204053 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � __ � /U���� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �' � � -� - OFFI E OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO � - COUNCI SOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � ` COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for a new traffic sig- nal at the intersection of University Avenue and Eustis Street and for interconnecting traffic signals on University Avenue between Cromwell Avenue and Eustis Street as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works are hereby approved, and the purchasing agent is hereby authorized to ad- vertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the 2harter. Each lump sum bid shall be accompanied by a statement of the total cost of each of the two signal projects. The sum of the two cost statements shall equal the lump sum bid. The lump sum bid shall be the bas��s for consideration of award of contract, and be it further RESOLVED, That the cost of the above traffic signal projects be financed from PIR Fund Code 3001 , the same fund to be reimbursed from City Street Bond Fund �Code 200 - ST - 15 and from Minnesota State High- way Funds as per Eity-State Agreement 53144 as follows: 1 . University Avenue and Eustis Street: 75°� State Highway Funds - 25'� City Street Bond Fund Code 200 - ST - 15. . � , 2. University Avenue Interconnection from Cromwell Avenue to Eustis Street: 5a% State Highway Funds - 5U'% City Street Bond Fund Code 200 - S'� - 15. +F� � �Council Flle No. 204053—By Milton � Rosen— Resolved, That the plans and specifl- 1 cations for a new tra�ic signal at .,�„�� _ , the intersecUon o4 University Avenue f and Eustls Street and for interconnect- �ing traffic signals on University Avenue between Cromwell Avenue and Eustis Street as submitted,by the Commis- �ioner of Publlc Works are hereby approved, and the purchasing agent ' � :a t'y�'P� uthorized to advertise for . , ��� r � ,�_:�---�...,...._..��.- � arqvl' � �fl4 ' • 9'.�i SEP 2 �. � ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��P 2 � �g�� DeCourcy Holland pproved 19— LOgs Tn Favor Mortinson � Mayor � " �`� A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis , 6M a.eo �z $UBLISI�ED %� — f � .�p / I DUPLICAYE TO PRINTER „ a ., CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. � ���� ; �-- � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' ,. .%- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE � tRES@I,.YE9, That ths plana� a�nd a�ctfiutton* for a nsrt tr�f�ic �ig� na� �fi tha interae,ction o� Univer��ty �1v�ue ar�d �usti� �treet �nd �or int�wconnecting traf�ic sig�al$ on Ur±iwr;�ty Jlvsnue b��w�n Crt�awelt llwanu� and �cr�t�s Street as suba�itted by xhs �o�i��lwr+sr o� rubl fc 1�brka � a�re he�p�y �pprovad, eutd �h� .purch�sirig �g�nt Ss hs�aby authorized tv ad-� vsrxis� fa�r bids the��on in th� aamnsr provided i� and by th� �t�rter. �•+� �ch lu�p st,a� bi.d sha�11 b� acco�ap�nied by a stat�alt of the tot�l cost of rach of th• tw�a �l�nal proJ�ts, 'fh� suw 4f �h• two cc�st �,tat�nts ' , s#�a11 ��ua� the lu�p � b1.�1. Tt►� 1�p .su� bid �hall bs th� bat�'�s for � consic3�srattoh af �r�t o€ �ontract. �d b� it furth4t� , , . , , + R�SpLV�D�_�hat th� cqst, of th� �bovw tra��f�c s1gn�1 p�p�rcts b� � firt�n�sd frai� ,���t �and C�de �001 , ths sa�s �un+d to be r�iq�burs�d fro� � � t' Gl�y �trset. dond �und �od� �00 � �T - IS and f�o� Minn:sot� �tat� Htsh- i w�y l�und: es per �1ty-�4tats �rs�snt 53144 as foliqw�st � �.. Unfverslty �1v�e �nd �ust{; 5trsat� 75� �fiat� Hlgh�ey Rund� - ; 25� Eity St��t �ond I�un� Gode 2QQ - ST = 15. ; �- �. t�nlvarsity Averw• Int�rconnectlon fror� C�o�+well Avenue ta �_ �usti� Strsst: S� �t�fis Hi�hw�y Runds � � �tty ,�r�at 8o�d � �ur�d Codi 20Q - S� - 1�. i i � � . . , ( � � ' �, � � � � . , �� � � � . . � � , � � SEP � 1 ��1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by t�e Councii 19— � Yeas Nays S�� 2 � �,�� : DeCourcy • � Holland Approved_ 19— � I I'O�g Tn Favor Mortinson � ��.,. Mayor # Rosen �gainst ' i Mr. President, Vavoulis sM a.eo ��2