202503ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSION CITY OF ST. P ` `OFFICE OF THE C COUNCIL RES LUTION- Ts Council File NoF202503 —By Mrs. Donald M. eCourcy= 2;021,03 Whereas, Eugene White, employe of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul was injured in O. the course of his duties on February 17, 1960; and , Whereas, The. Board of Water Com- missioners has paid all of the em- ploye's hospital and medical expenses except $3.00 owing to Dr. B. J. Singer, and has paid to employee temporary total disability in Itl-,e sum of $18.00 for �_,gk.and two•dfays disability; and WHEREAS, Eugene White, employe of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, was injured in the course of his duties on February 17, 1960; and WHEREAS, the Board of Water Commissioners has paid all of the employe's hospital and medical expenses except $3.00 owing to Dr. B. J. Singer, and has paid to employe temporary total disability in the sum of $18.00 for one week and two days disability; and WHEREAS, there is a dispute between the employer and the employee as to the extent of employee's permanent partial disability, and the office of the Corporation Counsel has recommended that a stipulation for compromise settlement be entered into, copy of which Stipulation is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, whereby the employer will pay and the employee will accept in full settlement of any and all 'claims resulting from permanent partial disability sustained by reason of said accidental injury of February 17, 1960, the sum of $922.50, representing 10 per cent permanent partial disability to the leg and one week temporary total disability which was not paid until permanent disability was ascertained, and that of said sum of $922.50, there be paid directly to Robins, Davis & Lyons and Arnold M. Bellis, his attorneys, the sum of $220.00 for legal fees, and will pay the bill of Doctor Singer, now, therefore, it is hereby RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to enter into and execute said Stipulation -f or Settlement, and to pay the Award of the Industrial Commission based upon said Stipulation. JUN 71�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy� '7 01 Holland pproved 19— Loss In Favor Mortinson 42c��� Peterson V Mayor Rna [��e n�+ V Against - Mr. President, Vavoulis LISHED l sm is-so QD.2 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 202503 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, Eugene White, employe of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, was injured in the course of his duties on February 17, 1960; and WHEREAS, the Board of Water Commissioners has paid all of the employe's hospital and medical expenses except $3.00 owing to Dr. B. J. Singer, and has paid to employe temporary total disability in the sum of $18.00 for one week and two days disability; and WHEREAS, there is a dispute between the employer and the employee as to the extent of employee's permanent partial disability, and the office of the Corporation Counsel has recommended that a stipulation for compromise settlement be entered into, copy of which Stipulation is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, whereby the employer will pay and the employee will aceept in full settlement of any and all claims resulting from permanent partial disability sustained by reason of said accidental injury of February 17, 1960, the sum of $922.50, representing 10 per cent permanent partial disability to the leg and one week temporary total disability which was not paid until permanent disability was ascertained* and that of said sum of. $922.50, there be paid directly to ,Robins, Davis 8 Lyons and Arnold M. Be Ilia. his attorneys, the sum of $220.00 for legal fees, and will pay the bill of Doctor Singer, now, th eref ore, it is hereby RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to enter into and execute said Stipulation Stipulation for Settlement, and to pay the Award of the Industrial Commission based upon said Stipulation. