203018 �� � r � . Co�w,icll File No. 203018—By Miiton �O�o�(� OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK Rosen— '+ v � CI t1�Ihereas, By authority o4 the Law�' of Minnesota for the year 1959, Chapter COUNCIL _� M � 330,;H. F. 217, and rati8ed by C. �. FILE N�• � OFFICE is2zis, approved May 7, 1959,-,the cicY of 5t. Paul may pa �r J r�" C CIL RESO ���'�� sidev�����^r� F�,�}M_ �_ such cost��^ ���, _ � ,p�pert„ � PRESENTED BY � i�' �-j' �Y l� 1�61 COMMISSIONE '„tY DATF �r WHgiEAS, by authority of the Laws of �iinnesota for the year 1959� Chapter 330, H.F. 217, and ratified 1�y C.F. 192216, approved l�ay 7, 1959, the City of St. Paul nay pay a portion of the co�t of sidewa.lk construction when such costs exceed 3{. tY�e benefits to the property owner, and ` ir WHEREAS, it has been determined that the Parcels of Property outlined r�r ein be r,elieved of tha follotiving amounts of asses- sable cost s for sidetivalk improvements: � Lot l, Edwa.rd D. Langant s Rear. � �53.1�.3 Lot 1, Block 3, l�cademy �eights • 165.15 East 20 feet of Lot 29 & all of 30, Block 3, '�=4 Academy Hei�its 155•32 Lot 20, Block 2, Auditorfs Sub. #58 160.96 We�t 1�0 feet of Lot 21, Block 2, Aud. Sub #58 167.1�}. Lot 1, Block 2, Academy Fleights 160.1� (Ex. Randalph St. ) The east 40 feet of� Lots 13 & 1� and tre east 1�0 feet of ths sout,h 7 feet � � of ot 15, Block 13, Sylvan Park 1 2.1 TOTgL �1,111�.30, no�r tY.�refore, be it :� � . . -,y_ _ �_ - _ - - _ - RE�OLVID, that the Commissioner of t'ublic �dorks be. and�he is h�r eby au"thorized ar�d directed to pay from the Permanent �_� Improvement Revolvin� Fund, CODE 3001, the non-assessable portion of the cost� of sidewalk construction in the amount of � 1,111+.30, done�under the 1959 Sidewalk Contract, L-6087, Distric� �o. 2, Levy No. 3, said Permanent Improvement Re- volving Fund to be reimbursed fro�1 t�ie Local Improvement Fund 31E-1 (1961) . � JUL 13 3�� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the,Council 19— Yeas � Nays � � �DeCourcy �D�L 13 ���� Holland Approve Loss • n Favor � Mortinson Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen � � ' /Y� / �k � �UIiLIS�p -- -- sm a-eo �2 \ �� _ , �: ,. - l: i ^ DUPLICATE TO PRINTER .�,. ���0��/ °F ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. `'' �,' � - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - j� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� �L� �� �f p�1 COMMISSIONER DATF .4� J• :� �,� �� �E a! . �F i� °� WHII�AS,� by aut�ority of �.O Law$ a.� :�inne�otm for th e y���r �� 19�9, C�e.pter 3��, H.F. 217, �n,� r�t�.fied by C.F. 192�i6, ��� �.pp�oved �y 7, �9�9, �� Cit�y of St. Paul m�:y pay � port3on E of the aoa� o� aiderral.l� aon�t�uatior� when auch aoat�► e�cceed '` th� benef ita to th� _� �roper�y owner, and �� �; 1R�R,�SAS, �t haa be�n �ietedc�mined �h�.t t}�e Paroel� ot' Prop�rty �E out�ined hec�e3n be rel3ev�d ot' the folloyin.g �mQUnta� of as�e�� ;� �s�b1e aost a �or sidewstl]c improvemsnt�r i.° �` Lat 1, Fdw�rd �. �ng�.n�� Re�r. � 15�j•�.� �� �F Lot 1, B1ock �, Academ� �eigh�� �.b5.3y f Fa�t �0 feet of Lot 2� E� a�.l QP �0, �laok 3, �'F �caaemy Hei�,ht� Y��.32 € Zot 20, B1o�k 2, Auditor� a Sub. �58 ], 0.96 �' t��at !�� �eet o�' Lot 2l, B1ock '2, Aud. Sub #58 1C?.].�, �� �ot 1, B1qak 2,� �aad�my �eig�t� 1�O.lb �E (E�. Ra�d��ph St. ) The ea�et �{.0 �eet of Lo�� ��j �: dc � �r}.ca. �he e�.�� �D Pee� of tY� aouth ? �eet �� of ot l�, $�.oak l�, s�lv�a Pa�k 1 2. �F TOTA� �1,111�..3�, nQ� �� t2�rei'ore, be it , �� �. ,? � . �� RE�?LVIDt that the �ommi��ian� ot' i'ublia Works be �nd he 3� � he�r mb�r �.uthorS�ed �.r�d dlrected to pay� f�om the P�.rm�a.ent �' �mpro�ement Re�olv�ng Fundd CO�E 30q1, ttie non�e�e�mea��ble �; �� portion o� the co�te ot Side�r�].k conatruation in the amount of � 3f i�.�..�0, done ur�.der thh� �.9�9 8idewalT� ContraQ'ty �-6087, 1� Distriat No. 2� Le�y No. 3, au�id P�rm�nent Imprave�nt Re» it volvtn Fund to b� re3m.bur�efl �rom the Looal Impz�vem�nt Fund ,� 3�•�. ��.g6�) . �K , �� �� � J[ 7� 3F �! JUL 13 99�� CO�UNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas ?� Nays ��� � 3 lk 1DeCourcy '�f �� Approved 19— Holland Iioss a� Tn Favor Mortinson � Peterson Mayor �' A gainst Rosen i; ,. ' � ,� ant a•co �2 1 �� �