204295 Council Flle No.20�295-By Mrs.Donald
M. DeCourcy, by request-
Whereas, A written proposal for the !
making of the following improvement,; �����
Open, widen and eactend Elway St.
from Montreal Ave. to Shepazd Road �•-------- ----------
by condemning and taking Lots 1, 2,
15 and 16, Block 1, Lats 1 and 2, Blocki�
PROPOSAL FOR IM 7. ell in KiPP�s Glen Terrace Addition
to St. Paul, Minnesota. That part af
Government Lot 3 lying in the N.W, ?4i
and ��-t�e''S�...�{"`�Section_ 14,,Township
Theundersignedhereby proposesthemaldngof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.:
Open, widen and extend �lway St. from Montreat Ave,, to Shepard Road by condemning
� and taking Lots 1, 2, 15 and 16, Block 1, Lots 1 and 2,:•�Btock 7, all in Kipp�s Glen
Terrace Addition to �t. Paul, Minnesota. That par.t"of Government Lot 3 .lying in the
N.S�I. �, of the S:�J. �, Secti on 14, Townshi p 28, Range.23 descr,-i.bed as fol l ows s
Beginning at a point on the northwest corner of the S.S�1. `�''of said Section; thence
, southert y on the west t i ne of the 5:�1. 'r�` to a poi nt ,on tlie northwesterl y 1 i ne of the
Chicago, Mitwaukee, S:t. Paul and Pacific Railroad Co. right-of-way line; thence north-
easterly on the northwesterly line of said right-of-way to a point that is 50 ft. east-
erly from the west line of the S.W. �; thence no�thwesterly to a point that is 40 ft.
easterty from the west line and 230 fto southerly from the north line of the� 5.1�1. �;
thence northerly 230 ft. on a line that is parallel and 40 ft. easterly from the west-
erly line of the �.�1. 'rf': to a point on the northerty line of the S.�. �, subject to
Montreat Aveo • • �
That par.t of Government Lot 3 in the N.�k1. � of the S.W. �, Secfiion 14, Township 28,
Range 23 described as followsr. • -
Beginning on a point at the intersection of the southeasterly right-of-way tine of
the Chicago, Mitwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Co. and the west tine of Sectior�
14, Township 28, Range 23; thence S. 73°52' E. a distance of 75 ft. to a point; thence
northerly to a point on the southeasterly right-of-way line of the above mentioned rail-
road, said point being 90 ft. northeasterly from the point of beginning measu�ed on
said right-of-way line; thence sowthwesterly on said right-of-way line to point of begin+
. ni_ng.
Also condemning and taking an easement for .street purposes over and across the Chicago,
Milwaukee, 5t. Paut� and P'acific Railroad Co. right-of-way on the following described lands::
That part of �ot 1, Block 5, Kipp�s Glen Terrace Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, lying
easterly of a line that is 80 ft. westeriy of and parallel to the east line of said addi-
tion. -
Lots 15 and 16, Block 7, Kipp�s Glen Terrace Addition to �t. Paul, Minnesota, and that•L
part of vacated Stewart Aveo lyiag easterly of a line that is 80 ft. westerl.y of and par-
allel to the east line of said addition.
The easterly 80 ft. of Lot 1, Block 8, Kipp�s Glen Terrace Addition to St. Paul, Minn-
esota, The westerly 80 ft. of Government Lot 3, in the N.W. � of the S.'41. � of Section '
14, �Township 28, Range 23 tying between the northerly and the•southerty lines of the
Chicago, Milwaukee, $t. Paul and Pacific Railroad Co. right-of-way. • °
Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for bridge construction purposes on a
triangular piece of tand tying in the southeasterly part of Lot 12, Block 7, Kipp�s Gten
Terrace Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, measuring 12 ft. on the easteriy line and 18 ft.
on the southerly line of 'said lota
Also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes� cuts and filts
for the grading of �lway St. on that part of Government Lot 3 in the N.�J. � of the �.W. �,
�ection 14, Townshap 28, Range 23 lying between the south tine of Montreal •Aveo and the •
northwesterly line of the Ghicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Co. right-of�
way a
. � , ,y,,r.� " w
r �
a�1e1 to ttie aasf 1 r�e vi'""�afd �ct�t�:1�� � � i'i:�3L�.Stl:..i�,,�' ,�:.:.�„`�:...,.r`� {l _ �r
'�'�� ���ta�lyt8f��t.� �of'�o�. �j .B�ock $� 1Cipp�s (i1�t� 'tsr��ca �ddltian _�o :S�« Pau�; H'1'nn� .
esot�., �`The w�a.�aic,l.y .8� �t:� o� Rove.'r:'taa�ent l�Qk 3, i� �tlm .N.�f. � o!� ��a S.a.. � of '�ectfvn
1�t Tow�i�F��R. 2$��:Range 23 tyipg betwaen the nortt��r.ty �nd Xhe southerly �tin�s of the
�...�..,.�hi rago„�I4f-!M►at�kFe,���:�i°�a1�Tar���Raci,�f.t-,�ia��t��oa�l_Co.��,i ght_�o��way.�_.
_ � ' _ A1so co�d�t�ing �ii�d�taki.i��' a,-t�wpora�r�r �a�t�ent for_ bridge .co�str�ction pe��p.�sa*'.of1�a� �-� .
� �.tr,iangul�r p��cs a� ta�i! ',lytng i� �h� �souttis#sterl;Y Part �� Lo� 12.� �1�ck 7,�: �ifpp�s �iva' .
-. .tsrrac• ll�di�i� �o :$t� Pi�u 1,� M�nt�sota,, �sasurf n� 12 °f�t.�on th�" s�r�te�1 y �i i r�e �ii�d .18 f t� � .
� o� tl�e. scwther�l p' t�ne. of s�td rl oti._`` . � . �� ' : • ' � t. ..
. - . .> �_ - . ..� . � - ;� r- . �
- : , .. .�' A1 st� can�fe+�iifiq �nd' t�ki�g�an eas�went �ft tti� �#nd n�cess�r,��fpe' �t ap�� t.±�ts Md f i 1'1 s�_ �
* far tt��_g�a}c11 ng of� �#wa�r�`Sfi. o���lt��' p�rt '�of� �ove#�r�nt Lot .3:i t� t l x !l.1�. � Q f .t i a e $,.w'. �,- .
- . � ' �RCt�.on ��, Tc��M�{� 28,�.��ange �2� iytng betMeeri tha sac��h �in� of',l�Otntr�� l�we' �nd� �the -
, , .. _s�ortf'���er�y t�ha of the: Chi�aga, M11w�ak�e,::�t! Pauri `�nd..P`acil'ic �R:ilt9ad Gti. righ�-og•
,._i�;' ; , '"r�'r -� •-� , _, _ -�, ; � . : - : -� ._ . = ` ' ` - � � .� : . . : '. ! . LL . .. ' � : ' , ..
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