202612ORIGINit AL TO CITY CLERK 1 Y Council File No. 202612 —By Frank L. , O;i ' CITY I 1 OF SI Resolved, That the Council hereby IL NO approves th d of the Contract OFFICE OF THE om ahereworrnd her bya ct for g labor, ma- -COUNCIL ESOLUTIO terials, equipment and services neces- sary for. or reasonably incidental to the installation of bituminous areas i at Como Park Golf Course Club house 1961 and at Como Golf Course Refectory Building, St. Paul, Minnesota, to AS- SOCIATED ASPHALT SERVICES in accordance with City plan and specifl- - = -r -- :- �erP'�,.�3}aa ^ « - -: a «•.- -'ti�� -- are That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment d services necessary for or reasonably incidental to the installation of bituminous eas at Como Park Golf Course Club House and at Como Golf Course Refectory Building, . Paul, Minnesotap to ASSOCIATED ASPHALT•SERVICES in accordance with City plan d specifications therefor hereto attached and the ftfOrmal Bid #2746 of said sociated Asphalt Services for the contract price of $1722.60, such bid being the and said Associated Asphalt Services being a reasonable and reliable bidder the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form contract therefor and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute Id contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Informal Bid #2746. e Li F f r F Fi i f t ,JUN COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19- Yeas � Nays JUN 5 1911251Q t Holland proved 19— Loss Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen v I Against Mr. President Vavoulis it PURLISHED 5M a.so 2 i t C- i= DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 202612 LM CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL LE NO _i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE i iRtJ�ViD, T"t tW COMMA hose" Wtovos t* awrd of tho Costroot E'ow ttbo terra! ®r and Torte awards 00Wtft0t !or lanais . aU labor, mt*lriada. *"ipwrt iMdl oorrifts 00mosto for or .rsas+sumbly IwIdoaW to th&L lastollation of bitgsiaows sroas at Casco ,part ool.t Coarso Club aw so sad at Cma ooli' Voelrso Roloatory Bai.ldin't St. paw.• *IM*96ta#, to MWMJ M lMi XOT 1XMCIS is &Wordawoo with City plam ii siad aep iliaatioay thwsa 'or horito at aural tho ftft*04 81d #V416 of said i A6sociatod Asplaalt aortioos for the castraat prioo of #1722. d0 , &Wh bbd boiW t1w losost and said Assoclatod AspUlt Bervio" boi>t a rosswablo 40d "3LIsblo biddo r 3 3 *Ad the CorpWatian Counsel be and h stOy is dieted to d .raw up t1he proper fox* of oasstraot tborolor Md tlao psopor City ®!lieoials hiroby► are antherIeW to inmate slid eostraot an b*Wf of th s, City of "jut, Pamil. ialonaal Bid 027466 1� lE a. i` 7y i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JUN 15 1951.9_ Yeas 1' Nays !Holland Approved 19— 1oss "6 . In Favor + Mortinson i Peterson Mayor Against ,;Rosen A Mr. President, Vavoulis am a -so cof� 2 y: