204060 �� • �' - Councll�File No. 20408U—By Milton ` �9 , ,OR�GINAL TO CITY CLERK • � ��-� _ w---r ROSCII= ' � ; ��3ao `C�� Wkiereas, The Council of the City COUNCIL ;,,o � ;�; of Saint Paul, by resolution C. F. No. FILE — 'ti OFFICE O 199800; gave certain assurances as pro- �., . vAi3d�ey,th�errough�theeDistrict Engineer, COUNCIL RESO v. s. a�,y Engineer Dlstrict a� s�,t. '' Paul, Minnesot�a; and PRESENTED BY Whereas. The City o£ Saint Pau11 COMMISSIONE has acquir'e� the r�er.ess�ry.]an�l. ea$e_.i Ffi. r!� f�'r 7--^ — '� n3_ ��',,� .�3 �iqc�. ,n ,�:i :-1 - --------------- -' , ":'y`�'•I,:-Es 3t�x-[;-}i�--a��- � +. «,�f��,as�.d I5. ,�, '• � , " ��4_ �sr- 1 w( i�. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, bp resolution C. F. No. 199800, gave �ertain assarances as pro- vided therein to the Secre�ary of the Army, through the Dis�trict Engineer, U. S. Army Engineer District of Saint Faul, Minnesota; aad - � WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has acquired the neeessary land, easements, rights of way and spoil areas in connection with Stage 2 of the Flood Control Project along the Mississippi 13iver in Sair�t Paul, Minnesota, from Wyandotte Street in the City of Saint Paul to the eastern end of said Flood Control Pro�ect, located at the right of way of the � Chicago Great Western Railway Company yard tracks, legal descriptions of the area acquired by the City being set - , out in resolutions of the Council, C. F. 'Aio. 200881, approved �-- February 28, 1961 and as amended by C.F. No. 201628,- approved April 18, 1961; C.F. No. 202641, approved June 20, 1961; and � C.F. No. 202640, approved June 20, 1961; said lands, easements, rights of wap or spoil areas ref erred to i� the af oresaid resolutions being indicated on maps marked Exhibits A and C attaehed hereto and ine�orporated .herein by ref erence; and additional po�t�:o�ns of such lands, easements, rights of way or spoil areas, the legal descriptions of which are indicated in the doc�ment� marke�d Exhibit �B attached hereto and made a part thereof by ref erence and as indicated on the map marked Exhibit B-1, also attached hereto and incorporated herein by . ref erence, the areas described in Exhibit B being areas owned by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Patal and beiog com- mitted to use in connection with the aforesaid Flood Control Pro3ect by vir�tue of action of the Port Authority of the City of Saint �aul�by resolution adopted by that body at its regWlar meeting on September 19, 1961, as indicated by resolution of said body, resolution No. 1�2, a copy of which _ _ is marked Exhibit D a.nd hereto attached and incorporated herein by reference as fu].ly and completely as if set forth verbatim herein; togeth er with additional lands, easements, rights of way or� spoil areas described in a letter dated COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ' � 19— . Yeas Nays � � �. DeCourcy Holland Approved 19.— Loss In Favor Mortinson - Peterson J Mayor ` A gainst Rosen 1 Mr. President, Vavoulis � - , b M (i-�i 1 � _ � �- - - -������0 '' Page 2. August 22, �`961, over the sif nature of the Executive Director of th�e Minaeapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission, addressed to the City of Saint Paul, atter�tion Eltor Dehn, Valuation Engineer, marked Exhibit E, attached hereto and incorporated herein by ref erence, the lands therein ref erred to being indicated on the map attached to said Exhibit E, - which map has been� marked Fxhibit E-1 and is also incorporated �ere3.n by ref erence; together with additional lands described in a letter dated� September 20, 1961 over the signature of the Execc�tive Director of the Minneapolis-Saint gaul Metropolitaa Airports Commission, a�dressed to the City of Saint Faul, atte�tion Eltor A. Dehn, �/aluation Engineer, said lands bei ng sho�rn on a map attached to the�aforesaid letter, the letter being masked Exhibit F a'nd the map Exhibit F-1, respecti�ely, attached hereto and incorporated herein by ref erer�ce; together with la�ds, easements, rights of way or spoil areas covered by t�at certain Quit Claim Deed dated the 1(�th day of July, 1961, execnted and delivered �to the City of Saiat Paul as grantee, bp the Minneapolis-Sairrt Paul Metropolitar� Airports Commission as Granto�, whereunder and whereby said grantor quit-claimed aad conveyed unto the City certain therein � descrii�ed tracts or parcel$ of land located in Ramsey County, Minnesota, which grant was accepte`d by the Counc3l of the City of Saint Paul by resolutio�, C.F. No. 204026. approved September 20, 1961, the legal description of said lands as described i� the af oresaid deed heretof ore f iled of record in the of fice of the Register .of Deeds or Registraraof Titles in and f or Ramsey County, Minnesota, and resolution, C.F. No. 204026 being incorporated herein by ref erence, said resolution C.F. �10. 204026 beiAg marked Exhibit G and hereto attached, � now, theref ore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby represents to the Secretary of the Armp and the District Engineer, U. S. Army Engineer District of Saint �au1, N[innesota, that the City has acqvired all necessary lands, easements, rights of way and spoil areas hereinbef ore ref erred to and/or is legally entitled to �he p�ossession thereof in f ulf ill.cnent of �tti'e�_.assurances made purs��nt to resolution of the Council, C.F. 1Vo. 199800, and does hereby grant to the United States of America, acting by and through the District Engineer, U. S. Army Er�gineer District of �aiat Paul, Minnesota, its officers, agents, employees and contractors the fiall:�.�na:nnrestricted right, license aAd privilege to enter npon� �occup�rt�, use and affect all lands, easements, rights of way ar�d�sp6i1 areas ' owned and/or to which t�e City is legally entitled to possession � as indicated in the f oregoi�g Whereas clauses of this resolution . � � � t . � . . - ' i ti , , � n . � � OR�GINAL TO CITY CLERK ' �" ' ' , :... r,'� � _ --,:-„ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N - . r' - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -+ � . �� � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONEa DATF � — ------—-----—{—— -- i � - . Page �. � ` J for use as may be�,�ecessary in cor�nection with the cor�struction . - and subsequent�,maintenance of the aforesaid Flood Control � �=- Pro�ect; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council of th e City of � Saint Paul also grants to the United States of America, acting through the Dist�ict Engineer, U. S. Army Engiaeer District � of Saint Paul, Minnesota , its officers, agents, employees and contractors the right, license and privilege to enter upon, occupy, use and aff ect lands described in the Borrow Fit Easement Agreement enterad into between the City of Saint Faul and the owner of the borrow pit