08-146Council File # ����{�O Green Sheet #3049930 Presented by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 RESOLUTION C MINNESOTA � WHEREAS the Minnesota�'eg�ent of Transportation {MnDO'1� is performing needed maintenance (millina, bituminous surfacing, si�ing and other associated construction) on Interstate 35E from 022 miles north of Shepazd Road to 0.2 miles north of Kellogg Boulevazd this 2008 construction season, work currernly scheduled to be completed before the Republican Narional Convention and WHEREAS to improve safety and haffic flow on Interstate 35E, the northbound e�t ramp to Ayd Mill Road needs to be reconstructed and combined with the northbound eacit ramp to Randolph Avenue and including this work to the scheduled MnDOT maintenance project will afford the maximum project cost savings for both the City and MnDOT and also minimize the public dismption and WI�REAS the 2008 adopted Capital Improvement Budget included $150,000 of MSA funds for the City's share of this project. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul enter in MnDOT Ageement No. 92207-R with the State of Minnesota Deparhnent of Transportation and that the Mayor and proper city officials aze authorized to execute the Agreement and any amendments to the a�eement. Bosffom Carter Hazris Requested by Department of: ?s8 i.�c- � r..t�.i /' � Services Thune Adopted by Council: Date Yeas v Adoption Certified by Co cil Secretary BY: � Appro e Date Z ZJ� p BY: �_— �y� �' I`7"L�/iC+T , - �. . -� � � . - �� � r. �� � , � ��� �.. � -� . � � . . �r �� cfl � / .__. �� � — � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 6�'/�(v p�/V — Public works Contact Person 8 Phone: Mike I4assen 266-6209 M115t 15E OO GollllCll A9EOtl3 by (Odt2J: zaFee-os Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRqNSAC E-Document Required: N Document Contact: Mike Kiassen Contact Phone: 266-6209 13-FEB-08 � Assign Number For Roufing Order Total # of Signature Pages,�_ (Clip All Locations for Signafure) Green Sheet NO: 3049930 0 �PpblicWorks ,�'.(9 L�JiS IY7Y� I � 1 blicWorks � Depar6neutDirector ) � C 2 ipaucial Services bSee Financial Services � 3 ' Attome 4 or's Office bis or/Assistant 5 ounc7 C7 Council 6 i perk GS Clerk Approve a Council Resolufion authorizing proper City Officials to enter into Agreement No.922707-R with MNDOT. The agreement provides payment to MNDOT for City�s share of the cost to reconstruct the northbound exit ramp from T.H. 35E to Ayd Mill Road. iaanons: Hpprove (H) or te Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): MNDOT is perfomilng necessary maintenance on I-35E between W. Seventh Street and Kellogg Boulevard. To improve safety and traffic flow on I-35E, the northbound ramp to Ayd Mill Road should be combined with the existing elcit ramp to Randolph. Adding tlus work to the scheduled MNDOT maintenance work provides the maximum wst saving and minimizes the disrupHon to the public. Advantages !f Approved: Combining the Ayd Mill Road northbound exit ramp with the existing Randolph e�t ramp will improve safety and h'affic flow on I- 35E. Disadvantages if Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: The safety and h�affic flow improvement on I35E will not happen. `Transaction: $150,000.00 Funding Source: MSA Fi nancial lnfortnation: ' (Explain) Activity Number. COS-2�ocxx (SU-5501893) CosURevenue Budgeted: Y u February 13, 2005 2:58 PM_ Page 1 � �/�� PRE-LETTING STATE Or MINNESOTA SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF TRIINSPORTATION SECTION COOPERATIVE CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT Mn/DOT AGREEMENT NO. 92207-R S.P. 6280-320 (T.H. 35E=390) Fed. Proj. IM 0354 (270) The State of Minnesota Department of Transportation, and The City o£ St. Paul Re: City lump sum payment for Ayd Mill Road exit ramp reconstruction and overhead signs by the State on North bound T.H. 35E AMOUNT ENCUMBERED (NOne AMOUNT RECEIVABLE $150,000.00 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "State" and the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City" 1 b���f� 92207-R WHEREAS, the State is about to perform grading, milling and bituminous surfacing and signing construction and other associated construction upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 35E from 0.22 miles north of Shepard Road to 0.2 miles north oi Kellogg Boulevard within the corporate City limits in accordance with State plans, specifications and special provisions designated as State Project No. 6280-320 (T.H. 35E=390) and in the records of the Federal Highway Administration as Minnesota Projects IM 0354 (270); and WHEREAS, the State has requested participation by the City in the costs of the Ayd Mill Road exit ramp reconstruction and overhead' signs off of North bound T.H. 35E; and WHEREAS, the City has expressed its willingness to participate in the costs of the Ayd Mi11 Road exit ramp from T.H. 35E reconstruction, overhead signs and associated construction engineering in an amount equal to $150,000.00 as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 161.20, subdivision 2 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and improving the trunk highway system. IT IS, THEREFORE, MUTUAI,LY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I- CONSTRUCTION BY THE STATE Section A. Contract Award The State shall advertise �or bids and award a construction contract to the lowest responsible bidder for State Project No. 6280-320 (T.H. 35E=390) in accordance with State plans, specifications and special provisions which are on file in the office of the. 2 6 $'l/�lo 92207-R Commissioner oi Transportation at St. Paul, Minnesota, and are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Section B. Direction and Supervision o£ Construction The State sha11 direct and supervise all construction activities performed under the construction contract, and perform all construction engineering and inspection functions in connection with the contract construction. All contract construction shall be performed in compliance with the approved plans, specifications and special provisions. Section C. Plan Changes, Additional Construction, Etc. The State shall make changes in the plans and contract construction and enter into any necessary addenda, change orders and supplemental agreements with the State's contractor that are necessary to cause the contract construction to be performed and completed in a satisfactory manner. However, the