204095 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK M 4V' a• ' �,'011I1C�1 �10 No. 204095—By Milton ; �0���5 � ' _ ,. • C'I� O Whe eas, Comptroller's Contract L-,�E NCIL NO. -� _ • O ICE OF T sl'o-s, for tne Paving o� sxEPaxn . ROAD from James to Randolph Ave-' ' Ci�UN RESOLUT nues, Ashbach Construcrion Company, � contractor, has been substantlally com- , ,�� _ • pleted, and ' � PRESENTED BY, Whereas,�Said Contractor requests / COMMISSIONE that a portion of the 15% retained � '� 26� ]-901 �an¢Gp�the contract trom estimates for - •�•,^ ,.^ • +3_in �-lvan,�:s��the,' s-'`�tEr.'1' .n��• ��-�cr�;. �y :� ,: WHEREAS, Comptrollerts Contract L-6170-6, for the �'aving of SHEPARD ROAD from James to Randolph Avenues, Ashbach Con- struction Comp�y, contractor, ��has been substantially completed, and � ' WHEREAS, said Contractor requests �that a portion of the 15� retained under the contract from estimates for work done, be � paid in advance of the final completion o�' the contract, and , - t ' Wf�R�gS, the �ommi s s i one r and Chi e f Engine er of the ve par tme nt of �'ublic VPorks approve the payment at this t ime of �8,1�.00.00 � of the �9,865.05 retained, theref ore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper City �fficials be and they are �hereby authorized and directed to pa� an estimate in the amount of � � 8,1�.00 .00 from the re tained per ce nta ge of � 9,865.05, to said Contractor, and be it - FURT� RESOLVED, that thist:Reso��u�ibn sh�ll�.Yi��re��r�o^:�'or�e,��?�r • effect unless the Sureties on tl�e Contractor� s Bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing vait,h the City ' Comptroller. � - � �� SEP 2 6 196'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy . SE,P 2.6 ���`� Holland � � Approved 19— I'� Tn Favor � Mortinson P�� Mayor Rosen gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis �UBLISHED — — G l << 5M c-c�i -4, DUrLICAT!TO rRINTER •_'^ w ��'7G'`��� _ ._ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --� " [ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY SEP3�MBFR Zv, 196�. COMMISSIONER DATF WHPREAS, Comptroller� s Contract L-6170-6, for the �'aving oP S�3EPA�t.0 ROAU from Jsmes to Rendolph Avenue�, Aahbaah Con- atruction Compsny; aontrsatori hae been aubatantially aompleted, and WAEREAS, �aid Contraetor reques�� that a por�ion of the 15� retained under the contract from estimatea for work done,� be paid 3n advanae af the final completion of the contraat, snd �VHEREAS, the �ommiasioner and �hi�f Engineer of the De ax�tment oF �'ublia tlVorks approve the pay.�ent at this time of �8,�.00.00 of the �g,865.05 retaine8, theref ore, be it ' R�SOLVED, .that the proper City Offiaial� be and they are hereby r�uthorized and directed to pa�r an est3ma�e in the amount of � 8,1.�.00.GO from the re ta�.ned per cen.ta ge of' � 9,865.05, �o 8aid Con�ractor, and be it Fi7RTHFR R�SOLVEp, that th�$�:Reso�u�io� �ha3��.ha�re�aon�or�e.��r �ffect unlesa the Suretiee on the Contrae�orts Bond aonsen� tY�r.�to and file sucY� con�ent in writing with the f31t� � Comptroller. . � � � � t � i' � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council SEP 2 6 1��� 19— � � Yeas Nays DeCourc� � gEp 2 6 ���� Holland ` Approved 19— �� J Tn Favor � '� Mortinson ;( �� � Mayor � : Rosen gainst � �� Mr. President, Vavoulis � � ant G-({1 � I � ��