204071 .t,� �� �. - � , ., y - :.` �_ • , ' ` ;������ � COUNCIL FITyF_NO.-W,,,n,__-_-==------ - , v BY-------------------� FINAL OADEB rCouncil File No. 204073— , . FINAL ORDER � the matter of reconstructing+the � � sidewalk on the north side of Wheelock PeTkway from Dale S� to Mackubin St., constructing new sidewalk an bath . sides oP�Wheelock Pazkway fram Mac= kubin St. to Ar n Ave. and oa ��� In the Matter of reconstructing the sidewalk on the north s t�e-raL;�a�,�P�-cs��;,,.�c.,��,..�,, - :*,v- ,,.� fr� Dale St, to Mackubin St.� �constructing new sidewalk on. both sides of Wheelock Paxkway from Mackubin St. to Arlington Ave, and on the south side from Dale St, to y . . Mackubin. St. under Preliminary Order-------------201662------------- PProved ---------------A�ril_18t--1961------------------------ --.._a IntermediaryOrder----------------------------------------------------aPProved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and lflnd of im- provement to be made by the said City ia to reconstruct the sidewalk on the north side of ��� Wheelock Parkway from Dale St. to Mackubin St.,� construct new sidewalk es ������������5�' sidewallts aouth side from � Dale St. to Mackubin St.� except where good, a.n.d sufficient,�now exist .. _�- _�_,_... . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. ' - - RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improv S E Pt 2 sa��q��ance therewith. t) Adopted by the Council----------------------------------------------�� r ����' , �------------- ------ -- ----------��------------------- --------------- --- SEp 2 6 1961 d��� City Clerk. Approved----------------------------------------------- File s656o � -- - -- -- -- - ------ 4----------------------------------------- - ,------ Councilman � "" Mayor. DeCourc� Councilman Holland � , Councilman � �_ �„�_ PUBLISHED �� , Councilman n!o.rtinson / � Councilman �;tr�rs^R - D � Councilman Ro'sen J � � Mayor Vavoulis � ' , . ' '✓ l� _ i 2-55 2M 2�� - , I/ � ' - � � / /� ,. . � _ � / ii� . � -•i i ; .�. � , � � /, , , - � / , . ��' � � � �%� � � � ' � • / / / `�?�'�. �{ Y�yyy��v �' '-�-'..r-..- 1 '/ �/ /y / ' � Y.�'���;,1�1 . � �� � / ' � � ��// / �i � � � / / � // / � / �� / / / / �/ �1 / / I I � I / / / � ! � ' / / ' . � � / i . . / i - • / - � � / � A// /_ � ,r �� �. , � � . � / /' I / � � / / / •r ' : / i / , '� �_ � �� ��_ ./ � ' / � / / � / / i � � � / //� � � , � � / � / � J �� _ �� �� / .� � i i l � / / /.. � / / , �i i� ' �, `I / / � � , � � / � ' ' / � / �.� �. i /� ,/ i , / / j r / � , , - ! i -� � -- � .� � , , � � . . - , ..� .�, � , /, ��`` � . , � �� s '� � . .� � �� i , i ,/� � � ,• .i, , , / � I � . • , . . • � I T Y F I T P A L ����� C O SA N U � CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA ELTOR A. DEHN � Valuation Enqin�ar DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM Chief Cashtar BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner ' WILLIAM W. ROONEY, Depury Commissioner u B�� I 13 Court House, Zone 2 I CApital 4-4612 ��. ;�:.,, ..