203073 ;�RIGINAI_TO CITY GLERK ,���... �� ` ` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ������� ±E �'� . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ �� COU CIL RESOLU ION—GENERAL FORM .- �PRESENTED BY - CO M M I 551 O N E DATE �F � I� — -----— — �� . a� WHEF3EAS, R and W Realty Co. , 'as successor and assign of d. R. Walker & Sons, In�. , under eontraet for deed between �� tY�e City of Sair�t Paul and said J. R. Walker & Sons, Inc. , � which contract was dated the 28th day "of September, 1960, � and under an amendment to said contract for deed da�ed the � lOth day of April, 1961, has paid to the �ity of Saint Paul �A the� full purchase priee as provided by said contract for deed, �� as amended, and pursuant to the provisions of said contract � for deed, as amended, is entitled to a conveyance by warranty d e e d f r o m t h e C i t y o f S a i n t P a u l o f t he fo l low ing des cr i be d �� traet or parcel of land: j� . � Lot three (3), Block two (2), South Ba.ttle Creek �� Heights, according to the plat thereof on file � and of reQOrd in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota; � now, theref'ore, be it . f� � RESOLSTED, Tha� the proper City officers of the City of �� Saint Paul are �ereby authorized and directed to execute a �� warranty deed to R and W Realty Co. to- the aforementioned ; tract or parcel of land, sub�ect to the covenants, provisions i� and restrictions set forth in the aforesaid co�tract for deed dated September 28, 1960, as a.mended by the a.mendment to contract � for deed dated the lOth day of April, 1g61. Council FYle No. 203073—By gerayrc� , T. Holland— . Whereas, R and W Realty Cd., as successor and assign of J. R. Walker , ' & Sons, Inc., under contract £or deed � between the City of Saint Paul and� said J. R. Walker & Sons, Inc., which� contract was dated the 28th' day of� � � September, 1980, and under an amend-" � ment to said contract tor deed dated the lOth day of April, 1961, has paid �� to the City of Saint Paul the full , purchase price as provided by said contract for deed, as amended, and pursuant to the provisions of said �contract for Heed, as amend.PJ]•,�..ic- entitJgd`to a�,po,nve�ranEe,th.v_�' l�%` i. J U L 18 196'6 � �COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � DeCourcy J�l, �� 196� Holland . Approve 19— 3 ��s� In Favor � Mortinson ,k P +p�� Mayor �� Rosen gainst ' S �� � �� � PUBLISI3ED SM (j-(j] �� �L �� ` _ C ' ������ DUPLICATE TO PRINTER - ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. '� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM • . -=� - '�PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE et — ----- -- �i 1° WHEREAS, R and W Realty �o., as euaae$sor and assign of �� J. R. Walker & Sons, In�. , under aontraat for deed betWeen '� the Gity of Sair�t Paul and said J. R. Walker 8c �ons, Inc. , ?� which contraat �was dated the 28tr� �ay of September, 1960, and under an amendmen� to said c�ontraat for deed da.ted the �� lOth clay of April, 1961, has paid to the �ity of Sa.int Pau� ,4 the full purchase priee as provided by said contraQt for deed, . a� amended, and purauant to the prov3sion� of said contraot '� for deed, as amended, is entitled to a aonveyance by warranty deQd from the Ci�y of 3a,int Paul of the Follo�r�ng desaribed traat or parclel of land: �'� ;e Lot three (3}, Bloak two (2), South Battle Creek �� Height$, ac�eording to tY�e plat thereof on file �� and of reeord in the vffiae of the Register of ` Deeds in, and for Ramsey County, Minne�ota; ,' �� ; now, therefore, be it �� ,. RE30LYED, Tha.� the proper City offieers of the Ci�y of 3� Sa3n� Paul are hereby authorir�ed and dir�at�cl to exeeute a '� warranty deect to R and W Realty Co. to the aforementionecl �° traat or par�el of land, sub�eat to the aovenants, provisions _ � and restrietion� set forth in the aforesaid contraat for deeci ;� dated September 28, 1960, as �mended by the amendment to aontra.ct ° for deed d.a.ted the lOth da�y of April, 1961. � , ; ,� _� r �f ,� - JUL 18 19G� '� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ 19— Yeas Nays �t DeCourcy ' JuL 18 19�'� �� Holland Approved 19— ,� ��— '; In Favor ;, Mortinson '. - re�ersa�— � Mayor r _, Rosen ASainst � � t�...,,...,:.. • Mr. �r� - , SM u-ci '"