204180 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ^� id80 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. _ . OFF OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCI SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` COMMISSIONE p/+TF / WHEREAS, The State of Minnesota has made application for the abatement of taxes for the year 1960 in the amount of �89.36 and special assessments in the amount of �23.20, representing a total of �112.56, which was spread through inadvertence and error against F,ots 3, tt, 5, and 6, DaWSOn�s Subdivision of Block 38 Stinson Brown + & Ramsey�s Addition to St Paul Ra.msey Cotlnty Minn, s,rhich parcel was � acquired-for high�r�}r purposes by,warra.nty deed dated June 8, 1960; , THFI�EFORE BE IT RES�VED� That the application for the abatement of said taxes and special assessments for the year 1960 in the total amount of �112.56, as shpwn in the attached statements, be and hereby is approved. � Council EYle No. 204180 — By Milton Rosen— Whereas, The State of Minnesota has made appllcation for the abatement o4 taxes for the year 1960 in the amount of$89.38 and special assessments in the amount of �23.20, representing a total of y112.56, which was spread through - inadvertence and error against Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, Dawson's Subdivision o4 Block 38 Stinson Brotvn & Ramsey's . ' Addition to St. Paul Ramsey County, Minn., which parcel was acquired for - , �highway purposes by warranty deed dated June 8, 1960; � Therefore Be It Resolved That the, application for the abatement of said� ' taxes and special assessments for the I year 1960 in the total amount of$112.56,I as shown in the attached statements, be and hereby is approved. � Adopted by the Council October 3,� 1961. � Approved October 3, 1961. � (October 7, 1961) j i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�uCT13 �� 19— Yeas Naqs DeCourcy ,��. 3 ,��� Holland Approved 19— Loss n Favor Mortinson '" p �. �--- � � Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis � sM a-so �2 '