203059 i f - •-- � ' �' r_ - � Councll Flle No. 203059— .:,. „ � A • t - " In the matter of constructing new _ �����Q j• �-' ' sidewalk on the west side of Hamluie , 4/ - � , Ave. from Bayard Ave. to Highland r � 012 0 aapproved Ma ch 21n lggl, Order tY '""""'"'""'"'""""""""""' A public hearing having been had � upon the above improvement upon � FTN P e ot�ici Aq he,.Cnuncfl�bav_in� r � � 1 .0 \ t �L�� ' V� r i i � r In the Matter of conatructing new sidewalk on the west side o� Ham].ine Ave. fra� 1 Bayard Av�e. to Highland Parkway . � . . � � 1 - �l i t f 201280 March 21 1 61 u�nder Preliminary Order--------------------------------------------aAProved ---------------------------------'----9---------------------------- f � I�termediary Order----------------------------------------------------aPProved -------------------------------------------------------------------- i �A. public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it � RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is. to construct nex sidewalk on the weat side of r AAmline Ave. fra�a Bayard Ave. to Highland ParkWay � ' , . . ' - � 3 � E{ t � 4 . E i i and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. �� RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and di�rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approva�l, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ce�ed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. !� JUL 18 196T Adopted by the Council---------------------------------------------------� r . � -" , � �����Y_l,l-�__�____--- . .-------------����_ _�-------- -------- ---- > City Clerk. � JUL 18 196� � AAProved------------------------------------------------ � � � � Fil.e s6510 �-------------------------- -- -- ---------::--;;------------------------------------ � G..,� Mayor. t Councilman DeCourcy �� � Councilman Holland � Councilman �-�— � Councilman Mortinso� /n � / � � Councilman pQ+Q,..� �..-�,�-- , � � � Councilman Rosen ����$ED , Mayor U���:lis � 1 � � 2-55 i 2M 2� -� .,-_. _.. F T� , : ! D1S'�',. N�/'s 2 , � _ r,�= ` Fv _ , � -. � Hamline - Bayard to Highland Pkway - west side , .� � ` � •I � �/6 • � �� ¢ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS ' i `� ���2 � - �� 9 �- ��� REPORT TO CONIMISSIC3NER OF FINANCE 20�0� � � � � ! � � - ( March 23rd. 19 61 t � To �the Coirm�issioner of �nance Qf the C�ty of Saint Paul: ' t E The Coiraai.ssioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- � liminary order of the Council� known as Council File No. 201280 s - app�roved March 21st. 19 61 relative to constructing new sidewalk on i _the west side of Hamline Aro�e. from Ba,yard 9.ve. to Highland Parkway. - �, , � , ! �� � . . f � ,; �t � � . � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: � � � E 1. The estimated cost tY�ereof is �0.52 per sq. ft. for mono. concrete walk 1�" i . �,j.cl�, E�tra work(excav., fill, conc. rem'd, root cutting, drive crossings,etc.) at��,extra cost. ^ � , � 2. A plan, profile or sketch of sa�.d. improvement is hereto attached and made � � a part hereof. I � 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works g � � 1�. Improvement is asked for upon petition � 2 � � 3 � ti`� /T��C�� �,, . '- .E ... ��R ,�4 ��� ; "" .�� lgsr ��;� Commiss�.oner of Public �lorks � '`''��•.� ,�,�C:'F � � � � � l� �L �l � t I _��._ � Y _ - ` - � � c� 3 0 � . ;. � i July 12, 1961 � r f � Mr. Bernard T. Holland E Commissioner of Finance E113 Court Hou,se � St. Paul 2, Minnesota f f ; Dear Commissioner Holland and Members of the City Council: � f SUBJECT: Preliminary Order 201280, which proposes to construct new � sidewalk on the west side of Hamline Avenue from Bayard Avenue to Hi�hland Parkway. � � The undersigned property owners, who own all the property from Bayard � Avenue to Scheffer Avenue on the west side of Hamline Avenue want to � go on record as opposed to the construction of a sidewalk on the west � side of Hamline Avenue from Bayard Avenue to Highland Parkway. r � Last year, the property owners in this area met with the City Council ; and expressed their opinion on this matter. There was not one property � owner present who approved this measurer. The fact was brought to your � attention at that time that there is very little pedestrian traffic � on Hamline Avenue. The situation has not changed since that time except E that a new sidewalk has been constructed on the east side of Hamline Avenue. � This should be sufficient to take of the few pedestrians in this area. ! E E We shall appreciate your consideration of the taxpayers' view in this � matter. f � Yours ver ruly, � � � E � i ` G� � 5� � � `"�'Yj,�o,�, 7�� �'h�/�/ ��k�r✓ � � � � �o, 7��n�c. Q�, � —� � � � , �� � /� . .�-e� , , ► . 1� �� � �� E � t � S � i I E i t r � t � L 1 " �