203014 � `� Councll File No. 203014—By Miiton. r� Rosen— � ��3f l�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �, �y � Resolved, By.the Council of the City W CITY OF ST. P/4 04 Saint Paul, pursuant to the ap- ' � ! - plicable Minnesota State Statute, Seo-�. "= • ? ' � FFICE OF THE CITY ti°n 117.42, Minnesota sc��tes Anno- — � „ . tated, hhat an appeal having been � COU IL RESOLUTION—GE D�t i�t''co��ri e a foT thegCo��: � � � of Ramsey and State of Minnesota,� j PRESENTED BY � �. �'om the Award of Damages in the i �COMMISSIONE ;amqu`t of �1,t�'"^2�e,r.^�"�*�-�9-�""" -•-t.t,. �� — - -- — -- EESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to the applicable Minnesota State Statute, Section 1T7.�2, Minnesota Statutes Annotated, that an appeal having been take.n thereto and now pending in the District Court in and for the County of Fiamsey and State of Nlinnesota, from the Award of Damages in the amount of �1,g00.00, as made and canfirmed by the prior resolution � of this Counal C. F. 201806, approved April 26, 1961, for the condemnation and taking under power of emin.ent domain., � by said City of the following described land and easements . in land, situate therei.n, to-wit: �Thcjse certain tracts or parcels of land: - Lots 9, 10, and 11, Bloek 1, Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Minn. , and"also a11 public �treets, alleys and ways necessary for flood control purposes and contiguous to �the hereinabove described lands and upon which said hereinabove described lands or any of the same abut, heretofore or hereafter f vacated, together with all lands and interests � in lands which embrace every such contigl�ous �� public street, alley and way; '�emporary easements for said purposes in that � certain tract or parcel of land: the westerly � 30 feet of Lot 8, Block 1, Second Addition to ' Brooklynd, St. Paul, Minn. , to rema.in in effect for either a three year duration or upon the comple�ion of construction, whichever comes , first. The' District Engineer of the U.S. Corps of Engineers sha11 determine the eompletion of � construction date; in and by that certain public improvement proceeding insti- � ' tuted, conducted and completed therefor by said Ci�y under applicable provisions of its Home Rule Charter, in the matter of (Map No. 2) condemning and taking lands and ease- ments for the consti^uetion of flood walls, dikes, pumping . , station aites,. other structures and slopes for flood control COUNCILMEN . ' Adopted by the Council 19— �eas Nays t DeCourcy . ' " Holland Approved 1g_ Loss ." - In Favor Mortinson Peterson � ' Mayor Rosen ' . --Agamst , M�r. President, Vavoulis . � . SM G-G1 .- �� £ ' � . (((''''''��� /l� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � �,����� ,. � .. -� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. �" � �� ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . � " COUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��MMISSIONER DATE � -- --- - --- � 2 � purposes, more particularly as described in said prior resolu- • � tion; that hereby said Council appropriates and sets aside � in the Treasury of said City, in a fund therein to be known as The Co.ndemnatio.n and Award Fund, a sum of mo.ney equal in � amount to said �ward of Damages, to-wit the sum of �1,900.00, and does hereby provide for the retentio.n thereof therein during the pendency of said appeal, available at all times for the payment thereof upon demand to whomsoever shall be show,n to have a clear right thereto, and hereby further pledges the full faith and credit of said City for the payme.nt of any increase of said Award of D�mages allowed upo.n said appeal, and that said appropriation is made from the funds of the City heretofore appropriated and made available there- . for in the Permanent Improv�ment Fievolving Fund, File No. L 6215-�, said Fund to b e reimbursed from Flood Co.ntrol Project Fund Code 1066. i � .:','L 13 � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays .� � DeCourcy �,'�,�� 1 � � �� �iolland Approved— 19— - Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor gainst Rosen � _ 1 �� . � . PYJBLISIiED . �' � SM (j-(il �E �j ��UPLICATE TO PRINTER ' "4 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� `�'Q���� ��__1 � �� " O F F I C E OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ � �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF !t �` IIESOLVED, by the CounciY of the City of Saint �; �� Paul, pursuant to the applicable Minnegota State Statu�e� �; Section 117.�2, Minneso�a Statutes Annotated, that an ; �� appeal havtng been taken thereto and now pending in the � Distriat Court �.n and for the County of Eamsey and State �� of riinnesota� frqm the Award of Damages in the amount of �1,900.00y as made snd can�irmed bq� the priar re�olution � �� of this Counc�l, C� F. 2018E36� approved Aprl,1 26� �..961� for �� the condemnation ax�d taking under power of' emi.r�ent domaln� by said City of the following described land and easements �� in land, s3tuate therein, to-w3.�� F �� Those certain, traets or parael$ of lands Lota 9, 30, and 11, Block 1, Seaond Addition l � to Brooklyncl, St. Pau1, Miran. , and alao ell • - publia s�reete, alley� and ways necessary ' for flood control purposea anci Qontiguoue _� to the hereinabove desaribed lands and upon �� which said here9.nabove deearibed landa or any of the sa.me abut, heretofore or hereafter � vacated, together with all lands and interests � in lands whiah embrace every auah contigrous public street, alley and �ay; Temporary easemen�s for said purposes in that � certain traa� or parael of land: the westerly � 30 feet oP I,ot 8, B1ock 1, 3eaond Addition to �� Brooklynd, St. Pau.x', �Iinn. , to remain in effeet for either a three year duration or upon the � completion of conatruation, whiahever Qomes � firs�. The Distriat Engineer of the U.S. Corpa � of Engineera sha1Y determine the completion of construction date; �� in and by that cer�ain publia improvement proceeding insti- tuted, aonducted and aompleted therefor by aaid City under �` appl3eable provi�ions of its Home Hule Charter, in the �� ma.tter of (Map No. 2) aondemning and taking Yands and ease- �� ments for the construetion of flood walls, dikes, pumping sta�ion sites, other atructures and alopes for flood aontrol� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � DeCourcy Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis �E , sM G-G1 1 � e � �� �� P ['�J j�r UPLICATE TO PRINTER ' � ��_ \��� CITY OF�ST. PAUL couNCi� ��rf �' ` � " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I � JPRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF 1 1 — ------- — — Et E F � 2 r � � purposes, more partiQUlarly as 'desaribed in said prior resolu- tion; that hereby said Council appropriates and set� aeide � �� ' in the �reasury of �e�id. C3.�y, in a fund therein to be known �� as The Condemxiation and Award Fundf a sum of money equa]� in amount to said A�ard oP Damages, to-wit the sum of �1,900.00, and does hereby provide for the retention thereo� therein dnr3.ng the pendency pf sai8 appea�., available at all �imea for ; , the payment thereof upon demand to whomsoeaer shall 2� shown - � -�°— �o have a clear righ� theretc�, and hereby furthe� pledge� � the full faith ancl credit of �aaid Citq far the payment of any �.narease of said Awarc� of D�mage� allvwed upon gaid � appeal, end �hat said appropria��qn is made from �he f�nde � oP the City heretofore appropria�ed and made available there- � for in the Permanen� Improvement gevoiving Fund, File No, L 6215-;�. said Fund to b e reimbursed from Flaod Cont�ol � ° Pro�eat Fund Code 1066. _._- �� . � , �� 1� s � � E � � " � � � ! JU� 13 �'1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , �u� � 3 � �,9�r. DeCourcy � y��� E Holland Approved 19— Loss ' Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson n Mayor � 1" A gainst Rosen � en , avou is �� sM G-G1 �7� i