204290 .+ ORIGINAL TO CIT�" :K '�'""�' � =�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ������ V' -i � • O F F I C E O F T H E CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUN_ R —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE pATE • WHEREAS, it has been the custom to make an annual appropriation f or the St. Paul Thanksgiving Association; and WHEREAS, an appropriation of $200.00 was included in�;,�the 1961 Budget of the City of Saint Paol f or the above purpose; and WHEREAS, the Association has requested payment of the above appropriation included in the 1961 Budget of the City of Saint Paul, be it , RESOLVED, That the Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay $200.00 to the St. Paul Thanksgiving Association, said payment to be made under Item 31 G 4, Miscellaneous and Unforese.an. Council File No� 20429p—By Severin , !A Mortinson, by request— � Whereas, It has been the custom ! to make an annual appropriation for the St. Paul Thanlcsgivinq�yssociation; and Whereas, An appropriatioa of �2pp,pp . was included in the 1961 budget of � ' the City o� Saint Paul for the above l purpose; and Whereas, The Association has re-� quested payment of the above appro- priation included in the 1981 Budget� of the City of Saint Paul, be it Resolded, That the Comptroller be� and he is hereby authorized and di-� rected to pay a200.00 to the St. pau17 Thanksgiv3ng Association, said pay_1 ment to be made under Item 31 G 4,� �Adopt d�by t�he Coun°cil October 10, � 196L � � �.pProved October 10, 1961. (October 14, 1961) � 0 CT 10 1961 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19__ Yeas Nays DeCourcy 0 CT �- � �� pproved 19— Loss In Favor _ Mortinson ' Peteraon Mayor �esetr'—� ` A gainst rR,: n,.,,n;,a,,,,+� a �n �lis � . —�_ .` SM c-ci , ' �UrLICATE TO rRINTER � �� �=�-�- CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N -�►- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �• COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONER DATF ' WHLREAS. it has been the cu�tom to make an annual appropriation f or the St, Faul Thanksgiving Association; and . WHEREAS, an appropriation of $200.00 was included inUthe 1961 Budget of the City of Saint Paul f or the above , purposef and WHEREAS, the Association has requested payment of � the above appropriation included in the 1961 Budget of the C3.ty of Saint Paul� be i�t RESOLVED, That the Comptrolle� be and he is hereby authorized and dire�ted to pay $200.00 to the St. Paul 7hank�giving Association, said paym ent to be made under Item 31 G 4, Miscella neous and Unf orese�n. 0 CT 10 1961 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy �GT 10 1961 ,�� Approved 19— �gg Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor .�osea-- Q gainst esi en , snt G-G1