204213 _ � .. ' Council' File No. 204213—By Miiton Rosen— � OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK WhCI'ea3,� In .the matter of Comp- °�(���� �/ troller's Contract L-8339-A for sewer _ _ _ C�1 1 � in alley in Blk. 1, Van Slyke & Lewis ENCIL NO� V � Rearrangement of Iiumb3rd's Addition,J ' ' " � O E OF T F. Morettini co��cion Company,� • Ci�UN RESOLUTI contra�t°r, the specifled' date of com- pletion is Tune 15, 1981. � _ _: Whereas, The Contractor has prose-� � �— cuted the work diligently, but due to i PRESENTED BY M delay to readvertising for bids on May�� 1(�61 COMMISSIONE *'' ^c�--''�' -=v,y}�-�-«�.+�-... �. VI�iII3EAS, In the matter of Comptroller*� Contract L-6339-A for se�rer in alley in Blk. 1, Van Slpke & Lewis Rearraagement of H�rnbird*s Additivn, F. Morettini Construction Company, Contractor, the �pecified date of completion i$ Jane 15, 1961. VI�iEREAS, The Contractor has psosecuted the work diligently, but due to delay due to readvQrti�ing for bid� on Aaay 16, 1961, the original completion date was not chang�d in the contract, therefore it �►as not possible to complete the contract by said date of completion, therefore r �---� _. ., be it, - � � BESOLVID, T7�at the Proper City Officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract extending the time of completion to Aagust 15, 19b1, provided, however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the�•- Contractorts bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptsoller, and be it FURTH�R RESOLVID, That tho City of St. Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and that no engineering and inspection costa on thi� pro3ect will be charged by the City on account of sach extended period. 0 CT 4 �96� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � DeCourcy OCT 4 `�9�a Holland pproved 19_ • Loss ' n Favor _ Mortinson � � Mayor A gainst Rosen PUBLISHED — �r 9�� Mr. President, Vavoulis aM a•eo �2 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER �Q�2�3 : _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ' � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SSDONER Y���Of1 �O�SA DATE OG�O�►R� �� Z��. - D�rI�kA�� �� �i� �i�t�1' �th� Cc�ipt�CO�,];er�s. Con�x�at L-�63�9"A �i� s�we� in a�l�� f�� B�k. 1f Y�n �l�k� !� Irl�.• R�arxan+��e�t o� Ht�b�ard'�s A�dd�t�AAy F, �T1�t�U� COt1�'F.��Ct�.4A CQApit�►� COfi��CtO�� �ht !plQ��1ld �at� of ao�p����on is dun�s 3S, ��rl. 1�tEA�� Th� G�ri�aot�ac h�s ps�ts�c�at�d tttit Woa�k diliq�nt2�►, bmt dtk �o d�1a7� dw� �o .r�dwrt��i.n4 fas b�,ds o� 1da� 16i I961, tta osi,yinal corplst�vn dat�e �ras not �h�ng�d 3n the Qbnt'racty thmfcaati f.t �►as n�t p�ssibl� t• cow�].st� th� canfiacact by sa3d da� of ca�pl��ipn, �h�er�fc�ac� b� it� R��VgD, Th�t th� Pr�p�r Ci,�y o���.otals b� a�d th�y ar� t�by ` at+�hori��cl �nd diriat.Rd to �x�cut� �n a��nt �a sa�.d aon�cac� �nding th� ti� of co�pi�tidn to Aa��at ig, 1961� p�avfd�ct� ho�Nnr�r, tha� this r��alut3on shai]. bav� �o fora� or •tf�c� t�nnl�ss th� •t�r��#�s on t.h� Cnntt#CtO��i �Orid Qi�MMt #�lll�it�i attit# �il� f�lah COr�eqt in �itir� 1�t� t.h. cS,ty �o.p�rQll�r, and b. i� Ft�TH� R�f1[.1�, That t� C��y o� �t•. 1��,1 �ttr�b�i rraiw�s all cla� �o� l�q�idat�d da��• �nd �hat no �ngic��nq and i�sp�ction coits on �his l�cojtat wiil 1» �ha�g�cl b�I ��hs C�.ty � account of a�ch �xt�ndad p�r�od. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 0 CT 4 '���19_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy �1J� � �3 s? :tif(+i Holland Approved ' 19— Loss n Favor Mortinson �,�� � Mayor Rosen Q gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis SM E-60 a�aZ .