204156 , �- �r _ � _�.r,�y . _' r.- _ � ��� � � 204 -- - � _ _. , . - COUNCIL FILE N0________________��� . • BY---------------------------------------------------------------- �r In the Matter of constructing new sidewalk on the south side of Edgar Ave. from � ` -- Dale St. to Jessam.�n.e Ave. . }. counc�� Ft�e rro. 2o4�ss— , � In the matter of constructing new � s�ldewalk on the south side of Edgar ' ___-_r.r.--•-�-------- t Ave. from Dale St. to Jessamine Ave., E under Preliminary Order 2031?A, ap- ! Foved Tuly 19, 1961. -} ,A publlc hearing having been had •�� u�or�the above improvement upon due � ' A�tice, and the Council having heazd 1�persons, objections and recommen- ' datiofis relative thereto, and having ��Y`lly considered the same; therefore, '^=+_`-�---_—�.��L:-•..r.-,.--..�..-gt��v ,under Preliminary Order_____________�312�__________________approved .______________Ju1,y 1�, 1961 - - -------------------------------------------------- IntermediaryOrder--------------------------------------------------•-aPProved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that t�e�������;-�-��r���-e� rovement to be made by the said City i to e sou s de of Edgar Ave, from Da1e St. o Jessamine Ave. . - � _ �. �..�-,-----�-.�-_.---.., - -- -- ��----- - - - — -— � AI( order� in tha above matter be and tfie same are hrreh? cancelled, annulled , . rir,d �e�scinded and a�! proceeding; in slid ma.tt�r ne discunti.iva:i. and the Council hereby orders said improvem t to be made. - ` RESOLVED FURTHFR, That the Commi ' er of Publi�Works be and is hereb instructed and directed o p lans and specifications for sai ' ovement, and submit same to th Council for approval; that upon sa pproval, the proper city officials e hereby authorized and directe to pro- ceed with the making of s id improvement in accordance erewith. Adopted by the Cou il-------------Q_�r�-,�----�----------------- � � .-�� -- - ------��'----__�_ _-�---------- ---------------�_ . Q�'T' 3 ���� L�l�� City Clerk. Approved--------------------------- - - ---------------- . FileS658g �----------- -------- --- --------------- - -------------------------------- Councilman Mayor. Councilman �eCourcy Holland Councilman Loss � Councilman Mortinson P�IS�D / o — —�q�� Councilman r�o,,,.�__ �4 Councilman Rosen � Mayor Vavoulis �j � � 3 2•55 2M 2 ,� , . . 1 � Dist. No. 1 v--�--`� � Y _ _ -=�• • �� . � _ } y _ S.S, Edgar - Dale to Jessamine � � � � '� V OFFICE OF THE COMMISSICRJER OF PUBLIC WORKS ,����� � ` � � 6 .s �' `� REPORT TO CON�'IISSIONER OF FINANCE (� d /,�}���� . .�„tyy � Jul.y 21st. 19 61 � To the Cor�nissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Pau1: The Co�.ssioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council� lmown as Council F�le No. 2031�L approved Ju1s 19th. Z9 61 relative to constructin� new sidewalk on the - �outh side of Edear Ave. from Da1e St. to Jessamine Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: l. The estimated cost thereof ia $��2 per s4. ft. for mono. conc. �ralk ?��� thick. _E�tra work(e?�cav.�fj,�,]�, conc rem'c�,, root cuttin�„ drive crossin�s„etc.)at extra cost. . 2. A plan� profile or sketch of said i.mprovement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works _ � !�. Improvement is asked for upon petition g � � �' � �'������ ... Jl�� �� i�6Z �� � �� Commissioner of Public �nTorks � �j��h� , . . • , � . t � - 4� . - ' ' � ��`�/.�- � � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA ELTOR A. DEHN • � Valuetlon EnQinoer ' DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM ' Cht�f Cashier ` BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner � WILLIAM W. ROONEY, Depury Commissioner �� ��� I 13 Court House, Zone 2 � � CApital4-4612 � -t� .,•-•t� .,. �O , " �- . September 22, 1961 i � � - ! To the Council City of St. �'aul - . Gentlemen: � I have examined the attached petition of remonstrance, filed in the matter of constructing new sidewalk on the south side of � Ed�ar Avenue from Dale St. to Jessamine �venue, and wish to report as follows: ` � Amount of fronta.ge involved in said improvement - 615.65 ft. � Amount signed for on said petition - �.87.82 ft or 30� (Amount required by Charter - 50�) � Number of r�esiden� owners involved 20 Number who signed said petition 7 or 35� (Amount required by Charter - 60�) , From