areas, the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission, as said areas are � shown in the agreement dated the ��6th day of September, 1961, such rights hereby granted with respect to the af oresaid -, borrow pit areas to be limited by the terms af the lease agreement between the City and the Minne�ulis-Saint P�aul ' Metropol�itan Airports C.oanmission. � � .. . . , r . �4 . .;-,� 2 2 1961 COUNCILMEN . Adopted by the Council sEp 19— . Yeas Nays sEP 2 2 �g61 � DeCourcy � Holland Approved 19— � Loss C� �n Favor Mortinson / ���� Mayor Rosen gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis P.UBLISHED f' — Q��Q� � sM G-(il ,� ' � ' . • . � DUrI.ICATE TO,rRINTER • ,��� . - _ ' CIT�F�OF ST. PAUL � - � couNCi� �� • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED dY COMMISSIONER DATF WHERF,.AS., the �ounc�.l of the �City of. Sain� Paul� by resolution �. , F. No. 1998�0, gave certain assurance� as �pro� vided ther�in �o the Secre�ary o� the Army� through �he . . D3.strict Lngineer,, U. �. A�my &ngineer D3stric,t o� S.a�nt , ' . Paul� ,Minri�sota.; and . � , , � WNBRHAS, The C3�ty vf �S�3nt Paul ha� acqu3red �he nece�s�r� lar►d, ea�ement�, �cights of way and spo�1 areas in connectio�n w3�h S,'tage 2. o� the. F1ood Contro].: Prn3ect ;alang , the, Mi�ssi��i�pf; �,i.ver 3.n �ai`�t Faul, Min�esota. from i�yandotte Streat i'n the �it of Saint Pau1 to �he eastern �end o� �aid , Flood Contr�l P�ro�ect, located a� the right uf ,way ,of the Chi�ago Great Western l��ilWay Company yard tra:cks, legal de�cr3ption� o£ the �rea acquired by the Ci�y being se� out 3n re�olu�tior�� of the Council, C. F. No. 200881, approved �Tebruary 28, 1961 and as amended by C.F. No. 203.628, approved "�� Apr�.l �8. 1961; E.F. No. 202647., approved June 20� �.961;� and C.F. No., 202640, approved June 20, 1961; said �ands. easements, rights of way or spoil area� ref�r�ed to in the af oresaid re�olutions be3.ng indic�ted on maps marked Exk�ibits A and C a�tached hereto and incorporated herein by ref ere�cez and eddi.tional p�.3oass of such 1and�. easements, rights o� way or �poil are��, the legal descriptions of which are ind3.cated in the doe�nent marked �xh�.b�.t B a�tached her�to and made a par�t thereof by ref erence and as indicated o� the map marked �xhibit B-1� ai�o attached hereto and incorporated hs�e�.n by re£erence, the �rea� de�cribed in �xhibit B bef.ng areas owt�ed ^ by the Po�t Authority of the City o� Saint F�aul ar�d being com- mi�ted ta u�e in co��nection with the afore�aid F].00d Control Pro3ect by v3.actue o� action of the �ort Authorit� of the �ity of Saint Faulhby resolutio� adopted by that body at it� regular meeting on Sept,ember 19, 1961, a� ind�.cated by �esolution of sa3d bady, re�olution No. 1u2, a copy of which is marked �xhib3t D and hereto attached and incorporated herein by ref erence as f u11y and completely as i.f set f orth � verbatim herei�n: together with addit3onal� lands, easeme�nts. � r3.�ht� of way or �poil areas des�r3bed 3.n a letter dated COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— I Yeas Nays ' DeCourcy �iolland Approveci 19— �sg Tn Favor Mortinson � Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen ' + Mr. President, Vavoulis j � SM G-(il � 1 i _ � " ' , , . - ' • , . • -r r5 , o - ,� +s� y,•t F. � � - . - , , i: .d", ">' �-� ,�. . ' _. ,�F . - . '" , . . ' � _ _ _ _ _ �Y �`' _ - � -,. � � • � � .. - ` . _ �. - -' _ r '" ^� _ ." ,�•. ' ' . • ' ' � � , — ' • ♦P�..• " ' • ' ` ' " ' ' �f �. - 1' � �• � - ^:�.��: � ..� . � + w J �,. .. ' '.'" , _ , ; , r'6. ' • ♦ .r - � - _ ' . � .� L,1 ,Y ' • c e — �` •• . n ,�{, •. '�- "' __ ° • ' � ^T_`� .' ' ., , �_ , , .l . ` � •, : •� ������0'1 ' � , , _ ����' • �'`—�. , , . ' ,^ _ . �.` _ , ' � : .+ ,,�, - '. ;� , + . , ' ..� . :_ ..` ' . 'r. H.,, � ' .�..' ` . • ; _ . . -� . . � . , .-, . . , •r t+�•i," , . -_ . �„ I , ��, .. `c+� � � . , .,�'�. � ^ _ _ �, _ ��' ��'.��1`S• � � •_ , ' � � � �!- ' � ��-��.,�, . � � .,` ;t; ta ' • . ' ,�s : 1 _ " . „ . ; +: ^' . . �` � . . ..r _ ' . ' '` ^' • " ` . •` . � . �, . . . _ . , � .: � . : - - . , , '�'�'9e-;�• '.�� ; • . . , - . . _� . . _ . �. . : . ,. � ..��Aug�u��, 22, �.�9,61;''ove� ��}�e.���gna�t�re Qf -the .Ex�ct���va� �?��c�c��et' : � •r �� - . - � - ' oF� the tr�i:'i���apo'1�:�-�airi�';:�au� t�et�d�ol.3t�i�-A�.rpd��,� C,dmm�.ss�,�,n,.�_ • - t .` . �. .. � .. .. � �a.dd�e��se.d �o��th$.�.��.��-o� ��S�3.n�'„�aul�_,at.t�nt�.�or� �1�,��c A�h�i',.,,� : �: .�- . �� , �� . , - VaS:ua��.or� Er�gi"�ee�'��: m�����d ��chibi�t �,.. at'��ch,ed� he�e�o and � , . , „ - '� ,��. . _ _ . . _ , �� � , .. inccia�pa�ated�-Y���e3:i��by, r+s�e�enc�; :tY���.land�� t�erein �g�s�er�� ,A . . . � :;� • � � t �0 4e�,�g�,�tidi�a�ed. on�t�ie m��� �a��ta�h�d:�'�o�said E�ch�.�b3t.��,_ . '' ` , - --• � , . -''-. . � :' w�ri�Yi �map�-ha��.,b��:n,�ina�ked ��x,�3.b3=� �-1.'-a�cl , is �a��so inco��orat�d. , . . _, - � • �� , . � here3:��b� ���:�x��ice; . �ogeth�r�w3.��i ��d.d$.tianal:���;�r��s s�escrib'ed . . , ; =�;� , -<,.� �:; - '�.�i. af ],e�t'�r �..d�ted� :��pterabe� �20, .2g61.' d��� �h� '��gna�,u�e' b� ��h� � .�_�_- • . . _.� �� � � � �.4Exe���°�.ve ��:re���r: �f-•tti�e�;�$hhea�a}.i.$-�a�:� -Fa�u]: .t,�qt�op'o��.ti�r� . , , ; -•�. ,:- . , ' ; Airpo.�"�s �o�mi.��iori�. �dc�rs�sed to� :the����y_ o�• Sa3;nt -Paul,, ��� ':�, , _ - . , � ,�,• -_� �= = ��t�n��ari-£1tai�� A.� }�efin�� �.V�l.c��t�ion 'Ln�9,r�e��� sa�d lar��- bei���� . .;.;� ' � �y � -. � �. ' ` �hown'.an 'a map;���ack�ed �b�.-t�e a�q����aid. ],e����,�. the �.�t�er . '` � - � � _�:`. . -, -. . " bein�•�i�ark'Qd �Exh��b�:,� '�?� a�:rid �th�: m�p.�E�chib�.� fi-;Z.,",r�speG��.vel�i, . _ . . �: , �. . - . �- .a��ache�� here�o ��t?d `3.r�carporated. ei�eip, by. �efQren�e;: toge�}�e�._ , - � � ' h� . " ,- - wi�.�h': .Iand$.�' ���'�men��� ..r3.gh�s�_of�� w�y or"-�spoi.�:,�����s ��r�ve�ed . � .: � :� '� ," . ,- - . by ,�Mat. �er��3.ri ��uit� �1a3,ro.�Deed c3a�ed ��h'e �.p�t� .cla�' of� ,�y].:y,�+ _ " . ., � _, ' .` . � - 196��, ex�cut�d ��rict .de�.�ve�ed ��o� �ti� ,City b� Saint �au}:. a� , ;, � ''". �. .. �, - . � � • �ra�te�;,, by .th��:�{3;r�,aea�Q}.�i$=Sai�� ��u1,.�de�ropo`�.�i�an A�.rport� - - �� . . � � . � � - � ' �o►tunisaion a�.,G�a,ht�or�_ ,wt�er�undez..and'.: whereby _�:aid grar��o� �` �• • : - - r. . - . . � � _ - . - qu�.�-�c�a�.med'� ai��'conveyec� 'unto �he C3t�►: cez�a�.�� th��eei�i �, - � . ._ �. � � a�$ex�.�ea ���c����:or parc��,s'�:_o�,' �:atid i�oca�ed i.n ,�am:�y �oct�t.y`, .'� . • � � ' �- , :�. � � ttii�ie$o�ta, whi�l�� �rant was���,�ce�ted: 'by -�he Co��icil of. �.he �3���+ ..� �, �. . � �� _ __ � �of 5ain� ��ul �by r��a�tttior�, �.F,� �1fl. 2�402��':approv��1_ . '_ - � . . . �. .. . � ' ..S����mber� 24,,� ��96�., � �h�'.�e�g��: d.e�cr�p��o� of �a�d land� .a� � � ' � ,. . , � �, • � . d'e.�c�cibed .�,n. �the. �fores��.d�-i�e�c� .here�o�o�� �i��ed :o� ��cotd � � , . _, ; . ,- ..`.:-- . - �� in�'��,e� o��.