203017 i .
_ � ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK • :.�� , C R n FIIe No. 203017—By MILtOIl �' �•Ji 1��� • /
•�'�" "�` • CITY OF ST. P � Resolved, BY the Council of the City, ���J �
� • of Saint Paul, pursuant to the applic-:�Q,
��` l ��-�� �' � OFFICE OF THE CIT ib�42,MM�innesota tStatutesutAnnotated,` �
that an• appeal having• been taken
° "� �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION— thereto and now pending in the District
�Court in and for the County of Raznsey .
PRESENTED BY and S�tate of Minnesota, from thef�
COMMISSIONE kAward of Damages in the amount of
15 000.00, as made and conSrmed by�
— - --- - k''"'� T�ri�T'..TeSOljllt�011 of hhis Council,,
� �� ! `..�1�I'NLE{�,,.TQnFIl 2S� 19s1�1
t ,_r � -�.�y
� G:
gESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint
Paul, pu.rsuant to the applicable Minnesota State Statute,
Section 117.�2, Minnesota Statutes Annotated, that an
� appeal having bee.n take.n thereto and now pe.nding in the
District Court in and for the County of �amsey and State
of Minnesota, from the �lward of Damages in the amount of
�15,000.00, as made and confirmed by the prior resolution
of this Council C.F. 201714, approved April 21, 1g61, for
the condemnation and taking under power of emine.nt domain,
by said City of the following described land and easements
in land, situate therein, to-wit: �
That land lying betwee.n the extended south-
westerly line of Lot 3, Block 1, Marshall's
Addition to West St. Paul on the West and the �
extended northeasterly line of Lot 1, Block 1,
Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul on the
East; the Mississippi fiiver on the North and ���,,
the following described line on the South; �
Beginning at a point �on the Southwesterly line
,jof said Lot 3 at a distance of 140 ft. north-
westerly of the northwesterly line of tilater•
St. ; thence bearing N. 58�37' E. along a line
111-0 ft. northwesterly from and parallel to said
� northwesterly lin.e of Water St. a distance of
17.0 ft. , thence bearing N. 13°37' E. a dis-
tance of �7.0 ft. ; thence bearing N. 19°�7' W. ,
a distance of 40.0 ft. ; thence at ri:ght angles
, bearing N. 70°13' E. a distance of 108.0 ft. ;
thence at right angles bearing S. 19�4�7' E.
a distance of 30 ft. ; thence bearing S. 3$°57�'
E. a distance of lOg.94 ft. to� the intersection
. with said northeasterly line of Lot 1, Block 1,
Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul at a dis-
... _ tance of 60.0� ft. northwesterly of the south-
easterly corner of said Block 1, Marshall's �
COUNCILMEN ° ' ' Adopted by the Council_ 19—
Yeas Nays �
Loss Tn Favor
A gainst
Mr. President, Vavoulis
a m G-(i 1
`� i
� , � • , " "�����
. � 2 �
, A permane.nt easement required for construc-
' tion and maintenance of Flood Wall and ap-
purtenant structures for flood control pur-
poses on the followin.g described property:
That land lying within the following de-
scribed lines: Commencing at a point on the
Southwesterly line of Lot 3, Block 1, Marshall's
Addition to West Saint Paul at a distance of
140 ft. Northwes�erly from the Northwesterly •
line of Water 5treet; _thex�ce bearing N 58�37 ' E,
along a line 1�1-0 ft. Northwesterly from and -
parallel to said Northwesterly line of Water St. � �
' a distance of 17 ft. ; thence bearing N 13°37' E
. a distance of 57.0 ft. to the point of beginning
of the property to be described; thence bearing
N 19°47' W a distance of �0.0 ft. ; thence bear-
ing N '�0°13' E a distance of 108.0 ft. ; the,nce
' bearing S 19°4�7' E a distance of 55.0 ft. ; thence.
bearing N 4��23' W a �distance of 17.0 ft. ; thence
bearing N 31°23' W a distance of 12.0 ft. ; thence
at right angle bearing S 58�37� W a distance of
6 ft. ; thence at right angle bearing N 31°23' W
a distance of 10 ft. ; thence at right angle bear-
�g S 58°37' W a distance of 10 ft. ; thence b.ear-
�.ng S 8�°14' W to a point on the extended South- "
westerly li.ne of Lot l, Block 1 of said Marshall's
Addition a distance of 33.4�0 ft. ; therice bearing
' _ � . . S 5$°37' w 8 distance of 39•�3 ft. ; thence bear-
� � ing S 31°23' E a distance of 3.15 ft. ; thence
bearing S?13�37� W a distance of 19.0 ft. to the
point of beginning, being part of the accretions
to Lots 1 and 2, Block l, Marshall's Addition to
West St. Paul. Also all public streets, alleys
and ways necessary for flood control purposes and
contiguous to the hereinabove described lands '
and upon which said hereinabove described lands
or any of the same abut, heretofore or hereafter
vacated, together with all lands and interests
in lands which embrace every such contiguous
public street, alley and way;
A temporary easement on the following described - '
, property: That part of Lots l thrn 3, Block 1,
Marshal.l's Addition to West Saint Paul and ac-
� cretions to said lots lying ivithin the following
� described line: Beginning at a point o,n the
� Southwesterly line of ;said Lot 3 at a distance of �
� �
E � ,
� ,
, • . • �� • , • • ` ` ��\�����,�
- 3 -
120 ft. Northwesterly from the Northwesterly
line of Water 5�. ; thence bearing Northwesterly
� along said Southwesterly line of Lot � a dis-
tance of �0 feet; thence bearing N �8 37' E
� .. along a line 140 ft. Northwesterly from and
� parallel to the Northwesterly line of Water
St. a distance of 17.0 ft. ; thence bearing
N 13°37' E a distance of 76 ft. ; the.nce bear-
ing S 31°23' E a distance of 30 ft. ; thence
at right angles bearing S 58�37' W a distance
of 13 ft. ; thence at right angles bearing
� S 31°23' E a distance of 2� ft. ; thence bear-
ing S 13�37' W a distance of 35 ft. ; thence
bearing S 67�16' W a distance of 33•36 ft. to
-�he point of beginning. Also that part of Lot
1, Block 1, Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul
and accretions to said Lot 1 lying within the
following described lines: Commencing at a
point being the Northwesterly line of Water St. � .
and the Southwesterly line of State St.�; the.nce
bearing N. 23°09' W, along said Southwesterly line
of State St. a distance of 60.0� ft. to the point
of beginning of the prop�erty to be described;
� : � � � . thence bearing N. 380,572 ' W.a distance of 109•9�
� ft. ; thence bearing S. 19°�7' E. a distance of
25 ft. ; thence bearing N. 4�4�°23' W. a distance
' of 17 ft. ; thence bearing S. 31°38! E, a distance
of �0.31 ft. ; thence bearing S. 52°15' E, to the
point of beginning a distance of 6�.01 ft. Tem-
porary easements to remain in effect for either
a three year duration or upon the completion of
, construction, whichever comes f irst;
in and by that certain public improvement proceeding insti-
- tuted, conducted and completed therefor by said City under
j applicable provisions of i�s�-Home fiule Charter, in the matter
of (Map No. 3) c ondemning and_ tak ing land and ea s eme.nts f or
the co.nstruction of flood walls and dikes, pumping station
sites, structures and slopes for flood control purposes,
more particularly as described i.n said prior resolution.;
that hereby .said Council appropriates and sets aside in the �
Treasury of said City, in a fund therein to be known as The
. Condemnation and Award Fund, a sum of money equal in amount
to said award of damages, to-wit the sum of �15,000.00, and
does hereby provide for the retention theresif therein during
,the pendency of said appeal, available at all times for the
payment thereof upo.n demand to whomsoever shall be shown to
have a clear right thereto, and hereby further pledges the
� � full faith and credit of said City for the payment of any
? •
_ r
_ � ,..�_�
R � • . CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCi� �U���,�
� . .
