08-157RESOLUTION Presented By: Referted To: Green Sheet # OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date i WHEREAS, the Department Emergency Management received a grant of $10,250.00 from the State of Minnesota z for the 2007 Citizen Corp Program to enhance citizen outreach, education, and involvement in emergency 3 preparedness, disaster response, recovery and mitigation efforts, and a 5 WHEREAS, the Department of Fire and Safety Services was granted authority in Council Resolution #07-1076 to s accept this grant from the State of Minnesota, and 7 8 WHEREAS, the financing and spending plans have not been established for the grant received, and 9 to WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there t t are avaifable for appropriation funds of $10,250.00 in excess of those estimated in the 2008 budget; and 12 �3 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the foflowing addition be made to the 2008 budget: 14 �5 FINANCING PLAN: couacil File # Current Budget Change 1s 510 Fire Responsive Services t7 35211 - 2007 Citizen Corps Program Grant �a 3199 - Other Fed Dir Grants - State 10,250.00 �s - 10,250.00 20 2t SPENDING PLAN: 22 510 Fire Responsive Services 23 35211 - 2007 Citizen Corps Program Grant 2a 0299 - Other Misc. Services - 7,500_00 25 0389 - Other Misc. Supplies - 2,750.00 27 28 29 30 31 All �ther Activity Spending 3048451� 4S -/57 � Budget 10,250.00 10,250.00 7,500.00 2,750.00 10,250.00 10,250.00 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a financing and spending plan will be established for this grant and the City Council approves the changes to the 2008 budget. Requested by Department of: Fire & Safe Services By: ��' rl � s Approval,Be ' ir ctor of Financial Services: � , By: �+�'` _i Adopted by Council: Date m �C3 � Adoption-Es�fied by C�our�cil Secretary: � L� Approved Form Approv r'T/ Att By: � �'� � � Approved b�\�F�xqor�foi ubmission to Coun� By: � ,� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �� '��J� , Departmentlo�cefcouncil: ' Date Initiated: � j F -F 4, a�,,N-o8 � Green Sheet NO: 3048451 �- ConWct Person 8 Phone: '� � Deoartment Se�rt To Person Init[ali�ate , ' Tim Butlef I � � 0 � ue '— � 222-0477 ; p5sign �, 1 FSre I DePartmentDireMOr � � ; ; Must Be on Council Agenda by (D2te): � Number ', ; ,��a6 �� � For �,� � '�nancialServices OfficeFinancialServices: . , Routing (3 J Ci�Attorney I ! i Doa Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSAC � Order �4 I i �,1NavoYs Office MavodASSistant I I ' �� 5 ,Council 'i City Counctl I I i E-Document Required: Y � � I Document Contad: Jl{ IaCasse I i 6 ',Citv Cierk CStv Clerk I Contad Phone: 228-6257 I j Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Approval of the attached Council Resolution authorizing,the Saint Paul Fire Deparhnent to establish a spending and financing budget for the 2007 Citizen Cotps Program for $10,250.00. Planning Commissioo Cf6 Committee CivA Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skilf not noimally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The spending and financing plans need to be established for the $1Q250.00. The purpose is to es[ablish a Citizen Corp Councii and develop a Citizen Prepazedness and Participation Plan to build citizen pazticiparion in planning responding to, and recovering from disasters and emergencies. AdvanWges IfApproved: The Ciry of Saint Paul will be able to establish a program for citizen disaster preparedness and outreach invoivement. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Nof Approved: Lost opportuniry to sewre adequate funding for a critical component of the new Emergency Management Deparnnent, namely pub]ic outreach and involvement. � Transadion: $10,250.00 FundingSource: (�fant Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: January 10, 2008 330 PM Page 1 L • •F . Presenfed By: Council File # D7- ld� GreenSheet# 3045416 RESOLUTtON O� SA►NT PAUL, MINNESOTA bg�l�i? f � Committee: Date Referred Ta: � WHEREAS, fihe Department of Emergency Management has applied for and received the attached 2007 z Citizen Corp Program Contract for �a10,25Q_00 from the State of Minnesota to enfiance the City of Saint Paul's a citizen outreach, educaUon and invoNement in emergency preparedness, disaster response, and recovery and a mitigatian efforts, and s s WHEREAS, fhe funding wilf be used to establish a program for citizen disaster preparedness outreach an � involvement, and a 9 WHEREAS, public education and involvement in disaster preparedness, response, and recovesy activ �es are io fundamental to the success of disaster plans, impoRant to the inerease in cultural diversity into emergency ,i management programs, and are criticaf to Saint Paul's ability to have a cadre of trained citizen volunteeTs is ac5ve in disaster resportse and recovery operatians, and t3 �a WHERF�.S, the outreach and involvement of citizens is seen as a fundamenta! goal of the city's �ew ,s Emergency Management Department, and is ,� NOW THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant, authorizes the City o Saint ia Paul to enter into, and directs Emergency Management 4irecto� Tim Butler to implement the attached ,s agreement, which includes an indemnification clause. � z� � � 2a ze 28 Adopted by Council: Date ���/�f�.,�J�e7 Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary: L�'� APF By: Requested by Department of: Eme enc / Mana ement By: %,.�'_ ✓ 1 Approvai e� amen by Director ofi Financial Secvices: gy; -- Form Approved by City Attomey: ey: � / Stc, � 0� Approved a rfor Submission to Councit: � By: �