�. �O September 22, 1961 To the Council City of �t. Paul Gentlemen: I ha�e examined the attached petition of remonstrance, filed in the matter of reconstructing the sidewalk on the north side of W�}eelock Parkway from Dale Street to Ma.ckubin 5treet, and construct new sidewalk on the south side from Dale ��reet to Mackubin Street, and wish t o re�ort as follows: Amount of frontage involved in said improvement - 2152.51 ft. Amount signed for on said petition 775.88 ft. or 36� , (Amount required by Charter - 50�) ! Number of resident owners invol�ed 64 Number who signed said petition 2!� or 37� (Amount required by Cha�ter - 60�) From the above facts you will note that the petition of remonstrance is insufficient. . Yours very truly, ' � ' ,�'� / - -- `r � G�. � BERNARD T. HOLT,a nm Commissioner of Finance CH cp � , - . O F F I C E O F C I T Y C L E R K MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL '- Cifiy Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Couneil Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House , . $t. Paul 2, Minnesota sept. lg, 1961 Hon. Bernard T. Holland Comsr. of Finance Building Dear Sir: • 7�ie City Council referred to you for check as to sufficiency the attached petition o� remonstTance in the matter of Final Order for reconstru.cting the sidewalk on the north side of Wheelock Pkwy. from D&le St. to Mackubin St., constructing new sidewalk on both sides of Wheelock Pkwy. fr� M�.ekubin St. to Arlington Ave. and on the south side from Dale St. to Mackubin St.� your File 56560. 1 The Council amended the order today to read as follows: "to reconstruct the sidewalk on the north side of Wheelock Parkway from Da,le St. to Mackubin St., and construct new si.dewalk on �the south side fro� I�le St. to Mackubin St." . �1ery trul yo ls, . � `3 � � ity C1erk . � � �� � 1�! �Vr��c�la�� ,�„►,►►,►� p��� �w� ��• ���• r�• � V •�• ��• ::�� � � ' � � I •�� �. M K � 1111f.. �� �� � " (11! �:I/ -•+a. � � � P • ,_ ► ~1 , � 1 �/• � � `� i � �\ � ` �1! �, ' ` � � �� 1� �c . .. � � � �C 1=T-�Y�O-F�S_A11fN-�T P U L — M I N N E S O T A E � .� . : , t � ��•u� `�, ' _ _ Dist. No• 1 " - - 'Wheelock Parkway - Dale to Mackubin - north side `' n �� - Mackubin to Arlington - both sides - ' ` n �� - Dale to Mackubin - south side � �` OFFICE OF THE COMMISSICR�IER OF PUBLIG WORKS ��p ,� . • �,�, �.� _�. ���,�� �,�� � REPORT TO CONA�IISSIONER OF FINANCE y� � �d` � /;Z . 19 61 � To the Cor�nissioner of �I.nance of the City of Saint Paul: The Corran3.ssioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council� lmown as Council F�le No. 201662 approved April 12th. 1961 relative to reconatruetin� the sidewalk on J the north side of Wheelock Parkway from Da1e St. to Mackubin St.. construct riew side- walk on both sides of Wheelock Parkwa.y from Maekubin St. to Arlin�ton Ave. and on he south side froYn Dale St. to Mackubin St. � � � and having investigated the matters a�d things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ 0.�2 per sq. f`t. for mono. conc. walk !t" thick. F�ctra work(excav., fill, conc. rem'd, root cuttin�, drive crossin�s.etc.) at extra coat. ^ 2. � pla�, profil.e or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works g 1�. Improvement is asked for upon petition , � 11 f � ��c� oa �AY .g�I��� ,' ,� 196j N Commi.ssioner of Public 'Works c- �N�. �� . �� w/ � o ��, ,� . � � � 7 _ ��- 6� ��-_ --� . � � � � � � � I� �� � � �����o� aF �as��s��cE �o 'GIaQ �o�mcii C3.