D001716CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: �� (ij ADMINISI'RATIVE ORDER /� !� / Date: (��(ii,/ . ADMIlVISTRAI'IVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor In Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on the request of Superintendent of Pazks and Recreation to amend the 1997 budget of the Capital Improvement Budget fund, the Director of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Financin¢ Plan Ecolab Plaza C97-3R040 Cultural Star Program (930-90310) Assessments 116 HRA Business Loan Fund Ecolab, Inc. Public Works (C98-2R015) Spending Plan Ecolab Plaza � `�7-3R040 sign, Engineering, Construction Current Bud¢et 350,000.00 300,000.00 350,000.00 36,491.00 0 1,036,491.00 1.036 491.00 1,036,491.00 1,050,669.00 1,050,669.00 ,��°^� G�-- l�C�2--�-c.� B et Dicedox Chanee + 14.178.00 + 14,178.00 + 14.178.00 + 14,178.00 Amended Budeet 350,000.00 300,000.00 350,000.00 36,491.00 14.178.00 1,050,669.00 �- l �-� `�`� � poo�7/ DEPAftTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INITIqTEO GREEN SHEET �` � NO. 6109 Parks and Recreation �une 14, 1999 CONTAC! PERSON ANO PHONE INITIAL/DAiE INITIAL/DATE ohnWirka 2sC7-64�� p � DEPAfiTMENTDiflECTOR _CIIYCOUNCIL NUMBERPo CITYATTORNEY CfTYCLEfiK ROUTW6 VST BE ON COUNqL AGEN�A BY I�ATE) p�R Z PINANQAL SERVICES DI 3 FINANCIAI SERVlACCTG MAYOR IOF ASSISTAM 4 Parks and RecreaUOn . TOTAL # OF SIGNATUflE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCAiIONS FOR SIGNATURp ACTI�N REQUESTED: Approval of Administrative Order RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Fejett (R) PEBSONAL SERVICE CONTRHCTS MUST ANSWEq THE FOLLOWING pUEST10N5: __PLANI.MG COMMISSION __dVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has ttus personRirm ever worked under a con[mct for this tlepartmenV CIB COMMITTEE _ VES NO A STAFF 2. Has [his person/firm ever been a city emplayee� DISTAICS COUNqL VES NO — — 3. Does this persordfirm posscss a skiil not normalry posussed by any mneni cRy employee> SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNQL OBJECTIVE> YES NO Ezplain all yes a�rswers on sepa�ate sheet antl attach to green sheet. INITIATING PRQ%EM, ISSUE. OPPOft7UNIN (Who, What. When, Where, Why1: Public Works has reimbursed Parks and Recreation for work performed under Ecolab Plaza contract in connection with improvements on Wabasha Street. ADVANTA6ESIFAPPROVED: Parks and Recreation's project budget amended to provide spending authority. �ISAOVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Insufficient spending authority for project costs. TOTAL AMOUM OF TRANSACiION S �{ �}, �{ 7H.00 COST/NEVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNOINGSOURCE Public Works ACTVVITYPIUMBER C97-3R040 C-98-2R015 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAtN} �EC�lVED JUId 1$ 1999 ur�Y CLERK