204272 Council FYle No.204272—By Mrs.Donald
M. DeCourcy by request— A'���ra,�y['� —
ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK fV Re: State Project 6283-9145 (T.Ii. 94= 'J- /-/
L`�'1 1 �F ST. 392) and 6283-9143 (T.Ii. 94-392) � � �.+
-Minn. Project I 094-3 (80) 245, �r
' � - OFFJCE OF THE ��ua�g Frontage Road and Mis-
cellaneous Grading from 0.25 Miles �
�, � , �,� ' West of Ruth Street to the East City
COUN.CI RESOLUTION Limits and Bridges 9145 �a si4s at
' �.McKnight Road.
,. ` '►'ke-Commissioner of High-
PRESENTED BY ner_ial.pro- �
COMMISSIONE - � _py�T�y�����'"r —
Re: State Pro�ect 6283-91�+5 (T.H. 94=392) and 6283-g1�+3 (T.H. 9�+=392)
Minn. Pro�ect I Og�+-3 (60) 2�+5, including F`rontage Road a.nd Miscellaneous
" Grading from 0.25 Miles West of Ruth Street to the East City Limits a.nd
Bridges g1�+5 and 91�+6 at McKnight Road. � .
AEEREAS, The Co�nissioner of Highways has prepaxed plans, special provisions and
specifications for the improvement o� a part of Trunk Highway No. 392 rentnnbered as
Trunk Highway Ntmnber 94 within the corporate limi�s oP the City of St. Faul from the
0.25 Miles Aest of Ruth Street to the East Corporate Limits; and
W�REAS, Sa3d pla.ns and special provisions are on �ile in the office of the Depart-
ment oP Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being maxked, labeled, and identified as S.P.
6283-91�+5 and s.P. 6283-91�3 (T.H. 9�+=392)3 and
ASE�EAS, Sa,id speci�Ications are on fYle in the o��ice of the Department of Highways,
Saint Pa.ul, Minnesota, being maxked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 6283-91�+5 ana. s.P.
6283-91�+3 �T•H• 9�+=392) 1�3.nn• Pro�. I Og�+-3 (60) 2�+5, which, together with the Minnesota
Depar�,-ment of Highways.SpeciPications �or Highway Construction, d.a.ted Me,y l, 1959� on file
in the offYce of the Commissioner of Highways, constitute the apecifications �or said
improvement of Trunk Highwa.y Number 392 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 9�; and
WHEREAS, Copies of said plans and special pravisions ae so mark,ed, labeled, a.nd - _ -
identified axe also on file in the ofl�ice of the Department of Public Works; and "
WI�REA3, The term "said plans and special provisions" as hereina.f'�er used 3n the boc�y
o� this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the
plans and special provisions in the forego3ng recitals particul.a,rly identified and deseribed;
NC1A, T�T, RE IT RESOLVED, That said plans and special provisions �or the 3mprovement
o� 'I�unk Highway Nrunber 392 remmabered as Trunk Highway Number 94 within the limits of the
City of St. Paul be and hereby axe approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha,t the elevations and grad.es as shown in said pls.ns and
special provisions be and they axe hereby approved, and consent is hereby given to eay and
a]1 changes in grade occasioned by the construction of said Trunk Highway Niunber``392 re-
numbered as Trunk Highway Number 94 in aceord.a.nce with said plans and special provisions.
� _ _ , �. � � _ - - OCT 10 196g .
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays ,��
DeCourcy Q�i� 10
4j1���. pproved 19.—
In Favor
Mortinson .
Peterson Aetlilg Mayor
en gainst
;;a�g-�eei , � -
1'UBLISHED --�9� � �
SM G-(il
Re: �a,�e Pro�ect 6283-�1.4� (T.H. 9�39a) a�. �3-91�� ��,$. 9�=�9a)
Ps3zm. Pr�o��et I c�3 (�o) 245; incJuai.rig lrront� Ro�a. �ud. �.c�l].er�ou�
(3�r+�dsng t`roes �.�'j I�L1.es �ei'h o� Ruth $tx�se�t �o the Sart �ity Y,i�i.tr and
�.�es 9��5 � 9��d �t ��,� �.
W�, �.e Ct�r�i.�t�icaier of Hi�rs hi�s prrp��. Pie.ni�, +�»Gi.�l prarisions eud
�citi�t3on� for � �irvrt�enti of a p� o! Trunk �,1.gh�re�y �. 392 renu�b�x�d. u
Trunk Ei�vay Nwnber 9� sr3.thin the cosrpormt� li�i.�� oi �he Cit�r oi� 8t. Pw1 fr�ea th�a
�.25 Miles w�et ot Ruth Stre�� to f� �st Corpa�t.� L�.tr; e�a�l.
�AS, Said plmns nnd sfp�c3e3. provisiow� �►re, on �le �.n t�e oPtia� c��' the Depa�rt-
�ent o! 83�, �3.nt Peu7.� ldinneso�„ beiag a�}9rd.� �l�ds a►n+� id,�nti�ied. u �.P.
628�-91�5 c�nd S.F. 6�83-91�3 (T.x. 9�=392�s �
W�iBy �.c� ��ii'iem�ione� �,re crn iy.l� in the oi'�ie� of the Y?epsrt�ent o�` Hi.gh�r�p�
�.tat pau1, �asota, be� �r�ed., l�uu��., dn�a. �c�at�t�.� �s �.g. 628�-9��y � �.�P.
6283-9�.�3 (�•�. 9�39'� �.nn. Pra�. � 49�-3 Edo) �5, �►h,ich� to�tt��r x�.�th the 1�ianasota
�p��t n! Hig�ya Sp�ciricl�tion� tdr Bighwe�y Ecros�ruct�on, 8�.tsd l�j' l, 3.959, on f3�
in �ha o�tYce or the Cc�9.i�ianer o= Ei�iv�ys, cvnst3tut� t�e �rpeQitic�tions !ot maid
i�prov�ment of Trunk Ei.�r�r 8i�ber 3q� r�n�mtbere�. a� 'Prunk Hi�y Nusb�� 9�+�� �n�.
W�A�, �opie� o� e�id p].eu� and �c3a1 p�v��►3ana as sc� ��dy la'b�lAd, �.
3de�it#.e�, �ra a1�o on li3e i.n the o�tiee ot the Depes�m�ent 9! Public Kor3uj a�nd.
W�iBi '�e te� "e�i8 pintir and bpecia�l.. pror�i�io�d" � here�.n��'tez u4�d � the l�od,y
b! #hi� re�lut3on te�hl�ll be d,�eaed e►�d i�nAed tc� �a�ns 3c�mf�r tb, u�d. �ncorpor�t� the
p].an� r�nd t�c�e�. praP�.iions 3n ths =orego�ng �cif�,l.�t pat�iculsrl,y iden�it'�ed �na. d,�rcribed;
�4fJ� T�t(, B� �'1' R�VBD, �t �a.td gl�ar �,�ad. egea3�.7. prori�ions �'or the im�rav�a�ent
of' �rwnk �s.�vveiyy l�wab�r 392 rent�bered es- Trunk H3gh�r Fu�ber 9� �i.t�3n th� limi�� o! �e
City of St. P�►ul b� +and her�bY � appr�►vefl.
� IT �'i�'II�i R�QLV�D, Th�at the �lev�tiona i�n�d. gr�dee ras �hc�n 3n �id p�an�r �nd.
spec�l. prar�i*ta�s be nud th�y are h�raby �pprov�d, �d. eonsenr� is here'b�r gi� t� en�r �ncl
eilll cha�es 3n g�aa.� occa�ion�ed by tti� �o�cti.oa o� ea�id ��nk Eighxay �'b�r �9� re�--
nua'�ex�d �ur Trunk Highv�r Fi�ber 9� 3n eteeb� vsth �#d p�.dns and rpscid�l Dravi�3onm.
OCT1 �0 �
� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
DeCourcy �(��' Z 0 �,��
��}�}� Approved 19—
n Favor
Mortinson �
Peterson Mayor
�g�_ �Against
5 M �-c;i