�y r�� Sa3:x�t P�.�I. � Gen�lo�ans F]e� 't�e t�ndar��.�nQd9 be3.n� �y� of x��sit�ex3t own�:s c�� ���p�rty �a �e��sbnt�,ng no� loss ��an 50� ot thra �`r���ag� a�su�'�3n� on tt�at �aa�� 4� �a�eloal� �'arkwa� , �as'� �t�eneua�y ob�ect� t�nc� protest to �,hQ recc�n��uC��on o�" the �3det•rz�.k on tho n.or'�h a3de a�' �ica3,t�ck ��rktrgy i�rom La�.o �tre�t t,o ,A�.o�,:b3z� �Q�t, corast,ruc�zon o�` x�ow o3.c�at•�a3.� on �ao'�ia �ides o£ 43hed�.oc�. Pe,���� f�Qm �ac�ub� S�rea� fia �r-- �.���o� Avenuv and on �ho aaut� �ide ,f`�'qm D�e S�ee� � ��3aGl�b�� �#�ee� as �+ro�oaec3 L�r �our�c�,3. ��.1.e �;o� 2�i66�� ag�a'av�c3 1��3.1 7.�g 1�1� 3n ou� op3nzo�n �o�s �s rw� �f��c��n� Ped�s�r��n �rava� �a w+arx�ant �h�.� eon- ��xua�t3or�a z�h�,ch wi13 co�1n�Q�.� cie�roy �Ro c�'�Ix���.Q :��,'�a�rQ af the Parkwa3�'� £u�h�rr�are, �Y�r�� p�•k�w�,ys gre no� �orm�l,�y t3��i�ad a�d ��z�s�ruo�ted ani3°�re not cdndtici�ae �o gaa��t.r3� �xave� ��� � �a���y s�and�o�n�� az�d f�na�.l�? �nn� s-tx�uc�;�on o€ '�Yaa ��tdeur�tke «31�. r�qt�3.ra exp�a�.ve a.�t�tafr�� �rs7.1� ared �r.i7.1 eneau��ge tYio Qreo��.�xa o£ �oncoa ti�t ��c� �'Nrt�'�'�3.�� proper�y oi,naei��� -�hus 5po31— �.n� �I�e en��.re ���aot and ��twr�. �mauty Q� tho e�t��3xi� P�xI��ay: ��a �3:x�rn�.�* �Q�.��.e �h�� �ar th��e �ee�o�a$a �u� na� �.o�es�ar� 23.�n�.ted to �e�e reanon�� �.t ��;� no� � `tha bo&� 3a�zteraa�s o,£ �ha .c3.t��eris �f S�. P�v� to undsrt�ka �.g p�ro�e��. . . �3���� ` ������ T:4'1;` �3�.f�K 1�?�����t� �TRCiw3'Q.�� ��) , . � , ��� � �. � z:._ � - - ^ �� g . . s� � . �/..��;�s� .�.,� ...1.� -,.�, -�_����....q._. �:�;�` � �" ���...�'� :�.,.� �_ . //�� a . � � 7 !� ��� l// >/� 7 /� / f� � ' � ,�/,/�G���(,�C �.,,�,�,,� G�G�I�/7 ,,,,,�4:,:. ri �...�,..�.r-�-� J ,� 3 ,�� /r 2/ O . � %{) ._ , . tir-.��.. � wr4r�� 'I � � � 1 < J�3„_._�1_. �� S� �2� �.�l�.:Q,.�-.,,,�. .�.�... .� k S .,.,8s.��, � �� • � � ����-. , j -r _ ....e.^...( ��`� � .�1 �J°�c�-` ' ����.-�- l ...��'��=�- .e.._����z "� �Y� /��/.'.�.��3 � 7' —� � �."`�,.' ` ......,. rt_._._. _..,..,_----...�.....�._..r.�....- -..»..r...: ,,.....�....,..,. �.. �....._ .,..�,...o...,.. _ ----�-�-�-� _,__. .,..,._ .»...��,..��..�.w.._ -.�...�..� �iA`i.E OT ��;•s;��'��t� ) �c s� )��. �i�' fr11T �1at .�1l,i'.w�a� �4 ' �,�!� ���'�`� b��n� f�-rqt dt�3� �suoin, rsn tset3� da����� �nd se�s .. � �ha� hca circ�3a'��d �I far��s��ir_� pe��.t�Q�� �h�� th� z��'iee es erot� �hereon e.�a �hr� w3�a�t:�e� o€' t�c oa���a o'' t�-Q �ra���r �c�t o�:lao��.�� �S�°o#o, �.ne� �a ��— eQ-^a�.�.�. �r.4�� fio ��.�. ��+.�Et�'r3 £�: i'O"0�,� �a�o�= �Ftta £�i�tr'�e� A�m�ay Co�ty, �'3a�n. t�y ��r exp3.��� ���t,*:ua�y �,s �;�3. � . � � �a�� PETITIOV OF RE1�:ONSTRAI�'CE To the Cotmcil City of Saint Paul , ' Gentlemen: Tr�e, the Zandersigned, being 60,� of resident ot�mers of property and representing not less than 50� of the f`rontage abutting on that part of ti•1Yieelock Parkway , most strenously object and protest to the reconstruction of the sidewalk on the north side of Z�lheelock Parkway from Da1e Street to Mackubin Street, cor�struction of ne�r sidewalk on both sides of �rTheelock Paskway from N`.ackubin Street to .Ar- lington Avenue and on the south aide from Dale Street to Ma.ckubin Street as proposed by Council File No. 201662, approved April l�:y 1961. In our opinion there is not sufficient pedestrian travel to warrant this con- struction, �•Thich tirill completely destroy the esthetic natvse of the Parkvray; furthermore, that parkt•rays are not nor�ally designed and constructed and are not conducive to pedestrian travel from a safety standpoint, and finally, con- struc�;ion of the sidetirall:s will require expensive retaining �ralls and will encourage the erection of fencea by the abutting property owners, thus spoil- '� ing the entis e effect and natural beauty of the existing Parkway. Z��e firmly believe that for these reasons, but not necessax ily limited to these reasons, it is not in the best interests of the citizens of St. Paul to undertake this project. � Otb'� ✓���, ADDRESS LQT BLOCK ADDITION FROI3TAGE l� 4"�� . " 2��� �� -- -�_�--- �_ , ���,����-�9��a.�/��.� � _.L__ � °� �y� �:� ` �m� ti�� ��_�y� �.�.,.�.�._,_. �o , �.�.,�.���� �� �� �-- - . �. ,.�� � ' ��7 �J �J,�,�,�,_ f�.. ( ��. �� �� /� /� a/ w�.�-- B ) �y///�/�.�/� ��^ �i�rr, (i��L,l[Y�O�C��j � �'�//�-v/J OO I 4 �y -J�l �'� ..C-u,�/,�Q� �.��� ...�,�_. .. i�____��- � � E�c�.p,r W,63.S � - 5`9`f Gfl.l-l��ee�-r�, 2� Z 7�Z�.(�.��-�•�c�@��.n �'l� •`f� �`�-�, , �..r� � _/ ' � ./ ���G�„/,�-CGL'�il� � w�3.�y.� � y � �.1 i r�' �9� w. ��� �a�-ai-�g ��-�,,,.:� �. 3.� �. � STATE OF rjIRT�dESQT�1 ) j • • )ss. COUIJIY OF R TSEY )) � G� ,�/r .� , being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says that he circulated the foregoing petition,• that the na�es as sho�rn thereon are the signatures of the oumers o� the property set opposity thereto, and are per- sonally lrn.o�m to hira. � � Edward G. Navak Senator,. 3�th District Ramsey County, b"inn. I� term exp�rea January 1, I963. . ' dl�, � � ��'�s'��� �� ��t�S�;�r �o '� •�Cie�� ���� ��` ��� � �ant�.ar�� �'fl� ��n u��c�re�;��d* ���+� F�Q�+ ,v� ra��cc�'� ot�'� a� �aa��y �+�3 r��ar�����'��� �na� 3.��a� � �3� c�F ��v ����a�� a'�����.sa� v� ��.'� �� �� �kz�c�.ae� �r�t���t�y', ��� ��at��� ����a�t �� �at��t ��a ��� ��ao���r�:�t.��a� s��' �za �.��J� o� '�� ���i� �t�.��r� o£ ���+�z��. �'�►�rp�r �r�� ��t� ��a'� �o �'a.����i�9�z� a��ca�,� cca�s�'�c�4n �1�` �'I43W ��.R':�Tt�-�S +Q�3 r;�3�1 ['J�i�Qt� O� iti��E��'.t�d�C �''�'�I�i �'E'?� ��.ft�I�:�Jd�fk �`�l`£=U�± � .�°j+ �.�rz�oa�, .��at���a a�i3 <m �3m �ts�.'��a r��a�� �vra ��„� ��a� �� �"�d.�:��� S���t �a� ����a�+� � �ar���� �'��.c� �7s�� ��.�s�� ��b�;ac3 l�����, ��,� :���.,� � a� b�;�,�t�a�z ��a �.� t�� au����r;�� }�a��at���ia� ��€v�, � �c��� t��� ca� ������.a�, ��i���'� r�x�. ��c��� �3a��ro,� �Ifc� Q��:t���.a �a��� �r�' ���, ��'1�."�'� �l+wY���V.. �A��`i,! ��.s•. 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Paul t,o und�stakQ tlaie �ro�ect4 OWNER 1�DARFSS �,OT fi�OC� 1�DYTxOP1 F�tQt'�'�iGE �° � �HJr�S�� �� 87/p�4� � � �a�t� �� ��2�u�f v�,�,�, ��' � �`��������� � �/1� J� �, �5o f� �r3� o .�` �ri�s�'��2 i�� �• �� ,r.��, ���-�l.s� .1 ..� '� .���,��� - .� � 3 . `�'Y � l ._ �Q `f o � �', --.,..�:-a^�� '�++ -•t-^��.-� , • .� �- j� � �- ; � , � �.�. � - �' �'d'3 �-rl ,��/� � �y J'�a � v � --r-�-� " " . . w�,�,.s-� � , � �&�-y-r f / c � � i ..a�s1:�� . (v� � "� °� C/� ✓�D y��lN'�� . ��'s f G n�sr.o� �7� .�.c7'� ' :-.