08-155Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: ;/1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, has received a National Football League grant by and through its NFL Youth Football Fund (YFF) in the amount of $11,000 for the Police Athletic League (PAL) program; and WIIEIZEAS, the City of Saint Paul, PoGce Department, would like to accept this donarion; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department through its PAL Program will use this fund to acquire uniforms, supplies, equipment, food, troplties, registraHon and admission fees and other miscellaneous items associated with this program; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department through its PAL Program will use football as a catalyst to promote posirive youth development while ensuring the health of grassroots football in future generations and also providing the opportunity to help the youth get physically fit and stay involved in productive after school activiries with adult mentors; and WHEREAS, a 2008 financing and spending plan needs to be established for this granh, and WHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation fands of $11,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2008 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addi6on be made to the 2008 budget: 436-Police Special Projects Fuud CURRENT FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES 34217 - National Football League Grant -PAL 6905 - Contributions & Donations 0 I1,000 Total Changes to Financing 11,000 SPENDING PLAN: 34217 - National Football League Grant -PAL 0349 - Other Eqmt: Parts - Supplies 0357 - Athlefic/ Recreation 0359 - Materials & Supplies 0389 - Miscellaneous Supplies Total Changes to Spending 08 -/��' 3048372 AMENDED BUDGET 11,000 2,700 2,700 5,000 5,000 2,300 2,300 1,000 1,000 11,000 36 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council aceept this grant and approves these 37 changes to the 2008 budget. reas �� rvays � � AbseM � � Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council:Date: 7i1 �( Q�j �� Adoption Cer ' ed by By: � Approved by ypr� BY� U � QiFiscalAflairs�AO&CR�2008W FL GRANT- PAL financing and spentling cr.xls � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � D $'��� Department/officdcouncil: ; Date In@iated: Po -P o���e�P�e�= ,o-�,�-08 i Green Sheet NO: 3048372 Contact Person 3 Phone: � T Denartment Sent 7o Person InitiallDate �^ Chief John Harrington � y 0 Police Denarhnent Police Denamnent 268-5588 ,' p��9n 1 1'olice Deoarhnent Police De arfinent — —.._ ��— —_-- Must 8e on Council Agenda by (Date) , Number � Z Financial Services � Director. FSO ^ Z�y�� � ; For ___ � ' f` Routing , � GityAttornev _C� � � DoaType: RESOLIlTIONW/$TRAPfSAC '', Order , 4 Maror'sOffice _�_ Mayor . ' E-Document Required: Y ' � �O°°tl� _ ___ _ Citv CwneO _ _ _ . I Document Contact: Evette Scarver ; � 6 Citv Clerk _ - Citv Clerk � � Contact Phone- 266- 547 ; �i � olice Deparlment _ Police Depar�ent__ __ _. ; �,, Total # of Signature Pages � (Clip All Locations for Signature) '�, Signatures on the attached council xesolution establishing a 2008 financing and spend'ang plan for the Pol�ce Athletic League Program (PAL). �,� Recommentlatlons: Approve (A) or Reject (R): -- TPersonal Service ContracGS Must AnSwer the Following Questions: Planning Commission CIB Commi$ee Civil Service Commission 7. Has this perSONfirtn ever worked under a contract for ihis department� Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever besn a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this personlfirm possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any current city employee� Yes No 6cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet . _—__--_— ___ - _ _ _._. _ _—_ ___.___ __. __ _— : ; Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): ' The PAL program will use the funds to to acquire uniforms, supplies, equipment, food, trophies, reg�stration and admission fees and � ', other miscellaneous items associated with this program. Authorization is needed. � �'� Advantages If Approved: I Assist PAL participa[es. �� Disadvantages If Approved: ' None. ' Disadvantages If Not Approvetl: j Lost opportuniry to use gcant funds to assist PAL participates. � Transaction: $11,000.00 Funding Source: 436 Financial Infortnation: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: 34217 � ,' , � • . -, _., ., � ' I ______I January 10, 2005 9:26 AM Page 1 ; O � T ' : 1 9''., '* *; 6 $�/�� :o � o: , 0 � J 2 , : ��.. �AL1. TO: St Paul, MN PAL FROM: Alexia Gallagher, NFL Youth Football Fund DATE: October 12, 2007 On behaif of the National Football League, NFL Players Association, and the Minnesota Vikings, we are pleased to inform you that