203060 i l i Cbuncil Flle No. 203060— � ' � In the matter of reconstructing the �'���� l - ' s _, a sidewallt on both sides of Minnehaha. ' ' � - -Avenue from Chatsworth St. to Lex- '--------°-------------- r _.� - � • ington Avenue under Preliminary _ � ' " Order 201123, approved March 8, 1981. .. �'! -------------°--------------°-° � � A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon ! ��� due notice, and the C iuncll having heard all persons, ob ections and � recommendations relative thereto, and '� � � having fully considered the same; t therefore, be it . Resolved, By the Council of the City � of �`-yT>sul,tirhat tha_--.-rt�o n^.*�t�4^r � � In the Matter of reeonstructing the sidefralk on bEitYi" sides of Minneh�l� Av�nue � from Chatsworth S�. to Lexington Av�enue � . � 1 i t !1 i i t � � 201123--------------- March 8 1_61 under Preliminary Order----------------------------- aPProved ------------------------------'-----9------------------------------- �� IntermediaryOrder----------------------------------------------------aPAroved -------------------------------------------------------------------- �f A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it � RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and lflnd of im- i provement to be made by the said City ia to reconstruct the Qidewa,lk on both sides of �� Minnehaha Amenue from Chatst�orth St. to Lexington Av�enue� escept Where gvod and � su�fieient side�ralks now exist � r r t � � i : and the Council hereby orders sa,id improvement to be made. � RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and _�"l directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval�; that upon said approval, the proper city officials axe hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ' JUL 1 8 196� f Adopted by the Council-------------------------------------------------- - ' r � .- - ��-- -- _- �a� � _ _._ ____ __ __ ____ _______________ ___ ___ _____ ___ __ _____ � , ��G�� City Clerk. � JUL 1 � � iAPProved------------------------------------------------ .� — � i ' �----------�----------------------------------------------------------- ------------ F�ile 36488 ' -.. Mayor. ; Councilman DeCourcy � Councilman Holland � Councilman l.nss– O – 1/�f / � Councilman Mortinson � / % (O � Councilman P�' �'��S�ID ; Councilman Rosen i Mayor �— t � . � � 2•55 2M 2� !: . �i Dist. No. 1 .` . �,__._... s-- e � -. f y .: ••__- Minnehaha Ave. - Chatsworth to Lexington - both sides ��' ' ,,�; � ` U � �' (��F ~ � 2 � �0 �i � OFFICE OF THE COMh11SS10�lER OF PUBLIC WORKS � L ��°��� I REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � � ! � , t � • I � , March l�th. , 19�C�_ � � To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul : • � 3 The canmissioner of Pubiic Works, having h�d under consideration the F 1 � preliminary order of the Councii, known as Coancil File No. 201123 , : ; approved March Sth. , ig 61 , relative to reconstructin� � the sidewal.k on both sides of N�innehaha Ave. from Chatsworth St. to Lexington gve. � . � ---y i � • t � � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby � � reports: . � 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $A•52 per sq. ft. for mQno. conc. walk I�" } thick. Extra work(excav., fill, conc. rem'd, root cutting, drive cressings;etc.) E - � � ; at extra cost. � -- -- � 2. A p13n, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and � ; � made a part hereof. � 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works g � ; 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition � �'� ll � c� — � ��' � � � 41q9 ��/'�,��-� Cammi ss i oner of Pub 1 i c Works 4 � �g ; ` �-� r- { r ��� ��� N � � �C�fi . � � . � � , � i � ,