203071 �� , � �y Oi`GINAL TO CITY GLERK �o��' /� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� � �� r - �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� �_ � -�L �' �- COUNCIL ,RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY•r� ���' �TUI. Z�I 1961 COMMISSIONE � DATF � �! !� , i �� �° ��R.ESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor i �and hereby awards contract for furnishing and delivering Uniforms and for Laundry Services �for the Uniforms for various Employees of the City of St. Paul �1later Department for period � . r ��of one year fr,om and after date of City Comptroller•s countersignature on contract, to GROSS INDUSTR ,k IAL GARMENT,& TOWEL SERVICE in accordance with City specifications and �€ ��he Formal Bid #8425 of said Gross Industrial Garment & Towel Service for the contract i �price of approximately $8465.60 at unit prices bid according to requirements, such bid 7� . oF being the lowest and said Gross Industrial Garment & Towel Service being a reasonable and �� , ' �Feliable bidder and ths Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the E �proper form of contract therefor aiid the 'proper City officials hereby are authorized �E . 'to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. � Councll File No.203071—By Mrs,Donald 'Formal Bid #8425. M. DeCourcy— �` _ . Resolved, That the Council hereby _ k r ; �approves the award of the Purchasing ` Committee therefor and hereby awards � contract for £urnishing and delivering � Uniforms and 4or the Laundry Services for the Uniforms£or various Employees - of the City of St. Paul Water Depart- ,� �ment for period of one year from'and after date of City Comptroller's coun- _ tersignature on contract, to GROSS !INDUSTRIAL GARMEPIT•& TOWEL , SERVICE in accordance with City F speciflcations and the Formal Bid �y E 8425 of said Gross Industrial Gazmeh� k � & Towel.Service for the contract pfigg �@ of approximately$8465.60 at unit priCes ,R bid according to requirements, :such bid being the lowest and said C4ross � Industriai Garment & Towel Se�vice� � being a reasonabie an;l rellable biddeP, and the Corgo:��„ion;,C�un�ei t��arf�r � '�,°-.. -- -. _ '- -�,- �UL 1 g 19� �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ` ��� DeCourcy .�u�- � � ��� � Holland � Approved 19— . �� �� � � � n Favor � Mortinson �e�ee�- � Mayor . �� , A gainst �� Rosen t � �l 9��l ,� resi en , , P��j�� ' � � � . sM 6-Ol p ., .. I 3� � �► , t' � ' ,i DUPLICATE TO PRINTER � ������ ;� � -� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ;. _ r r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �r COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER � DATE Jll�9 �'7� �SQl 31 3` �� �. RffilO�V3D�� That '�h� Council ho�by apprawa the �ward o� the �u�roria�in� Co�it� thw�nior i: ;aad h�r�by a�de contxact �or lurni�hing and cioliwrinQ thiilore�s and tar 'Lawadry ��xhric�� ,^ . !or �he. Ur�ito�u !or Veriaus kn►ploy�e o� �he Citq ot' St. Peul �at�r D�p�rt�n� !or psriod �. _ •r o�t on� y�sar �ra� �yd �tt��; dr�{� a� City Co�pt�ollei��s count�rei�natur� on aan�raat,. to :� , ,, . aR088 �N�t18T'RIA�+ 6�t�TT i►,TO�L BER,VZI� in eacordana� wlth C1ty sp�citica�tioa� arfd � , tl�� lrorme�l Hid �8�25 ot eaid aroas �nda�triei (i�rernt i� To�l �i►vio� for tl� cocntraot pria� ot apgrooci�atre],y =8l88.d0 at qni� pric��t bid accordinE to r�quir�nt�� such bid �K �` bein� t3� lo�ree� and eaid (iross Industrfial ��t 4 To�r�i 19�svic� beia� # r�e�onabl� e�nd i� r�liab�,� bidd�r aad �h� Corporation Goqnrfl t� and h�rmby is di.r�at�d to draw up �h,r i� � pr{op�r xor� o! cot�tr�ct tb,��yfor �d tho p��r Ci�y oitiaiela 1�r�by ar� anthori.�d ; to ,ixrcut� raid ooatrao� on �,b�hal� o! ti� City oi �aiat Paul, �_ 1�0�1 H1d A�842�. :� �` �. �F ;E 1 �F �i �� I� d� lt �� i° '` JUL 18 19�11 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas �� Nays , DeCourcy �UL � $ ���� Holland Approved 19_ ��vss �� Favor Mortinson � �n Mayor �; A gainst Rosen . , a! ' , 6M f{-81 �� �[