�c� af ��i� ��9�.ster b��.-De�ds� ar ��,�gis�sdr}�o� Titl�$ ���..- : , + _.- ,: , " " ' -�.n and ���o� Ram���' �ou�t.y,.. .i�i�rt�es.o�a_, �ind re�,olutio�n, C.�. No.-�� . . _' ��. . - . �. � 2t?40�-�b��ng iti�orpor$�e�i�'.heseih -b� -ref�erer��' ° �a3d- ���Q�:�f'�i'on � �' �fi�: . - .� . ��, : � ' _ �•" � �.F.� No.�_�C�442E�' beitir�_'�rnar���,.�X��b�t ���� and her.etc� ����c���1y ' �� �.". ; ', � ' t1ov��= th8���Qr'�4i b� 1� , . : , __ - �, , . . . .. - ,.. _ . . ,�: ,>;' . , �- - , � . . � ,; . - .. �E5�L��E� ' 'That th�`.�aWi�c3��. �o.� �h:e,.Ci�y o�_ �ai�t Paul . � , . �- � •_.. .�, . h���by, repr��$r���. :�d th� �S�e�e,t��y o�-��h"e `A�y� ��d tt�$ D3,���ict•;,'�<�, _ ' � � . ,. . - .- . E�.�'�e�.r, U: -.S:�• ,4riny �ng��ee�_.A3���rict�, o� ��a in� ��a.�'�:o _.���negat�� . � : t : , � _ _ � > ._ �hst -�Y�e Ci���'h�� �a;cqu�.ra�l---a1�.� r�e�e��a�cy laqd����`easerdet��, '��� , - , . ��: � • T� ��ght.s�' of w$y arid ��po�� �a�.e�.��.'her��nbe£Qre.re�er�,e�l' �o" aAd/o�_�.' � - � � �' � -'. � �. is �Y�gally ent���.�d _�o; .�th�'�.Pci�s$��,io�n �hgre�� ��.r� �£�s1F�:�]am�n�-.� ,� " , ` . _� . -_ o��th� as��rances �;m8d� p�rx�u�nt _to �es.�I�u�iQrt-�f_ the �oun�i�.;` � T' � ._� , �- � � � - � 'C.�. No�, �19980p,. and�. dpe�'h�a�eb`�_€: g�an�. tv ,�t�e Unite� �����es�.o� - , - "ti. �, _ . � _� � . Amesic�� ��t�t�g �b3� a nd���h�ou�h, tha D��`�ri.�t. En�i.r�e e�� -�I.= �. - �: . ,_ _ , �: •�' ��, . A�x��r �nginee�'Di��t�f:ct df S,a�.�n� :Pa:W�; �t��i�ninest���. �,�� .b�f�;��rs�,. - . ..;�. .� , � -.. .� � eritsR �riployee� .el1C� GOTI�.���'�q��_ '��3�.'`,�41II_4�r��.on����t�,�cted ,. ' " � --'° ' � � � , . , � � • . r�g��. 3.i��.r��� ���d p�i�v�leg,� to e�t�.r� ��c�p.on, .o�.ct�.y.,�, ,u�� ana �. � -�=:. -. ,� . -. , y; . , , _ ,_., �. , ° • . aft�ct _ �11 ;Y�nda, �eaa'emer�ts,, rig�t� o� way a�d spoii� ar���_. . _ _- � . �`�- � owned r� o�r �tw� :w�ii,��i ��fia � i� _l� i�y, �r��i��,ed �o �po�sd$��o�i � . �� .�.�� , - - � d/ �'�� Y �- _�� , . : . -, . ��_ 3;tid�.�.�t�d r�:r� ��e �or�going. �Wti�er�as. s�la,�s��$. �� this �eso�.��tio�a '.,. ; �: - : :� , .` � _ ..,*� � "�. ; � '� - °; _ .Y � , . . � � � - .�,.,. .- - l . :-� - . �'�� � ' � . . � . . �. . � _ ' ' i , r � , ' • •' .. , ' ,y � ` 'sf f'• '' " e~' `- . • _�4 �Y . - � , ' ` � +'�'' ' ' •• —` • y • '� . . - . � • ` _ , � � : . -' , � . °, � ;i:_ �� ' -_ -' . . , i... A �'.'�>. ` _ . -- � r ., . . ' __ , , i `- I ' � . , f , . ~. r:, ` .., - . - . t -t ��-_ •- -. "_ .t.� ; � ''� � � ' _ ,_ , �- . : = --, e . . ��. Se-iti,- _ .,p �-' '• ' • ' - , .. -. •a'. a � _ '_ �' � ' ' �. . . ��'i' ' , . . _4.�'. ' . .' ' _, 1 i • � 2 _ . - � ., ' ' ' _' ^ .r: . ' ' . 3'_ ( . i.. T _ ' - ' � � - ._ . - - - � �r � . • ' . . . DUrLICATE TO rRINTER . . •-"" CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ������ ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. _ � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF P�ge 3. , f or u�e as may be necessary in cor�nect3on with th� cor�truction � and subsequent �mainten�n�e af the aforgsaid Flood �ortt_ral ' Pro�ect; anc� be �t , . � � �U1�TH�I� RESOLVPD., Tha� �t�e Counci�. of th e �3.ty of �aint� F�ul also grants to 'the Uni�tsd �ta�es of �mer�.ca� �c.�ti�g �hrough -the Di.��rict Engineer. U. �. Axmy Engineer Di.�tr�.ct o¢ Sa�n�t i�au]., M�.nnesota , ` �ts _offi�er�, age�ts, employees and contractors the ri l�t� li�ense and priv3.lege to enter �pon, occupy., ��se and af�ect lands described in the Borrow �it fi�aem��� Agreement entered. into betw�en the City of 5ain� �aul and �the owner ,o� the borrow pit areas, �he Minneapol.3s-Sain�G P�aul. Met�roPolitan Airports Commission, as said areas are shown in the agreemen� da�ed �the '�6th day of �eptember 1961', _ such r3ghts hereby gran�ecl.w�th respeet to the afroresa�.d bor�ow pit areas �,o be limi�ed by the terms oF the lease agreement between the G�.�y and the M��r►e�i�s-Saint. Paul Met�opolitan Aisports CQmtnission. . , � . � „ � � , . .�� . . . :; � j I � . ',�S , _ '��� . , ,�j � . . ' ��Ft�, .. r � ! A"' , .� � �.��,�� SEp 2 2 1961 COUNCILMEN,' � Adopted by the Council 19— ���� Yeas Na�s DeCourcy ;,'',?� ' � SEP 2 2 1961 Holland �,;��, ,� , Approved ' 19— Loss '`i��� � - �%'r. - Tn Favor Mortinson ' '� ;�1,', • � � '� `� � � � 1Vlayor �" A gainst Rosen � Mr. President, Vav ulis sM o-(il � � i � 1 P "P -♦ "_ . �' , • ' / / � �� � ' � ' ' �x/l/�7� � � ° =' , MINNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL � METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION . 2449 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SAINT PAUL 14, MINNESOTA p"���TMt tlugus� CG1 1961 PHONHMIDWAYB-8884 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR City of Sain t Paul � �� , Minnesota ��� , Attention: Eltor A. Dehn � Valuation �gineer , . Gentlemen: The letter request of the City of Saint Paul, sent by Mr. Dehn on August 8 for a temporary construction easement over Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission property in aid of the work of the Saint Paul Flood Control pro�ect, was submitted to the .Commission at its meeting of ' August 21, 1g61. The Co�runission took action approving the same and directed the undersigned as Executive Director by • this letter to �rant to the City of Saint Paul, f or their use and for the use of the United States Corps of Engineers ' and their ,contractor or contractors, .a temporary permit and right of entry f or construct3.on purposes in con�unction with , said pro�ect upo�n the following terms: 1. Land .sub�ect to temporary permit and right of entry - Lot 6 in Block 25 and Lota 1 and 2 in Block , 26, Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brook- lynd. , Lots 10 throu�h 13 in Block 5, Second Addition to Brooklynd St. Paul, Minn. ; The property above described being in the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, �Minnesota. � 2. Term of temporary permit and right of entry - three • (3) year�s from September 1, 1961., or until the completion of the flood control pro�ect, whichever comes first. 3. The use of the premises shall be sub�ect to the limita- tions contained in that certain quitclaim deed from the Minneapolis- Saint Paul .Metropolitan Airports Commission to the City of Saint MANAGERS AND OPERATORS OF: , HOLMAN,WOLD-CHAMBERLAIN. FLYING CLOUD, CRYSTAL, LAKE ELMO AND ANOKA�COUNTY FIELDS � . �_ . . ..,-' � . • City of Saint Paul - 2 August 22, 1g61 Paul dated the lOth of July, 1961, given in aid of the aforesaid flood control pro�ect. �-. The City of Saint Paul will indemnify and save harmless the Commission from liability or claim of liability for in,�ury or death to person or damage to property ar3.sin� out of opera- tions on the above premises and from the use of said premises pursuant hereto. 