203058 t
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� ` .►' • '- FINAL ORDERS
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r �`� "� Coupc,il File No. 203058— �
�' In the matter of changing the ex-
�istingg rade of West Water Street from ----°------------------------�
! � the extended northeasterly lirie of Lot
. ' ��� 8, Rosen Addition, St. Paul, Minnesota,
j to 175 feet southwesterly of the south-
westerly line of Lot 13,Rosen Addition,
to conform ho the grade as shown on
the profile on file in the. Dr.partm�"`
� of Public_-Wr-',�-.uT�3er '4 -ti'-^''
Ordr.. �r.. �.
� In the Matter of changing the existing grade of West Aater 8treet from the
� extended northeasterly line of Lot 8� Rosen Addition� St. Paul� Minnesota� to
t �
' 175 feet southwester7,y of the ,southWesterly line of Lot 13� Rosen Addition, to
# �
� eonform to the grade as shown on the profile on Yile in the Depertment of Public
i Wprks
� under Preliminary Order-----------------202�33--------------aPProved ---------------��-�i--�-��----------------------------
= Intermediary Order----------------------------------------------------aAProved ------------------------------------------------------------------:-
} A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council
� having heard all persons, objections and recommeridations relative thereto, and having fully considered
; the same; therefore, be it
� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and l�nd of im-
! provement to be made by the said City ia � change the exiating gra,de of West Water Street
S •
� from the e�nded northeasterly line of Lot 8� Rosen Addition� St. Paul, Minnesot�� to
� 175 feet eouth�rester
, ly o� the southwesterly line of Lot 13, $osen Addition, to con�orm
• ; to the grade as aho�n on the profile on file in the Depsrtment of Public Works
t -�
- � - .
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� F and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.
� : RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
� directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for
,; approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-
; ceed with the making of said improveme t ' �ordance therewith.
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E Adopted by the COUriCiI-------------------------°--------°----------------- r
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E JUL 181961 City Clerk.
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=� � Approved------s----------------------------------------- . . .
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;�,_ � ; File 1535� �----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
'�� � Councilman � ' � Mayor.
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� Councilman�� ' ��D ... ' // `� x �
- E Councilman��ortinson _ ��
; Councilman�r�
`� # Councilman
� � Rosen
� � Mayor ''�, --
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� June 7th 19 61
� To the ConIInissioner of F`�.nance of the City of Saint Paul:
� The Co�ranissioner of PubliC Works, having had under consideration the pre-
� liminary order of the Counc�.l,, known as Council File No. 2�2433
� ,
1 approved June 2nd '19 61 relative to change the existing grade of
# West Water Street from the extended northeasterly line of Lot 8, Rosen Addition,
� •
� St. Paul , Minnesota, to 175 feet southwesterly of the southwesterly line of Lot 13
� Rosen Addition to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the
jDepartment o.f Public Works.
Eand having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports:
� l. The estimated cost thereof ia $ x x x x x x x x x x
� 2. A plan� profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and mad�
� a part hereof.
� �' d
3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works
� o
, t 1t. Improvement is asked � ' tition ��
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�� �� Corrur�.ssioner of Public 'work , ��
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