204266 �i.�r�� � S �y� • I. .!-". ,� a .� ,`. � COUNCIL FILE N0.__��1���} 4 � By'"""""""""""""""""""'"'"'"'""""'""""'"'""""""" . FINAL ORDER . In the Matter of repairing and�or reconstructing sidewalk on the Weat side o� Frank St. from Max�xet to Beech� east side oP Earl 3t. from I�argaret to Beech� north aide of Margaret St. from �arl to Frank� eouth side o� Beech St. from FYank to Earl� the above area abutting the Sibley Public School and Plsy_grounda Council E'lle No. 204266— fIn the matter of repairing and/or reconstructing sidewalk on the west ° side o4 Frank St. from Margaret to Beech, east side of Eazl St. irom Mar- garet to Beech, north side of Margaret + ' \ St. from Earl to Frank, south slde of � Beech St,; from__Frank�t��arL th_p � �B ,°Si3�`,OS �;�.t ..-. �,. � �(! •. • ,� 201879 April 28� '196�. o;�� under Preliminary Order--------------------------------------------approvec� ---------------------------------- ----------._--------------------- �:,��� ' � C(r IntermediaryOrder----------------------------------------------------aPProved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and ldnd of im- provement to be made by the said City ia to repair and�or reconstract sidewalk en the �rest side of Frank 8t. from Margaret to Beech, east aide of Earl �t. frcam Margaret to Beech, north side of Margaret St. fra�m Earl to F`rank� south s3.de of Beech St. Prami Frank to Earl, the abov�e area abutting the Sibley Public School aad P]aygrotmd�, escept where good and sufficient sidewalka now exist � _ . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said impOCT 1 O 19��cordance therewith. Adopted by the Council--------------------------------------------- -- --- ~ , � (�i --- ----- -- - --- ---�---�----- --- --- --- -------��- 0 GT 10 1961 City C1erk. Approved------------------------------------------------ , File s6534 �------------ ---- - --- -----._ ----- - -------------- -----Mayor.--- Councilman DeCourcy ���r�� , Councilma�� � Councilman Loss . � Councilman Mortinson � PUBLISHED1 �� 1�� � Councilman Peterson Councilman� � Mayor 2-55 2M 2� , r. . . ! . - .-- Sibley Public 8chool 9rea � � � � I}ist. No. 3 y ,:_ _��__ `� �� �~° Frank - Margaret to beech - Hest side � � j�"�: Earl - Margaret to Beech - east side � � � Margaret - Earl to Frank - north side Beech - Frank to Earl - sauth side OFFICE OF TI� COI�lNNlISSICINER OF PUBLIC WORKS , ���� . � REPORT TO CONA'LLSSIONER OF FINANCE � �0��. �� • May 3 19 61 . r To the Corr�issioner of FS.nance of the City of Saint Paul: The Coiranis sioner of 1'ublic Works, hav�.ng had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council�. known as Council File No. 201879 appxoved Ap� 28 19 61 relative to repairing and/or reconstructing q a sidewalk on thb west side of'Frank St. f`rom Margaret to Beech, east side of Ear1 St. from \ 1l /�- Mar�aret to Beech, north aide of Margaret St. from Earl to Frank, south side of Beech St. from Frank to Earl. the above area abutting the Si�iley Public School and Playgrounds. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: l. The estimated cost thereof is $0.52 per sq. ft. for mono. conc. walk 1�" thick. E�-tra Work�e�cav.. fill. conc. remtd. root cutting, drive crossings,etc.)at extra cost. ' 2. � plan� profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works g 1�. Improvement is d n petition � �£eE� � . � ��� 4 .^ MAY 5 D �96� n� r �N��� Commissioner of Public 'Works � w 9 � 5 