5. The City of Saint Paul will on complet�.on of the work involved in the f lood control pro�ect cause the sub�ect property to be restored to its condition as of the date hereof. Very truly yours, MINNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL TRO LIT A ORTS CO�MNiISSION By , F� utive Direc or K;h . . • ��///��� ,` � •_ i : . • �- •` •� - - MINNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL , . ` METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION � • 2449 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SAINT PAUL 14, MINNESOTA OFPICC OF TH6 ' Se tember 2� 1961 PHONE MIDWAY 6-6884 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR P � To the City of Saint Paul Minnesota � 286 City Hall SaintiPaul 1 , Minnesota Attention: Alton A. Dehn Va 1 uat i on .Eng i neer Gentlemen: ' By letter of September 1 , 1961 , foilowing a telephone conversation � between Mr. Donovan of the office of Valuation Engineer, City of Saint Paul , and our attorneys, a request was made for additional temporary construction easements over Minneapolls-Saint Paul Metropolitan Air- ports Commission property in aid of the work of the St. Paul Flood � Control Pr,o,ject. This request�was for easements additional to those requested' by the City or.i August 8th, and approved by the Commission at its meeting of August 21 . The Commission has �taken action approving. this later request of September 1 , 1961 , and. has directed the under- signed as Executive Director by ttiis letter to grant• to the City of St. Paul for their use and for the use of the'United States Corps of Engineers and their contractor or contractors, a temporary permit and right of entry for construction purposes in conjunction with said ' project on the follo�t ng terms : 1) Land subject to�temporary permit and right of entry - "That part of the SE� of the NE4 of Section 5� � T-28, R-22 bounded by the following described lines; Bounded on the West by the easterly right of way� 1 ine of the C.R.I�'.� P. Ry.; bour�ded on the East by the extended easterly line of Lot 6, Block 5, , Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. _Paul , Minn.; bounded on the north by the south line of Block � ' 5, Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul ,. Minn.; . and bounded on the south by the extended south line of Bayfield Street." MANAGERS AND OPERATORS OF: HOLMAN, WOLD-CuAlv�tp'RLAIN, FLYING CLOUD, CRYSTAL, LAKE ELMO AND ANORA COUNTY FIELDS ._ ► . • ' . . ' . % � , � . MINNCAPOLIi-tA1NT PAUL , M6TRO�OLITAN AIRPORT9 COMAf1�C10N ` To the C�ity of Saint Paul Minnesota Page 2 ' � • . September 20, 1961 "That part of the SW4 of the NE� of Section 5, T-28, R-22 being of triangular shape and bounded by the following lines : 6ounded on the northwest by the south line of St. Lawrence Street; bounded on �the east by a line 185 feet westerly from and parallei to the west line of Block 2, � Walton's Sunnydale, an addition to St. Paul , Minn.; and bounded on the south by a line 10 feet south- . erly from and parallel to the south line of Bayfield Street." � . 2) Term of� temporary permit and right of entry - Three years from September l , ig61 , or until the compietion of the flood control project, whichever comes first. , � 3) The use of the premises shall be subJect t�o the��limitations contained �in that certain quitclaim deed of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Ai"rports Commission to the,City of Saint Paul dated the � lOth day of July, 1961 , given in aid of the aforesaid flood control pro,ject. _ 4) The City of Saint Pau) will indemnify and save harmless'the Commission fran liability or claim of liability for inJury or death to persons or 'damage to property arising out of�operations on�the above premises and from the use of said premises pursuant hereto. 5) The City of Saint Paul will on completion of the work involved • in the.flood control project, cause the subject property to be restored to its condition as of the date hereof. Very truly yours� MINNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL METROPOLI AN AIRPORTS COMM'ISSION By .� Executive Director ' i � . � � li ,� 1 i L - _� . ' � Res. No� 152 FLOCID CONTROL PR4JEET STAGE � Uo S o ARl'.'IY CORPS OF EPJGINEERS DISTRICT OF SAIN°I' PAUL :"lHEREAS, The Port Authoxity of the C3ty of Saint }�aul hereto�ore gave certai.n assurances to th� District Fngi.neer, Uo S. Army Corps Engineer District af Sa3n� Paul, �.4ir�nesota and to the City of Saint Paul, w3.th referen�e to modifiCa�ions in the location of th� flood con�rol dike in the area sou�herly of Sto Lawrence Street, whi�h assuranc�s, among other things, included the acquisition of the necessary lands, permanent and temporary easements necessary for this project as modified; and I��HEREAS, The Por� Authority of the City of Saint Pau1 is required to own these lands and easements prior to anc3 during th� �onstruction af th3s 'por�ion of �th� Flood Control Projeet, and �pon th� completi.on, as �ert�f i�d hy the District Engin�er, Ua So Army Dis�tricf of Saint Paul, said lar►ds and �asem�nts will be transferred by the Port Authosity of th� City af Sa�.n�E. Paul. in perpetui�y �to the C3.ty of Saint Paul fQr the purpose of ma�nt�nan�� ancifor re��onstruction, as may be deem�d n�cess�ry or advis�able duririg the exist�nce of �th� referred to d3,ke and Floodl�Confirol Paro3ect; an�l !NHEREA�, The lands and easements referr�d to ar� tho5e indica-�ed an Sheet 1 �f 5 of the right-o�mwa�r maps for the Saint Paul Flaod Contxol Pro3ect d��t�d June �b, 19b1, and last revised S�p�t�mber 5, 1961, which maps a�re on file in #he off�.ces �f iche Departm�n� of Publi� r��oxks of �he City of Saint Paul, now, therEfare be it RESOLVED , That the Board of Commissioner� of f.he Port Autho�i�ty of the City of Saint Paul h�reby represents to the Ci�ty of Saint Paul �ha� �th� Por� Authority of the Ci�y of Sai.nt paul has a�quired all necessary lands, ease��nts and rights-of-way and/or is legally entitled to the possessfon �thereof, 3n fulfillment of the assurances heretofore mad� t� _ th� U. So Army Engineer, District of Saint Paul, said land� being describ�d on the right-of�way map hereinabov� refe�r�d to �nc� on fil� in the offic�s of the Depar�ment of Public tvd�ks, City of Saint Paul and the Port A�athority of the City of Saint Paul dae§ hereby grant �o the City o� Saint P�uI �r�d to th�� iJni�t�d StateS of A�ri�a, acfiing b�r and through th� D3strict Engine�r, tJo So A�my Dfstrict. of S�int Paul. Minn�so�a�, its affi�ers, �g�nts, pmpley�es and con�rac�ors, �he full and unrestr�.ct�d right, li�ense and pri�ril�dg� �o erater upon� a�cupy, use and aff�ct all land�, eas�men�s and rightsm�fmway own�d anrl/or t� �hich �he Port Authosity is Iegally entitled to poss�ssion a� �._ � .. shawn an Sheet 1 of the hereinabove ref erred �to r�ght�-of��Nay man�• and be FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha� the Port Au�thosity af th� �i�� �f Sain� Paul herelby �uthorizes the C3.ty of Sain� Pau2 -to assure and �o transm3t these representations to -the United S�tates af Amer�.