08-175Suspension Item Presented by Council File # Q�— \� � Green Sheet # 3050112 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul seeks to secure Federal funding for major projects. 2 3 WHEREAS, City departsnents have submitted projects of significant impact that are in need of Federal 4 funding. 5 6 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council approves this list for Federal funding of major projects. 7 8 BE IT RESOLVED, that the following is the City of Saint Paul's FY2009 list of funding priorities from 9 the Federal government for the projects and amounts shown: 10 1). Fund for Strategic Acquisition and Rehabilitation of Housing — Invest Saint Paul 11 The combination of rising costs of living, unfavorable mortgage rates and stagnant family incomes are 12 causing too many families of modest means to lose their homes. As of February, 2007, there were over 13 900 vacant buildings in the city — hundreds more than ever before. For others families, tight budgets for 14 daily necessities aze preventing homeowners from spending on needed home maintenance, causing the 15 rapid deterioration of neighborhoods. After undertaking an extensive research project concerning vacant 16 and foreclosed buildings, we have discovered that some of these buildings need to be demolished; for 17 others, it makes financial sense to renovate and resell the homes at affordable prices to families. 18 19 This request would enable the City of Saint Paul to establish a fund to renovate 25 residential properties 20 and acquire up to 50 properties. The goal of the fund would be to grow stable neighborhoods, and increase 21 the confidence of other current and potential homeowners, spurring additional private investment in 22 neighborhood housing stock. State and private funds aze also being sought for this project. 23 24 Amount Requested: $5,000,000 (TTHUD) 25 2). City Progra�ns for After School and School Release Time -- Second Shift Initiative 26 We urge you to support funding to provide transportation, improve facilities, increase staff training and 27 upgrade equipment at libraries, parks and recreation centers in support of the City's Second Shift Initiative. 28 Funds would be used to improve the city's ability to serve youth during after-schooi times and on school 29 release days. The goal of the project is to increase Saint Paul students' school success and reduce juvenile 30 crime. The City will establish computer access in "Invest Saint Paul" neighborhoods, provide programs 31 and services to new immigrants, establish media centers, improve child health and wellness through 32 nutrition and fitness initiatives, and provide transportation between schools, city facilities and other non- 33 profit youth-serving organizations to permit greater participation. State and private funds are also being 34 sought for this important project. 35 36 Amount Requested: $1,660,000 (LabarHHS) 37 = ��-��� 38 3). Bruce Vento Nature Center & Trail Link to the Mississippi River 39 The City of Saint Paul requests your support in the acquisition and environmental clean-up of 2.5 acres of 40 land immediately adjacent to the Bruce Vento Nature Sanchiary for the purposes of constructing an 41 interpretive center facility. This interpretive center facility would be the only site of its kind in the entire 42 Midwest. 43 44 In addition, the City of Saint Paul proposes to create a trail connection between the Bruce Vento Regional 45 Trail, the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary and the Sam Morgan Regional Trail adjacent to the Mississippi 46 River comdor. This request would permit design, engineering and construction of the trail link. $1.2 47 million in 2005 SAFETEA-LU funds have been received and expended for design and engineering of this 48 project. 49 50 Amount Requested: $7,200,000 (TTHUD) 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 4). Warning siren systein replacement This funding request would replace the warning siren system that is used to warn the public about tomadoes, terrorism, and hazazdous material emergencies. There aze thirty-seven warning sirens in the field. These sirens are approximately 50 years old. The sirens are operated through a central computer control system which is almost 15 years old. It costs approximately $20,000 per year to repair and maintain the current system. The current warning siren system is in such disrepair that there is a risk of complete system failure. The City and Ramsey County are exploring the possibility of having an integrated warning siren system to maximize the public's safety. For example, if there is an emergency that originates in Mounds View, the sirens would be activated for the City of Saint Paul as well. Amount Requested: $1,026,500 (CJS) 64 S). Po[ice Crime Lab Equipment 65 The Saint Paul Police Department has operated its own crime lab since the 1950s. During that time the lab 66 has provided investigators from Saint Paul and from police agencies across the region with expert forensic 67 information in support of Homicide, Sexual Violence, Drug, Property, and Gun cases However, much of 68 the equipment used by the Departrnent is outdated. This request would allow SPPD to upgrade and acquire 69 new equipment to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Crime Lab. 70 , 71 Because the SPPD Crime Lab does not have the necessary equipment, Saint Paul cases which require DNA 72 analysis are processed by thelaboratory operated by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. 73 The BCA has a critical backlog in processing major cases. Rape case evidence can take three to four 74 months to process and gun cases up to one yeaz. With the proper DNA analysis equipment, Saint Paul 75 could more rapidly process DNA evidence and identify violent offenders. Adding this capacity in Saint 76 Paul would remove the burden on the BCA of processing our city's crime evidence, thus helping to 77 alleviate the backlog of requests at the BCA. The SPPD would also be able to assist the Ramsey County 78 Attorney's Office with its Innocence Project, in which DNA evidence is used to exonerate persons who 79 have been wrongfully accused or convicted of crimes. The cost to acquire DNA analysis equipment is $2 80 million. C� Ss - \ si 82 Currently, the Lab's Gas Chromatograph Spectometer, the device used in analyzing drug crime evidence, is 83 a 1996 model. This equipment had an expected service life of six years. Replacement cost is $90,000. 84 8� The current Crune Lab Vehicle is a converted 1989 Box Van and is in need of replacement. It has no 86 method of securing dangerous chemicals and noxious materials for transport, and it cannot support current 87 technology that the Lab wishes to use. Replacement cost for an appropriate vehicle is $150,000. 88 89 Amount Requested: $2,240,000 (CJS) 90 91 6). Dale Street Bridge over Interstate Highway 94 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 The Dale Street Bridge over I-94 is too narrow, and visibility problems need to be conected. This is a high priority for the City because of the safety concerns, although these concerns do not extend to structural integrity. The redevelopment of the area surrounding the bridge has added — and will continue to add — an increasing traffic demand. There have also been requests from the surrounding community to improve the structure to encourage walking and biking, and integrate lighting similar to what is found on Westem Avenue. The project would also improve access to the Central Corridor. The total cost of the project is $15 million. 100 Amount Requested: $3,000,000 for acquisition of Right of Way and for project design (TTHUD) 101 102 7). Iinproving the Energy Efficiency of City Buildings 103 We request Federal funding to supplement an internal revolving loan fund that has 104 energy efficiency improvements in City-owned buildings. The fund will finance 105 replenished from the savings each city department will realize in operations and 106 result of the improvements. Federal funding would supplement $1 million the Ci 107 effort. 108 109 Amount Requested: $1,500,000 (E&� 110 been created to finance improvements, then be maintenance costs as a ty is committing to this 111 8). Como Rider Shuttle 112 The Como Park Zoo and Marjorie McNeely Conservatory has undertaken plans to provide an offsite 113 parking and transportation system for Como Park to alleviate pazking congestion and gridlock in the Park. 114 This $3.5 million pro}ect was partially funded through a Federal Transit Administration appropriation of I 15 $1.5 million in 2005-2006. Additional funding is requested for land lease, infrastructure improvements, 116 capital equipment lease, and signage improvements. 117 118 Amount Requested: $1,625,000 for design and construction. (TTHUD) o�-��� ll9 120 9). Cayuga Sireet Interchange at Interstate Highway 35E 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 The section of Interstate Highway 35E from Downtown to South of Maryland Avenue is very congested in peak commuting hours. Saint Paul City staff has negotiated with MnDOT a design for reconstruction that includes a new interchange at Cayuga Street as a replacement for the current interchange at Pennsylvania Avenue. A two-way frontage road will connect the new interchange to Phalen Boulevazd/Pennsylvania Avenue. Moving the interchange north will allow for full access to the Interstate; the current interchange cannot provide access to southbound I-35E. All environmental work has been completed, and some of the needed additional Right of Way has been acquired. The total project cost is $138 million; MnDOT has a federal request for other aspects ofthis project. Amount Requested: $3,000,000 to the City of Saint Paul to design the connection to Phalen Boulevard and purchase Right of Way (TTHUD) IO). Channel Street Stairs This project restores the Channel Street Stair Tower on the West Side. This West Side icon, known affectionately by generations of Saint Paulites as "The Green Stairs," is 90 years old and requires significant maintenance to be kept safe and operating. The stairs are used by many pedestrians on a daily basis and provide a vertical pedestrian connection between the Prospect Park neighborhood and Wabasha Street. This vertical connection to the National Great River Pazk is a necessary asset and important in our city's transportation network. Amount Requested: $2,000,000 (Int) 145 ll). Harriet Island Lower Harbor Dredging 146 Saint Paul requests critical fixnding for the purpose of dredging accumulated silt in the Mississippi River, at 147 the lower harbor near Harriet Island. Silt build-up has caused several boats to be grounded, representing a 148 potential safety hazard for river navigation. The Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for maintaining 149 the navigability of these waters, but is unable to do so, given their current budgetary constraints. Therefore 150 the City of Saint Paul respectfully requests that the Federal Government continue its longstanding 151 responsibility for providing public use and access to the Mississippi River by appropriating funds to 152 independently accomplish this task. Unfettered access to the Mississippi River fundamentally affects both 153 recreation and commerce interests, which are central pillars in the economy of Saint Paul and the 154 surrounding Midwest region. 155 156 The original version of the 2007 Senate Energy and Water Appropriations Bill designated $200,000 for 157 this project, however with the elimination of Earmarks in the FY2007 Continuing Resolution (H.J. RES 158 20) we would again like to request the funding for FY2008. 