the NFL Youth Football Fund (YFF) has approved a grant in the amount of $11,00� to the St. Paul, MN PAl for the 2007 NFL Local Agency Grant Program. National Association of Police Athletic Leagues, a member of the NFL Nationai Youth Football Partners, has chosen your organization to receive a grant from the YFF to recognize outstanding and innovative youth football programs and leagues developed on the local levei. Per your grant application proposal, this Local Agency Grant will be distributed to your chapter in order to help support your youth footbali program. By accepting this YFF contribution, you atso are accepting the following terms and conditions of this Grant as set forth in this agreement: • All local Agency Grant fiunds must be used solely for the purpose of carrying out the Program as described in the grant application. Any grant funds which are not used for the Locai Agency Grant Program on or before December 31, 2007 must be returned to the YFF. • NFL logos (inciuding but not limited to the NFL Youth Football Fund, NFL Youth Footbail Partners, NFL shield, NFLPA and lVFL team logos) may not be used without prior written approval from the NFL. All usage requests should be submitted to my attention and cannot be implemented without the receipt of written approval. • Local Agency Grant funds may not be used for any purpose that is not exclusively charitable or educationai. For example, Local Agency Grant Funds may not be used to pay for participant entry into any non-charitabie youth football programs (e.g., NFL FLAG) since such actions would present a conflict of interest for the YFF, which is a 507 (c)(3), non-profit foundation. • All Local Agency Grant recipients agree to hoid the Grant funds in an account dedicated exclusiveiy to permissible non-profit purposes and shall further be shown separatefy on their books for easy reference. Additionaily, afi Local Agency Grant recipients may be subject to financial - review and, therefore, must retain copies of all receipts and reports with respect to the Grant for at least four years following completion of the grant. Locai Age�cy Grant recipients' books and records shall be made availabie for i�spection by the Directors of the YFF, at reasonable times. • All Local Agency Grant recipients are required to sign and complete the enclosed Grant Evatuation form and fax it to Tiffany Robertson's attention no later than December 1 2007. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or Vida Hsu (212-450-2572). Again, congratulations on receiving this grant award. We salute you on the tremendous work that you do each day to assist America's youth. The NFL Youth Footl�al/ Fund was created in 1998 by the member c/ubs of the Nationa/ Football League and the NFL Players AssociaEon to use footbaf/ as a catalyst to promote positiue youth development while also insuring the health of grassroots footbal! in future generations. Since then, hundreds of thousands of youngsters have been given the oppoRUnity to leam the game of football, get physically fit, and stay involved in productive after-school activities with adult mentors. The YFF also has provided youfh footbal! participants with safe and accessible places to play as wel/ as programs and initiatives that address the importance of proper coachrng, arademics, heatth and safery, and life skills deue(opment 2<40 Pa�(�.'�venue, 9+(ew �or(� �ew `y'or(� ZDOI7 (212j 450-2(130 ;',X (212J 325-9588 b8-/�- National Association of Police Athletic/Activities Leagues, Inc. NFL Youth Football Fund Grant Guidelines for 2007 A. Eligibility 1. Participation in the Youth Football Fund is open to all National Association of Police Athletic/Activities Leagues, Inc. Chapters that are in good standing. B. Participafiag Youth 1. The ages of the participants shall be 5 through 18 yeazs of age. 2. All PAL Chapters shail endeavor to include both male and female participants in the NFL Youth Football Fund Program. 3. Participants with special needs shall not be excluded from the program. Applicants may be excluded from a program only if they do not possess physical and/or mental abilities necessary to participate or if participation in the program presents an unacceptable risk of in}ury to the participant or others. The final decision as to the degree of risk rests with the Project Administrator I conjunction with both the progam Director and the parents or guardian of the special needs participant. In al cases, PAL shail take all reasonable steps to ensure maximum participation to all who wish to enroll 4. A11 participants shall be officially enrolled. Enrollment shall consist of a completed application form that is signed by a parent or guardian. 