�a, the above re�esxe�d to grant for �h� pur- pase o£ cons�ruc�ing the referred ta dik�, c�osu�res and o�h�er war�s �n cannect3.on with -the afores'aid Flood Control P=o,��ct in �he City of Saint Paul. Adop�ted Sept�mlber 19, 1961 Ph�.lip Ho Nasan Pr�sident Port Author�.ty of �the Ci�y of Saint Pau1 Att�s�s ` �_�' �-�-��.� o e . son, ecre ary f !' �` � . . � � �kiyi,t3�T ,� / ' STAGE 2 •' ' ST, PAl1L FLOOD CONTROL PROJECT � ' RIGHToUF�WAY ST. LAWRENCE S7REET SOUTH TO C.G.W. RYo . FEE TITLE __.._ io 7hat land lying within the foliowi�g desc�ibed ]iness Begint�ing at a� • � point being the Northwes.te�ly corner of Lot 12a Biack•2, Walton�s SunnydaleD an additia� to St� Paul, Minno; thence 6ea�ing Nor�thw�sterly to a point on the extended Northeriy tine of Lot 10, Btock� 2� of said addition et a d�st�nce of a85o0 feet Westeriy from the Westerty line of said Block 2; thence bea�ing Northe�9y along a line 185s0 feet Westerly fram and parailei � to said We�terly line of Blxk 2 to �Lhe i�tersection with the 3outheasterly ifne of Ste tawrence Streetf thence bearing Northeasterly along said South- easterly 1�ine of Sto lawrence Street to the intersection with. the Westerly line of B1ock 2D Walton's Sunnydaie� an add4tion to St, •Pnu1D Minn.; thence b�aring Southe�ly along said Weaterty line of Block 2,�to the point of beginn ninga • 2d 7he Westeriy 28 feet of Lot 6 and att of Lots 7 thraugh 9, Blo�k So �S�eond Add�tion to Brooklynd Sto Paul� Mfnno 3n That part of Lo4s !0 tFirough 13� B1ock 5, Se�ond Addition to Brooklynd Sto Pau1�e �Mit►r+,,. iying within the follaving described iiness Beginning at a point being tha Nartf�wast corne� of said Lot 10; thence �beari�g 5outheriy along the Westerty liae of said �.ot 10 a distanee of 59 feetj thence beae�ing Northeasts�iy ta a poie�t on the Northep�ly �line of said Lot �3 at a d'istance of i5 fee� Westerly of the No�theast corner of saicf lo� 13�� thence� bearing . Wastet'iy along the Northe�ty line of Lots 13p �2a 11� and 10 to the point of beginningo - ' 4a lot 12� Block $, Hitchcvckps Addition to W�est Sto i'auD.. ' �o. That part of Lot {1, Block 9, Nitchcoc4cQS Rddition to West Sto Pau1 tying Nes�terly af a t�ine beginning at the Northsast corner of said 10�; fhence beae�m i�g Southtqes,te�ly to a� poi nt on the Sou�hweste�t y 1 i ne 40 feet Northrrester 9 y from fihe Southeast coe�ner of said �ot lln 6n That part of l.ots 12y and 139 61ack 9: N�ltchcock�s Add3tion to West St� Pau# lying Soutl�sterly af a tire ru�ning between �h� NortM�rest corne� of said i�ot 13 and the SoutMeast cor�e'� of said Lot 120 - � 7o Lots 1 thro�.�gh i3 and the Norther�y i5 feet of iot )4„ a11 in Block 1D Watton�s �Sunraydaie, an addi•tion to Sto Pau�� Ni�na . 80 7'hat par.t• oP l�o�s 15.y l6a 17� 18 ancJ th� Southerly 15 feet of �.ot 1�, Block iD Wa�ta�as Sun�yda�e,, an addition to Stq Pau3,, Minn� lying' Easterly of tfie �ast iine of westeriy '�: of NEg of� Section 5,, Township 28N� Ra�ge 22We. 90 t.ots 1 thru i l� B�oc�C 2,,,Wal ton?s Spnr►ydale„ an addt ti on,to Sto �aua,, Mi nn4 A1 so that ,patt of Lot 12g. Block' 2 of sai d addi ti on �yi ng Hortherl y of � str�{ght 14n.e running between the Sout�east and Northwest corners of� sa3d tot; � � �1� ' , � .. - • ' FLOOD wai � � Y � � � � r � 0 i � ' FEE TITLE ._._. ._._ i0:o That part of the Southeastesly � of Section 5, Township 2£3Na Range 22WD 1y�ng�Soutb�r,ly of tho North line of said SE'� Sectioa $= tying Northerly of tFte Northeast line of S1ock �4D Hitchcockos Addition to West St. Paul; 1y�ng .Easterly af 'the East line of the Westerly � of said SE} Section 5� and lqing Westerty of the Westerly .Right of Way line of the CeR.I, and Po Ryo • i10 Lot• 18D 69bck 4a Hitchcock�s Addition to West Sto Paul and that part of Lot i99 Block 4a of said addition lying,Westerly of a line 50 feet Westerly from and parallel to the cente� lir�a of the C.R.I. and Pa �Ryo Aaso that part , of Lot a, Block 4a Hitchcockes Add�'fiion to West Sta Paut tying Easteriy of , the extended Westerly line of Lot i88 81o�k 4 of said additiono l2a The Sautherty 10 feet of Lots 13, i4� 15➢ 16, and a7� B1'ock 4D HitcF� cock�s Addition to West Sto Paulo � 13o Ail of Lots 3& 8s 18 and��99 Btock 6g Hitchcock�s Addition to Nest Sto Paul 8ttd the No�therly i12 feet of �ots 2� 3s �y 5 aRd 6� Block 6 of said addttiono A�iso the Easterly 25.feet of Lots 9 and 179 Block 6, Hi'tchcock's Addi ti�n to �feat Sto Paul o 94o A11 of Lots i3,, 2t anrl 22, Biock 8y Hitchcockas Addition to West Stq Pau1a A1se the Easte�iy 40 fset of Lots 14 and 20g Btock 8D Hitchcock�s � AddittTan to West Sta Paul, � !So �ots •�� and 12 and the Westerly 30 feet of Lot 10�, Btxk �)0, Hitchcock�s Additia�+ to West Sto. Paut„ � 4.26 . � ' ' � F � 0 0 Q � A L L ' .� .� ..a r � r � r �n � � PERMANENT EASEMENZ Per�manent easemen� in the lartds hereafter descri�bed��to�conSt�4c.4.� . maintair►m ope�ate� patrol and replace a flood pro�ec43on�•ievee �ncduding atl appurtenar�ces ther�to: � • � , 1R Beginnfng at a point on �he northeastier�y aine of Hitchcock's Addition � to Wes� Sta Paui with the �ntersectio» of the Chicago,� Rock Isaand,,and Pacific Railroad Cor�pany"s westerly fight of way 13ne; thence southeasterly on said � �ortheasterly line of Nitcticoc�c�s Addition to a po�nt i0 feet wes�erly fram centerline of said Rati�oad Companyas main track; thence northea�iy aiong � line 10 feet westerly from and parall�l, to centeP iin� of said• main track to a point a95 feet norfihe�ly ffom the extende� nor�theriy line of Hitchcockrs Addition �o WesL St. Pau1f thence easteriy' at r.ight angies 60 feet; ther�ce . � rm�therly at right aagles 25 'fee�y� 'therice °wes�t�rly at right angtes b0 feeY; thence northerl y a,t...�Pi�gf�t ang 1 es a 1 ong a 1 f ne �0 fee.L wester i y f r«rr and - parai lei to� the,. center of said Rai 1�oad Ccmpeny�� maf n 'track,. a dista�ce of � � '� 8!8 feet; ther►ce eas�erly atright angies a distance af 60 feetj��thence ' northerly et �right angles, a distance of 32 feet; thance w�ste�ly � r4ght angle� a distance of 60 feet; thence �ortherly atong a li'n� �0 feet `westecly frat� and para 11 e� to xh� center 1 i ne of sai d Rai i rcaad Company�s ma'i r� track to a point iying w�sterly of and at �ight aag3es to s�fd Ra�i�road Companyss eas�e�ly rigF�t of way iinea said po3nt on eastieriy fight of way line be;ag 240 feet d4stant southeriy frorri the intersect4on with the Sout� lina of Sta ���e�ce St�eet as' measured along said easterly right of faay 1i►Ze; thertce bes�ing northeastePiy to said Railraad Campanyes easterly right oF w�,y: line to a point 200 feet dis�ant souther�y fPam the South iir►� of Sto Lawrence Street as measured aiong sa9d �asterly. fight of way li.n�; therice nortiie�ly along said easterly rfght of way li�e 200 feet to the intarsect�oe� with fihe southefly a�ne og St, Lawrevtce Streeg; thence b�aring westerly alo�g said southeriy•)ine•of�'Sto.