�.. ,..�—.. S ��v�✓�. ��.,. �� • „r„_,,,,, � _ ' GZr� �� � ! /A � �9' �� � ��� s�Y�� �y S s y 3.,y .�� ' , ----�-�- �`� , — ,a 2�� �r � � 3 ..a�.���.,�.� 3� '� �F 2' �°�!_.:...�. i�'�-�'�...�'�st�.�i�,cL ,�,�,,,���� �-s�- J � �� , , i �° �. (��- r,Zc,1'�'�-..�. t�fi6 .yo � . � � 3, dU' GU��� ;�� � �" �� � �� S � z,c,c,2 C,�.���,�, 5.5�� t.v- � �a �/�'f�.¢S�� � � . . .,..._.� - f. _ sxa� or rurtrr�s���, ) � ) ss. CGt;�:7Y OF RAP4�EY ) _ �� � - ,�,, 9 be�n� f3rst du1.� scx3rn� or� oatla dapq�es and eays tha'� hQ c�cu].a��d �he forQ�;o3n� �et�.�zan, that the names a� �ho�m tliereon �o the s�.�nm�vros of tho ownex�s of tha px'o�rty set oppos3te t�Yareto, and r�o per— 8oa��:l.y knok*n t.ca h3m� �, � r�. r EdWex'd G� IV'OV81C ��enatox�, 3�th D3.strsct - Re�s�y Co'�a�a�t�►, M9.�n. R�y torm expires J�nv�ary 1� 1�'63: � M PETITION OF REI�OAlSTRANCE • To the Council _ � - City of Saint Paul , Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, being 60� of resident owners of property and representin.g not less than 50� of the f`rontage abutting on that part of Wheelock Parkway, most strenously object and proteat to the reconstruction of the sidewalk on the north side of Wheelock Parktiray from Da1e Street to A�:ackubin Street, construction of new sidewalk on both sidea of j�lheelock Parl�ray �'rom Mackubin Street to Ar- lington Avenue and on the south side f`rom Dale Street to Mackubin Street as proposed by Council File No. 201662, approved April lg, 1961. In o�m opinion there is not sufficient pedestrian travel to warrant this con- struction, t�rhich will completely destroy the esthetic nature of the Parkwa,q, furthermore, that parkways are not normally designed and constructed and are not conducive to pedestrian travel from a safety standpoint, and finally, con- struction of the sidetaalks will require expensive retaining �ralls and wi11 encourage the erection of fences by the abutting property o4mers, thus spoil- ��.ng the entire effect and natvral beauty of the existing Parkway. We firmly believe that for these reasons, but not necessaxily limited to these reasons, it is not in the best interests of the citizens of �t. Paul to undertake this project. OWNER. ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ADDITION FRONTAGE , , �� � �� I/ r I , � --���9 �'1/,��1�e�mC/•� "a� �1v�S H/f?Pe�rac.Y,�`fo�a. ��4� ; � _1�`�-�J W �cML�� �'1'�O� `i�l. \l 1 l��!•..� .,�,L�? n�A t� t�e e�� � �.�C�l . ^r /� � � ' �/1�O �-i/L,Vt U /7'/'�' ' �B,. L�L�Yl.�v_Qit.�L !� !I I/ � �Z'LLt��� t-'- ��'p �f�,S c�/. G+�/D.�t,-� � ` �h°�,� " �s�'� S � �.S�� `� \ � ���� p � � � ��.Mr O��� �lJ�1� ��o S � f�!J �t�L � _ « u �1 � -3 �L.l�..l..L .�-� /�/ �� S�� � ��J _ � � n ti _ �«�<< � //�.� /��� ��� � � _ �T— 1 , ` / —T � /O 7 � dc • � � /� , ��° �`° ;r'�r — � �R D /�J. � ...��-��. « � �� STATE OF T4II��SOTA � ss. COLTA�Y OF RAIYSSEY `�.�;,' �.,�►�.� �' � �.�, , being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says that he circulated the foregoing petition, that the names as shotim thereon are the signatUres of the owners of the property set opposite thereto, and axe per- sonally known to him. � . ������ � Edward G. Novak Senator, 3�th District Ramsey County, Minn. N{y term expires Ja.nuary l, ��63. �