203034 ' , ._.,. ; . , _ � _ ((''''�� (((��� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEf�iC. � �o�o�� � �_ � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � '� COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C COMM SSDONE � C���'""""� ` D � / DATe Jlt�.y 14� 19 61 , - R�OLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Commtttee , therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing and delivering to the �ti'ater Bepartment f.o.b. Hamline and Carroll Avenues, �St, Paul, hYinnesota, 10 hT 3/4", 15 hi 1''', 3 R? 1-1/2" and 1 M 2�� Type K Soft Seamless Copper Tubing, to GLOSE INCORPORATED, in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #8411 of said Globe Inc. for the contract price of $12,498.00 (Board o� �Yater Commissioners reserving the ri�ht to increase any individual item of the 14faterials of the Cnntract by an amount not i� excesd twenty per cent of the quantity indicated for that item) , such bid being, the lowest and said Globe, Inc. being a reasonable a�tireliable bidder and the Corporation C�unsel be and h ereby is directed to draw up the pro�r form of, contra ct therefor, and . tlie proper City officials hereby are auth orized to execu�e said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. CM cDeCoux�cy'��34—BYNixs•Donald Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereb9 awards Formal Bid #8411 contract for furn9shing and delivering � ` to the Water Depaztment f.o.b.Eiamline and Carroll Avenues, St. Paul, Minne- sota, 10 M ?�', 15 M 1", 3 M 1-3�" and 1 M 2" Type K Soft Seamless Copper �ubing, to GLOBE' INCORPORATED, in accordance with City speciRcations - :,r^ _.. .. _ _ therefor hereto attached and the For-� " - • � • mal Rid Nc�841?--,oP said Gl�,pe-T�s' .�'oz .. _. .,�,.y �,. 141�61 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Ju�.. �.� '9� DeCourcy � Holland Approved 19— �ss . Tn Favor . Mortinson ' Peterson Mayor Rosen gainst � Mr. President, Vavoulis ����� � f�� /�� / i a rn G-G 1 � . �p���4 . DUPLICATE TO PRINTER'� `''` - CiTY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ .� ,._ ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RfSOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY JLI� 14 198�: COMMISSIONER DATE � �' �90LV�Dt Th,at tl�e �ouncii h�r�by approvrs the arr�rd o� �hi PurchasiAg Co�tt�• thereior aad bkgr�by e�wards coalrasa# ior 3'ttrniehi� and d�liwrix� to ths l�ater D�pa�r�nt t.p.ti. H�13r� �nd Carroll A�nuss., 8ti. Paul� �tl.nnosotim, 10 �t 3/4", 16 I[ 1�', 3 l� 1-1/2" and 1 Y 2�' Z�+ps 8 Bo�t $4aa].laa Coppsr Teibing, to GIABE INr.O�POR�b� in accoa�dance with Ci�y ipeciiioa�ions thixilor hor�to �ttaah�d �nd , � . � the !'or�]. Hid A�8411 oi �aid alob� Ina. !or thw contraa� pric� o� �1��498.00 (Ba�rd o! 1k�t�r Coa�i�aio�rs rawrvix� thr ri�t to inorae� a�a,q iadiniduel . , it�� o! tho Knterials o! th� Contract b� en amount aoti bs �xc�d tw�nty p�r c�nt . o! th• c�ntity indiagt.�d �or that it�) , such bid tising tt� low�et end said , (ilobs, Ina. b�lAg e r��eoaable aal r�lieibio bidci�r and tl� Corporation Cou�ne�l � . ; . b� �nd he�by ie dir�a�d to draw up �Eho prolrr tor� o� aontiaat ther�tor� �nd tl�t proper C�ty ottialals ls�raby ar� authori.�d to ��ncuM eai,d contract on b�hal! ' ot ths Citq o� Sa�i.at Paul. For�l H3d �8411 .,� �.41961 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays JUL �4 ���� DeCourcy , Holland Approved 19— Loss � . Tn Favor • Mortinson ' Peteraon Mayor Rosen �gainst President, Vavoulis