� � �
increase of said award of damages allowed upon said
appeal, and that said appropriation is made from the
funds of the City heretofore apprnpriated and made
available therefor in the Permanerit Improvement �evolving
Fund, File No. L 6215-3, said Fund to be reimbursed from
Flood Control Project Fund Code 1066.
- � ,
. '� �
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun"''ciT 1 � ���� 19—
Yeas � , Nays
� DeCourcy .���. � � ,��
� Holland Approved 19—
Loss �, � �--•
n Favor
E Peterson � Mayor
Rosen gainst
�14�, ���e �'���, �-�,-'�—�—. �� / 7 /p�
5M (j•(jj
4 � . r-
� � O:PLIGATE TO PRINT6R ' ������
�€ ---- --
� EESOLVED,, by the Couna�.1 of �he City of 5aint
jf Paul� pursuant to the applicable Minnesota State Statute,
, : Section 117.�2, Minnesota Statu�es Annota�e�,, that an
'� appeal having been taken thereto and now pending, in the \
� Dietriet Court in and for the County of Eamsey and State ,
of Minnesota, from the Award. of Damages in the amount of �
� �15;000.00, as made and confirmed by �he prior' resolution
� of this 8onncil C.F, 20171�F, approved April 21l. 1961f for
the eondemn,ation and �eking uncier power of sminent domain,
i by said Citq of the following described land ax�d essemente
, � in land, situate therein� to-w�.ts �
� That lsnd lying between �he eatended south-
i wes�erlg line of Lot 3, Block l, Marahall's
� Addition to West St. Paul on the West and the
� egtended northeasterl9 line of Lot l, B1ock 1�
� Marshall's Addition to West St, Paul on the
4 ` East; the Mississippi River on th e North and
� the following described lin.e on the South;
� Beginning at a point on the Southwesterly line
� of said Lot 3 at a distance of 1�0 ft. north-
� westerly of the northweeterly line of Ya��r
St, ; thence beari.ng N� 58°37� E. along a line
�� 11t-0 f�. nort?�westerly from and parallel to said
� northweste�ly line of Water Sto a+dis�ance of
�t 17.0 ft. , thence bearing N. 13 37 E. sod3s- �
� tanee of 57.0 ft. ; �hence bearing N. 19 47 W.
� a distance of 4�0.0 ft. ; thence at right angles
bearing N. 70�13' T. s distance of 108.0 ft. ;
� thence at right angles bearing S. 19o�?t E.
� a distance of 30 ft. ; thenee bearing S. 38°57�'
� E. a dis�ance of 109.94 ft, to the intersection
with said northeasterly line of Lot l, Block 1,
� Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul at a dis-
� �ance of 60.04� ft. northwesterly of the south-
; easterly corner of said Block 1� Marshall�s
� Add�.tion;
� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
�, Yeas Nays
I� DeCourcy
J� Holland Approvecl 19—
��g Tn Favor
� Peterson Mayor
� R,osen A gainst
Mr. President, Vavoulis
� EM G-61
E �
�_ � at , - . - ' .; - � � - ' _ � `_
"�� � � �- _ " _ " • _ -� . �- � " - � _� - �-. - .- � � - .- .
�� .- ' - - _ _'f - . • -: � - -�' - -. � . _ �-_` ` � . � � - � � � ..
�a,:. . - , - � . - • � , - - . �: , - ; - �-������ ,
Ye t ` - ' , w � " � _ , ' ' -.. _ " _
�� • _ ; - : _ ' . _ .�I �,. ��- -_ ,` r - • �' . . � ` • .
i. . " ' - - _ • ~' .
�� ,' � � _- ' •� _ - -a ' , ' _ ' , ' • ' • ' t - • � . �• � ' -
. . �r - . . � .A ��rmai��n� Qa$em�n� requ�r�d .for r�a���r�u�- � , _ . . .
