204132 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK r .�?�-'" ������ , -.�►�,� . , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. -r° " ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN IL RES LUT ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF �VHEREAS, a.n examination for the position of "Resources Management Officer" is being scheduled, and yVHEREAS, i:nvestigation makes it evident that a sufficient eligible list ca.nnot be obtained from among the residents of the. City, and �HEREAS, it is deemed in the best interests of tlze City to extend competition to persons living outside of the City; now therefore, be it R�SOLVEll, that the residence requirements for admission to the examination as provided in Section 10 D of the Civil Service Rules are hereby wa.ived for the first exami.nation for ��Resources Management � � Officer" to be held following the passage of this resolution. � � �--- �Council Flle No. 20413�By Bernard � . pT. Eiolland, by reques� k � Whereas, An examination for the � I position of "Resources Management Officer" is being scheduled, and Whereas, InvestigaUon makes it evi- dent that a sufficfent eligible list can- not be obtained from among the resi- ' dents of the City�and Whereas, It is deemed in the best interests of the City to extend com- � tp.he tCity�nowrtherefore gbeu�ide oP Resolved, That the residence require- � ments for admission to the examinatlon as. provided in Section 30 D of the Civll Service Rules are hereby waived for the flrst examination for"Resources Management OPFicer" to be held fol- lowing the passage of this resolution. Adopted by the Council September 28, 1961. Approved September 28, 3961. (September 30, 1961) { ��P �,� 1�61 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci] 19 Yeas Nays 2 $ ,�� DeCourcy ' $EP Holland proved 19 �°�n Mortinso� P�ersatr Tn Favor � Rosen - Mayor � //� gainst Mr. President, B�e�--l��L� ' 6M 7-69 a�8 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER . ' ���..9-�r° I ..,«- ° CITY OF ST. PAUL FO ENCIL NO. . -• " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF' WH�R.�AS, sn e�.minstion for the po�rition of x'�t��ourc�r � ��n�gem�t E�►f�ieer" is beimg s�chedul�d, �td � � �II�R�A�, �nve�rtigation m�1ces it �vident t�at a +�ufff�i�nt �ligible list cannot ba obt�itt�d from among t�+� rasidents of th� City� �nd W�R�AS, it is d�emed in the b��t inter�,�t� of the C�ty to e�ct�ad competit�on to per�ons liv�ng out�id� of the �ity; mow therefore, ba it R.��OY.VED. that th� r+�aidence r�quir�m�ant� for �.drni.�s�oa to the �xaminit�on ss prov�ded in Sect�ton 10 D o� tYze Givi.l Ssrvice �2ulas Are , h�reby a�iv�d.�ar the ffrst e�taminstion for "R.�rour�es �a.ttsgement Office�r�' to t� h�ld foliowfng the pas�sge of this r�solutfon. SEP 2 $ ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19 Yeas Nays ., -�r DeCourcy � ��p � � 1�� I � Holland Approved 19 �-o Mortinso ' Pa. _ on � Tn Favor Mayor Rosen � ��' O A gAlllSt Mr. President, �i�a$ �c�,-��—� 6M 7-69 �8