� Lawrence St�eet to the inte�section �with th�r sai d'Rai 1 read Company�s wes.te'rt y •�i ght of way 1'i ne; th��ce bearf ng so�4he�1 y atong said, westerly right of way Dine.. to the .po;nt of beginn�rtig, • , 2o That par� of lo� 199 Bioctt �y Hirchcock4s Elddition to West Stm Paui lytr� East of a �line SO feet �les�erly f�am and paFailel with the Center tine oF the CoR,Io &. Pa Railroad Co� Right of Wayo •� 3o T�at part of Lot 1H Btock 6b Hitchcock°s Add�t�o� �o West Sto Paui tying E+rith�n the fol8awing describ�d �imitss Heginning at a point or� �he North� east coP�eP of Lot 2 of said Btock 6; the�ce bearing Southeriy aio�g gh� East� ee��y tine of aaid I.ot 2 a dista�ce of 1i2 feeQj tihen�e Easterty at right angtes a d�stanee of 40 feet; thence Hortherly at right� a�tgles to th.� intQf� see#4on wi.th the Southerly line• of� Eaton Avenue; then+ce.Westerly to the poieit of beginninga . � � 4o Lot 10�and the Souther1y�20 feet af Lot 2, BDxk 9D Hitchcock�s Addition to West St. PauTe � • � � - • • So That p�Pt of Lot 9�, Block 99 Nitchcoctces Addition to West Sto �aul Iyiag Southeasteriy of a straight �ine ru�r►ing betw$er�•the Northeast and the Southd west corners of said toto . o�o ' • . . , • � ' � F L 0 0 D W A L L • - - - - -- - - -- - ' PERMANENT EASEMENT 6, That part of the C eG�WR Ryo Ri ght of Way 1 y3 ng wi thi» the fol i a►ai ag desc�ibed liness Corrmencing at a pai.nt. being the poin� of inter$ection of the Northeriy line of Biock li, Nitchccck�s �Additior� to West StA Paut with a li� �0 feet Easteriy fr�om and parailel to the Weste�ly line af t,ot 9g Btocic it, of said addition; thence bearing S 0°00� E atong sai'd•.parallel line extended to the intersection with the Southw�esteriy tine of C1yde �Street which i.s the point of beginning of the prope�ty to be desctibed; �thence bearing S 37°00� W a� dista�ce of '!15 feet; thence at right angies bea�ing N 53°00�'W a distancs of 103a0 feet; thence at right angles beasing S 37�00� W a distance of 17200 fe�t; thence et right angles bearing S 53�OQo E a distance of 1000 feet; thence at right angles bearing S 37000� W a dist,ance of 3040 feetf. thence at right angles be�ring N $;000o W a distanae of 9000 feet; thence at right angles bearing N 37°OOe E a c�istance of 3060 �eet; thence at right angles bearing - S 53°00+ E a dtstance of 1$p0 f�et; thence at right, angles bearing N 37oppe E a �distance of i55„0 feet; thence at Eight angies bearing N §3�00� W a dis� tance of 37000 i`eet; thence bearir�g No�theasteciy to the Southwest corne� of Lot 9g Block 9q Hitchcxk+s Additicn',to West Sto Pautf thence bearing Southeasterly along the Southerty line of Lots �,9 and s0 of said Block 9 to the Southeast corner of'said Lot t0 which is a point on the Northetiy Right of 'Way line of the CoGoWO• Ryo; thence �earing Sa�theasterty along said Nortfi� eply Righ! of Way. tihe of the COG.Wo Ry, to the point of begirmingo 70. The Northecly 30 ��eet of tFie ,Southerty 40 feet of lots i3,, 14y i5„ 16 and 178 Bixk 4, Hitchcockes Additiort to West Sto Pauto • � 80 lot 1 a and tFie Southerly 50 feet•of Lot 12� Biock 4;, Hitchcxk�s Addi� tion t� Wes! Sto Pau10 • �2U . , , • ' ' � F L 0 0 D W A L L i � � .� w � � .� � . TEMP, EASEMENT Temporary easement 3n the lands hereafte� described for the const�uctton of fiood walls, dikesa pumping station sites and other structures for fiood controi purposes: ia That lartd lying Easterly and NoPtherly of Langevins Second Addifi�on to Sto Pau�a lyir�g Westerly of Walton"s Sunnydalea an addition to Sto Paala Minno and Souther�y of the fotiowing descPibed lines Beg'inni�g at a paint being the Northwesterly corne� of Lot 12, 69ock 2a Waiton�s Sunnydale9 an- add3tton to Sto Paui, M3nno; the�ce bearing Northu�estePly to a point on the extended Northerly line of Lot l0y of said B1ock 2a at a distance of 18§00 feet Westerly fram the W@steriy line of sa9d 6loskj thence bearing Northeray atong a line f8560 feeti Westerty from and parallal ta said Westerty line of Biock 2 to the intersection with the Southeasterly line of Sto I.awpence St�eet; thence bear�n� Southwesterty along sa3d Southeastarly line of Sto Lawrence S'treet to the inter�ection with the East�cl�► line of Langevins Se� co�d Addition to Sto Paui.; being part of Government Lo� 5� NE�y Seco 58 T�28, Rm22o. 2b Lots 14 and 15, Blxk 2D Walton�s Sunnydatee an addition to Sto Pau�„ Mi nn a ' � 3o Lot 3D Bioek 3B Langevie�s Second Addit3on to Sto �'a�a� . • 4o Lots 6 the�augh• !2, Block 3b Langevins Second Addition to Sto Pau1, • 5o The Easteriy 12 feet of Lot b and the Westerly 20 feet of Lot 5y B�o�k 5�, Second Additior� to Broolcfynd Sto Paul� Minno 6o That part of Lots 1�0' through 13� '.Baxk 5s Second Additlon ro BroQlclynd Sto Peul� Minna lyin� w3ti�in #he fotiaving desc�4bed linas� Beginning at a point. being the Northeasg corner of said Lot 13j thence LieaPing Sautherly alang the Easteriy ti�e of said �ot 13 a d�stance of 20 feet; thence beari�g Southwest�rly to a �o�nt on the Westerly iine of said B�xk 3"st a d3stan:c� of 8� feet Southerly f�om the� Northwest cornev� of Lot lOD Block 5e Second Addition to Brooktynd Sta Paufa Minno; thersce bearing Norther�y aiong said Westerly line of Bixk 5 a distance of 30 feet; thence b�aring Northeasterty to a point on the Nor�herly line of Lot 13D of sa�id Btactc $_ at a d3stance of t5 feet Westerly fran the Northeast cornee� of said Lot 13; then�e bear� ing Easterly to the point of beginningo � � 7o That •part of tt�e CoRoIQ £� P. Railroad Coo Right of Way fying within the follawing described lines: Begi�ning at a point on the Westerly iine of Biock 5„ Second Addit3on to �roo4ciynd Sto PaL1� Minn� at a di�stance of 200 feet Sou�hp • e�ty from the North line of said �81ock 5; .theroce beaa�ing Sbuthe�ly at.ong .said Westerly line of Biock 5 to the point �of intersec�ion with the extended South� eriy line of Bayfield Street; thence btaring• Westerly along said Southe�ty 1 i�ne of Bayfi e1 d 3treet to the i ntersecti ot� �xi th� a 1 i ne !�0 feet West�r 1 y fran and parailei fin the centee- iine of the C;R,Io � Po Railroad Cc� thence�,bearir�g Northerly aio�g a iine 10 feet Wes.te�ly ftran ��nd pa�ailel to the centee� line of • 4�o ' FL000 WALL . — — � � _ _ v m � ' TEMPo EASEMENT the C�RqI. � Pa Raitroad Com to the intersectioet with a line 240 feet Southe�iy fron� and paraitei to the ex�ended No�-th tine of •said Dlock 5; thence bearfng Nor'theas ter.t y to the poi nt af liegi r�ni ag o • � 8q The Westerly 40 €eet of �.ot 25s Biock�.6p Hitchcock�s Additioa to West Sto Pau10 . , ` 90 7he Weste��y 40 .�'eet of the Southe�t,y �8� feet •of Lo�.:I.a B1oc1��6g� Hi�tch� cxk�s Addi�ion to Wes� Sto Paul. .;'; ; , . � _ , � • I Oa ' �ots� 3 through $, 8 i ock �,� H�tchcockA:.s �Adc1i;�,i�on to West StQ Pau1 r - '. 