 18196 t Mayor 1 3.1-. i _in �xIST FT6. 11WF- 4 d) I-- — — — — -ONC. HOWUMENT i o = 'III I It L i of t} - Rol I I ,f IL. 4-1" _ i 1' 7 , -IV is in f, tn :.. 9 f ►u � " PROPERTY � LINE G j 4f r0 r' ;Y- r I IF REV. FLAW - EAST WALL. DATE JOB * ' ELLERBE GAND COMPANY 5 'POST OP ,Ct CGU ��WG� �_ DRAWN ARCHITECTS SHEET SA•f-gT' E -801� G,E.N/ ENGIN ,EERS V _ I i2P 4j?��1. r�.i.'- wit�, . "` �l F �'+ '• X1:0' 1•.0� � y i 3,.2YY � �•� 12`-O 5 -2314 7 CONC. MONUMENT a S 1 Z � •n 1 P 1 iJ • S Olt Y � 1 EL. L � f `: EL. -I 3 1 1 1 C,• ALE Ilia, = I`- O" F`ACL' OFEx15r. 5LDC1 r EL. -10 1t REV. _ J:' L AN - WE-5 WALL DATE JOB z-13-�� ELLERQE } AND COMPANY post OFFIOR .;k • 3 s , DRAWN ARCHITECTS SFIEET 51��T3' PAII,�- Nt'lf;' ENGINEERS NEERS �4W X�Z E f 203.,A. rr T�P�GAL �EGTtaI•! T�-IRu TKAMSFORMER VAULT omm REV. DATE .JOB 4 ELLERBE • F AND COMPANY _ ljt C'A! IC fit z GEITC?�I _oiTr �•, iw DRAWN ARCHITECTS SHEET E ��'. Pifl,' fIi,kS'OTA t; �, E `V X �� ENGINEERS �/ .`R — l: A� �F Z IL • O .0 n A••• L GONG. GURFj • s,• n'p ., a • , .l'd �r i �a 'I o a a e• °G' 4i_Ou a UJ 4, a a as 1 - 3 . -� MOOR VLEVI • o. s •,J A,. a: rr ,•' ;a O a T�P�GAL �EGTtaI•! T�-IRu TKAMSFORMER VAULT omm REV. DATE .JOB 4 ELLERBE • F AND COMPANY _ ljt C'A! IC fit z GEITC?�I _oiTr �•, iw DRAWN ARCHITECTS SHEET E ��'. Pifl,' fIi,kS'OTA t; �, E `V X �� ENGINEERS �/ .`R — l: A� Council Files 203128 and 203129 V Li Move to amend by striking the words "United tates Government" found in the title and in Section 1; and insert in lieu thereof the words "United States of America, acting by and through the Administrator of General Services." sgnoesA 3uaplsaid -JN uasou uosut3iow ssoZ B S!FnOAR Juap ?said 'JN uasou uosia3ad uosut;iow ssol PusIIoH PnslioH SainooaQ Sainooaa �Is seaa sSsH seaA a;dopV -ddu pus pig o3 JOAO p[e•j Lo Pug g 9C. ti L 'f