State District Engineer's authorized representative wi11 inform the appropriate City official of any proposed addenda, change orders and supplemental agreements to the construction contract. Section D. Satis£actory Completion of Contract The State shall perform all other acts and functions necessary to cause the construction contract to be completed in a satisfactory manner. Acceptance by the State of the completed contract construction.shall be final, binding and conclusive upon the City as to the satisfactory completion of the contract construction. ARTICLE 22 - INSPECTION BY THE CITY The contract construction shall be open to inspection by the City. If the City believes the contract construction has not been properly performed or that the construction is defective, the City shall 3 d� -/�f� 92207-4 iniorm the State District Engineer's authorized representative in writing of those defects. Any recommendations made by the City are not binding on the State. The State shall have the exclusive right to determine whether the State's contractor has satisfactorily performed the contract construction. ARTICLE III - PAYMENT BY THE CITY The City shall advance to the State, as the City's full and complete share of the costs of the Ayd Mil1 Road exit ramp reconstruction at North bound T.H. 35E, overhead sings and associated construction engineering to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 35E from 0.22 miles north of Shepard Road to 0.2 miles north of Kellogg Boulevard within the corporate City limits under State Project No. 6280-320 (T.H. 35E=390), a lump sum in the amount of $150,000.00. The City shall advance to the State the lump sum amount after the following conditions have been met: A. Execution and approval of this Agreement and the State's transmittal of it to the City. B. Award of the construction contract for the construction to be performed hereunder. C. Receipt by the City of a written request from the State for the advancement of funds. 0 � `i �/ �� 92207-R ARTICI..E IV - GE23ERAI, PROVISIONS Section A. Plan Changes The City may request changes in the plans. If the State determines that Lhe requested plan changes are necessary or desirable, the State will cause those plan changes to be made. Section B. Additional Drainage Neither party to this Agreement shall drain any additional drainage into the storm sewer facilities to be constructed under the construction contract, that was not included in the drainage for which the storm sewer facilities were designed, without first obtaining permission to do so from the other party. The drainage areas served by the storm sewer facilities constructed under the construction contract are shown in a drainage area map, EXHIBIT "Drainage Area", which is on file in the office of the State's District Hydraulics Engineer at Roseville and is incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Section C. Examination of Books, Records, Etc. As provided by Minnesota Statutes Section 16C.05, subdivision 5, the books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of each party relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by each party, and either the legislative auditor or the state auditor as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from final payment. Section D. Claims Each party is responsible for its own employees for any claims arising under the Workers Compensation Act. Each party is responsible for its own acts, omissions and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and will not be responsible for the acts and omissions of others and the results thereof. Minnesota Statutes Section 3.736 and other applicable law govern liability of the State. 5 �a -��� 92207-R Minnesota StaLUtes Chapter a66 and other applicable law govern liability of the City. Section E. Agreement Approval Before this Agreement becomes binding and effective, it shall be approved by a City Council resolution and executed by such State and City officers as the law may provide in addition to the Commissioner of Transportation or their authorized representative. ARTICLE V - AUTAORTZED AGENTS The State's Authorized Agent for the purpose of the administration of this Agreement is Maryanne Kelly-Sonnek, Municipal Agreements Engineer, or her successor. Her current address and phone number are 395 John Ireland Boulevard, Mailstop 682, St. Paul, MN 55155, (651) 366-4634. The City's Authorized Agent for the purpose of the administration of this Agreement is Mike Klassen, Project Manager, or their successor. Their current address and phone number are Department of Public Works, 25 W 4th St. room 1500 City Hall Annex, St. Paul, MN 55102, (651) 266-6209. 0 �' ��5� 92207-R IN TSSTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement by their authorized officers. CITY OF ST. PAUL Recommended for approval: By Director of Public Works Approved as to fosm and execution: By Assistant City Attorney � Date mayor By Director of Finance and Management Services Date DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Recommended for approval: By District Engineer Approved: By State Design Enginees Date Approved as to form and execution: By Contract Management Date COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION As delegated to Materials Management oivision sy Date 7 �,�,�� _ s 0 ��/�f� CITY OF ST. PAUL RESOLUTION IT IS RESOLVED that the City of St. Paul enter into Mn/DOT Agreement No. 92207-R with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes: To provide for payment by the City to the State of the City's shaze of the costs of the Ayd Mill Road exit ramp reconstruction, overhead signs construction and other associated construction to be performed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 35E from 0.22 miles north of Shephazd Road to 0.2 miles north of Kellogg Boulevazd within the corporate City lunits under State Project No. 6280-320 (T.H. 35E=390). IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the authorized to execute the Agreement and any amendments to the Agreement. CERTIFICATION are I certify that the above Resolution is an accurate copy of the Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul at an authorized meeting held on the day of , 2008, as shown by the minutes of the meeting in my possession. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 2008 Notary Public My Commission Expires (Si�aNre) ("Iype or Ain[ Name) (TiUe) �=> w �'�`�'��`' .�; � � �