11 p The �Easteriy�-�D feet�o�"�to�'2�3 and a�1.�Z' of•Lot ;24g. Bi ock 6, Hi tchcock'�s� � • Adciilion �p West S'to,�Pau10 � ' � � - . . • . . . . • . 12 s The �Jes ter 1 y .40 feet of 1.ots 6 �nd �2$,, 81 ock $, Hi.teluock 8 s Add�t3 on ta ' • West SLo Pau1a � • • • • � • - , ±.. !3, The Ne�terly 40 feet og lo�s 4 aRd �5�. •B1vck 10, Hitchcocic�s Additio� tQ �� . . WeSt S#o Peu1�o,' . , . 14fl The Ea�terly 10 feet of Lota 8 and 2G, siao a11 of Lots 7 and 2-7,, .a�1 in' ' B1oCk �y FitRchcock�os Additiol� to !�lest S�o Pau1�e _ ' ' - TSo The:Ea�terDy OQ fee� of I.et 6,, �1ock iQp. Hi�cficock�s Additiot� to West St� Peuto Aiso the Svutherly 2§ feet of ;the, :�festeriy 40 feet of said Lo� b� . 1�6� Tha Northe�ly �6$ feet oi' Lot 21y �hs Nos-ther�ly 100. fes� of i,ot 2��, ae�sJ' a1l of i.ot� S artd 24,, a11' i� &lock �Oe lii�chcaci�;!s Add�tion t,� �Iest Stp Paul„ 17a Thaf pa�t of l.ots 7�and 8�. Bi�ck 10„ Hitclacockfl�'Addit�ori to West Sta Paui 1 yi ng Sautheri r fl��r� 1 i ne begi nni ng at a poi t�t on the Eas�eri y i i ne of s�4d Lot 7 at a cfi�tancQ of 30�fe@f �Ato�the�1y f�r+om the Scwtheast corner af sai d i ot; thence baairi r�g NortFn�s��rl y. �o a poi nt qn the �test�}y i i�te af' �.ot 8 at� a dt�•tat�ce of 6d feet NoPtherly o�' Souttir+�st� corne� of said �ot $� . 88o The Northe�ly 7y f�et ot� Lot 2Zq ,BDock 10, Hitchcock�s Additto� to.�Wes1� St� �aulo � . • . . . �9a Thc� Southeriy �00 f�et of Lots '13a i4d and 15, Biock ?� Hitchcoctc�s AddiG t�ot� to West �Sto Pau10 20o Tha� part of Lots 99 10a 11a and i2a Bloctc �1, Hi•tchcock�s Additian to ' West S�o Rau1 iy4ng Southerdy of a line r�aru�ing fran the Norti�e�t corner of �.ot a3a Btock 11a of safd addition �to.tF� Norfhwes� cornea of Lot �92 of•.satd B1ock i i a . • . . � 210 That par� of Ldt� il.y B1ock 9,� Hitchcock�s Add�itian to 4lest Sto Paul ly�tng Southeasterty oF a� itne run fPOrn thc3 Nartheast cornef o� said l.ot .BS to a poic�t ori �he South�a�est 13ne •of said tot at a distance of 40. feet Northwes�ar�y fran the Southeast corne� of said lo�o � ' • � � 020 � � f L 0 0 D W A L L . e. _ ..e ..o � .� � a. .�. � TEt�iP. EASEMENY � 2�0 �"hat pa�t o� Ilotg �2 artd 9�p B1ock 9p N4trh�ack°� Add�xias� to ktest St� Pau1 . iy��g �do��heaste�4y o� a 1q� ru�► bei�wwe� �:h� iVoa���s� caP�►e� o� s��d i.oS �3� a�d �ho Sauthaas� �o��e� o� sa�id i.o� �20 � a3a Exeep� tt�e �tw��e��y 20 fee�D Lo� 2D �9celc 9, H��chcock�s Add�t�ar� $o Wes� Stn �'auB o ' 2$a S'i�a�E par� o€ l.oti 9„ B1ock 9, li�t�hcoctc�� Add9t�on to L�esf Sgo Pau1 1y�ng fiiortihi,�ssr��iy af a �ir:s run l����t �h$ Norfi�eas� and Sautha��t cose�esrs of Said Lo`t 90 A�so l91i of I.ots 3 er�d 4a Byt�ck 9m N3t6hcocbc�s Add�t�o�'+ to ltifes� ' . S�co Paul� � , , 2$p 'Phs� pat-� o� tihe C.G.4lo Ry, R,tght of f�ay 1y�3�g w+��ic� �;hs foilow�ing descr�b�d �i n�s a �cv�w�nci ng a� a p�€�a� bei ng th� pe4 n�, o� i�ates�sec�'�pr� of �h� �lc�ttte�^iy 3�ne o� BBo�lc '1.19 N3�ch�a�ka�. Add��3on go West S�. PAU7 a�th a �i� 20 �aet Eas4:e�-Ey f�ar� aetd p�t�al9ei to ths �Jes�e�iy tir�e o� l.o� 99 SaQCk �� of sa�d add��i ar�;,� fhetica• beasf��g S Oo00 Q� � al oRg s�i d pa�a i 1 e� 4�n8.exp �er+d�d �o tF�e poin� of te�tePS�ct$os�. with �he Se�ths�ste�°iy p4r� o� Cayd� S�rae�,� ther�c¢� bQaP i s�g S 37Q40 @ 1�! �- d�s�artc6 0� 115 �eet j thes�ce atc e�#gh� as�gtes �ear3:r�g M �3�pfl� �kl a dis�a�ce cf 7300 �Qet �a the po�nt og �laa��sts�+ing of the pra�r`y fo te� des�e�3bzd� ti�r�a �b���dr,� t� S�°OOA W a dis�ar�e of 3000 fee�; th�rece at �igE�� angl�� t��ar�ng �S 37°�0� �! a distax�ce og 1�200. f�e'�� ti�as�c�� a�t r3gh� ang��s bese�i�g. S 53�OOa E � d4stsrac� o� ;1f}q(� �eet; �t�e�.ce a� . �igh� �e�g9e� bea�ing S 37°00.� �1 � d�s��c� of 30o0'fe�t; 2l�nce •a� �°igh� 8r�g9es �ar�seg t� $3'�Ot?D �f �� dista.nee of,.9040 .��e��. •ths�ce �t rggh� �r�g�e� bea�°��g ti 37°Oi)o G � d�s�anee of �O,t? f.�et; �l�r����at r�gn� a��Yes &��uing S'�3°t30ID 'E a dis�a�� of �500 �ee�; ttr�'r�e �t righfc ang��s b�ari�eg �J 37'��09 � a- d#sta�c� �� �55��Q �ee�,; �h�nco at right aAg�es b��'��g� td S3�ODa� �d � d��Q �ear�es of �{�QO fee��g �f�er,ce at r3g�a� ms�gies bea�rfr�g S 37�Q�� W �: d�ist�r�ce a� ��500 f�eL', ti�e'nc� �sc r�gt�� a�gles bea�d�g' N S�OOQ �i a dds�aefte o¢ 40a,0 fee�;, therz+ee aic ��gE?� a4�g��s b��r�ng S. 37�AQ� N �, d4s��r��e af ��' fze��� �henc�. e�c� ��gh'� � � angles bea�L3r,g S 53a00P ��a d�Stane� og �6� �e��;i �t�a��e �� �igi�4 ar�gl�s beav�r�9 . �1 3a°t�Q� E �o �h�. po�i�� of E+e�inn�ng a�d9s�a�e�e of 227�a0 fe��o ' 26Q Th�x par� of 'tt►� CeGaW@ Ryn R�gh� ,of Way ly�ng wi�l�3n ��h� �og��ri�tg dsac�ib�d 1 i�es z Comm��c3 r�g a� a pQ��� S�e3 n� �he p+a3 n� a� �r��serg�st3 0�. o� tl�s Na�t�te��y 1'J c� o� B�o�k i�D•F!i�:�hco�kRS �sl�1��i o� 20 �les� S�b ���! �i�h a 1�n� 20 fee�� �a��e�gy ��-� and parai ie1 to th� West�e�iy �iste o� l.o� 9g BPack i� af sa3d add�� 2�ort� ther�cQ b�a��n� S t�Q�Oa £ sAong sa3d pare3��t i�i�� exten�9sd i:s� �!� ps�nY of i r�fer�ecti or3 w3 th th� Scaat�este���► i�ne o� �'yde� S�reet; �hen�e bea��si9 . S 3�°OOa �1 � d;star�ee Ai- E32oQ ge��; .�he�ce a� �igi�� ar,g8e�' E�ea���g Af 53�Qa° !� a disfia�ce of 53$�oQ �ee� �a the po�3�n� �a� E�eg3nn��g a� �!� p�o�r�ty �o ba cl�s� cr�b�d, �Ren�e boa��ng �So���hea����-iy to �fie Soaa�h�sg eo�n�r �f Lo2 9,� 6iacE� 9g t�i�chcoek�s Addi��at� to, b�es2 ato Par��; �h¢n�e b��ri�g ��rgt�r�s�te�a�► a0arig, �h� S��in+r��tea�?y 1 i iaa o� Lo�t 4p �1 ock 9 af s��c!.ad�9i t�er► �o �he Sauth€�s� �o�nea� o� sa3d Got �; �han�e b8ar�ir+g Soufi��r�y..to �h� po��sc p� beg�r►ni�gd - . , Z�6 Aa7 of Lo�s 938 a69� aixl' 1�8 B���c 2� W�ltorios Su:a�r�ydaiee. �r� �ddit�o�e to S�� Pau1, �1$n�o ��so �ti��• par� af �Lo� 1�8 6�oek 2 0� sa�d. addit�o� �yit�g . � . ...�3m � � � . . ' . . � � . . � � . i �� " � . . � . � FL OOQ �IAL L � . ... _ a„ o. � � 7EMP o EAS�MEtdT Southetly af � ���a4gh� lin� �unnir+g begw�en the tJorthv�rest aRd �Soufihea�� corneps � of said �oto - , • � . 28o That p�r� of l,o�s �5� �&fl 179 t8 and �the Soi+ther�y �5 �'eet of L:'ax. �1�#� � � . B�osk �9 �W�i�os�9s Su�nyda�eH art a�diti�o� �o S�p Pau1R M9a�q iyi�g We���O�:ty :o� ' • �h;: East 1ir+e o4�, tleste�gy � of IV�� Soc��oi�.y���.Toa�►ship 28N, Range 22Wa , • � - � 29a tots ��g �� 4 a�d-;�� �'��ocOc 3p i.angev�.�� Secand .A;ddiEiar+ to• Sai.�a� Pati�a 30o Tha� par2 of the `Soughaas� � Sec�.iopi 5a Tai�roship 28ila RaRge Z2l�� �y��g . Svutherly of �h�' Sa�+theas� i�� of 61o�lc 3 �Langevins Sec�d Addi�9c� 'tct Sain� , � P�u�; ly3ng P1Qrthe��y 'of �,lie Nort�lieast 14r�e af 81c�k ��9 H3tchcock°s Addit�'ar� • �c We�4 S��p Pau1; ly�ng Wes���riy af�the ��s� t.irse of Wes�t � of �E� of �sa�id Sect3an 5� mnd �y8r�g Easte�t� af a Dire� .70 f�et tJes2er�y f�om �nd paral.iel : to �ai d Es�� '1 d ne a� a�es� � of �SE� Sec��an $a 7'ownshi p 28(V9 Range 22W. .. . 4 • • . � 3�.d Excepfi �the Soufi.h��1y $0 feet, Lots 1�g 1�+, D5, �� �� �Ts $1�k �s H9�cfz-�ack�$ Additfon to West Sto Pauto , . . . � , . 