202600It I ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 2.026 1 o ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO l//J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U IL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 1F wV• RESOLVED, That the provision requiring a surety bond be waived in: the contract between Archie Brand, with his. "Sparky the Seal" act,, which contract was executed on the 11th day of September, 1959, to cover a five --year period, ,under Council File. No. 193930, and that this waiver become a part of the original contract. J�COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 11 Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen y Mr. President, Vavoulis SM IS -60 2 / r n Favor Against Council File No. 202600 —By Frank L Loss — Resolved, That the provision requir- ing a surety bond be waived in thel contract between Archie Brand, with' tractswaskexecuted on thact, 11th day of perriod, under95Council File No. v 193930,' and that this waiver become a part of i the on inal contract. Adopted by the Council June 14, 1961.' Approved Jun e1171961. JUN 1410 Adopted by the Council 19- V JUN 14 19$t A proved- _ A Mayor