202623ORIGINAL TO CITY CLLR I L.. ,i PRESENTED BY Milton Rosen COMMISSIONER f �I OFFICE COUNCIL RE! Council File No. 202623 — By Milton Rosen — In the matter of grading and surfac- ing with bituminous material Barclay St. From Magnolia to Maryland Ave. under Preliminary Order 200483, ap -_j Proved January 18, 1961, and Flnal Or- der No. 201606, approved April 18, 1961; _ also In the matter of grading Maggnnolia Ave. from Mechanic Ave, to Hazelwood Sxt,,4under Preliminary Order 195681, 13 ^Y 3, 1960, and Final 202.23 COUNCIL NO FILE 1961 In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material Barclay St. from Magnolia to Maryland Ave. under Preliminary Order 200483, approved January 18, 1961, and Final Order No. 201606, approved April 18, 1961; also In the matter of grading Magnolia Ave. from Mechanic Ave. to Hazelwood St. under Preliminary Order 19568'1, approved February 3, 1960, and Final Order No. 1971520 approved August 31, 1960; also In the matter. of constructing a public sewer in Magnolia Ave. from Barclay St. to 430 feet east of Barclay St., in Barclay St. from Magnolia Ave. to Rose Ave., and in Rose Ave. from Barclay St. to 375 feet east of Barclay St., all of which is to be known as the Barclay -Rose Sewer System, under- PiSilim- inary Order 199898, approved December 2, 1960, and Final Order No. 201605, approved April 18, 1961. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted for the above improvement be, and the same are hereby approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby directed to obtain bids for the improvement, the bids to show separately the amount of work for the grading and surfacing with bituminous material of Barclay St., from Magnolia Ave. to Maryland Ave., also the bids to show separately the amount for the grading of Magnolia Ave. from Mechanic Ave. to Hazelwood 3t., and also to show separately the amount for the sewer work as per plans and specifications, and the total thereof to be considered as bids for the entire improvement, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvement including engi- neering and inspection expenses be assessed against the benefited property. i JUN 15 'COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays F lUN 1 f Holland ppro e1 19 Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against PUBL�ST'> Mr: President, Vavoulis sm E -60 c®i 2 I �� 1 r 202623 . DUPLICATE TO PRINTER` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 3: COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1 toll ROSen June 13, 1961 COMMISSIONER DATE neDgetmont of Public Works _ In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material Barclay St. from Magnolia to Maryland Ave. under Preliminary Order 200483, approved a .January 18, 1961, and Final Order No. 201606, approved April 18, 1961; also In the matter of grading Magnolia Ave. from Mechanic Ave. to Hazelwood St. under Preliminary Order 1956810 approved February 3, 1960, and Final Order No. 197152, approved August 31, 1960; also ' In the matter of constructing a public sewer in Magnolia Ave. from Barclay ;. $t. to 430 feet east of Barclay St., in Barclay St. from Magnolia Ave. to Rose Ave., and in Ross Ave. from Barclay St. to 375 feet east of Barclay St., all of which is to be known as the Barclay -Rose Sewer System, under Prelim- inary Order 199898, approved December 2, 1960, and Final Order No. 2016050 a approved April 18, 1961. j, RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted for the above improvement be, and the same are hereby approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby directed to obtain bids'for the improvement, the bids to show separately the amount �. of work for the grading and surfacing with bituminous material of Barclay St., !° from Magnolia Ave. to Maryland Ave., also the bids to show separately the amount for the grading of Magnolia Ave. from Mechanic Ave. to Hazelwood :t., 3` and also to show separately the.-amount for the sewer work as per plans and specifications, and the total thereof to be considered as bids for the entire improvement, and be it, ' FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvement including engi- neering and inspection expenses be assessed against the benefited property. 3V ,. JUN 15 i�1 COUNCILMEN A opted by the Council 19 Yeas 3 Nays JUN 15 1961, 'Holland /- Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Mortinson �Peterson Mayor Against Rosen a Mr. President, Vavoulis aM 5.60 2 �F s= 3' r