08-142Council File # ���/ Green Sheet # ,30 L/ 9� 9�- RESOLUTION � PAUL, MINNESOTA 0 Presented by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Be it resolved, that upon proper execution and de]ivery of a release in full to the City of Saint Paul, the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and d'uected to pay for the Saint Paul Police DeparhnenY s Tort Liability Fund, GL 001-04100-051 l, to Tony Damell Moore and his attorney, Douglas B. Fink, the sum of eleven thousand dollazs and no cents ($11,000.00), m full settlement of any and all clanns for damages sustained on or about the 1 n day of December, 2002, at or near 475 Hopldns, Saint Paul, Minnesota. APPROVED BY: � � � Judge of istrict Court DATED �� � `�,� - � Requested by Deparhnent of: GGi'xa-�J f��sovrces .�SK / Sy: � Services By: Adopted by Council: Date '?� 2v� 04� Adopti 'fie y o ticil e retary By: Approve y a � Date '� j) ay: � Council By: ,� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � a$�/�a- HU - HumanReso,vices Contact Person & Phone: Sandra Bodensteiner 6512668887 Must Be on Counci{ Agemla by (Date): 13FEB-08 poc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSAC E-Document Required: Y DocumentConWCt: SandraBodenstein ContaM Phone: 6512668887 23JAN-08 y Assign Numbes Far Roufing Order 7oWi # of Signature Pages �(Clip All Locations for SignaWre) Green Sheet NO: 3049292 0 �Haman Resoarces 4-/C. � _�� 1 umanResoorces De artnentD"uec[or _(� 2 ' ancial Services ffice FSnancial Services � Attorue CS Attorne � 4 or's Office Ma or/Assistant 5 onncil CS Coancil 6 ' Qerk Ci Clerk Approval of sertlement of tort liabiliry claim by Tony D. Moore against the City of 5aint Paul in the amount of $11,000. itlations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission the 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city emplayee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): On the Ist day of December, 2002, Saint Paul Polace Officez Renteria zesponded to a call at 475 Hopkins, Saint Paui, MN. After the bfficer was on scene, K-9 officer Lance, got away from Officer Renteria and bit Tony Daxnell Moore several rimes in the leg causing injury and scatring. A fiill and final settlement has been reached on thSs claim via Mr. Moore's attomey, Douglas Fink for $11,000. AdvantageslfApproved: An outstanding claim against the City of Saint Paul will be settled. FEB 01 20U6 DisadvanWges If Approved: None. �b 1 I DisadvanWges If Not Approved: An outstanding claim against the City of Saint Paul will not be resolved, wluch will result in the City's expending funds on tenal costs. Tre�action: $11,000.00 Funding Source: GL001-04100 CosBReVenue Butlgeted: Y Activity Number: 0511 Financial Informatiorc Saint Paul Police DeparimenYs Tort LiabIlity Fund 2008 (F�cplain) January 29, 2008 9:03 AM Page 1 JAN-11-2688 14�18 LRW OFFICES 651 297 6134 P.02 Release of A!( Claims ����� Fite Number C-020336 In sole consideration of the paymeni of eleven thousand doilais and na cents (S'11,000.00), to rne paid in hand, I do hereby release and forever discharge the the City of Saint Paul, the Saint Paul Police Department. Officer Re�+tsria, and K-9 Oflicer Lance, the�r representatives, successors, assigns and all other persons, firms and corporations'From any liahility, claims, actions, causes of actlon, and demands of any kind, known or unknown, existing or to arise in the future, resu(cing from o� related to any damage, loss or injury susCained bv me arising from an incident which took place on or about thelst day of Decembet, 2002 at or near 475 Hopkins Strset, Saint Paul. MN. I unders[and that the injury may 6e permanent and progressive, and that recovery may be uncertain. ! rely on1Y on my own judgment in making this refease and do not rely on any other person in any Way- I understand that i have consulted an attomey and any fee due to that attorney is payable out of the abave �mount. l understand that 5 am responsible for any and ail medical bills for physicians, hospitais, clinics or pha�macies, and that the parties named a6ove are in no way respons�bie for any past, present or future medical expenses. The paymeni of this money is not to be construed as an adm'sssio� o{ liability. ft represents onfy the compromise of a d4ubttul and d;sputed claim, 7his re(ease contains the entire agreernent between the parties hereto, and the terms of this release are contractual and not a mere recital. THE UNDERStCsNEQ HAS READ THE F�REGOING AND FULLY UN9ERS7AN05 IT, and signs and dates this documenc on the �� day oi �4 , 2008. in the presence of: ..�� /lm� c� ?'l�cp`l�— --. -. wrtness . To arne0 Moore �, .�-� � � v wrtness Social Seourity Number Subscribed and swom to before me this �� day of , 2o Og . �,t,d,CC�• `�YYL C���� N�taty PubliC � SUSAN MARtE HENKEI Nafsry PublfrMiW�esola *+v oaAnx�n emr�e.,ren s�. aui2 v�r�vw+nMnNVwvrN TOTAL P.02