�G - •, ' " __ �ibn ax�fi i�s�;��e�a�a�-,��'� �T�load We�.�,, ar�d �p-. - _ -
- _�� ;� , ' '�'�ur�en,��,t �atrua�ux�e� far �'�a�� �dn�ro�. �a�-: � ' ,
; _ ._ . - pase.� -ar��,��e �fol�:ow�.xig. �.t���rl�efl rope�ty�' . . � _ { : -
. �� ' , : --._ TMa� l�r�d- lg�g w�.th3n the fol�ax z1g dew . "_- _ , - :
' +� - :��r�tie�, _�i�nte�,s_ �.oimn�z�oi� at a� po�.nt� on tY�e � �
��' , '� ; . ..` _ . ' So�t�hv�e��er7:y ��ne 4f I�� 3� B�.o�� � Me��s�a9.1�.g ' . . . l- - ,
�� , . . - - _ Ac�dit�en to. i�eg� Sa�n� Psul 8� =a, dla�ari�e Qf � �
� � � � - • � 1� ft.� �ia�t�wes��r�.�r f'rtam the ��NorthwQSter�.y - � : - � .
. �,� , �_ . � �, � 13.ne. .of �Wa�az� 5�reet; thence be�r�.ng. .�t. ,�$°37� fi- , - - ` -
- ��s '� alor� � 3.i�e '1�0 :f�: No'rt�w+�s�er�.y from �rid. ' .
� - . _ � _ _ para�.le� �p ,�aid I�Qr�hwes�.�rly �irie '��'.Wa�e� S�� � � _ " .
� _ = a dist��o� of 1� ,ft. ; -thenae bearing I� ,1�°'37' E - - -
�3 - � , - . - � �.���ce �o�f 57•4 f�� �o �he �09.�� of �1ae��nn9�n� .`
• -�� - - ' • .o#' the }��ope�ty ��i be desa�tr^ib�d� . the�lae bearing : � .
.�_ � ° - - - � N� �9°47� � 8 _��.a�E�.rn�.'� ��4 '1'���- 1 t's• � ��jQ�C.e ��S�w . .
� - � =3ng � '�0°13' E �,� dis�aria� r��' 108,0 �t..;, �henae � - . _
� � � - ' '�ea�fng $ 1 ���7�� �: $ d�$taine� of �5,�0,�ft. ; t�lexlce ._ -
- � -,. �� - � � � 'be�ring. N,��23� W a rl.�stant�e of 1�t� ft. ; thence - � � .
,€ _ - �a��r�:ng i� 3�.°�3' W� a distanae qf �.2.0 f�. � �he�:�e . -
'�,_ ; . . . � � � at righ� an�ie �ear.�ng: s. 584�7'� w �s di��ance of - � � i
�p . � . . . • - 6 �'�.-; ��enae a� �i�ht. s�g],e,be��ing N 31Q23� W . �
�. : t� -
- a .�3.stari.e.e �of� Y0 ft; thena� at r3ght axtg�.e bear�
,��_ - ; � ._ . : ` ��S � 58�37�� �..a �ia�enoe a�:1Q f�; �. tY�enue b�ar�, - ', �
� _ _ . k_ °i�- S 84 ]�4 W �o �, po�� oz� the. ex�ended South- � _ � ,
wes�er,ly �.�r�e of �Lbt T, Bloak 1 of sa�,d .Mar��al���
-_,�_� ' , � � ° �dd�ti�� s , di�tarice o� 33..�0 f�. �; �her�rse _taear�.n,g , . �
' - - `� � 58°37.� w `� dis�ance �f 39:..�3 �'t. �� �henae bee�-� .
� :�� ; - -._ � ' - - '�� �. ��,�z3�� �"8 ��,i,st�noe pf 3..15 �t, � �he�tc�e . .
�� � , � , . . bear�ing Sb�3a3?! .W a distan�e of �:9.0 f�: to �he . T_ -� :
, _ � po3�t .of--beginningt bein� �ar�_�o� ��e 8caretions
�� -. � , � , to Lo�a 1 and 2� B1Qak .�.� Marehall�s �A�ddi.t�ion -to . -
� _ -�esfi� St,•. �aul. . Also el�� publia �street�., alle�t� _ _ , -
..�� ` r ' _ and.' �r�ys ne�essary ��or f1oo�Y contro� pu�^poses anc��
� � � . � - ." �T- -:�. - .`,aont�.gu�ius �o �he h�reinabove de�ar�:b�d laads � � -. .