159 160 Amount Requested: $105,000 (E&W) 161 ������� 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 Housin�, Economic Development, and the Environment Community Development Block Grant Program Funding City Staff Contact: Bob Hammer, Planning and Economic Development 651-266-6693 The City of Saint Paul urges you to support full funding for the Community Development Block Grant program. The proposed 2008 Budget cuts the program by over one billion dollazs, or roughly 25%. A reduction to our City's program of that magnitude, more than $2 million, will drastically change the way our City funds housing and economic development, neighborhood and community organizations, and the Planning and Economic Departsnent. We urge you to restore funding for CDBG to FYZ005 levels, or $4,150,035,000. The City of Saint Paul received an FY2005 allocation of $9,069,000 — this amount was cut in FY2006 to $8,211,000, a more than 9% reduction. The City requests that Congress restore funds to CDBG to help improve and revitalize urban areas. Housing and Urban Development — Public Housing Funding City Staff Contact: Bob Hammer, Planning and Economic Development 651-266-6693 Federal funding for public housing has steadily declined in recent years, with a cumulative cut of $4.4 billion since FFY 2001. HUD's proposed budget for FFY 2007 would have provided only 76% of the funding necessary to operate and maintain the country's 1.2 million public housing units. Fortunately, the Joint Congressional Funding Resolution for FFY 2007 was approved on February 15, 2007, appropriating a little more funding for public housing. The appropriation is enough to raise public housing operating subsidies to about 83% of the amount HUD determined is necessary. The City of Saint Paul is deeply committed to working with state and federal delegations to encourage Congress and HUD to fully fund the public housing program in FFY 2008 and future years, and other key federal housing programs. The City requests the following funding levels for these key housing programs: Public Hou Public Hou HOPE VI Safety and Program �ratino Fund >ital Fund Ili Service Coordinators for the elderly and disabled Resident Opportunity and Supportive Services Choice Vouchers HCV Administrative Fees Section 8 Familv Self Contract Administrators for Program :t Based Section 8 FY2008 Funding Need $4.7 billion' $3.5 billion $600 million $310 million $50 million $55 million $14.9 billion $1.5 billion $72 million Fullv fund ' This figure does not include transition funding for 59 agencies (which may be gainers or decliners) missing from HUD's published transition funding chart. Final utility cost information for FY 2007 is not available; therefore, the utility portion of this estimate may change when better data become available. Z These should be funded as separate, stand-alone programs. Funding for these and all HUD programs must be awarded and distributed fully and in a timely fashion. 3 Based on the most recent 12 months of leasing and cost data. ° Using the statutory administrative fee formula with historic funding for special fees. o�s-��S 196 Brownfields Funding 197 City Staff Contact: Bob Hammer, Planning and Economic Development 651-266-6693 198 The City of Saint Paul has been a national leader in utilizing Brownfields grants to cleanup polluted sites 199 since the program's inception. These grants have been instrumental in allowing the City to put valuable 200 properiy back into use for economic development, as well as protect the environmental health of its 201 residents. Unforiunately the Administrarion cut Brownfields funding from the federal budget. The City 202 requests that Congress restore Brownfields funding in order to protect the jobs and health of the 203 residents of St. Paul. 204 2os 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 Public Safetv in Saint Paul and Ramsev Countv First Responders Grants City Staff Contact: Matt Bostrom, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, 651-266-6217 The City of Saint Paul, like lazge cities throughout the United States, has expended funds for local homeland defense in the wake of the present terrorist threat. The City asixiously anticipates federal support for first responders. In order to most efficiently meet the needs of the men and women on the front lines of this threat, the City requests that the Department of Homeland Security provide Tirst responder grants directly to local agencies, rather than through a block grant to the State. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports the following Federal funding requests made by Ramsey County in FY2009: Ramsev Countv Support Items 1) Union Depot $5 million Ramsey County is requesting $5 million for the Union Depot intermodal station. The project is a million multi-year effort to bring Amtrak, bus, commuter rail, high speed raii, and LRT into the Depot. The new hub would serve as a focal point for economic development in the area. A purchase agreement has been signed to purchase the Depot concourse property from the Postal Service. Source of request: Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority. Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom Carter ,f Harris / Helgen ,� Lantry ,� Stark Thune Adopted by Council: Date '� �'�-� � �`u Adopti ifie y v oi icil ecretary By: Approved I r: Date �� � $� By: Requested by Department of: By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services By: Approved by City Attomey By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: oCs��'15 � Gree� Sheet Green Sheef Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � co -��ux;� Contact Person & Phone: Luz Frias 6-8517 Must Be on Council Auen Doc, Type: RESOLUTION E-Document Required: N Dowment ConWet: Donna Sanders Contact Phone: 6-8653 19-FEB-OS y Assign Number For Routing Order Green Sheet NO: 3050112 9 ouncil ] ouncit De artment D"uector 2 ' C14rk 3 4 5 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Federa] Agenda FY2009 Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has Mis person�rm ever worked Lnder a contract for [his department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirtn ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this pe�sonlfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city emplayee? Yes No Explain all yes a�swers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues,�Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approvetl: Disadvantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approvetl: Transactio�: Funding Source: Ffnancial Information: (Explain) Activity Number. � CosURevenue Budgeted: February 18, 2008 1:43 PM Page 1