203122 � - � C ' � � P�TITIOTT �,�J�.L�� k Council File No............._....___ � ` PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � Eand F PRELIMINARY ORDER. , t °� Theundereignedhereby proposesthemaldngof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: � � Reconstruct the sidewalk on the west:-, side of Cretin Ave. from Eleanor Ave. to -----------------------•----.......____.......--•-..........•--•--•----------•-•--------------......_.--•------------•---------..........-------...-----...---•-------..._.._.....-----•----•----- ��the north approximately 125 ft. abutting the property kno�vn as 2181 Eleanor Flve., ------------------------•---......_...-------------------•-------._...._..-----•-----------------------------------------------------------------•--------------•----...__.._.__...-----._....----- ��Lot 27, Blk 3, St. Catherine Park 2nd Addition. --.._----------------•---•-•--------------------------•-•----...-----------._...........----------------------------••--•------------•----------•----------........_...-------------------•----- �� � ..........................................•---•-•--•--•----...-------•-----•-----•-------•--._....._..---••-----•-••-•-----•-••----�..---....-----•--•----------••---._.......--- --_....----- � Dated this........_3.1.�:�......da of............................•---------Ma Y �--•-•-------------------------- 61 ti — � -----------------------------•--••-------------------- � Mi�Ti:on Rosen������� Councilman. �' Comsr. of Public Works �� i PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' � " : WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: �; Reconstruct the sidewalk on the west side of Cretin Ave. from Eleanor Ave. to -----------------•---..._..--•-----•---•.........._....-•--•----..._.........................--•------•------------.._..........-•-----•--•-••-----•-•---....-•--------•---•-----------.._..._..__ �the north a roximatel 1 ,i _pp y 25 ft.__abutti n� the property_ known as 2181__E1 eanor_Ave.,_ � �,Lot 27, Blk 3, St. Catherine Park 2nd Addition. co��u Fn--e rro. Zosiza—sy na�tan -----------°--------°--°-------°----------- •................--••----.___......---...-•-----..__.........-•--•-•--•------•---------------•-- Rosen— ' Whereas, A written proposal for the ` -°-°----------------°-°--....----.._..---•----•------------------------------------------------°-------°----- making.04 the following improvement, ------------------------°--• , viz.: h�ViIIg beeII pTeeeIIted to the COUIICiI Of the City Of S81IIt P&ul..............._.____.____..._._.. Reconstruct the sidewalk on the west side of Cretin Ave. f;om Eleanor Ave. �; to the north approximately 125 ft. tl�erefore be it abutting the property.lrnown as 2181 � � _ Eleanor Ave., Lot 27, Blk. 3,St. Cath- i erine Park 2nd Addition, having been i RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public VPorke be and is hereby order Presented to tne counou of the citYj of Saint Paul therefore, be it - 1. To investi ate the necessit for or deairabilit of the makin of said im r P�o�aY�That the,Com;r}igsirn�Rr� �6 g Y , Y , g P � �' 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. ; 3. To furnish a pl'an, profile or aketch of said improvement. € 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. � 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to the Commissioner of Finance. JUL 19 ���� Adoptedby the CounciL-------•------------------•--•----------------------•-----•---------------- ` YEAS NeYa � Councilman DeCou rcy F Ho 11 and _ _ � q �qF� . APProved.-------•---------------------.���--�---�----•;,-.,......_....____-- p cEogs--. Mortinson � P A �€ Rosen ------------ ---------------- -- ---....---•------...---- .._.._._..------------ �fi M$. PREBIDL7NT VBVOU I I S � Mayor. 3000 7-b4 � � ' � , �g�< �' ��-1��� t,:�; e`��.'���� /:i!�'�' .�', i � •� � �� .:•�4'S: � .�.� t