;� ' , _ _ . .and u.pox� �rhi.ch �aid hereinabbv� desar�iti�8 larids .
�� , or ��r -Qf =the- �am4� ��ut, -herstofore ,�r Y�ereaFter . `� � �
. �, . - _,- . � . .vacated,° t.c��;ether� with sll '�.s�ds and� �xite�es�s -�- � '
;�� � _ - . ' . - in �.and,s �r�ic�i :eu�braee. zevery auch oonti�v,ou� �
`�� �� � - . �. � _publi;a 'e�tree�; �iley.and way; � : . - . • -.
� - • � - -:>• . .
. r - - • . _. - .
.;�_ , . � � . . . �'A tecnparary easer�e�t on �he �'ollow�in,g i�esar�b�d = , �� ,- •
_ g�operty�� �That paFt +�f Lot� L.�hru � Hl�ak 1 f -
-• �� - - � M�rsh�all*�s. A�dl,��pn ��o �f�st Sa�:n� Pau� �nd aa= � `
_ � . _
.�� - � = = � . �-. ` aretiong to ssxcl lot� �.ging w�th�.n �he fol�:owi��g . -
�; � �.- - . � s �de�ar�bed-_lines '� Hag3,nrii� a� a_po�nt'on" the
��: -• , - ' Southwes���ly ].ine of ;Baid �pt 3 at`� �d���anae of . � " -
� 1- -,�, , ,
� . . . . . � _ .-
�� _ . � -_ - , , -� _ - . - _ . - -
1� ' . "' ` _ e . . - _ .' •. � : ' ' �.
f�' . • ' • ' . ' . , � . •, • -._ '. " ' _ � ' ' . T '
�� , - .. . � - ` - - � . _ • - -
�` _ ' - � � . � ' - r . , . ' ' . , ' , - -
.. �� �., � - � _ ' � .- �- : ; - � : . _ � - � �_�����'�
�� �_ - . . _�• � •�' 0.' r - "t= -' . _� � =; -? � � _ . " ,; ^ -� . - '' ', ; - • - '_ .
�� . . ' • ' - '. ' ' �.�. " - `. ` - . � _ - ' ; _ - ,
� .�€r , _ � - ` - ' - •� . , - ' - ' •. - .-
�� � - - = 120 f ti., Idorthw���erly from th�-�tor�hweatex��,�` �
��� • - - � , 1l.x�e aP Water- St,�; thence 'k�e�r�.rig ��orthwe�terly - -`- ' �
� �. � a�.orig said SoutMweste�l� li�e- d� Lot a dis.» -
` E
= j}-_ � ` s - ta�ce of 20 feet� =th�nae bear�ri� � �8 �?' _
� _y� - - . . ��:o�tg. s;�l�,ne 140 ft, Nor�Mwe.��erl�t fxom and
, �� - �� paralis]. to �he' l�or�hwea�er,7.� ����me of W,a�er
�� , . . St* a d�.stariCe.: +�� -�7',0 ft:� tMenaQ �aearing .
��. - ,- N 13�3�� � a die,tance of 7 ft�.; tY��ene� bear-
- �� � -: i�g � 31Q23�. E.a d3�tanae o� �0, f�* � thena� ,
�r _ - � .. a�. �ight �ngleg bearin� 5 5$°37� W �a �.�.a�ar�ce .
� ,� of 13 ft.� � then.ce a� rig;h� 4ng�ea bear�.�g ,
: �� , � � , S .3�;�?23 i E a distanae of �4 ft: � -�Mena� bear-
�` - � ' �.ng_S 13�:37i W a dlstanae a� �� ft. ; thence - •
` -,- . ", bea�'�� S E7�16' W ,e cli$ten��s o�= 33�36 ft. to
�� � . . .