the above facts you �rill note that the petition of remonstrance in insu.fficient. ` Yours very truly, �. � � � � � . . ` BERNARD T. HOLI,AND ' Commissioner of Finance CH cp • � , n � OFfICE OF oCITY CLERK MRS. AGNESH. O'CONNELL " ' •/ City Clerk • BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN , • " - Couneil Reeorder ' 386 City Hall and Court House � St. Paul 2, Minnesota � f, sept. lg, 1961 , � � � � � ; . Hon. B. T. Holland, Comsr. of Finance , Building � Dear Sir: ' � The City Couricil referred to you for check as to sufficiency the attached ' petition of remonstrar�ce in the matter of Final Order for constructing r new sidewalk on the south side of Edgar Ave. from Dale St. to Jessamine ' ': Ave.,your File s6589. ery truly yours, - �'+- 1 . � ty Clerk "`_3 ' , ( � _ 3 �'o �� Po ��>a T� �� I g.l�,� , � � ( � , � ��i t��� .�No�U� �l vlt�—'nl j . �•�. � . �,-,� � ��.�' �9 1' � ��n��n��� .•. r.�• ::� . ... �r.• �. t ��. �:,, I I i:: �• • N ���}�.. �� - � , .Y ���� �1,� 1 , � , ;'• � �, • � `•• •� � - � � � ' � �� ,i . �'1 � � = tC 1-T-�Y�O-F ' S_A�I�N�T P A U L - M I N N E S O T A :� , , . � � � . •� • PETITION OF` 1�EMONSTI�ANCE - •• - �t.E: Notice of Preliminary Order #203124 approVed July 19 which propases, to conetruct new sideRra:lk on the south side o�f Edgxr A�re from Da1e to Jessamine. � We, the undersigned,. �re not in'favor of havi`ng a side�valk constructed on the above stre�et, and hereby petition the Council of t]ie Cit}i of St. Paul .to withdra�v this ordsr. We constitute �3.3 % of the homeo�vvners:wha will be assessed for Vthis improvement, and ' firmly believe that our petitio� should be granted. for the follovPiag reasans: Ov�r a periad of a relatively fev� years, we have been assessed for water, sewer, grading, � a.nd alley,. and in some cases, these assessments have not yet been paid. in full. Most of us ' are making Iarge mortgage payments,. and the additioa of a.nather assessm�n� at this tim� -will result in a.a undue burdensome fina.ncial strai.n. . ,�, . In additio�, we feel .that the hom�ow�ers who originally petitioned for a sidewalk-are doing so merely to provide.a pv.blic p�layground. for their children. This fact was mentioned as their mairr reason for yvanting a sidewalk. . . that is, their childre�s.had no place to ride their bikea, trikea, a.nd�vyagona. �rom observa.nce, �ve have notedthat even those homes with p�blic sidewalks, the children are in.the streets almoat, or as much, as those without public sidewallc. We believe this is� a personal disciplinary problem, a.nd should be. ha.ndled r by each individua:T fa.mily. All homeowners should not,be w.�justly made to pay for the enter- tainment of a.n,other's recreation. . Finally, the pedestrian traffi�c on Edgar Aven�e is so insignificant that it doesn't warpant � sidewalk. It is not a thru street, or even one that is. used by anyone except those xesiding on it. You seldom see people walking on Edgar. . .most people leave their homes and go directly to their cars. It is not in a lin.e of p�edestria.n traffic. to any school, church, etc. . . . . it is such a minor stre�et tha.t.the �ity of St. Paul has not eyen erected an arc.light at the intersection of Edgar. arid Dale. . . . . it is merely a street inserted between Simon a.nd Jessamine ta nYake the most use of,ava.ilab�e land. Name ____ _Address T Legal Desc. Frontage �� „ ��'� �Reg ey #95 �� �� �v � y , ` � � �� . , , ���� %� �-��i �1. ��U:�/ ����'�'���'`� �:,�t �i �o ,��'�� � 2, �11.����� Co�� G�o Lot G,.� . �, �� d� r G� � e��� � ,e�� ' � �3 ' ° - `-^v o ' ot �, � �P ; . � Lot � ,S`" � /� P 4 � r l� au-Lot .�'� _ S�p � �„� � - T-��63?- L.ot � �a 6 . . . . , ° ' yQ'are & Hasp.ea �d lo_ck2-Lo_t /S� '�7�D r �� 2 Ware & Hospes f,� � c-� lcacls�=Lot/(�_ �" d I, the undersigned, Marjorie J. Kelly; of 720 Edgar Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, do herby certify that the above sigriatures�are'true and correct. - ; - _ . T- _ _ � Subscribed and sworn to befs�re me � this 18�th da.y eptember, �9b1. , : :� /� � J �/� � i1 . . LEONARD . Notary Pubiic, Ramsey County, Minn. � My Commission Exp(res June 24, 1964. OFFICE PNONE: RCH. PNONC: CAPITAL 4-6431 ' � HIiM�OLbT 9-0762 . . ¢: VINCENT P. COURTNEY A7TORNEY AT LAW A���N & couRrN�v . e, �aos F�pg , r NRr�, �AN K ��� p� ��I�i� M���