5. A directory of enrolled participants shall be compiled and sha11 include the following information on the enrollment application: Name residential address, residential telephone number, emergency telephone number, birth date, age, and gender. 6. Participating PAL Chapters shall maintain an attendance record ofparticipants by name on the days the program(s) are in session. Current and accurate attendance records shall be maintained systematically In a central location. 6 $-/S5 C. Project PersoaneI 1. Project personnel sha11 include a Project Administrator, a Pro�am Director, Coaches, Vo2unteers, and support staff. 2. The police chief, sheriff, boazd president, trustee, or PAL Chapter's executive director shall serve as the project administrator and will be responsible for the PAL Chapter's Perfonnance and compliance with the NFL Youth Football Fund guidelines and fiscal operafions. 3. Participating pa1 chapters sha11 have a program director that is responsible for the day to day operarions and supervision of the program. 4. Participating Pa1 Chapters shall recruit individuals who aze sensitive to the needs and interesfs of the participants, and may be law enforcement o�cers or deputies. 5. A Personnel Directory shall be compiled and include the foIlowing information on each individual paid by the NFL Youth Football Fund grant funds and paid by funds from other sources: business address, business telephone number, full name, professionaI position, NFL Youth Football Fund position, social security number, source of salazy and gender. D• Project Schedule Programs funded by this �ant shall run during the period of August 1, 2007 through January 31, 2008. E. Frogram Components 1. The pro� goal for PAL Chapters that apply to receive the I�FL Youth Football Funding is to plan and implement at least one but preferably tow programs (tackle and flag football) durin� non-school hours. F. Insurance and Medical Services All National PAL Chapters that participate in the NFL Youth Football Fund program must have both second-party participant accident coverage and liability coverage (liability coverage must be in the minimum amount ofnl miilion per occurrence) from a carrier with at least an A- (A minus) rating. Certificates of insurance must be included with the completed application. The Iiability insurance certificate must show the Nationai Association ofPolice Athletic/Activities Leawes, Inc. as additional insured. Any request for an exception to these requirements must be set forth in .� 68 �/�5 writing and must accompany the application. You may include in your budget the first yeaz cost of insurance. G. Community Participation Participating PAL Chapters should establish and an Advisory Committee as soon as possible. These members may include representatives of the local community such as police chief, sheriff, mayor, the PAL Boazd of Directors, the business community, parents and other community-based organizations. The committee shall be involved in recruiting participants and securing community resources that may be made available to the program. 2. An Advisory Committee Directory shall be compiled and shall include the following information on each member: Name, agencylcompany name, agency position, agency address and zip code, agency telephone number and email address. 3. Participafing Pal Chapters shall be required to conduct a minimum of three Advisory Committee meetings (one before, during and after the program} and to maintain written minutes of such meetings. 4. PAL Chapters shall exert every effort to coordinate their plans with other local programs in a manner that will masnnize the effectiveness of the program and link program participanYS with year round services in their communities. H. Financial Resources The purpose of the NFL Youth Football Fund is to assist Pal Chapters in the development of tackle and flag football programs and to stimulate growth and self- sustainability. 2. Participating new PAL Chapters are encouraged to seek assistance with a goal of 100% in-kind matching from outside resources in an effort to enhance the effectiveness of the program. A summary of outside resources shall be prepared and shall znclude the name, address and zip code of the individuals, agency, eta, rendering the assistance, a brief description of the services rendered and an estimated total monetazy value of the services(s). I. Program Funding and Outside-Resources Contribution The NFL Youth Football Fund Grant will be to develop and stimulate a continuing successful program. The NFL Youth Football Fund grant wiii urge the private sector, on both national and local levels, to support the pro�am. Private sector support might include transportation, equipment and supplies, volunteer labor, incentives and awards materials.