� the pQint pf b�ginning., A1�o t�hai� part of Lqt
�y ° 1� Block 1 Mar�hall's Addi�ion �o. West St. Pau�. - "
- �� - - 'and aaaret�ons to safd Lo� 1� lying �ithi.n �he � ,
��,: � � ���oT.�.owing descr�bed ].ines; �ommena in� at a - _-
- ��- - � - - pc�int beirig �Y�e NQrthwesterl�� lit�e o� Water St, .�;��r�}.�-
- 3; � �nd �he Soutk�wes�erly l�ne of S�Ca�� St..� thenee �`°`'w =
�� - ' � 3 •�, bearing N� �3°09' �1. �long �aid �ou�hwesterly �.ir1e �
k _ _ of State St, a, d3.stanoe of 60*0,4 ft, to �.he goir��
' � � o� begi�niug .of �he pro e�ty �o b� deser�.bed;
�' . . � .
'- ` .• - _the�ce bearing �N. 38 �7� � .
o � W.a dis�tanoe df 109� �
,. - .
. -�� � - �� � ft.# � 'thence �b�aring S: 19Q�7a F� a di��en�e v�' . -
: -
- 25 f t. ; then�e -beari.ng AT i. �F�+ 23 W. � di,�tan�s
��• � � 'ot' 17 ft. # s�her�ce bearing S. ' 3�.°38� E. � dis�a�,ce �
�� � , - , - .. of 40.�X ft;: , �h�nae bearing S. 5zo7:5+� �: ,ta � the - Y
�� . - Roint of beg�n�ing s, distance of .65,01 f�: Tem- � -
,� " 'porary easemen�s to remain �n ef�ee� for ei:ther
�{ � a th,ree year durat#�on or upQn �he- eompletion of
�>� F - _ � . �� ' ' _ eons�ruc�ion, ,whicY�e�er comes f�.rst; .
�t -- � - -� ' _ , .
'�' � ► � y - in and 'b ,, that a�rta�,n publia i
,�� . �► mprovemerit prpceedi�ig insti-
�� - �uted, con�.uc�ed a�d aompleted triQx�efor 'by .saic� City nnder -
,�� - a�p'13c$ble provi��.Qrtg of 1�ssHor�e �ule Chert�r, in the ma��er . _
�=-� - �` of (�Iap No. 3� aond.em��.ng �nd �ak9;ng land and easemez�ts #'qr
�; � - t�e eAns'�rk�tion vf floocl wall� $nd �.ike�� pumping sta�iqrt - �
;° " � '�• ' . �ites, s�ru��t�res and slopes- Por flc?od con�rQ}. purposea� � -
`�:- �' mbre part�.�u�a�l� a� �esar�b� �. sald pr,�or resbl�tien; .
�� � � �h�t hsreb3* �aid Council appropriate� az�d sets �si�e �.n the
� � Treasury of ssid C�.ty, ln � fun� the�e�.n t4 b� ;kt�Qwn. a� The �
_ , -Condera�ia���on and Award Fund; � -�um of_ money e.qual in emoun� .
� . 'tc� said ��ard 4f dam�ges y �o»x�i� �the �um of �15,dQQ«04; �nd , ,
�- doea. h�z�eby prov:�c�q for �}�e 'reter��ion �kt�r.e8i� thex�efn du��,ng
° , ' the p�rid�nay .o�' sa�.d appeel, ava�lable et ell timeB. for �he
pa�rmer�t. thereof upon. demand to whomspever ��a]�1 be �ho� to �.
_ _ �_ have � aleer. r�g�t thex��b� and hereby tur�her pl�dge� the
. Pull :�a:i;th and. cixedit of said. C�.�y fc�r the paymsnt Qf any
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' � � � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� w"���
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�� increasc� of �aid award of damages allowed upon esid
eppeal, and that said appropria�ion is made from the
�� funds of the City heretofore apprQpriated and made
I� aosilable therefor in e Pormanent Smprovement 8evolvin�
�i Fund, File No. L 6215� said Fund to be reimbursed from
�� Flood Control Pro�ect Fund Code 1066.
� '
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COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci��(�, 1 � ��� 19—
Yeas Nays
DeCourcy � ���� � � +����
Holland Approved 19—
In Favor
Peterson � Mayor
A gainst