D001719CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �oved Copies to: ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER - qty Gerk (Originaq - Finaue Oept's Accounting �ivisian J -PaficeDept.. No: QO+ �� Date: lo -�q �reen Sheet # 8212 1 Whereas, the Saint Paul Police Department is sponsoring � three day training session on restorative 2 jnstice on June 15 through June 17 at the Eastern District Police Office, and 3 4 Whereas, the purpose of this training is to enable members of our department and a number of other 5 agencies to use restorative justice when dealing with youthful offenders, and 6 7 Whereas, the departwent will incur miscellaneous expenses including refreshmeats associated with tius 8 training seminar, and 9 10 BE IT ORDERED, that the proper city officials are hereby authoriud to pay for the above men6oned 11 training, not to esceed 52,000.00. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 �0 1 2 � 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 z� ! Approved : GSty Attomey Date , restorativejusiice99 9 DEPARTMEMf/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED bOD I�TI Police 6l16l99 GREEN SHEET Na. 8212 � & P MIf[IAUDATE INILIAVDAlE CLiefFinney ., 292-3588 1 Ernn,m�romECmx muxrn. MUSTBEO CO NCILAGENDA Y(DA'f� � iZ � � L �4fYATiOfltE! �� � �f RifYCLERK i�� C` �-�^ v�i �Rl0.tiCIR1.SERYIGESOOt�!� ❑RiRpCJR1.3ERV/I1CGT6 ^ V � , fwYORWR0.AG3[ANfj � �w�pnRN;f[S L� i r�i TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CiION REqUE5iED Signat�ues requested on the attached administrative order authorizing the St. Paul Police Depar[ment to purchase re&eshments and other related expenses in association with sponsoring a restorative justice t*�ining session on Iune 15 tLrough June 17, 1999. HECOMMENDATIO ApPfOV2(AJOfR2JCC[(RJ PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTNEFOILOWIN(3QUESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rtn ever worked under a coMrect for ihis departmeM? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a city employeeT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a sldll not nonnaly possessed by any curren[ ciry employ�T YES NO 4. Is ihis perso�rtn a tergeted vendoi? YES NO ExpYain all yes answers on separate sheet and ariach to green sheet INITIATMG PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The St. Paul Police Departmem will sponsor a restorative justice training which will enable members o the department and other agencies to use res[oraGve jusrice techniques when dealing with youthfiil offenders. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The depaztment will be able to sponsor the training DISADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED None apparent. � �, aa hy .F- .:: � . � '.t� i=; �a e � i DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED RECEIVEI3 ' `� ��� � Tn� �� �u �t �e F ��. JUN 2 5 i999 ,tt� ��� t999 ClTY CLERK � � � ¢�� ��� � ���� AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ IIot to eXCeed $2,000 COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ROSTOI'8hV8 JUShCC �iI'211L ACTMTY NUMBER 436-34160-025x-40026 flNANC1AL INFORMATION (EXPWM .