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss -----In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against' Mr. President, Vavoulis aM a•co " 2 ,UU 7 1961 Adopted by the Council 19— JuN 7 "Ji Approved 19 Mayor STATS Or �xxssorr� WDOSTM L COIEMSIOX OF A=NZS CTA Divisloa of t- sarfku�ls Oaspotaation STATZ OPF= SUUN a MUT PAUL 1 �uQutae Mtn, SasPid"s -va- Cft of St. P1 • ( "atar Depastamm), Empta"r, a aomwpal ssmviaim of tha Mae STIPVLATIUx !pox SMLSAEIKT L Tio abu" psrUsr, is ardtr to aaalaabW sil,pukba tioir *Mro"s, do "w apron as taUams: L Oa ar PiAW to FabMV7 Ile 1864o tie abvm onm d sm*OP ma is the aayirvar oL the ab"w ■m d emokwor wAw a lda ssta •sattast of bin at a W"ki " wap aC 4M IL. Oa ■+M p dw to Ffbrm ► If* ism aw CLy at 06 Pr10 k Wa6w Depub s m wa a dw Graudmd I p i p! .s! at w cw of !t. i fwt SIA I ■- old to wassom ar.sr��r c�.ysrws■ srrw �Irt �t itristsa of t� 91ss�• - _ _ _ _ _ -- LB. Tlr ma" apse tit &W Asir wiom so tm of Mr �Iirosla �irt!!ai s � �wM ML►11r prwlrtrsr � dr# ■wa wrr A016 0 ? s t A ► 110. loft *A ativw �� of trta aap1�►ats�t � � �� aa>� • dw maws • � � ry,�ry 1ai� as jrso�epiMe �srerrd �selrN of .."ttor �a miss to tm side and Mwles4 of to is 45. IF* As a rend= of Said lsJedes espaopS rsc@hvd N r ki wh 1 most Dotbeeda Reepaal brava Dr. E. 7. $%Prr MW beeaar kb stteafts: TL Alf of tie eaaplaTss Dstp&l ssd sowdimi eapaw" bo" beea paid !de by dw MY of st. Paul. -xFept $3.00 awiUS to Dr. od as an oaat to Dr. HLIpr for eaamisrtim which is act disclosed by t" we*" m adduiaso the empla7s reoelred $1a. 00 campeessam for a meeke two own teaapwuT tdal dssablI ty. m Tie psis dis a es as to the sum* of ea4pla WG permm�at pa*tial,dsasmw. it Ow. us we Li IV rwM of me persaal 1097, it bolas 00 oagr spef's e�iw. 1sMd � Dry �s esaSaiaatioa. *R tw eapi"O bas wm*dtsd alp psrarasrt p434isl dsmebmT to the loft ias. oa tm f" r bsai, it is as supwals elafa* booed e!"' his R r 9c " WOU �a apW aw repwb s[ Dr. s. J. SUWr, fiat Aw bas a 15•24% Mrnmaeft pwtw dimbult ► of tm elk leg. 4 . " IrJ. In ordNrt lN th.!: �lK, ••a :►. . • . -.� r"t I'! R 'Lava eirre to an agreer.!ent wherrby the emnl,wer w t! pay 'tnd the �•� :may+: Alill accept i,i s-tt1(:rn,!1;t )f their dltf4r=:n,-_ • t .:2 .. �; t �� mr inQ%t 'jarti'i„ T: ,''.!!It,,- t . �,. • t h ., n1._ .ye q u This • 5 1. sure rC h2'r! o a'rt y ,urti.a i di: :biltty under the a pr,l(CSl:le 1tchF: riule, ;r 19 i / 2 r .: kj . jf at tne rate of $45 pqr week. V., The par Q r irraL that in view of th-j rayr•ent of jvrmanent peAi -. I di- A.)i11ty as ii.:r�i.i7efrr<: stated, the e,-,; loge ir+ alsa entitled t� t',. vc3, < A. c ; ntiati�+� r - r�resenting the waiting period for 'A-41, -:i ht .. a g nut Fa id w:tL1 th_ permanent disability was ascertained. X. T:wreforc, the eitie:a sgi�:e that t1vi erzpLga wi:l receive in 3'14 lur. auui wit`:ottt (ledUcuua, 21 1!l wr•Q►;f of compensation at 1, 15 Per wo4'�, r :, t��i_�1 �f 4 IY. 80, and the eraPloyer will pay the rarn-Alli.ir - .h:xrg.! of ;)r. i3. J. )roger in the all-aunt of $3. GO, La ws11 as Dr. Fi1iK.r' _ --harp for examination if not heretofore paid. XI. I iW e;rtn.nygr wL1 al.jo pay to the �p@eial C ampensatiorr Fwd the Sam of A2. 65, representing 6"� of the permanent (Mrtial eompeusation to be paid. "HERE FORE tae parties re s pe ctfuLy "quest the induAi r!a 1 It � a a o • [. 9 __ .t_ � - -_ fP = P a = = C. O- 4R C*mn issloo to apprors this setUeaa at wW Lamm its award acewdtag to the terms thereof. . Bated this day of M 1. RUBINS, DA V1.S & LYONS Eimer* �Wute, r BY: Attorneys for 8mp oye 1150 dimj:tuta } %ildin. - St. Natil CITY OF 5T. PAUL, Lrmp4oyer BY: The eaaplaye alltpia teat he has retained the law firm ,)f Robins, Javts h Dona C %mold NJ. Bellis, Esq.l, to reprssont hUn in uis chin for parm3nsnt ivxr W rUsability M:iic'l the ,,}Ry of �`t. i-au1 r- jfw--d t) rscogniz:: and that the above .ran uf, j,4 . L-d t.LLrough t'u isffortb ..f V,44a attcorueyL, and th..: <ciapl;,yu mg-es that t1w auix-- of $220. rvprcx:s"LU so:rethiu,, than 25`f, of the total recovery may be dwlucted and paid to ,.aid utt!)rneya in full ;atlA&ctioLa of their ls/al xarvic K. h'.tyrnt Widto, ..: mployn no -)BM. DAM 6 1,Y(-X3 Attorneys or S ul p. off►« 'Aiamsota F:uadind '.eitYt .'a u! �� r�,S lit Srta