32o Lots 2d 9 and IOn Bi�k�4,� Hit�hcocice5 P+ddit3or, to kas� Sto Pau�o 3.3o Excepg fchQ Souf:hetty' $Q f�et�, ,lAt 12,� 81ock 4, H�tchcock°s Add3t9an tv 4lest S�, Paua o � ' •• 34o Tha� pat�� af Lo� ig Bic4ck ��,� Hitch�cack�s �ld��tian �o kles� Sto Paut tying I�este�i y of �Fea oxt��ded td�ste�1 y i 9 ns o� �.o�= 18 of �a3 d B 1 ock 4a 3Sa Exc�ept th� Noa��h�e�ty la2'fee�9 Lot 2D Btock 6, H�tchcoc�C°s �,dditio� to Wessc Sta Paulo ' 3�� �xcept the Naa►�ghe�ly 0 i2 g��t, the E�sL�e�°1y �l0 feet of !o� 3D B3ack 6�, . H�i�ci�oc�ds Addi�t�a� to West Sto Pau10 � 37o Exc�p� the No�ichew�y 192 �ee�o the �Jes�e�ty 30 feet of LQ� 6� 81o�k 68 ti3gcheock�s Additio� 4o Wes� S�� Pauao " 380 ?iie Westep�ly� 25 feet o�F 4.ots 9, �7 and 2QB 8io�lc 6, li��chcockes Addi��on �o West Sico Pau9a . 390 9.o�'s 10 .th�ou�� �6, E�lotk 6a Nifich¢eck�s Add�tian to Wes4: Sic, �'au�o 40o All o�= L,ots 15e 16D 178 �8� a�r�d �9� B�ock 8� Hgtcl�cocEt°s Add9t�3qn to West St•o Paui o Af so the LJes��s�9y 10 f�e� oF i.nts !4 'ar�d 209 61ock 8 of said add3 t�ano �+do 't'he i�esfei-iy 20 feet of Lots ii ar�d 238' 61ock �9 Fiitchcock�s �ddit3a� �o West S�a Paulo � . �2o ThQ �+orther ly �0 fe�i� of f:ots !7� �89 i 9�and_ 24a B7 ock l OD Mi�chcoek es • i�ddi t#o� to LJes# Sgfl �'aul o � A . - ' • • . . • " ' F �. 00D WALL - • r �. w �w r ..� ..� � w • . . 7EMPe EASEMENT �a3o Lxcep� ttze Neste�r8y 30� f�e�e Lo� 80, Baocd� �Oa H��chcackos Add���osa Lo , West S$e Pau�, �67�0 4h� Sou�hsa��y 60 fe�� of �.o� 9� B 1 ocls �0 of sai d�add���oc�d 4�s� Tha� pa�2 0� �ots ��a 14 ar� i'�� 88ock 909 Ei$€chcacko� Add��icr+ �o �lest Sto Paui �yireg rrith�r� iche follaw�ng descr3�d 13n�ss Begi�nn�dr�g a� tt� N�°th� � ��s2 co�r��� of sa�td 6.ofi t33 ���ce b�ar�ing S�tihe�Y�y a1�r�g the EesEe�By i�ne o� said Lots �3g 1�, and 1�� 8o the Sou�hease corr�ew of Lot �5; �hEr�se i�ariszg Ho��F��sQes e y �a a po�n� or� the Nor�h�r��y 8 5 r+� o� i.o�� �3 a� a d9 s�attce af 60 f�e� f�an satd No�thea�� corne� of �.02 133 `ehe�e beas4a�g ea�cer?y a7o�g lasS d�sc�fbod qis�a �o Yis� po9r�r; o� beginr+ingo� . � �5o A�g o�f �.ots �4 �nd 1�R Bivck 9p �f��cf�cc�k�s Add#�icm go l�es� ��o Peu1� 46�. 'The ldestea��y 20 �ee�t of i.ats �6 a�d 17� B1oek �, H�tekcack°s Rdd�fion �o 41e�2 St� Pau�e ��so °che �as�e�iy y0 fee� of the Soa��h�riq �0 �e�E,of ��� A6@ 98a�k �a H3�chcoekes Putd3��cn Qo Wes� 5t�g Pa�i� . �+7o T'�a.t prsa�� o� �h$ C,�R•4T. � P. Ra�lv�oac! Co� ��gh� o� way ly�ng ����h�n �F� �o��'c�3 ng d��c�ri had 0 3�es a Co�-�r,�nc3 rac� ag '� poi�+t be3 ng �tie ���e�$ec�i o� of fchs �x��r�ded Ni�rthes��y t 3 R� of N3�tchccick�s Add�ti on �m �tes� S6�o Pau? �and a ii�s 10 fe�ti 4l�s�et�y fa�� a�d p�raliei �a the'Ceri�ee- ����, o� cP�e C.R:IR � Po Rei.l�oad� C,o. a�3gh� o� r�ay; th�nfe .beas���g 9dorthe�r•�y a4ong �s�id "pa���le1' a.3na a di s tance drr,- �95 €eet .to �F� po�sa� of'"�eg��c��a�g or ��he �rope��y �o be desd, � ce°ibeci, 2hence '�L �i�h� �ngies 'bear�.ng• �as�t��iy 'a das'�a�c� of 60 fa�4,3 thence at. r4.gh� angtes �ear3ng Sas��f�ri� � di.sicanee o� .i0 �ee�; �hetsce �t r3�h� as�Q1e�• ' bearie�g bl�s�c�r�y a d�s�anc� o� 6� feet; ther+ce at ���ght ang3es bear�ng tdorther�y� a d�stanc� of i0 feeY �o.th� poi�t of beg�r�nf ng'A ; ' � �. ' �o Zh�L par� of the C qR.I o � P. Ra�i road Coq 'c-f ght of �aay 1y�ng ��thi n t� ' fof 1 oavi ng descPi b�d 3 i nes i Cat�n�nci ng at a poi e�'�, be�s�g �he �i ntea�s�ct�i an or the ��t�ndet! �lor�h��ty '9in� o� Hi��hcockQS /��#�aie3ar�• to i�es�:' Sf, Pa�.l �and a iir��' ` d0 �feet 1�lest�ri� �s°a7+ and ��ra1�_ei �o �he'cer+te� 7ins of �he �,R.�o � P. Rs�ao ,., Poad Coe�e�igh� of v:ay; ther�ce E�ating No�S:h�r9y `•along said �pas�a��el tic��•�a ' � di s��n�e of 22t! �e�� �o �t�te Aoi n'� af begi a�i r�g oF i;he,'p�op�r.�y to be de�cs��6�dg' , �her�e a� �rig4�t �ng�as beari�g Ea�terly a dis�a�ce- of 60, fe��; t�snco a� r,3ghS:_ angD�s tsearirag Hor�herl}� a d�sstan�e o� .40 �ee�9 �ti�nce aic s�gh� ang�.�s ;b�a�:#�g �tes�e�ly a dis�a�ce of'6Q f���� �her�ce at-t�igh�, artg-9es �ear�rag Sou�hes^�`y �a d�star�ce of 30 �ee� to th� po�r�t of 6eginn3rrg. - - �90 'tha� �a�� of ti� C.R.I. � P. E�ai 1r-cad Coa a��ghY•o� t�ay 1�r'��ig -ri�th�� �t� ' . �'o�9a�:�ng desc�i�s� 3�riesd Camr,r��,c�r�g'�� � pc�i;�� ��ng LErr 3e:�ar�cnct#� af � �h� ex��r�tie�! PB�p�he��y �3 ne of !ii tcEiccsc�9 s Add�d�i or� �fl W��ic St e Pav 1 ar�d � ���za t0 feei tdcs�e��y fr�n ased p.��a,�t�i to �f� �enter line of �th�.CqR.I. S P, • Raiiro�d CoG rig�� af �xay; �h�ec�ce bearBng Nar�hea°.iy along said p�ra�iel t�ne a d�s�a�ee of �038 fee� �¢o �h�' po�nt of begin�{ng of tfFe p�epe�t�► �o b� d�s� crabed; tt�n�e a� e��gh� angf�s heac�r�g Eas�erly a d3s�a�� ,o�' �Q fee2; �he�ce �� �igh� angies bear-�ng Sou�t�e��y a d�stanc�e o� gtf� f�e8; tih��c.e �� Y�g��: ��+gles bear9ng �festce��y a d4st�at�c� o� 60. �re@�;. tcF►�n�� at �^�gh� ang3es bear�rag Noc��he�iy a d�stae�ce o� 10 fee� tc� che po3�� o� beg�s���ngo. . 50a Tf+a� pae�� of the G.R,I, � Pe Ra�iroad 600 �ighi af wsy i��ng tiv�th�n �he � � I � O�O . _ . ' � ' , a � � , Fl OOD t� A9� L � . ` � T�MP o Ei�SEMENT Fo�i aP�i ng ctesC�i bed 7 i r�es s Co+r�ree��g s'� a Po�nt he#ng ich� 3 e��@�sec�i or� o€ �he ex�en��d Nor th���y ��ne of H��chcack'� Rd�l�t�os� �o Wes� S�0 P�ui ar.d a . {�n�s i0 Fe�� Wes�ea-�y f�-o�+ a�ed para9ie? �a �h� c��$es� i�r�s of �F� C.RoI�. F� �P, E2a���oad Co. ��ghti of vlay; �h�r�ee beae�a�g Alo��her�y a�Qr�g sa�d pae�a�i�� f 3�n�s a d�g�a�� oi 3 Q�� �e�t �a th� �o�n� o� b�g3 nt�i r�g a�f �he p�ope�ty t� ; txa descr�i�c�;: �henc� �2 ��g�� angtes ��aptng �as�e��y a d�asta�c� m� 6Q �r�a�� � t�inc� �t r3gh� an���� b�a��ng tdas��hetrBy a d���ance� o� iQ fee�; �hertce a� ��gh� angies b�a�i�ng Wes��riy� a d9s�a��� v� 60 �eet; �O��ce ��: �'�gh� ang�es ' bear�r+g Sauthe�t�r a d�s�an�e �� aQ f�at �o the po3r�� of beg�nn��g4 Sia i'ha� pa��c af �i� C„R.T. � P. Ra9iro�d Coa r�gh� of vrdy 1y�e�g v�i�hi� thE ! �o�i ec�r3 ng desc��b�d �3��s s Commse�c�r�g a�c �, �JOg t7L� E)��tlCJ 'LF�L' �i��f:IP'a0�'��Ofl of , �hr3 ex�er�de�4 f�or�bh�a°�� �vnQ of H��chcc:ckQs Add�t3or� �o Wes� Si�o PauP ��d $ � �ine �0 fe�4: ttes�e.�y ��•am and pa�a��let �a th� �es�ter i�tie o� ihe CeR,I. & `• P, R�z iroad Coa� �izerbc� b�a6 3�g idor�he�iy aiong satd pa�°a8�e1 ��ctu a dia�as��� • e�F b�0 4e�i: �o rhe po���: a€ taegins�3asg sf �tha pxop�P�y� to E�e deser�ber�g, ichen�e � a� �igf�� a�g�es 6�ar��� Eas�e�ly a c�i��ar�€� a� �0 frea�3 �i�csrRee a'� a��gh� ar�g4es 6�a�3e�g Nox��hertiy a d�s-�aa►c� of 6fl ree'�; $�ectca a� t��gh'� ang�es .��a�ir�g �fe��:� � e��y a. ��s�a�ce a� 50 faeg� �her�ce E�ar�ng Soia�6��$.� iQ �he �a��t o� 6ag��n�€�9 . � a d�$�ane� �f 6U �ee�g be�ng part of fihs S�� ��ct�oc� +�, p�ansh3p 28t��. Ra�ga 22W. ; . . I • - , s . t - � ' � r L " l � c�j4 E1 �_ � � �� - �k � -f� � ''T n, � 'Y 3 �`•k. 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